172 research outputs found

    Эксплуатационные показатели качества транспортной телекоммуникационной первичной сети Украины

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    Приведены статистические данные о количестве, причинах и характере повреждений подземных волоконно-оптических линий связи, которые являются основой транспортной телекоммуникационной первичной сети на примере Донецкой и Луганской областей за период с 2001 по 2010 годы. Сравнение значений этих характеристик со значениями аналогичных параметров за 2001—2005 гг. позволяет разработать рекомендации по повышению надежности телекоммуникационных сетей.В роботі наведено статистичні дані про кількість, причини та характер пошкоджень підземних волоконно-оптичних ліній зв’язку, які є основою транспортної телекомунікаційної первинної мережі, на прикладі Донецької та Луганської областей за період з 2001 по 2010 рр. Порівняння значень цих характеристик із значеннями аналогічних характеристик за 2001—2005 рр. дозволяє розробити рекомендації по підвищенню надійності телекомунікаціїйних мереж.The paper presents statistical data on the number, nature and causes of the damage to underground fiber-optic communication lines, on which the transport telecommunication primary network is based, using an example of Donetsk and Lugansk regions for the period between 2001 and 2010. Comparison of these characteristics with the values of similar parameters over 2001—2005 allows to develop recommendations for the improvement of the reliability of telecommunication networks

    Systematic bioinformatic analysis of expression levels of 17,330 human genes across 9,783 samples from 175 types of healthy and pathological tissues

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    Our knowledge on tissue- and disease-specific functions of human genes is rather limited and highly context-specific. Here, we have developed a method for the comparison of mRNA expression levels of most human genes across 9,783 Affymetrix gene expression array experiments representing 43 normal human tissue types, 68 cancer types, and 64 other diseases. This database of gene expression patterns in normal human tissues and pathological conditions covers 113 million datapoints and is available from the GeneSapiens website

    Correcting 4sU induced quantification bias in nucleotide conversion RNA-seq data

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    Nucleoside analogues like 4-thiouridine (4sU) are used to metabolically label newly synthesized RNA. Chemical conversion of 4sU before sequencing induces T-to-C mismatches in reads sequenced from labelled RNA, allowing to obtain total and labelled RNA expression profiles from a single sequencing library. Cytotoxicity due to extended periods of labelling or high 4sU concentrations has been described, but the effects of extensive 4sU labelling on expression estimates from nucleotide conversion RNA-seq have not been studied. Here, we performed nucleotide conversion RNA-seq with escalating doses of 4sU with short-term labelling (1h) and over a progressive time course (up to 2h) in different cell lines. With high concentrations or at later time points, expression estimates were biased in an RNA half-life dependent manner. We show that bias arose by a combination of reduced mappability of reads carrying multiple conversions, and a global, unspecific underrepresentation of labelled RNA emerging during library preparation and potentially global reduction of RNA synthesis. We developed a computational tool to rescue unmappable reads, which performed favourably compared to previous read mappers, and a statistical method, which could fully remove remaining bias. All methods developed here are freely available as part of our GRAND-SLAM pipeline and grandR package

    Tumor-Derived Lactic Acid Modulates Activation and Metabolic Status of Draining Lymph Node Stroma

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    Communication between tumors and the stroma of tumor-draining lymph nodes (TDLN) exists before metastasis arises, altering the structure and function of the TDLN niche. Transcriptional profiling of fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC), the dominant stromal population of lymph nodes, has revealed that FRCs in TDLNs are reprogrammed. However, the tumor-derived factors driving the changes in FRCs remain to be identified. Taking an unbiased approach, we have shown herein that lactic acid (LA), a metabolite released by cancer cells, was not only secreted by B16.F10 and 4T1 tumors in high amounts, but also that it was enriched in TDLNs. LA supported an upregulation of Podoplanin (Pdpn) and Thy1 and downregulation of IL7 in FRCs of TDLNs, making them akin to activated fibroblasts found at the primary tumor site. Furthermore, we found that tumor-derived LA altered mitochondrial function of FRCs in TDLNs. Thus, our results demonstrate a mechanism by which a tumor-derived metabolite connected with a low pH environment modulates the function of fibroblasts in TDLNs. How lymph node function is perturbed to support cancer metastases remains unclear. The authors show that tumor-derived LA drains to lymph nodes where it modulates the function of lymph node stromal cells, prior to metastatic colonization

    Target Gene Analysis by Microarrays and Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Identifies HEY Proteins as Highly Redundant bHLH Repressors

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    HEY bHLH transcription factors have been shown to regulate multiple key steps in cardiovascular development. They can be induced by activated NOTCH receptors, but other upstream stimuli mediated by TGFß and BMP receptors may elicit a similar response. While the basic and helix-loop-helix domains exhibit strong similarity, large parts of the proteins are still unique and may serve divergent functions. The striking overlap of cardiac defects in HEY2 and combined HEY1/HEYL knockout mice suggested that all three HEY genes fulfill overlapping function in target cells. We therefore sought to identify target genes for HEY proteins by microarray expression and ChIPseq analyses in HEK293 cells, cardiomyocytes, and murine hearts. HEY proteins were found to modulate expression of their target gene to a rather limited extent, but with striking functional interchangeability between HEY factors. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed a much greater number of potential binding sites that again largely overlap between HEY factors. Binding sites are clustered in the proximal promoter region especially of transcriptional regulators or developmental control genes. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that HEY proteins primarily act as direct transcriptional repressors, while gene activation seems to be due to secondary or indirect effects. Mutagenesis of putative DNA binding residues supports the notion of direct DNA binding. While class B E-box sequences (CACGYG) clearly represent preferred target sequences, there must be additional and more loosely defined modes of DNA binding since many of the target promoters that are efficiently bound by HEY proteins do not contain an E-box motif. These data clearly establish the three HEY bHLH factors as highly redundant transcriptional repressors in vitro and in vivo, which explains the combinatorial action observed in different tissues with overlapping expression

    Miz1 Is a Critical Repressor of cdkn1a during Skin Tumorigenesis

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    The transcription factor Miz1 forms repressive DNA-binding complexes with the Myc, Gfi-1 and Bcl-6 oncoproteins. Known target genes of these complexes encode the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) cdkn2b (p15Ink4), cdkn1a (p21Cip1), and cdkn1c (p57Kip2). Whether Miz1-mediated repression is important for control of cell proliferation in vivo and for tumor formation is unknown. Here we show that deletion of the Miz1 POZ domain, which is critical for Miz1 function, restrains the development of skin tumors in a model of chemically-induced, Ras-dependent tumorigenesis. While the stem cell compartment appears unaffected, interfollicular keratinocytes lacking functional Miz1 exhibit a reduced proliferation and an accelerated differentiation of the epidermis in response to the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Tumorigenesis, proliferation and normal differentiation are restored in animals lacking cdkn1a, but not in those lacking cdkn2b. Our data demonstrate that Miz1-mediated attenuation of cell cycle arrest pathways via repression of cdkn1a has a critical role during tumorigenesis in the skin

    MondoA drives malignancy in B-ALL through enhanced adaptation to metabolic stress.

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    peer reviewedCancer cells are in most instances characterized by rapid proliferation and uncontrolled cell division. Hence, they must adapt to proliferation-induced metabolic stress through intrinsic or acquired antimetabolic stress responses to maintain homeostasis and survival. One mechanism to achieve this is reprogramming gene expression in a metabolism-dependent manner. MondoA (also known as Myc-associated factor X-like protein X-interacting protein [MLXIP]), a member of the MYC interactome, has been described as an example of such a metabolic sensor. However, the role of MondoA in malignancy is not fully understood and the underlying mechanism in metabolic responses remains elusive. By assessing patient data sets, we found that MondoA overexpression is associated with worse survival in pediatric common acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL; B-precursor ALL [B-ALL]). Using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) and RNA-interference approaches, we observed that MondoA depletion reduces the transformational capacity of B-ALL cells in vitro and dramatically inhibits malignant potential in an in vivo mouse model. Interestingly, reduced expression of MondoA in patient data sets correlated with enrichment in metabolic pathways. The loss of MondoA correlated with increased tricarboxylic acid cycle activity. Mechanistically, MondoA senses metabolic stress in B-ALL cells by restricting oxidative phosphorylation through reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase activity. Glutamine starvation conditions greatly enhance this effect and highlight the inability to mitigate metabolic stress upon loss of MondoA in B-ALL. Our findings give novel insight into the function of MondoA in pediatric B-ALL and support the notion that MondoA inhibition in this entity offers a therapeutic opportunity and should be further explored