615 research outputs found

    A sputtering derived atomic oxygen source for studying fast atom reactions

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    A technique for the generation of fast atomic oxygen was developed. These atoms are created by ion beam sputtering from metal oxide surfaces. Mass resolved ion beams at energies up to 60 KeV are produced for this purpose using a 150 cm isotope separator. Studies have shown that particles sputtered with 40 KeV Ar(+) on Ta2O5 were dominantly neutral and exclusively atomic. The atomic oxygen also resided exclusively in its 3P ground state. The translational energy distribution for these atoms peaked at ca 7 eV (the metal-oxygen bond energy). Additional measurements on V2O5 yielded a bimodal distribution with the lower energy peak at ca 5 eV coinciding reasonably well with the metal-oxygen bond energy. The 7 eV source was used to investigate fast oxygen atom reactions with the 2-butene stereoisomers. Relative excitation functions for H-abstraction and pi-bond reaction were measured with trans-2-butene. The abstraction channel, although of minor relative importance at thermal energy, becomes comparable to the addition channel at 0.9 eV and dominates the high-energy regime. Structural effects on the specific channels were also found to be important at high energy

    Electrotransformation of intact and osmotically sensitive cells of Corynebacterium glutamicum

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    Wolf H, PĂĽhler A, Neumann E. Electrotransformation of intact and osmotically sensitive cells of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 1989;30(3):283-289

    Magnetic friction in Ising spin systems

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    A new contribution to friction is predicted to occur in systems with magnetic correlations: Tangential relative motion of two Ising spin systems pumps energy into the magnetic degrees of freedom. This leads to a friction force proportional to the area of contact. The velocity and temperature dependence of this force are investigated. Magnetic friction is strongest near the critical temperature, below which the spin systems order spontaneously. Antiferromagnetic coupling leads to stronger friction than ferromagnetic coupling with the same exchange constant. The basic dissipation mechanism is explained. If the coupling of the spin system to the heat bath is weak, a surprising effect is observed in the ordered phase: The relative motion acts like a heat pump cooling the spins in the vicinity of the friction surface.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mehr Wettbewerb auf dem Energiemarkt durch die Einrichtung einer Regulierungsbehörde?

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    Im Juni 2003 wurden die zweiten EU-Binnenmarktrichtlinien Strom und Erdgas verabschiedet. Darin verpflichten sich die EU-Mitgliedstaaten zur Einrichtung einer Regulierungsbehörde. Laut Prof. Dr. Jan Busche, Universität Düsseldorf, »... kommt (dieser) nur ergänzende Funktion zu. Notwendig ist vor allem die Renovierung der Marktregeln ...« Dr. Alfred Richmann, VIK, sieht auch im zukünftigen System der Regulierung durch eine Wettbewerbsbehörde Platz für das bisherige Modell der Verbändevereinbarungen. Dr. Wolf Pluge, BGW, möchte sichergestellt sehen, »dass den Unternehmen auch weiterhin wirtschaftliche Freiräume und auch Anreize gegeben werden, um in den Auf- und Ausbau leistungsfähiger Infrastrukturen zu investieren. Die Unternehmenssubstanz darf auch in Zukunft nicht aufs Spiel gesetzt werden.« Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Ebeling, VDN, wünscht sich vor allem »... eine schlanke und effiziente Regulierungsbehörde, die sich auf die Grundsätze der von der EU-Beschleunigungsrichtlinie festgelegten Regulierungsinhalte beschränkt.«Wettbewerb, Energiemarkt, Regulierung, EU-Staaten, Elektrizität, Gas, Energiewirtschaft

    Theology, News and Notes - Vol. 39, No. 03

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    Theology News & Notes was a theological journal published by Fuller Theological Seminary from 1954 through 2014.https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/tnn/1114/thumbnail.jp
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