1,268 research outputs found

    Is fundamental frequency a cue to aspiration in initial stops?

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    One production and one perception experiment were conducted to investigate the interaction of consonant voicing and fundamental frequency at the onset of voicing (onset f0) in Cantonese, a tonal language. Consonantal voicing in English can affect onset f0 up to 100 ms after voicing onset, but existing research provides inconclusive information regarding the effects of voicing on f0 in tonal languages where f0 variability is constrained by the demands of the lexical tone system. Previous research on consonantal effects on onset f0 provides two contrasting theories: These effects may be automatic, resulting from physiological constraints inherent to the speech production mechanism or they may be controlled, produced as part of a process of cue enhancement for the perception of laryngeal contrasts. Results of experiment 1 showed that consonant aspiration affects onset f0 in Cantonese only within the first 10 ms following voicing onset, comparable to results for other tonal languages. Experiment 2 showed that Cantonese listeners can use differences in onset f0 to cue perception of the voicing contrast, but the minimum extent of f0 perturbation necessary for this is greater than is found in Cantonese production, and comparable to that observed in acoustic studies of nontonal languages. These results suggest that consonantal effects on onset f0 are at least partially controlled by talkers, but that their role in the perception of voicing/aspiration may be a consequence of language independent properties of audition rather than listeners' experience with the phonological contrasts of a specific language.published_or_final_versio

    Current-density functional theory of time-dependent linear response in quantal fluids: recent progress

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    Vignale and Kohn have recently formulated a local density approximation to the time-dependent linear response of an inhomogeneous electron system in terms of a vector potential for exchange and correlation. The vector potential depends on the induced current density through spectral kernels to be evaluated on the homogeneous electron-gas. After a brief review of their theory, the case of inhomogeneous Bose superfluids is considered, with main focus on dynamic Kohn-Sham equations for the condensate in the linear response regime and on quantal generalized hydrodynamic equations in the weak inhomogeneity limit. We also present the results of calculations of the exchange-correlation spectra in both electron and superfluid boson systems.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Postscript fil

    Site-specific incorporation of phosphotyrosine using an expanded genetic code.

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    Access to phosphoproteins with stoichiometric and site-specific phosphorylation status is key to understanding the role of protein phosphorylation. Here we report an efficient method to generate pure, active phosphotyrosine-containing proteins by genetically encoding a stable phosphotyrosine analog that is convertible to native phosphotyrosine. We demonstrate its general compatibility with proteins of various sizes, phosphotyrosine sites and functions, and reveal a possible role of tyrosine phosphorylation in negative regulation of ubiquitination

    Primary cutaneous melanoma of the breast: A case report

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: Primary cutaneous melanoma of the breast is a very rare tumour, accounting for < 5 % of all malignant melanomas. Case presentation: A young lady was seen in the breast clinic for a skin lesion in the right breast. Clinical examination and investigations confirmed a diagnosis of a primary cutaneous melanoma of the breast. The lesion was excised and the patient made good recovery. She has shown no signs of local recurrence and is under regular follow-up in the dermatology clinic. Conclusion: This case is educational as it shows that the treatment of breast cutaneous melanoma is similar to that for any skin parts with surgery remaining the main therapeutic option. It also shows that mastectomy is unnecessary as it does not improve the results obtained by wide local excision of melanoma. Background Primary cutaneous melanoma rarely affects the breast, accounting for less than 5 % of all malignant melanomas

    Methylomic analysis of monozygotic twins discordant for autism spectrum disorder and related behavioural traits

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) defines a group of common, complex neurodevelopmental disorders. Although the aetiology of ASD has a strong genetic component, there is considerable monozygotic (MZ) twin discordance indicating a role for non-genetic factors. Because MZ twins share an identical DNA sequence, disease-discordant MZ twin pairs provide an ideal model for examining the contribution of environmentally driven epigenetic factors in disease. We performed a genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in a sample of 50 MZ twin pairs (100 individuals) sampled from a representative population cohort that included twins discordant and concordant for ASD, ASD-associated traits and no autistic phenotype. Within-twin and between-group analyses identified numerous differentially methylated regions associated with ASD. In addition, we report significant correlations between DNA methylation and quantitatively measured autistic trait scores across our sample cohort. This study represents the first systematic epigenomic analyses of MZ twins discordant for ASD and implicates a role for altered DNA methylation in autism

    Genetic, environmental and stochastic factors in monozygotic twin discordance with a focus on epigenetic differences

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    PMCID: PMC3566971This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Attainment rate as a surrogate indicator of the intervertebral neutral zone length in lateral bending: An in vitro proof of concept study

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    Background Lumbar segmental instability is often considered to be a cause of chronic low back pain. However, defining its measurement has been largely limited to laboratory studies. These have characterised segmental stability as the intrinsic resistance of spine specimens to initial bending moments by quantifying the dynamic neutral zone. However these measurements have been impossible to obtain in vivo without invasive procedures, preventing the assessment of intervertebral stability in patients. Quantitative fluoroscopy (QF), measures the initial velocity of the attainment of intervertebral rotational motion in patients, which may to some extent be representative of the dynamic neutral zone. This study sought to explore the possible relationship between the dynamic neutral zone and intervertebral rotational attainment rate as measured with (QF) in an in vitro preparation. The purpose was to find out if further work into this concept is worth pursuing. Method This study used passive recumbent QF in a multi-segmental porcine model. This assessed the intrinsic intervertebral responses to a minimal coronal plane bending moment as measured with a digital force guage. Bending moments about each intervertebral joint were calculated and correlated with the rate at which global motion was attained at each intervertebral segment in the first 10° of global motion where the intervertebral joint was rotating. Results Unlike previous studies of single segment specimens, a neutral zone was found to exist during lateral bending. The initial attainment rates for left and right lateral flexion were comparable to previously published in vivo values for healthy controls. Substantial and highly significant levels of correlation between initial attainment rate and neutral zone were found for left (Rho = 0.75, P = 0.0002) and combined left-right bending (Rho = 0.72, P = 0.0001) and moderate ones for right alone (Rho = 0.55, P = 0.0012). Conclusions This study found good correlation between the initial intervertebral attainment rate and the dynamic neutral zone, thereby opening the possibility to detect segmental instability from clinical studies. However the results must be treated with caution. Further studies with multiple specimens and adding sagittal plane motion are warranted

    Thoracic empyema with scarlatiniform rash and acral desquamation: a case report

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    A 5 year old girl with thoracic empyema developed a scarlatiniform rash and acral desquamation. Cultures from blood, throat, and pleural fluid all grew Streptococcus pyogenes, a common etiologic agent of pediatric thoracic empyema. The presence of a scarlatiniform rash and acral desquamation in children with a thoracic empyema may help identify the causative organism

    Serum calcium and incident diabetes: an observational study and meta-analysis

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    SUMMARY: The study aimed to prospectively evaluate if serum calcium is related to diabetes incidence in Hong Kong Chinese. The results showed that serum calcium has a significant association with increased risk of diabetes. The result of meta-analysis reinforced our findings. INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the association of serum calcium, including serum total calcium and albumin-corrected calcium, with incident diabetes in Hong Kong Chinese. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in 6096 participants aged 20 or above and free of diabetes at baseline. Serum calcium was measured at baseline. Incident diabetes was determined from several electronic databases. We also searched relevant databases for studies on serum calcium and incident diabetes and conducted a meta-analysis using fixed-effect modeling. RESULTS: During 59,130.9 person-years of follow-up, 631 participants developed diabetes. Serum total calcium and albumin-corrected calcium were associated with incident diabetes in the unadjusted model. After adjusting for demographic and clinical variables, the association remained significant only for serum total calcium (hazard ratio (HR), 1.32 (95 % confidence interval (CI), 1.02-1.70), highest vs. lowest quartile). In a meta-analysis of four studies including the current study, both serum total calcium (pooled risk ratio (RR), 1.38 (95 % CI, 1.15-1.65); I (2) = 5 %, comparing extreme quantiles) and albumin-corrected calcium (pooled RR, 1.29 (95 % CI, 1.03-1.61); I (2) = 0 %, comparing extreme quantiles) were associated with incident diabetes. Penalized regression splines showed that the association of incident diabetes with serum total calcium and albumin-correlated calcium was non-linear and linear, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated serum calcium concentration is associated with incident diabetes. The mechanism underlying this association warrants further investigation