44 research outputs found

    Deformation of continental crust along a transform boundary, Coast Mountains, British Columbia

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    New structural, paleomagnetic, and apatite (U-Th)/He results from the continental margin inboard of the Queen Charlotte fault (~54°N) delineate patterns of brittle faulting linked to transform development since ~50 Ma. In the core of the orogen, ~250 km from the transform, north striking, dip-slip brittle faults and vertical axis rotation of large crustal domains occurred after ~50 Ma and before intrusion of mafic dikes at 20 Ma. By 20 Ma, dextral faulting was active in the core of the orogen, but extension had migrated toward the transform, continuing there until <9 Ma. Local tilting in the core of the orogen is associated with glacially driven, post-4 Ma exhumation. Integration with previous results shows that post-50 Ma dextral and normal faulting affected a region ~250 km inboard of the transform and ~300 km along strike. Initially widespread, the zone of active extension narrowed and migrated toward the transform ~25 Ma after initiation of the transform, while dextral faulting continued throughout the region. Differential amounts of post-50 Ma extension created oroclines at the southern and northern boundaries of the deformed region. This region approximately corresponds to continental crust that was highly extended just prior to transform initiation. Variation in Neogene crustal tilts weakens interpretations relying on uniform tilting to explain anomalous paleomagnetic inclinations of mid-Cretaceous plutons. Similarities to the Gulf of California suggest that development of a transform in continental crust is aided by previous crustal extension and that initially widespread extension narrows and moves toward the transform as the margin develops

    Infrared Spectroscopic Study of a Selection of AGB and Post-AGB Stars

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    We present here near-infrared spectroscopy in the H and K bands of a selection of nearly 80 stars that belong to various AGB types, namely S type, M type and SR type. This sample also includes 16 Post-AGB (PAGB) stars. From these spectra, we seek correlations between the equivalent widths of some important spectral signatures and the infrared colors that are indicative of mass loss. Repeated spectroscopic observations were made on some PAGB stars to look for spectral variations. We also analyse archival SPITZER mid-infrared spectra on a few PAGB stars to identify spectral features due to PAH molecules providing confirmation of the advanced stage of their evolution. Further, we model the SEDs of the stars (compiled from archival data) and compare circumstellar dust parameters and mass loss rates in different types. Our near-infrared spectra show that in the case of M and S type stars, the equivalent widths of the CO(3-0) band are moderately correlated with infrared colors, suggesting a possible relationship with mass loss processes. A few PAGB stars revealed short term variability in their spectra, indicating episodic mass loss: the cooler stars showed in CO first overtone bands and the hotter ones showed in HI Brackett lines. Our spectra on IRAS 19399+2312 suggest that it is a transition object. From the SPITZER spectra, there seems to be a dependence between the spectral type of the PAGB stars and the strength of the PAH features. Modelling of SEDs showed among the M and PAGB stars that the higher the mass loss rates, the higher the [K-12] colour in our sample.Comment: 14 pages; accepted in MNRAS, 200

    African Americans, Gentrification, and Neoliberal Urbanization: the Case of Fort Greene, Brooklyn

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    This article examines the gentrification of Fort Greene, which is located in the western part of black Brooklyn, one of the largest contiguous black urban areas in the USA. Between the late 1960s and 2003, gentrification in Fort Greene followed the patterns discovered by scholars of black neighborhoods; the gentrifying agents were almost exclusively black and gentrification as a process was largely bottom-up because entities interested in the production of space were mostly not involved. Since 2003, this has changed. Whites have been moving to Fort Greene in large numbers and will soon represent the numerical majority. Public and private interventions in and around Fort Greene have created a new top-down version of gentrification, which is facilitating this white influx. Existing black residential and commercial tenants are replaced and displaced in the name of urban economic development


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    We investigated habitat use by migrating whooping cranes (Grus americana) in Saskatchewan between 1986 and 1990. At foraging and roosting sites and a sample of randomly selected sites we measured various habitat parameters. Palustrine and lacustrine wetlands were the most frequently used wetlands. Temporary and seasonal wetlands were the primary roost habitat during spring migration, and semi-permanent and permanent wetlands were frequently used during the fall. Cranes were attracted to areas of higher than average wetland density. Land use within 2 km of roost sites was intensively modified by man. Cereal crops were the most used feeding areas. Mean distances to potential disturbance were lower in spring than in fall. Because the wetlands used were primarily in private ownership, a cooperative approach to wetland preservation is needed between wildlife managers and landowners

    Sediment underthrusting within a continental magmatic arc: Coast Mountains batholith, British Columbia

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    Though continental magmatic arcs are factories for new continental crust, a significant proportion of continental arc magmas are recycled from supracrustal material. To evaluate the relative contributions of retroarc underthrusting and trench side partial sediment subduction for introducing supracrustal rocks to the middle and lower crust of continental magmatic arcs, we present results from the deeply exposed country rocks of the Coast Mountains batholith of western British Columbia. Prior work demonstrates that these rocks underwent widespread partial melting that contributed to the Coast Mountains batholith. We utilize U-Pb zircon geochronology, Sm-Nd thermochronology, and field-based studies to document the protoliths and early burial history of amphibolite and granulite-facies metasedimentary rocks in the Central Gneiss Complex. U-Pb detrital zircon data from the structurally highest sample localities yielded similar to 190Ma unimodal age peaks and suggest that retroarc rocks of the Stikine terrane constitute a substantial portion of the Central Gneiss Complex. These supracrustal rocks underwent thrust-related burial and metamorphism at >25km depths prior to similar to 80Ma. These rocks may also be underlain at the deepest exposed structural levels by Upper Cretaceous metasedimentary rocks, which may have been emplaced as a result of trench side underplating or intraarc burial. These results further our understanding of the mechanisms of material transport within the continental lithosphere along Cordilleran subduction margins.NSF [EAR-0309885, EAR-1338583]; Idaho State University; Romanian National Science funding agency UEFISCDI grant [PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0127]6 month embargo; Published online:16 OCT 2017This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]