40 research outputs found

    Ureterocystoplasty in Boys with Valve Bladder Syndrome—Is This Method Still up to Date?

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    Boys with valve bladder syndrome (PUV) require adequate treatment of the lower urinary tract to preserve renal function and improve long-term outcomes. In some patients, further surgery may be necessary to improve bladder capacity and function. Ureterocytoplasty (UCP) is usually carried out with a small segment of intestine or, alternatively, with a dilated ureter. Our aim was to evaluate the long-term outcomes after UCP in boys with PUV. UCP had been performed in 10 boys with PUV at our hospital (2004–2019). Pre- and postoperative data were evaluated in relation to kidney and bladder function, the SWRD score, additional surgery, complications, and long-term follow-up. The mean time between primary valve ablation and UCP was 3.5 years (SD ± 2.0). The median follow-up time was 64.5 months (IQR 36.0–97.25). The mean increase in age-adjusted bladder capacity was 25% (from 77% (SD ± 0.28) to 102% (SD ± 0.46)). Eight boys micturated spontaneously. Ultrasounds showed no severe hydronephrosis (grade 3–4). The SWRD score showed a median decrease from 4.5 (range 2–7) to 3.0 (range 1–5). No conversion of augmentation was required. UCP is a safe and effective approach to improve bladder capacity in boys with PUV. In addition, the possibility of micturating naturally is still maintained

    Is Vesicostomy Still a Contemporary Method of Managing Posterior Urethral Valves?

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    In boys with posterior urethral valves (PUVs) the main treatment aim is to preserve long-term bladder and renal function. To determine the effectiveness of secondary vesicostomy in boys with PUVs, the medical records of 21 patients with PUV (2010–2019), divided into two groups (group I: valve ablation; group II: secondary vesicostomy), were reviewed regarding the course of serum creatinine, renal ultrasound, voiding cystourethrogram, urodynamics, postoperative complications, need of further surgery, and long-term solution. The median age of all patients at first follow-up was 11 (9–13) months and at last follow-up 64.5 (39.5–102.5) months. Despite a significant difference of the SWDR score (shape, wall, reflux, and diverticula) (p = 0.014), both groups showed no significant differences preoperatively. Postoperatively, serum creatinine (p = 0.024), grade of vesicoureteral reflux (p = 0.003), side of upper tract dilatation (p = 0.006), side of megaureter (p = 0.004), and SWDR score (p = 0.002) were significantly decreased in group II. Postoperative urodynamic measurements showed comparable results in both groups. Stoma complications were found in three (20%) patients (group II). Eight (53.3%) patients already received a closure of the vesicostomy. Seven out of eight (87.5%) patients were able to micturate spontaneously. Vesicostomy remains a reliable treatment option for boys with PUV to improve bladder function and avoid further damage to the urinary tract

    Innervation pattern of the unclosed detrusor muscle in classic bladder exstrophy: a study of patients with urothelial overexpression of nerve growth factor

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    Purpose An overexpression of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the urothelium is discussed to lead to neuronal hyperinnervation of the bladder detrusor. The aim was to assess the sensory and sympathetic innervation of the detrusor in unclosed exstrophic bladders patients with known overexpression of NGF in the urothelium. Methods Full-thickness bladder biopsies were prospectively obtained from 34 infants at delayed primary bladder closure between 01/2015 and 04/2020. The bladder biopsies were immunohistochemically stained with antibodies against S100, calcitonin gene-related peptide (anti-CGRP), Neurofilament 200 (anti-NF200), and tyrosine-hydroxylase (anti-TH). Specimens from 6 children with congenital vesicoureterorenal reflux (VUR) served as controls. Results There was no statistically significant difference in nerve fiber density in any of the immunohistochemical assessments (anti-S100 [p = 0.210], anti-CGRP [p = 0.897], anti-NF200 [p = 0.897]), and anti-TH [p = 0.956]) between patients with BE and patients with VUR. However, we observed a trend toward lower nerve fiber densities in exstrophic detrusor. Conclusion Overall our results showed an unharmed innervation pattern in this cohort but a lower density of nerve fibers in the detrusor compared to controls. Further studies in patients after successful primary closure are needed to clarify the potential impact of the urothelial overexpression of NGF modulating the innervation pattern in exstrophic bladders

    Treatment Strategies and Outcome of the Exstrophy–Epispadias Complex in Germany: Data From the German CURE-Net

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    Introduction: To evaluate the impact of reconstructive strategies and post-operative management on short- and long-term surgical outcome and complications of classical bladder exstrophy (CBE) patients' comprehensive data of the multicenter German-wide Network for Congenital Uro-Rectal malformations (CURE-Net) were analyzed. Methods: Descriptive analyses were performed between 34 prospectively collected CBE patients born since 2009, median 3 months old [interquartile range (IQR), 2–4 months], and 113 cross-sectional patients, median 12 years old (IQR, 6–21 years). Results: The majority of included individuals were males (67%). Sixty-eight percent of the prospectively observed and 53% of the cross-sectional patients were reconstructed using a staged approach (p = 0.17). Although prospectively observed patients were operated on at a younger age, the post-operative management did not significantly change in the years before and after 2009. Solely, in prospectively observed patients, peridural catheters were used significantly more often (p = 0.017). Blood transfusions were significantly more frequent in males (p = 0.002). Only half of all CBE individuals underwent inguinal hernia repair. Cross-sectional patients after single-stage reconstructions showed more direct post-operative complications such as upper urinary tract dilatations (p = 0.0021) or urinary tract infections (p = 0.023), but not more frequent renal function impairment compared to patients after the staged approach (p = 0.42). Continence outcomes were not significantly different between the concepts (p = 0.51). Self-reported continence data showed that the majority of the included CBE patients was intermittent or continuous incontinent. Furthermore, subsequent consecutive augmentations and catheterizable stomata did not significantly differ between the two operative approaches. Urinary diversions were only reported after the staged concept. Conclusions: In this German multicenter study, a trend toward the staged concept was observed. While single-stage approaches tended to have initially more complications such as renal dilatation or urinary tract infections, additional surgery such as augmentations and stomata appeared to be similar after staged and single-stage reconstructions in the long term

    Prevalences of cardiometabolic risk and lifestyle factors in young parents: evidence from a German birth cohort study

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    Background Studies show that parents significantly impact their children’s health through their cardiometabolic risk profile and health behavior. There is only little information about the prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors and lifestyle factors among new parents yet. The aims of this study are therefore to evaluate the prevalences of cardiometabolic risk factors in parents of infants in Germany and to examine their lifestyle and health behavior. Methods In the KUNO-Kids health study, an ongoing birth cohort, parents (n = 930 mothers and 769 fathers) were asked about cardiometabolic risk factors (obesity/hypertension/type 2 diabetes mellitus) and lifestyle factors (dietary/sports/smoking habits/alcohol consumption) during the first year after the birth of their children via questionnaires. Chi-square as well as fisher exact tests were conducted to analyse associations between lifestyle factors and cardiometabolic risk factors. Results 34.2% of mothers and 58.5% of fathers were overweight or obese. In 11.8% of the families, at least one parent suffered from hypertension, in 2.4% from type 2 diabetes mellitus. One year after delivery, 8.5% of mothers were smoking, 6.9% showed a risky alcohol consumption (> 10 g/d). 16.0% of fathers were smoking 4 weeks after childbirth, 10.7% showed risky alcohol consumption (> 20 g/d). 21.6% of mothers carried out sports activity for more than 2 h a week then. Parental hypertension was linked to a higher prevalence of risky alcohol consumption, obesity to a lower prevalence of daily fruits consumption. Conclusions Cardiometabolic risk factors were widespread among new parents with obesity and overweight having the highest prevalences. A considerable number of parents also practiced an unhealthy lifestyle showing that there is potential for improvement to promote the healthy development of their children

    The Exstrophy-epispadias complex

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    Exstrophy-epispadias complex (EEC) represents a spectrum of genitourinary malformations ranging in severity from epispadias (E) to classical bladder exstrophy (CEB) and exstrophy of the cloaca (EC). Depending on severity, EEC may involve the urinary system, musculoskeletal system, pelvis, pelvic floor, abdominal wall, genitalia, and sometimes the spine and anus. Prevalence at birth for the whole spectrum is reported at 1/10,000, ranging from 1/30,000 for CEB to 1/200,000 for EC, with an overall greater proportion of affected males. EEC is characterized by a visible defect of the lower abdominal wall, either with an evaginated bladder plate (CEB), or with an open urethral plate in males or a cleft in females (E). In CE, two exstrophied hemibladders, as well as omphalocele, an imperforate anus and spinal defects, can be seen after birth. EEC results from mechanical disruption or enlargement of the cloacal membrane; the timing of the rupture determines the severity of the malformation. The underlying cause remains unknown: both genetic and environmental factors are likely to play a role in the etiology of EEC. Diagnosis at birth is made on the basis of the clinical presentation but EEC may be detected prenatally by ultrasound from repeated non-visualization of a normally filled fetal bladder. Counseling should be provided to parents but, due to a favorable outcome, termination of the pregnancy is no longer recommended. Management is primarily surgical, with the main aims of obtaining secure abdominal wall closure, achieving urinary continence with preservation of renal function, and, finally, adequate cosmetic and functional genital reconstruction. Several methods for bladder reconstruction with creation of an outlet resistance during the newborn period are favored worldwide. Removal of the bladder template with complete urinary diversion to a rectal reservoir can be an alternative. After reconstructive surgery of the bladder, continence rates of about 80% are expected during childhood. Additional surgery might be needed to optimize bladder storage and emptying function. In cases of final reconstruction failure, urinary diversion should be undertaken. In puberty, genital and reproductive function are important issues. Psychosocial and psychosexual outcome depend on long-term multidisciplinary care to facilitate an adequate quality of life

    Implementation of safe infant sleep recommendations during night-time sleep in the first year of life in a German birth cohort

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    The aim of our study was to assess the extent to which families followed recommendations, issued by the German society for sleep medicine, for the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) during night-time sleep. Analyzing longitudinal data from a birth cohort located at the University Children’s Hospital Regensburg in Bavaria (Germany), we determined data regarding the infant's sleep location, sleep settings and body position, and exposure to environmental factors. Data were collected in a structured interview after birth and by standardized questionnaires at 4 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year of life, respectively. The majority of 1,400 surveyed infants (94% at 4 weeks) were reported to sleep in the parents’ sleeping room during the first months of life. While the most common furniture was a bedside sleeper (used by 48%), we also observed a considerable proportion of families who regularly practiced bed-sharing and, for 16% of infants, the parents’ bed was the default sleeping place. 12% of infants were still put regularly in the prone position. The vast majority (87%) of the infants were breastfed at some timepoint and 17% lived in a household with one or more smokers. Although most parents implemented many SIDS recommendations, our analysis illustrates a considerable gap between recommendations and intentions after birth on the one hand and actual implementation in real life on the other. The number-one deviation from the current SIDS guidelines during night-time sleep was bed-sharing with an adult

    Evaluation of Colloids and Activation Agents for Determination of Melamine Using UV-SERS

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    UV-SERS measurements offer a great potential for environmental or food (detection of food contaminats) analytics. Here, the UV-SERS enhancement potential of various kinds of metal colloids, such as Pd, Pt, Au, Ag, Au-Ag core-shell, and Ag-Au core-shell with different shapes and sizes, were studied using melamine as a test molecule. The influence of different activation (KF, KCl, KBr, K 2SO 4) agents onto the SERS activity of the nanomaterials was investigated, showing that the combination of a particular nanoparticle with a special activation agent is extremely crucial for the observed SERS enhancement. In particular, the size dependence of spherical nanoparticles of one particular metal on the activator has been exploited. By doing so, it could be shown that the SERS enhancement increases or decreases for increasing or decreasing size of a nanoparticle, respectively. Overall, the presented results demonstrate the necessity to adjust the nanoparticle size and the activation agent for different experiments in order to achieve the best possible UV-SERS results

    Regionale Standards: Ausgabe 2019

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    Die "Regionalen Standards" gehen zurück auf die Initiative eines gemeinsamen Arbeitskreises, bestehend aus Vertretern des Statistischen Bundesamtes, der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e.V. (ASI) und des ADM Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute e.V. Sie stellen ein Angebot für die Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland dar. Die "Regionalen Standards" beschreiben Gebietsabgrenzungen und Instrumente zur Typisierung von Regionen, wie sie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von der amtlichen Statistik und/oder der Markt- und Sozialforschung in gewisser Regelmäßigkeit eingesetzt werden. Zusätzlich werden Datensätze aus unterschiedlichen Quellen vorgestellt, die für die Regionalisierung von Bevölkerungsumfragen genutzt werden können und für die Forschung (teils jedoch mit Einschränkungen) zur Verfügung stehen

    Regionale Standards: Ausgabe 2013

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    "Die 'Regionalen Standards' gehen zurück auf die Initiative eines gemeinsamen Arbeitskreises, bestehend aus Vertretern des Statistischen Bundesamtes, der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute e.V. (ASI) und des ADM Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute e.V. Sie stellen ein Angebot für die Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland dar. Die 'Regionalen Standards' beschreiben Gebietsabgrenzungen und Instrumente zur Typisierung von Regionen, wie sie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von der amtlichen Statistik und/oder der Markt- und Sozialforschung in gewisser Regelmäßigkeit eingesetzt werden. Zusätzlich werden Datensätze aus unterschiedlichen Quellen vorgestellt, die für die Regionalisierung von Bevölkerungsumfragen genutzt werden können und für die Forschung (teils jedoch mit Einschränkungen) zur Verfügung stehen. Ergänzt werden die 'Regionalen Standards' durch eine jährlich aktualisierte Tabellenanalyse aus dem Mikrozensus, zu beziehen über die Internetseiten www.destatis.de, www.gesis.org und www.adm-ev.de." (Autorenreferat