213 research outputs found

    Push or Pull? An Empirical Analysis of the Demand for Individual Project Grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation

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    This study empirically analyses on the basis of a panel of grant requests to the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF. From the results it can be concluded, that the different scientific disciplines react in very different ways to the institutional and financial framework conditions set by the funding agency. Regarding the expansion of the tertiary educational system it can concluded that it has an impact on research funding in the form of two contrary influences. These two effects offset each other to the extent that they do not suffice to explain the rising trend in terms of the number of requests observable as from the year 2000.research funding, universities, panel estimations

    NetemCG – IP packet-loss injection using a continuous-time Gilbert model

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    Injection of IP packet loss is a versatile method for emulating real-world network conditions in performance studies. In order to reproduce realistic packet-loss patterns, stochastic fault-models are used. In this report we desribe our implementation of a Linux kernel module using a Continuous-Time Gilbert Model for packet-loss injection

    Model-Based Control Design of an EHA Position Control Based on Multicriteria Optimization

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    For the control of dynamic systems such as an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (EHA), there is a need to optimize the control based on simulations, since a prototype or a physical system is usually not available during system design. In consequence, no system identification can be performed. Therefore, it is unclear how well a simulation model of an EHA can be used for multicriteria optimization of the position control due to the uncertain model quality. To evaluate the suitability for control optimization, the EHA is modeled and parameterized as a grey-box model using existing parameters independent of test bench experiments. A method for multi-objective optimization of a controller is used to optimize the position control of the EHA. Finally, the step responses are compared with the test bench. The evaluation of the step responses for different loads and control parameters shows similar behavior between the simulation model and the physical system on the test bench, although the essential phenomena could not be reproduced. This means that the model quality achieved by modeling is suitable as an indication for the optimization of the control by simulation without a physical system

    Strong-field physics with mid-IR fields

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    Strong-field physics is currently experiencing a shift towards the use of mid-IR driving wavelengths. This is because they permit conducting experiments unambiguously in the quasi-static regime and enable exploiting the effects related to ponderomotive scaling of electron recollisions. Initial measurements taken in the mid-IR immediately led to a deeper understanding of photo-ionization and allowed a discrimination amongst different theoretical models. Ponderomotive scaling of rescattering has enabled new avenues towards time resolved probing of molecular structure. Essential for this paradigm shift was the convergence of two experimental tools: 1) intense mid-IR sources that can create high energy photons and electrons while operating within the quasi-static regime, and 2) detection systems that can detect the generated high energy particles and image the entire momentum space of the interaction in full coincidence. Here we present a unique combination of these two essential ingredients, namely a 160\~kHz mid-IR source and a reaction microscope detection system, to present an experimental methodology that provides an unprecedented three-dimensional view of strong-field interactions. The system is capable of generating and detecting electron energies that span a six order of magnitude dynamic range. We demonstrate the versatility of the system by investigating electron recollisions, the core process that drives strong-field phenomena, at both low (meV) and high (hundreds of eV) energies. The low energy region is used to investigate recently discovered low-energy structures, while the high energy electrons are used to probe atomic structure via laser-induced electron diffraction. Moreover we present, for the first time, the correlated momentum distribution of electrons from non-sequential double-ionization driven by mid-IR pulses.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    CAZymes in Maribacter dokdonensis 62–1 from the Patagonian shelf: genomics and physiology compared to related flavobacteria and a co-occurring Alteromonas strain

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    Carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) are an important feature of bacteria in productive marine systems such as continental shelves, where phytoplankton and macroalgae produce diverse polysaccharides. We herein describe Maribacter dokdonensis 62–1, a novel strain of this flavobacterial species, isolated from alginate-supplemented seawater collected at the Patagonian continental shelf. M. dokdonensis 62–1 harbors a diverse array of CAZymes in multiple polysaccharide utilization loci (PUL). Two PUL encoding polysaccharide lyases from families 6, 7, 12, and 17 allow substantial growth with alginate as sole carbon source, with simultaneous utilization of mannuronate and guluronate as demonstrated by HPLC. Furthermore, strain 62-1 harbors a mixed-feature PUL encoding both ulvan- and fucoidan-targeting CAZymes. Core-genome phylogeny and pangenome analysis revealed variable occurrence of these PUL in related Maribacter and Zobellia strains, indicating specialization to certain “polysaccharide niches.” Furthermore, lineage- and strain-specific genomic signatures for exopolysaccharide synthesis possibly mediate distinct strategies for surface attachment and host interaction. The wide detection of CAZyme homologs in algae-derived metagenomes suggests global occurrence in algal holobionts, supported by sharing multiple adaptive features with the hydrolytic model flavobacterium Zobellia galactanivorans. Comparison with Alteromonas sp. 76-1 isolated from the same seawater sample revealed that these co-occurring strains target similar polysaccharides but with different genomic repertoires, coincident with differing growth behavior on alginate that might mediate ecological specialization. Altogether, our study contributes to the perception of Maribacter as versatile flavobacterial polysaccharide degrader, with implications for biogeochemical cycles, niche specialization and bacteria-algae interactions in the oceans

    Model-based design for restoration of a small urban river

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    A model-based design is presented for restoring the small urban river Panke located in Berlin, Germany. This new design process combines high resolution 2D hydraulic modeling with habitat modeling and river-ecological expert knowledge in a highly iterative way. Advances have been made for the habitat modeling: habitat suitability maps have been developed for fish and the habitat suitability for benthos has been assessed by including groups with different hydraulic preferences. Using the model-based design we have developed preference variants for the Panke which include structures such as pools, riffles, river banks, dead wood as well as aquatic vegetation. To account for the very detailed geometry of some structures such as dead wood, high resolution grids with edge length up to one decimeter have been generated. Furthermore flood protection has been assured. The variants should be constructed in the Panke in 2015. We expect that the ecological conditions for fish and benthos will improve, however this has to be evaluated by further measurements. The model-based approach for the design of enhancement measures delivered valuable hints on current shortcomings in the river morphology, priorities for the creation of new habitats and quantitative information on the increase of suitable areas to be expected. In addition, relating the habitat changes to different flow rates helped to estimate the temporal availability of high quality habitats after the implementation of the measures

    Writing and Deleting Single Magnetic Skyrmions

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    Topologically nontrivial spin textures have recently been investigated for spintronic applications. Here, we report on an ultrathin magnetic film in which individual skyrmions can be written and deleted in a controlled fashion with local spin-polarized currents from a scanning tunneling microscope. An external magnetic field is used to tune the energy landscape, and the temperature is adjusted to prevent thermally activated switching between topologically distinct states. Switching rate and direction can then be controlled by the parameters used for current injection. The creation and annihilation of individual magnetic skyrmions demonstrates the potential for topological charge in future information-storage concepts

    Writing and Deleting Single Magnetic Skyrmions

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    Topologically nontrivial spin textures have recently been investigated for spintronic applications. Here, we report on an ultrathin magnetic film in which individual skyrmions can be written and deleted in a controlled fashion with local spin-polarized currents from a scanning tunneling microscope. An external magnetic field is used to tune the energy landscape, and the temperature is adjusted to prevent thermally activated switching between topologically distinct states. Switching rate and direction can then be controlled by the parameters used for current injection. The creation and annihilation of individual magnetic skyrmions demonstrates the potential for topological charge in future information-storage concepts
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