47,382 research outputs found

    Pion Interferometry for a Granular Source of Quark-Gluon Plasma Droplets

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    We examine the two-pion interferometry for a granular source of quark-gluon plasma droplets. The evolution of the droplets is described by relativistic hydrodynamics with an equation of state suggested by lattice gauge results. Pions are assumed to be emitted thermally from the droplets at the freeze-out configuration characterized by a freeze-out temperature TfT_f. We find that the HBT radius RoutR_{out} decreases if the initial size of the droplets decreases. On the other hand, RsideR_{side} depends on the droplet spatial distribution and is relatively independent of the droplet size. It increases with an increase in the width of the spatial distribution and the collective-expansion velocity of the droplets. As a result, the value of RoutR_{out} can lie close to RsideR_{side} for a granular quark-gluon plasma source. The granular model of the emitting source may provide an explanation to the RHIC HBT puzzle and may lead to a new insight into the dynamics of the quark-gluon plasma phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Ignition characterization of LOX/hydrocarbon propellants

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    The results of an evaluation of the ignition characteristics of the gaseous oxygen (Gox)/Ethanol propellant combination are presented. Ignition characterization was accomplished through the analysis, design, fabrication and testing of a spark initiated torch igniter and prototype 620 lbF thruster/igniter assembly. The igniter was tested over a chamber pressure range of 74 to 197 psia and mixture ratio range of 0.778 to 3.29. Cold (-92 to -165 F) and ambient (44 to 80 F) propellant temperatures were used. Spark igniter ignition limits and thruster steady state and pulse mode, performance, cooling and stability data are presented. Spark igniter ignition limits are presented in terms of cold flow pressure, ignition chamber diameter and mixture ratio. Thruster performance is presented in terms of vacuum specific impulse versus engine mixture ratio. Gox/Ethanol propellants were shown to be ignitable over a wide range of mixture ratios. Cold propellants were shown to have a minor effect on igniter ignition limits. Thruster pulse mode capability was demonstrated with multiple pulses of 0.08 sec duration and less

    Melt-growth dynamics in CdTe crystals

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    We use a new, quantum-mechanics-based bond-order potential (BOP) to reveal melt-growth dynamics and fine-scale defect formation mechanisms in CdTe crystals. Previous molecular dynamics simulations of semiconductors have shown qualitatively incorrect behavior due to the lack of an interatomic potential capable of predicting both crystalline growth and property trends of many transitional structures encountered during the melt \rightarrow crystal transformation. Here we demonstrate successful molecular dynamics simulations of melt-growth in CdTe using a BOP that significantly improves over other potentials on property trends of different phases. Our simulations result in a detailed understanding of defect formation during the melt-growth process. Equally important, we show that the new BOP enables defect formation mechanisms to be studied at a scale level comparable to empirical molecular dynamics simulation methods with a fidelity level approaching quantum-mechanical method

    The influence of the cluster environment on the star formation efficiency of 12 Virgo spiral galaxies

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    The influence of the environment on gas surface density and star formation efficiency of cluster spiral galaxies is investigated. We extend previous work on radial profiles by a pixel-to pixel analysis looking for asymmetries due to environmental interactions. The star formation rate is derived from GALEX UV and Spitzer total infrared data. As in field galaxies, the star formation rate for most Virgo galaxies is approximately proportional to the molecular gas mass. Except for NGC 4438, the cluster environment does not affect the star formation efficiency with respect to the molecular gas. Gas truncation is not associated with major changes in the total gas surface density distribution of the inner disk of Virgo spiral galaxies. In three galaxies, possible increases in the molecular fraction and the star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas, of factors of 1.5 to 2, are observed on the windward side of the galactic disk. A significant increase of the star formation efficiency with respect to the molecular gas content on the windward side of ram pressure-stripped galaxies is not observed. The ram-pressure stripped extraplanar gas of 3 highly inclined spiral galaxies shows a depressed star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas, and one of them (NGC 4438) shows a depressed rate even with respect to the molecular gas. The interpretation is that stripped gas loses the gravitational confinement and associated pressure of the galactic disk, and the gas flow is diverging, so the gas density decreases and the star formation rate drops. However, the stripped extraplanar gas in one highly inclined galaxy (NGC 4569) shows a normal star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas. We propose this galaxy is different because it is observed long after peak pressure, and its extraplanar gas is now in a converging flow as it resettles back into the disk.Comment: 34 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Heavy flavor kinetics at the hadronization transition

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    We investigate the in-medium modification of the charmonium breakup processes due to the Mott effect for light (pi, rho) and open-charm (D, D*) quark-antiquark bound states at the chiral/deconfinement phase transition. The Mott effect for the D-mesons effectively reduces the threshold for charmonium breakup cross sections, which is suggested as an explanation of the anomalous J/psi suppression phenomenon in the NA50 experiment. Further implications of finite-temperature mesonic correlations for the hadronization of heavy flavors in heavy-ion collisions are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Contribution to SQM2001 Conference, submitted to J. Phys.

    Electron-spectroscopic investigation of metal-insulator transition in Sr2Ru1-xTixO4 (x=0.0-0.6)

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    We investigate the nature and origin of the metal-insulator transition in Sr2Ru1-xTixO4 as a function of increasing Ti content (x). Employing detailed core, valence, and conduction band studies with x-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopies along with Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy, it is shown that a hard gap opens up for Ti content greater than equal to 0.2, while compositions with x<0.2 exhibit finite intensity at the Fermi energy. This establishes that the metal-insulator transition in this homovalent substituted series of compounds is driven by Coulomb interaction leading to the formation of a Mott gap, in contrast to transitions driven by disorder effects or band flling.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Current-Induced Spin Polarization in Gallium Nitride

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    Electrically generated spin polarization is probed directly in bulk GaN using Kerr rotation spectroscopy. A series of n-type GaN epilayers are grown in the wurtzite phase both by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) with a variety of doping densities chosen to broadly modulate the transverse spin lifetime, T2*. The spin polarization is characterized as a function of electrical excitation energy over a range of temperatures. Despite weak spin-orbit interactions in GaN, a current-induced spin polarization (CISP) is observed in the material at temperatures of up to 200 K.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Correlation of internal representations in feed-forward neural networks

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    Feed-forward multilayer neural networks implementing random input-output mappings develop characteristic correlations between the activity of their hidden nodes which are important for the understanding of the storage and generalization performance of the network. It is shown how these correlations can be calculated from the joint probability distribution of the aligning fields at the hidden units for arbitrary decoder function between hidden layer and output. Explicit results are given for the parity-, and-, and committee-machines with arbitrary number of hidden nodes near saturation.Comment: 6 pages, latex, 1 figur