12,496 research outputs found

    Heat pumping in nanomechanical systems

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    We propose using a phonon pumping mechanism to transfer heat from a cold to a hot body using a propagating modulation of the medium connecting the two bodies. This phonon pump can cool nanomechanical systems without the need for active feedback. We compute the lowest temperature that this refrigerator can achieve.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Elastic properties of cubic crystals: Every's versus Blackman's diagram

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    Blackman's diagram of two dimensionless ratios of elastic constants is frequently used to correlate elastic properties of cubic crystals with interatomic bondings. Every's diagram of a different set of two dimensionless variables was used by us for classification of various properties of such crystals. We compare these two ways of characterization of elastic properties of cubic materials and consider the description of various groups of materials, e.g. simple metals, oxides, and alkali halides. With exception of intermediate valent compounds, the correlation coefficients for Every's diagrams of various groups of materials are greater than for Blackaman's diagrams, revealing the existence of a linear relationship between two dimensionless Every's variables. Alignment of elements and compounds along lines of constant Poisson's ratio ν(,m)\nu(,\textbf{m}), (m\textbf{m} arbitrary perpendicular to ) is observed. Division of the stability region in Blackman's diagram into region of complete auxetics, auxetics and non-auxetics is introduced. Correlations of a scaling and an acoustic anisotropy parameter are considered.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, presented on The Ninth International School on Theoretical Physics "Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter", 5 - 12 September 2007, Myczkowce, Polan

    A Description of the Third Instar of Platambus flavovittaus (Larson and Wolfe, 1998) with Comments on the Larval Morphology of Platambus stagninus (Say, 1823) and a Key to the Agabini (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) of Georgia

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    Mature Agabini larvae collected from a small temporary road-side habitat were reared to the adult stage and identified as Platambus flavovittattus (Larson and Wolfe, 1998). The mature larva is described and illustrated with an emphasis on leg morphology. Important differences between cranial temporal curvatures of P. flavovittatus and P. stagninus (Say, 1823) are described. A larval key is constructed to facilitate identification of Georgia agabine genera and species

    Validation of the Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire within a Cross-Sectional Survey

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    The Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire (FSQ) assesses the key symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome. The FSQ can be administrated in survey research and settings where the use of interviews to evaluate the number of pain sites and extent of somatic symptom intensity and tender point examination would be difficult. We validated the FSQ in a cross-sectional survey with FMS patients. In a cross-sectional survey, participants with physician diagnosis of FMS were recruited by FMS-self help organisations and nine clinical institutions of different levels of care. Participants answered the FSQ (composed by the Widespread Pain Index [WPI] and the Somatic Severity Score [SSS]) assessing the Fibromyalgia Survey Diagnostic Criteria (FSDC) and the Patient Health Questionnaire PHQ 4. American College of Rheumatology 1990 classification criteria were assessed in a subgroup of participants. 1,651 persons diagnosed with FMS were included into analysis. The acceptance of the FSQ-items ranged between 78.9 to 98.1% completed items. The internal consistency of the items of the SSS ranged between 0.75–0.82. 85.5% of the study participants met the FSDC. The concordance rate of the FSDC and ACR 1990 criteria was 72.7% in a subsample of 128 patients. The Pearson correlation of the SSS with the PHQ 4 depression score was 0.52 (p<0.0001) and with the PHQ anxiety score was 0.51 (p<0.0001) (convergent validity). 64/202 (31.7%) of the participants not meeting the FSDC criteria and 152/1283 (11.8%) of the participants meeting the FSDC criteria reported an improvement (slightly too very much better) in their health status since FMS-diagnosis (Chi2 = 55, p<0.0001) (discriminant validity). The study demonstrated the feasibility of the FSQ in a cross-sectional survey with FMS-patients. The reliability, convergent and discriminant validity of the FSQ were good. Further validation studies of the FSQ in clinical and general population settings are necessary

    Inflation-Produced Magnetic Fields in R^n F^2 and I F^2 models

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    We re-analyze the production of seed magnetic fields during Inflation in (R/m^2)^n F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu} and I F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu} models, where n is a positive integer, R the Ricci scalar, m a mass parameter, and I \propto \eta^\alpha a power-law function of the conformal time \eta, with \alpha a positive real number. If m is the electron mass, the produced fields are uninterestingly small for all n. Taking m as a free parameter we find that, for n \geq 2, the produced magnetic fields can be sufficiently strong in order to seed dynamo mechanism and then to explain galactic magnetism. For \alpha \gtrsim 2, there is always a window in the parameters defining Inflation such that the generated magnetic fields are astrophysically interesting. Moreover, if Inflation is (almost) de Sitter and the produced fields almost scale-invariant (\alpha \simeq 4), their intensity can be strong enough to directly explain the presence of microgauss galactic magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Minor revisions. References added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The LWA1 Radio Telescope

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    LWA1 is a new radio telescope operating in the frequency range 10-88 MHz, located in central New Mexico. The telescope consists of 258 pairs of dipole-type antennas whose outputs are individually digitized and formed into beams. Simultaneously, signals from all dipoles can be recorded using one of the instrument's "all dipoles" modes, facilitating all-sky imaging. Notable features of the instrument include high intrinsic sensitivity (about 6 kJy zenith system equivalent flux density), large instantaneous bandwidth (up to 78 MHz), and 4 independently-steerable beams utilizing digital "true time delay" beamforming. This paper summarizes the design of LWA1 and its performance as determined in commissioning experiments. We describe the method currently in use for array calibration, and report on measurements of sensitivity and beamwidth.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, accepted by IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propagation. Various minor changes from previous versio

    Paläoökologie und Geochemie quartärer Seesedimente auf Baffin Island, Kanadische Arktis

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    Amarok, Tulugak und Ukalik sind kleine, ultra-oligotrophe Seen auf Baffin Island, kanadische Arktis, die im Frühholozän eine natürliche Schwermetallanreicherung aufweisen, welche mit der von rezenten, belasteten Sedimenten vergleichbar ist. Während der letzten Eiszeit waren diese Seen nicht von Gletschermassen bedeckt (Refugien), so dass die Seen und ihre Einzugsgebiete während der letzten 40 000 Jahre aktive Ökosysteme waren. Die paläoökologischen Bedingungen wechselten zwischen kalten Zeiten mit geringer Vegetationsbedeckung, geringer Bodenbildung, starker Erosion, allochthonen klastischen Sedimenten, geringer Produktivität und sauren pH-Werten und wärmeren Zeiten mit Zunahme von Vegetationsbedeckung und Bodenbildung, geringerer Erosion, autochthonen organischen Sedimenten, stärkerer Produktivität und höheren pH-Werten. Die Veränderungen des Paläo-pH werden vor allem durch hydrologische und biogeochemische Prozesse in den Seen selbst gesteuert, weniger durch die Basenbereitstellung aus den Einzugsgebieten. Eine effektive synsedimentäre Konzentration von Schwermetallen im organischen Anteil hat im Frühholozän dazu geführt, dass unter bestimmten hydrologischen und ökologischen Bedingungen natürlicherweise Konzentrationen von Schwermetallen auftreten, die z. T. weit über dem normalerweise anzutreffenden geogenen Hintergrund liegen.researc

    Geometrical optics limit of stochastic electromagnetic fields

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    A method is described which elucidates propagation of an electromagnetic field generated by a stochastic, electromagnetic source within the short wavelength limit. The results can be used to determine statistical properties of fields using ray tracing methods

    Development of YAG:Dy Thermographic Phosphor Coatings for Turbine Engine Applications

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    The selection and development of thermographic phosphor coatings were pursued to meet the objective of demonstrating luminescence-decay-based temperature measurements up to 1300C on the surface of a vane in an operating demonstrator turbine engine. To meet this objective, YAG:Dy was selected based on the desirable luminescence performance observed for YAG:Dy powder: (1) excellent temperature sensitivity and intensity at operating turbine engine temperatures, (2) an emission peak at the relatively short wavelength of 456 nm, where the interference from background blackbody radiation is fairly low, and (3) its nearly single exponential decay which makes for a simple, reliable temperature calibration. However, implementation of YAG:Dy for surface temperature measurements required application of YAG:Dy as a coating onto the surface of a superalloy component with a preexisting yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) thermal barrier coating (TBC). An inherent dilemma in producing a YAG:Dy coating is that coating processing is constrained to be performed at temperatures below (less than 1200C) what is considered safe for the superalloy component, much lower than temperatures used to produce the high quality crystalline powder. Therefore, YAG:Dy coatings tend to exhibit lower luminescence performance compared to well prepared YAG:Dy powder, and the luminescence performance of the coating will depend on the method of coating deposition. In this presentation, the luminescence performance of YAG:Dy coatings prepared by the different methods of (1) application of a binder-based YAG:Dy-containing paint, (2) solution precursor plasma spray (SPPS), and (3) electron-beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) and the effect of post-deposition heat treatments will be discussed
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