39 research outputs found

    Beneficial long term effect of a phosphodiesterase-5-inhibitor in cirrhotic portal hypertension: A case report with 8 years follow-up.

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    Non-selective beta-blockers are the mainstay of medical therapy for portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis. Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5-inhibitors) reduce portal pressure in the acute setting by > 10% which may suggest a long-term beneficial effect. Currently, there is no available data on long-term treatment of portal hypertension with PDE-5-inhibitors. This case of a patient with liver cirrhosis secondary to autoimmune liver disease with episodes of bleeding from esophageal varices is the first documented case in which a treatment with a PDE-5-inhibitor for eight years was monitored. In the acute setting, the PDE-5-inhibitor Vardenafil lowered portal pressure by 13%. The portal blood flow increased by 28% based on Doppler sonography and by 16% using MRI technique. As maintenance medication the PDE-5-inhibitor Tadalafil was used for eight consecutive years with comparable effects on portal pressure and portal blood flow. There were no recurrence of bleeding and no formation of new varices. Influencing the NO-pathway by the use of PDE-5 inhibitors may have long-term beneficial effects in compensated cirrhosis

    Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors lower both portal and pulmonary pressure in portopulmonary hypertension: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Portopulmonary hypertension (PPHTN) is a severe complication in liver cirrhosis. PDE5 inhibitors lower pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in PPHTN. However, their effect on portal hypertension has not yet been investigated.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 55 year old male patient presented with PPHTN and alcoholic liver cirrhosis. 10 mg of Tadalafil, a PDE5 inhibitor with a long half-life, was administered orally under continuous monitoring of pulmonary and portal hemodynamics. For maintenance therapy the patient received Sildenafil 20 mg bid.</p> <p>Tadalafil lowered mean PAP from 45 to 39 mmHg within 60 minutes. Cardiac output (CO) increased from 6.8 to 7.9 l/min. Central venous pressure (CVP) remained stable at 3 mmHg. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was lowered from 167/89 to 159/86 mmHg. Pulse rate increased from 75 to 87 per min. Wedged hepatic vein pressure (WHVP) decreased from 21 to 18 mm Hg, hepatovenous pressure gradient (HVPG) decreased from 10 to 7 mmHg. Hemodynamic monitoring after 6 months of Sildenafil therapy revealed a sustained lowering of mean PAP. HVPG remained constant at 10 mmHg. Cardiac and pulmonary performance had further improved.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case report shows for the first time, that phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors lower both portal and pulmonary pressure in portopulmonary hypertension.</p

    Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors have distinct effects on the hemodynamics of the liver

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The NO - cGMP system plays a key role in the regulation of sinusoidal tonus and liver blood flow with phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) terminating the dilatory action of cGMP. We, therefore, investigated the effects of PDE-5 inhibitors on hepatic and systemic hemodynamics in rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Hemodynamic parameters were monitored for 60 min. after intravenous injection of sildenafil and vardenafil [1, 10 and 100 μg/kg (sil1, sil10, sil100, var1, var10, var100)] in anesthetized rats.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cardiac output and heart rate remained constant. After a short dip, mean arterial blood pressure again increased. Systemic vascular resistance transiently decreased slightly. Changes in hepatic hemodynamic parameters started after few minutes and continued for at least 60 min. Portal (var10 -31%, sil10 -34%) and hepatic arterial resistance (var10 -30%, sil10 -32%) decreased significantly (p < 0.05). At the same time portal venous (var10 +29%, sil10 +24%), hepatic arterial (var10 +34%, sil10 +48%), and hepatic parenchymal blood flow (var10 +15%, sil10 +15%) increased significantly (p < 0.05). The fractional liver blood flow (total liver flow/cardiac output) increased significantly (var10 26%, sil10 23%). Portal pressure remained constant or tended to decrease. 10 μg/kg was the most effective dose for both PDE-5 inhibitors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Low doses of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors have distinct effects on hepatic hemodynamic parameters. Their therapeutic use in portal hypertension should therefore be evaluated.</p

    CXCR4 identifies transitional bone marrow premonocytes that replenish the mature monocyte pool for peripheral responses

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    It is well established that Ly6C(hi) monocytes develop from common monocyte progenitors (cMoPs) and reside in the bone marrow (BM) until they are mobilized into the circulation. In our study, we found that BM Ly6C(hi) monocytes are not a homogenous population, as current data would suggest. Using computational analysis approaches to interpret multidimensional datasets, we demonstrate that BM Ly6C(hi) monocytes consist of two distinct subpopulations (CXCR4(hi) and CXCR4(lo) subpopulations) in both mice and humans. Transcriptome studies and in vivo assays revealed functional differences between the two subpopulations. Notably, the CXCR4(hi) subset proliferates and is immobilized in the BM for the replenishment of functionally mature CXCR4(lo) monocytes. We propose that the CXCR4(hi) subset represents a transitional premonocyte population, and that this sequential step of maturation from cMoPs serves to maintain a stable pool of BM monocytes. Additionally, reduced CXCR4 expression on monocytes, upon their exit into the circulation, does not reflect its diminished role in monocyte biology. Specifically, CXCR4 regulates monocyte peripheral cellular activities by governing their circadian oscillations and pulmonary margination, which contributes toward lung injury and sepsis mortality. Together, our study demonstrates the multifaceted role of CXCR4 in defining BM monocyte heterogeneity and in regulating their function in peripheral tissues

    Les matériaux multiferroïques

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    L’origine du couplage de différentes propriétés physiques au sein d’un même matériau est un sujet central de la physique de la matière condensée et interpelle les scientifiques depuis des siècles. Nous nous intéressons ici à une classe de matériaux qui possèdent simultanément plusieurs propriétés dites ferroïques (ferromagnétisme, ferroélectricité et/ou ferroélasticité), dont le couplage dépend de la mise en forme, de la structure cristallographique et de l’arrangement des spins magnétiques, et constitue un sujet qui combine un fascinant défi scientifique avec un grand potentiel d’applications

    Close Relationship between Systemic Arterial and Portal Venous Pressure in an Animal Model with Healthy Liver

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    It is unclear to what extent systemic arterial blood pressure influences portal pressure. This relationship is clinically important as drugs, which are conventionally used for therapy of portal hypertension, may also influence systemic arterial blood pressure. This study investigated the potential correlation between mean arterial (MAP) and portal venous pressure (PVP) in rats with healthy livers. In a rat model with healthy livers, we investigated the effect of manipulation of MAP on PVP. Interventions consisted of 0.9% NaCl (group 1), 0.1 mg/kg body weight (bw) Sildenafil (low dose), an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase-5 (group 2), and 1.0 mg/kg bw Sildenafil (high dose, group 3) in 600 µL saline injected intravenously. Norepinephrine was used to increase MAP in animals with circulatory failure while PVP was monitored. Injection of the fluids induced a transient drop in MAP and PVP, probably due to a reversible cardiac decompensation. The drop in MAP and drop in PVP are significantly correlated. The time lag between change in MAP and change in PVP by 24 s in all groups suggests a cause-and-effect relationship. Ten minutes after the injection of the fluid, cardiac function was normalized. Thereafter, MAP gradually decreased. In the NaCl group, PVP decreases by 0.485% for a 1% drop of MAP, by 0.550% in the low-dose sildenafil group, and by 0.651% in the high-dose sildenafil group (p < 0.05 for difference group two vs. group one, group three vs. group one, and group three vs. group two). These data suggest that Sildenafil has an inherent effect on portal pressure that exceeds the effect of MAP. Injection of norepinephrine led to a sudden increase in MAP followed by an increase in PVP after a time lag. These data show a close relationship between portal venous pressure and systemic arterial pressure in this animal model with healthy livers. A change in MAP is consequently followed by a change in PVP after a distinct time lag. This study, furthermore, suggests that Sildenafil influences portal pressure. Further studies should be performed in a model with cirrhotic livers, as these may be important in the evaluation of vasoactive drugs (e.g., PDE-5-inhibitors) for therapy of portal hypertension