261 research outputs found

    A revised core-seismic integration in the Molloy Basin (ODP Site 909): Implications for the history of ice rafting and ocean circulation in the Atlantic-Arctic gateway

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    Today's cryosphere reflects an extreme climate state that developed through stepwise global Cenozoic cooling. In this context the opening of the Fram Strait, the Atlantic-Arctic Gateway (AAG), enabled deep-water exchange between the northern North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean and thereby influenced global ocean circulation and climate. Here we present a new age model for Ocean Drilling Program Site 909 located in the Molloy Basin, a key site to investigate the late opening phase of the central Fram Strait and the early history of oceanic circulation in the AAG. Our results are based on a revised magnetostratigraphy calibrated by new palynomorph bioevents, which shifts previously used stratigraphies for Site 909 to significantly younger ages in the time interval from c. 15 Ma to 3 Ma. The revised late Miocene to present chronology combined with an improved core-log-seismic integration leads to a new high-resolution seismic stratigraphy for the central Fram Strait that allows a more comprehensive correlation with seismic markers from the western Barents Sea margin and also the adjacent Yermak Plateau. The new stratigraphy implies that prominent maxima in coarse sand particles and kaolinite, often interpreted as evidence for ice rafting in the Fram Strait occur at c. 10.8 Ma, c. 3 Myr later as previously inferred and thus well after the Middle Miocene Climate Transition (c. 15–13 Ma). In the late Tortonian (<7.5 Ma), sediment transport became current controlled, mainly through a western, recirculating branch of the West Spitsbergen Current. This transport was strongly enhanced between c. 6.4 and 4.6 Ma and likely linked to the subsiding Hovgaard (HovgĂ„rd) Ridge and the widening of the AAG. Late Pliocene to Pleistocene seismic reflectors correlate with episodes of elevated ice-rafted detritus input related to major steps in Northern Hemisphere ice sheet growth such as the prominent glacial inception MIS M2 that predates the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period and the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation starting at c. 2.7 Ma. At the beginning of the Mid Pleistocene Transition (c. 1.2–0.8 Ma), sediment accumulation in the Fram Strait significantly decreased

    Seamounts and oceanic igneous features in the NE Atlantic: a link between plate motions and mantle dynamics

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    A new regional compilation of seamount-like oceanic igneous features (SOIFs) in the NE Atlantic points to three distinct oceanic areas of abundant seamount clusters. Seamounts on oceanic crust dated 54–50 Ma are formed on smooth oceanic basement, which resulted from high spreading rates and magmatic productivity enhanced by higher than usual mantle plume activity. Late Eocene–Early Miocene SOIF clusters are located close to newly formed tectonic features on rough oceanic crust in the Irminger, Iceland and Norway basins, reflecting an unstable tectonic regime prone to local readjustments of mid-ocean ridge and fracture zone segments accompanied by extra igneous activity. A SOIF population observed on Mid-Miocene–Present rough oceanic basement in the Greenland and Lofoten basins, and on conjugate Kolbeinsey Ridge flanks, coincides with an increase in spreading rate and magmatic productivity. We suggest that both tectonic/kinematic and magmatic triggers produced Mid-Miocene–Present SOIFs, but the Early Miocene westwards ridge relocation may have played a role in delaying SOIF formation south of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone. We conclude that Iceland plume episodic activity combined with regional changes in relative plate motion led to local mid-ocean ridge readjustments, which enhanced the likelihood of seamount formation

    Seismicity in the vicinity of the Tristan da Cunha hotspot: Particular plate tectonics and mantle plume presence

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    Earthquake locations along the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge have large uncertainties due to the sparse distribution of permanent seismological stations in and around the South Atlantic Ocean. Most of the earthquakes are associated with plate tectonic processes related to the formation of new oceanic lithosphere, as they are located close to the ridge axis or in the immediate vicinity of transform faults. A local seismological network of ocean-bottom seismometers and land stations on and around the archipelago of Tristan da Cunha, allowed for the first time a local earthquake survey for one year. We relate intra-plate seismicity within the African oceanic plate segment north of the island partly to extensional stresses induced by a bordering large transform fault and to the existence of the Tristan mantle plume. The temporal propagation of earthquakes within the segment reflects the prevailing stress field. The strong extensional stresses in addition with the plume weaken the lithosphere and might hint at an incipient ridge jump. An apparently aseismic zone coincides with the proposed location of the Tristan conduit in the upper mantle southwest of the islands. The margins of this zone describe the transition between the ductile and the surrounding brittle regime. Moreover, we observe seismicity close to the islands of Tristan da Cunha and nearby seamounts, which we relate to ongoing tectono-magmatic activity

    A review of the NE Atlantic conjugate margins based on seismic refraction data

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    The NE Atlantic region evolved through several rift episodes, leading to break-up in the Eocene that was associated with voluminous magmatism along the conjugate margins of East Greenland and NW Europe. Existing seismic refraction data provide good constraints on the overall tectonic development of the margins, despite data gaps at the NE Greenland shear margin and the southern Jan Mayen microcontinent. The maximum thickness of the initial oceanic crust is 40 km at the Greenland–Iceland–Faroe Ridge, but decreases with increasing distance to the Iceland plume. High-velocity lower crust interpreted as magmatic underplating or sill intrusions is observed along most margins but disappears north of the East Greenland Ridge and the Lofoten margin, with the exception of the Vestbakken Volcanic Province at the SW Barents Sea margin. South of the narrow Lofoten margin, the European side is characterized by wide margins. The opposite trend is seen in Greenland, with a wide margin in the NE and narrow margins elsewhere. The thin crust beneath the basins is generally underlain by rocks with velocities of >7 km s−1 interpreted as serpentinized mantle in the Porcupine and southern Rockall basins; while off Norway, alternative interpretations such as eclogite bodies and underplating are also discussed

    Moho and basement depth in the NE Atlantic Ocean based on seismic refraction data and receiver functions

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    Seismic refraction data and results from receiver functions were used to compile the depth to the basement and Moho in the NE Atlantic Ocean. For interpolation between the unevenly spaced data points, the kriging technique was used. Free-air gravity data were used as constraints in the kriging process for the basement. That way, structures with little or no seismic coverage are still presented on the basement map, in particular the basins off East Greenland. The rift basins off NW Europe are mapped as a continuous zone with basement depths of between 5 and 15 km. Maximum basement depths off NE Greenland are 8 km, but these are probably underestimated. Plate reconstructions for Chron C24 (c. 54 Ma) suggest that the poorly known Ammassalik Basin off SE Greenland may correlate with the northern termination of the Hatton Basin at the conjugate margin. The most prominent feature on the Moho map is the Greenland–Iceland–Faroe Ridge, with Moho depths >28 km. Crustal thickness is compiled from the Moho and basement depths. The oceanic crust displays an increased thickness close to the volcanic margins affected by the Iceland plume

    Arctic megaslide at presumed rest

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    Published version. Source at http://doi.org/10.1038/srep38529. License CC BY 4.0.Slope failure like in the Hinlopen/Yermak Megaslide is one of the major geohazards in a changing Arctic environment. We analysed hydroacoustic and 2D high-resolution seismic data from the apparently intact continental slope immediately north of the Hinlopen/Yermak Megaslide for signs of past and future instabilities. Our new bathymetry and seismic data show clear evidence for incipient slope instability. Minor slide deposits and an internally-deformed sedimentary layer near the base of the gas hydrate stability zone imply an incomplete failure event, most probably about 30000 years ago, contemporaneous to or shortly after the Hinlopen/Yermak Megaslide. An active gas reservoir at the base of the gas hydrate stability zone demonstrate that over-pressured fluids might have played a key role in the initiation of slope failure at the studied slope, but more importantly also for the giant HYM slope failure. To date, it is not clear, if the studied slope is fully preconditioned to fail completely in future or if it might be slowly deforming and creeping at present. We detected widespread methane seepage on the adjacent shallow shelf areas not sealed by gas hydrates

    Chronology of the Fram Slide Complex offshore NW Svalbard and its implications for local and regional slope stability

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    Highlights ‱ The Fram Slide Complex has been active from late Miocene to late Pleistocene. ‱ Local processes were critical for slope stability in the Fram Strait area. ‱ Toe erosion caused by normal faulting may have led to retrogressive failure. ‱ Low gradient contourite drifts might smooth and stabilize submarine slopes. ‱ Low tsunami potential from the Fram Slide Complex could increase in the future. Abstract The best known submarine landslides on the glaciated NW European continental margins are those at the front of cross-shelf troughs, where the alternation of rapidly deposited glycogenic and hemi pelagic material generates sedimentary overpressure. Here, we investigate landslides in two areas built of contourite drifts bounded seaward by a ridge-transform junction. Seismic and bathymetric data from the Fram Slide Complex are compared with the tectonically similar Vastness area ~ 120 km to the south, to analyze the influence of local and regional processes on slope stability. These processes include tectonic activity, changes of climate and oceanography, gas hydrates and fluid migration systems, slope gradient, toe erosion and style of contourite deposition. Two areas within the Fram Slide Complex underwent different phases of slope failures, whereas there is no evidence at all for major slope failures in the Vastness area. The comparison cannot reveal the distinct reason for slope failure but demonstrates the strong impact of variation in the local controls on slope stability. The different failure chronologies suggest that toe erosion, which is dependent on the throw of normal faults, and the different thickness and geometry of contourite deposits can result in a critical slope morphology and exert pronounced effects on slope stability. These results highlight the limitations of regional hazard assessments and the need for multi-disciplinary investigations, as small differences in local controlling factors led to substantially different slope failure histories

    Exclusive Seismoacoustic Detection and Characterization of an Unseen and Unheard Fireball Over the North Atlantic

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    Small meteoroids that enter Earth's atmosphere often go unnoticed because their detection and characterization rely on human observations, introducing observational biases in space and time. Acoustic shockwaves from meteoroid ablation convert to infrasound and seismic energy, enabling fireball detection using seismoacoustic methods. We analyzed an unreported fireball in 2022 near the Azores, recorded by 26 seismometers and two infrasound arrays. Through polarization analyses, array methods, and 3‐D ray‐tracing, we determined that the terminal blast occurred at 40 km altitude, ∌60 km NE of SĂŁo Miguel Island. This location matches an unidentified flash captured by a lightning detector aboard the GOES‐16 satellite. The estimated kinetic energy is ∌10−3 kT TNT equivalent, suggesting a 10−1 m object diameter, thousands of which enter the atmosphere annually. Our results demonstrate how geophysical methods, in tandem with satellite data, can significantly improve the observational completeness of meteoroids, advancing our understanding of their sources and entry processes

    Mantle plume and rift-related volcanism during the evolution of the Rio Grande Rise

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    The Rio Grande Rise in the western South Atlantic Ocean has been interpreted as either an oceanic plateau related to the Tristan-Gough mantle plume, or a fragment of detached continental crust. Here we present new major and trace element data for volcanic rocks from the western and eastern Rio Grande Rise and the adjacent Jean Charcot Seamount Chain. The eastern Rio Grande Rise and older parts of the western Rio Grande Rise are comprised of tholeiitic basalt with moderately enriched trace element compositions and likely formed above the Tristan-Gough mantle plume close to the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Younger alkalic lavas from the western Rio Grande Rise and the Jean Charcot Seamount Chain were formed by lower degrees of melting beneath thicker lithosphere in an intraplate setting possibly during rifting of the plateau. There is no clear geochemical evidence that remnants of continental crust are present beneath the Rio Grande Rise
