169 research outputs found

    Wettability Inversion of Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy Surfaces

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    The paper presents the experimental results on the use of low-temperature heating to reduce time of wetting inversion (from superhydrophilicity to hydrophobicity) of aluminum-magnesium alloy surfaces textured by laser radiation. Stable growth of the contact angle to 137.3-144.2° after heating surfaces (wettability properties deteriorate) was recorded. Wetting inversion from superhydrophilicity to hydrophobicity occurs in 2-3 hours of low-temperature heating of textured samples. The wettability inversion time depends on the type of texture. A significant increase in carbon content of elemental composition of the near-surface layer of samples after their low-temperature heating was registered

    Destruction of molecular compounds in gaseous and liquid medium in microwave discharge plasma

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    The paper presents the results of experimental studies of molecular destruction in gaseous and liquid medium using microwave discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure. As the gas medium hydrocarbon gas is used, the liquid medium were aqueous solutions of methylene blue and more complex organic compound in the form of humic substances. As a result of the destruction of hydrocarbon gas molecules in microwave discharge plasma new products such as hydrogen, ethylene, acetylene and carbon nanostructured material have been formed. In experiments on destruction of molecular compounds in aqueous organic solutions we used air, nitrogen and argon for plasma gases. It is shown that the process of molecular destruction in aqueous organic solutions in the microwave discharge plasma is based on oxidation-reduction reactions. It is found that the maximum efficiency of removal of organic compounds from the solution occurs when using air as the plasma gas

    Cинтез технологий обогащения руд

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    Мета. Розробка методики аналітичного синтезу технології збагачення з виділенням в кожній із стадій переробки концентрату, відходів і промпродукту. Завданням є ознайомлення науково-технічних працівників з методикою аналітичного синтезу технологічної лінії збагачення. Методи і апаратура. Теоретичний аналіз і розрахунок. Результати. Цінний мінерал зосереджений в руді у вигляді вкраплення. Розкриття цінного мінералу відбувається при подрібненні руди за певною закономірністю з утворенням в кожній із стадій подрібнення відкритих рудних, нерудних частинок, багатих і бідних зро-стків. При заданих значеннях якості концентрату і граничного вмісту цінного мінералу в відходах визначається точка перегину сепараційної характеристики і її вигляд. Формується технологічний блок, який виділяє три продукти: концентрат; промпродукт і відходи. Вико-нується оцінка виходу проміжного продукту для досягнення заданої якості концентрату, при необхідності промпродукт направляється на подальшу стадію розкриття (подрібнен-ня), і алгоритм повторюється. Наукова цінність статті полягає в розробці загальної методики синтезу технологіч-ної лінії збагачення руд, що мають вкраплену структуру цінного мінералу, яка дозволяє ви-значити кількість стадій подрібнення, операцій збагачення, очікувані показники розділення на основі розміру вкраплення цінного мінералу, його вмісту та подрібнюваності руди, зада-ної якості концентрату і допустимих втрат з відходами переробки. Практичне значення. Запропонована загальна методика розрахунку ґрунтується на єдиному алгоритмі розрахунку для всіх стадій збагачення. Ключові слова: збагачення, сепараційна характеристика, граничний вміст цінного мі-нералу, вихід продуктів розділення, технологічний блок. Цель. Разработка методики аналитического синтеза технологии обогащения с выде-лением в каждой из стадий переработки концентрата, отходов и промпродукта. Задачей является ознакомление научно-технических работников с методикой анали-тического синтеза технологической линии обогащения. Методы и аппаратура. Теоретический анализ и расчет. Результаты. Ценный минерал сосредоточен в руде в виде вкраплений. Раскрытие цен-ного минерала происходит при измельчении руды по определенной закономерности с образо-ванием в каждой из стадий измельчения открытых рудных, нерудных частиц, богатых и бедных сростков. При заданных значениях качества концентрата и предельного содержа-ния ценного минерала в отходах определяется точка перегиба сепарационной характери-стики и ее вид. Формируется технологический блок, который выделяет три продукта: кон-центрат; промпродукт и отходы. Выполняется оценка выхода промежуточного продукта для достижения заданного качества концентрата, при необходимости промпродукт направляется на последующую стадию раскрытия (измельчения), и алгоритм повторяется. Научная ценность статьи состоит в разработке общей методики синтеза техноло-гической линии обогащения руд с вкрапленной структурой ценного минерала, которая позво-ляет определить количество стадий измельчения, операций обогащения, ожидаемые пока-затели разделения, исходя из размера вкрапленности ценного минерала, его содержания и измельчаемости руды, заданного качества концентрата и допустимых потерь с отходами переработки. Практичне значення. Предложенная общая методика расчета основана на едином алгоритме расчета для всех стадий обогащения. Ключевые слова: обогащение, сепарационная характеристика, предельное содержание ценного минерала, выход продуктов разделения, технологический блок. Purpose. Development of a methodology for analytical synthesis of enrichment technology with obtaining concentrate, waste and middling product in each of the stages of preparation. The problem is to familiarize scientific and technical workers with the methodology of analyt-ical synthesis of the processing line. Methodology. Theoretical analysis and calculation. Findings. A valuable mineral is concentrated in ore in the form of inclusions. The disclosure of a valuable mineral occurs during ore grinding according to a certain regularity with the for-mation in each of the grinding stages of released ore grains, nonmetallic particles, rich and poor aggregates. For given values of the quality of the concentrate and the limiting content of valuable mineral in the waste, the inflection point of the separation characteristic and its type are deter-mined. A technological unit is formed to obtain three products: concentrate; middling product and waste. The yield of the middling product is estimated to achieve the specified quality of the concen-trate, if necessary, the middling product is sent to the subsequent stage of disclosure (grinding), and the algorithm is repeated. The scientific value of the article lies in the development of a general synthesis methodology for the ore dressing line with disseminated structure of a valuable mineral, which allows one to de-termine the number of grinding stages, concentration operations, expected separation indicators based on the size of the disseminated valuable mineral, its content and ore grindability, the speci-fied quality of concentrate and acceptable losses with processing waste. Practical implication. The proposed general calculation procedure is based on a single cal-culation algorithm for all stages of enrichment. Keywords: preparation, separation characteristic, limiting content of valuable mineral, yield of separation products, technological unit

    Формирование и совершенствование оплаты труда на предприятии ООО «Томскнефтехим»

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    Объект исследования - предприятие ООО «Томскнефтехим». Предметом исследования является формирование оплаты труда на данном предприятии. Цель работы – исследование вопросов формирования и совершенствования оплаты труда на предприятии. В процессе исследования применялись научные и специальные методы экономических исследований, а именно диалектический метод, системный и процессный подходы, анализ литературных данных, обобщения, описания, расчетно – аналитический подход и сравнительно – сопоставительный методы. В качестве рекомендации предприятию в отношении экономических методов организации работы специалистов и руководителей и ее эффективности можно предложить ввести систему KPI (ключевых показателей эффективности) оценку способностей и качества работы персонала. Оценка результатов выступает основой для выплаты регулярных премий, то есть у сотрудников появляются возможности зарабатывать больше, а также оценка квалификации и потенциала работника может стать основой для принятия решений по его обучению, карьерному перемещению и эффективной работе на предприятии.The object of study - the enterprise of OOO "Tomskneftekhim". The subject of research is the formation of wage in the enterprise. The aim of this work is the study of questions of formation and improvement of labor payment at the enterprise. In the process of research used scientific and special methods of economic researches, namely the dialectical method, system and process approaches, the literary data analysis, generalization, description, analytical approach and comparative methods. As a recommendation to the enterprise in respect of economic methods of organization of work of specialists and managers and its effectiveness can introduce the KPI system (key performance indicators) the ability and quality of staff. Evaluation of results is the basis for the payment of regular premiums, then the employees have opportunities to earn more, as well as the qualification and potential of the employee can be the basis for decision-making in his training, career displacement and effective work at the enterprise

    Rheology of different hydrocolloids-rice starch blends. Effect of successive heating-cooling cycles

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    10 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables.-- Available online 25 November 2010.Hydrocolloids are frequently used for modifying starch functionality. In the present study the possible interaction of three different hydrocolloids – guar gum, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and xanthan gum – with rice starch was explored by determining the pasting, viscoelastic and swelling properties of the rice starch–hydrocolloids mixtures. The impact of successive heating–cooling cycles on the pasting, viscoelasticity and swelling was also determined. Hydrocolloids tested in the range 0.2–0.8% (w/w) significantly modified the pasting, viscoelastic and swelling properties of rice starch–hydrocolloid pastes (8%, w/w) and the extent of the effect was dependent on hydrocolloid concentration. Guar and xanthan gum mixtures with rice starch had the greatest effect on the pasting properties, whereas HPMC mixtures only changed the viscosity during cooling. The starch–hydrocolloids pastes formed weaker gels compared to those of the starch alone. Rheological results suggested the formation of composite network structures with high frequency dependence. Successive multiple-heating cycles allowed the gel to rearrange resulting in altered gel viscoelasticity and release of water soluble compounds that favour phase separation at the highest hydrocolloid level tested.Financial support from University of California-Davis, Ministry of Education and Science, Spanish Research National Council (CSIC) and Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project AGL2008-00092/ALI) is gratefully acknowledged. Dr. Rosell thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science for her grant.Peer reviewe

    Конкуренция на рынке банковских услуг

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    Объектом исследования является конкуренция на рынке банковских услуг. Цель работы изучение теоретического, практического аспекта банковского продукта, выявить тенденции банковской конкуренцииThe object of the research is competition on the market of banking services. The aim of the work the study of the theoretical and practical aspect of banking product, to identify trends of banking competition

    Donor Age of Human Platelet Lysate Affects Proliferation and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    The regenerative potential declines upon aging. This might be due to cell-intrinsic changes in stem and progenitor cells or to influences by the microenvironment. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) raise high hopes in regenerative medicine. They are usually culture expanded in media with fetal calf serum (FCS) or other serum supplements such as human platelet lysate (HPL). In this study, we have analyzed the impact of HPL-donor age on culture expansion. 31 single donor derived HPLs (25 to 57 years old) were simultaneously compared for culture of MSC. Proliferation of MSC did not reveal a clear association with platelet counts of HPL donors or growth factors concentrations (PDGF-AB, TGF-β1, bFGF, or IGF-1), but it was significantly higher with HPLs from younger donors (<35 years) as compared to older donors (>45 years). Furthermore, HPLs from older donors increased activity of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-βgal). HPL-donor age did not affect the fibroblastoid colony-forming unit (CFU-f) frequency, immunophenotype or induction of adipogenic differentiation, whereas osteogenic differentiation was significantly lower with HPLs from older donors. Concentrations of various growth factors (PDGF-AB, TGF-β1, bFGF, IGF-1) or hormones (estradiol, parathormone, leptin, 1,25 vitamin D3) were not associated with HPL-donor age or MSC growth. Taken together, our data support the notion that aging is associated with systemic feedback mechanisms acting on stem and progenitor cells, and this is also relevant for serum supplements in cell culture: HPLs derived from younger donors facilitate enhanced expansion and more pronounced osteogenic differentiation

    Анализ особенностей повышения достоверности кадастровой стоимости

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    Основной научный результат работы заключается в разработке рекомендаций по повышению достоверности кадастровой стоимости объектов жилой недвижимости, необходимо провести анализ существующей информации данных кадастрового учета, содержащихся в Едином государственном реестре объектов недвижимости.Relevance of the research topic. In connection with the change in the taxation system of residential real estate, municipal authorities and individual owners take an interest in the objectivity and reliability of the results in calculating the cadastral value of real estate objects (further in the text - EO) on thе basis of their actual characteristics. For owners, this is a guarantee of the validity of the base for calculating property tax, or the base for calculating rent for the use of real estate. For local governments, it is regarded as the predictability and financial support in the revenue part of the municipality budget in order to ensure the future socio-economic development of territories. The topic is relevant in terms of designing the development directions and improving the s

    Etiologic Classification Criteria of ARCO on Femoral Head Osteonecrosis Part 1: Glucocorticoid-Associated Osteonecrosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Glucocorticoid usage, a leading cause of osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH), and its prevalence was reported in 25%-50% of non-traumatic ONFH patients. Nevertheless, there have been no unified criteria to classify glucocorticoid-associated ONFH (GA-ONFH). In 2015, the Association Research Circulation Osseous addressed the issue of developing a classification scheme. METHODS: In June 2017, a task force was set up to conduct a Delphi survey concerning ONFH. The task force invited 28 experts in osteonecrosis/bone circulation from 8 countries. Each round of the Delphi survey consists of questionnaires, analysis of replies, and feedback reports to the panel. After 3 rounds of the survey, the panel reached a consensus on the classification criteria. The response rates were 100% (Round 1), 96% (Round 2), and 100% (Round 3), respectively. RESULTS: The consensus on the classification criteria of GA-ONFH included the following: (1) patients should have a history of glucocorticoid use >2 g of prednisolone or its equivalent within a 3-month period; (2) osteonecrosis should be diagnosed within 2 years after glucocorticoid usage, and (3) patients should not have other risk factor(s) besides glucocorticoids. CONCLUSION: Association Research Circulation Osseous established classification criteria to standardize clinical studies concerning GA-ONFH

    Serum after Autologous Transplantation Stimulates Proliferation and Expansion of Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells

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    Regeneration after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) depends on enormous activation of the stem cell pool. So far, it is hardly understood how these cells are recruited into proliferation and self-renewal. In this study, we have addressed the question if systemically released factors are involved in activation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HPC) after autologous HSCT. Serum was taken from patients before chemotherapy, during neutropenia and after hematopoietic recovery. Subsequently, it was used as supplement for in vitro culture of CD34+ cord blood HPC. Serum taken under hematopoietic stress (4 to 11 days after HSCT) significantly enhanced proliferation, maintained primitive immunophenotype (CD34+, CD133+, CD45−) for more cell divisions and increased colony forming units (CFU) as well as the number of cobblestone area-forming cells (CAFC). The stimulatory effect decays to normal levels after hematopoietic recovery (more than 2 weeks after HSCT). Chemokine profiling revealed a decline of several growth-factors during neutropenia, including platelet-derived growth factors PDGF-AA, PDGF-AB and PDGF-BB, whereas expression of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) increased. These results demonstrate that systemically released factors play an important role for stimulation of hematopoietic regeneration after autologous HSCT. This feedback mechanism opens new perspectives for in vivo stimulation of the stem cell pool