768 research outputs found

    On self-complementation

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    We prove that, with very few exceptions, every graph of order n, n - 0, 1(mod 4) and size at most n - 1, is contained in a self-complementary graph of order n. We study a similar problem for digraphs

    A note on the colour class of a self-complementary graph

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    AbstractWe prove that any self-complementary graph G contains no proper overfull subgraph H such that Δ(H)=Δ(G) and |V(H)|<|V(G)|. Moreover, a self-complementary graph G is overfull if, and only if, it is regular. This is a support for the following conjecture: a self-complementary graph G is Class 2 if, and only if, G is regular

    Pielęgnacja pacjenta z nieepileptycznymi napadami — opis przypadku

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    Introduction. Differentiation of epileptic seizures from psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) is problematic andleads to wrong diagnosis. It is estimated that among patients diagnosed with epilepsy, as many as 20–40% sufferedfrom pseudo-epileptic seizures. Misdiagnosis is associated with a delay in the implementation of appropriate treatment,complications following unnecessary treatment, worse functioning of the patient, high costs of care and unemployment.Aim. The aim of the study was to familiarise neuroscience nurses with the causes, symptoms, treatment and nursingcare for a patient with PNES on the basis of the described case.Case Report. Case study of a female patient with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures repeatedly treated in a psychiatricward. Based on an interview with the patient, analysis of the medical documentation, direct and indirect observationof the patient, problems with nursing were identified and a care plan was established.Results. The depicted patient was admitted to a psychiatric ward due to suicidal intentions, decreased mood andepileptic attacks of unknown aetiology. The patient was struggling with numerous psychosocial problems, whichrequired high professional and ethical competences. The patient has been diagnosed with the following care problems:reluctance to undergo video EEG examination, abdominal pain, isolation of the patient in the ward, risk of suicide,risk of injury.Conclusions. The nursing interventions undertaken with respect to the patient turned out to be effective. Improvementin psychosocial functioning was achieved and the patient did not attempt suicide during the crisis. Thanks to theinterdisciplinary cooperation, it was possible to confirm the non-epileptic nature of the seizures, and the patient wasdischarged with therapeutic recommendations (pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, visits to a mental health clinic).(JNNN 2021;10(1):35–41)Wstęp. Różnicowanie napadów padaczkowych od psychogennych niepadaczkowych napadów (PNES psychogenic nonepileptic seizures) jest problematyczne i prowadzi do postawienia złej diagnozy. Szacuje się, że wśród chorych z rozpoznaną epilepsją, aż 20–40% miało w rzeczywistości napady rzekomopadaczkowe. Błędna diagnoza wiąże się z opóźnieniem wdrożenia właściwego leczenia, powikłaniami zbędnego leczenia, gorszym funkcjonowaniem chorego, wysokimi kosztami opieki i bezrobotności.Cel. Celem pracy było zapoznanie pielęgniarek neurologicznych z przyczynami, objawami, leczeniem i opieką pielęgniarską nad chorą z PNES na podstawie opisanego przypadku.Opis przypadku. Studium przypadku pacjentki z psychogennymi napadami niepadaczkowymi leczonej wielokrotnie na oddziale psychiatrycznym. Na podstawie wywiadu z chorą, analizy dokumentacji medycznej, obserwacji pośredniej i bezpośredniej chorej rozpoznano problemy pielęgnacyjne i ustalono plan opieki.Wyniki. Opisaną pacjentkę przyjęto na oddział psychiatryczny z powodu zamiarów samobójczych, obniżonego nastroju i ataków epileptycznych o nieznanej etiologii. Pacjentka borykała się z wieloma problemami natury psychospołecznej, których rozwiązanie wymagało wysokich kompetencji zawodowych i etycznych. U chorej rozpoznano następujące problemy pielęgniarskie: niechęć do poddania się badaniu wideo EEG, bóle brzucha, izolacja chorego na oddziale, ryzyko samobójstwa, ryzyko urazu.Wnioski. Interwencje pielęgniarskie podjęte wobec chorej okazały się skuteczne. Uzyskano poprawę w zakresie funkcjonowania psychospołecznego, chora nie podjęła próby samobójczej w czasie kryzysu. Dzięki współpracy interdyscyplinarnej udało się potwierdzić nieepileptyczny charakter napadów, a chorą wypisano z zaleceniami terapeutycznymi (farmakoterapia, psychoterapia, wizyty w poradni zdrowia psychicznego) do domu. (PNN 2021; 10(1):35–41)

    „Kopie, interpretacje, transpozycje. Sztuka romantyczna wobec wyzwań nowoczesności”

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    The article is devoted to relationships between the transformations that take place in the Romantic aesthetics and artistic practice, and the media revolution that co-shaped the art of the first decades of the nineteenth century. The author analyses in particular the way in which the expansion of print – resulting from the evolution of the contemporary technologies that allowed for the reproduction of texts, as well as scores and paintings – influences the Romantic models of understanding of such issues as the relation between the original and the copy, between the work and its interpretation, between its record and execution. The endpoint for the proposed study is the thesis that, in the face of the growing danger of standardization in art, provoking in the Romantics a peculiar “fear of reproduction”, the contemporary artists try to realise a new concept of medium as a personalized and individualised instance, creatively affecting the shape of their works. This, in turn, favours and supports the artistic potential of the mediation process itself, which T. Gautier will describe as the transposition of the arts.Artykuł poświęcony jest relacjom między przemianami dokonującymi się w estetyce romantycznej i romantycznej praktyce artystycznej a rewolucją medialną, która współtworzy kształt sztuki pierwszych dekad XIX wieku. Autorka analizuje w szczególności sposób, w jaki ekspansja druku – wynikająca z ewolucji ówczesnych technik reprodukcji tekstów, ale również partytur czy obrazów – oddziałuje na romantyczne wzorce pojmowania takich zagadnień estetycznych, jak relacja między oryginałem a kopią, między dziełem a jego interpretacją, między jego zapisem a wykonaniem. Punktem dojścia proponowanego studium jest stwierdzenie, iż w obliczu narastającego niebezpieczeństwa standaryzacji w sztuce, wywołującego u romantyków swoisty „lęk przed reprodukcją”, ówcześni twórcy próbują wypracować nową koncepcję medium jako instancji spersonalizowanej i zindywidualizowanej, twórczo oddziałującej na kształt ich dzieł. To zaś sprzyja dowartościowaniu artystycznego potencjału samego procesu mediacji, który T. Gautier uczyni kluczowym komponentem swojej koncepcji transpozycji sztuk

    Orientations of hamiltonian cycles in large digraphs

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    We prove that, with some exceptions, every digraph with n ≥ 9 vertices and at least (n - 1) (n - 2) + 2 arcs contains all orientations of a Hamiltonian cycle

    Efficacy of locally delivered parathyroid hormone for treatment of critical size bone defects

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    2018 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Large segmental defects in bone (e.g., due to trauma or tumor resection) commonly have complications or fail to heal properly, resulting in delayed or non-union. Around 2.2 million orthopaedic procedures utilize autografts or allografts each year to repair large defects; however, neither is without disadvantages. Disability due to orthopaedic injury has a significant impact on both the patient and the healthcare system. Quality of life for these patients can be severely impacted as healing time may exceed 9 months and multiple treatment attempts may be required if the first is unsuccessful. Research into bone graft substitutes, like Infuse® and OP-1® (Bone Morphogenetic Protein and a collagen sponge), has become prominent. PTH is another bioactive molecule that may promote bone regeneration and provide an alternative to autograft and BMP use for treatment of large segmental defects and non-unions. Daily injections of PTH are well known to have an anabolic effect on bone and are presently FDA approved for use as an osteoporosis treatment that results in increases in both bone mineral density and bone volume. Off label PTH 1-84 treatment also resulted in the healing of a non-union fracture that was unresponsive to BMP. Current FDA approval is for daily injections of PTH (intermittent administration), as continuously elevated PTH often has a catabolic effect on bone. However, post-menopausal women with mild primary hyperparathyroidism (PTH levels are not as severely elevated) demonstrate trabecular bone preservation. Low levels of continuous PTH have also been shown to increase bone formation rate and marrow vascularity in mice. Thus, there is some evidence to suggest that low dose continuous PTH could be beneficial as an anabolic therapy in bone and may enhance bone regeneration. Continuously released, locally delivered PTH has been shown to improve healing/formation around dental implants in dogs and drill defects in sheep. However, dose response to local continuously delivered PTH is still unknown. Whether or not the benefits of PTH treatment observed in these models translate to critical size defect models is also unknown. The contribution of the research described in this dissertation increases understanding of the effects of locally delivered PTH on osteoblasts as well as its potential to enhance bone regeneration in a critical size long bone defect. This contribution is significant because presently the effects of low dose continuous PTH are not well understood. Continued development of the approaches described herein could lead to improved therapies for treatment of non-union and critical size defects in bone. Bone regeneration through locally delivered parathyroid hormone has the potential to improve functional restoration, even beyond that of allografts and without the drawbacks of current treatments, which would improve the quality of life for patients

    Effects of hibernation on bone in yellow-bellied marmots

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    Disuse osteoporosis is a problem for people with spinal cord injury or stroke, patients confined to bed rest, and astronauts exposed to microgravity. Unlike most mammals however, bears have been shown to prevent bone loss during hibernation, a seasonal period of disuse. Similarly, studies in ground squirrels indicate preservation of whole bone strength during hibernation, though evidence suggests there may be some increased osteocytic osteolysis. Uncovering the mechanism by which these animals prevent bone loss during hibernation could lead to an improved treatment for osteoporosis in humans. Marmots are a good animal model for these studies because they are small enough to easily house in an animal facility yet still utilize intracortical remodeling like humans and bears, and unlike smaller rodents like squirrels. Marmots preserve bone mechanical and microstructural properties during hibernation. Bone mechanical and geometrical properties are not diminished in post-hibernation samples compared to pre-hibernation samples. Mineral content, measured by ash fraction, was higher in post-hibernation samples (p = 0.0003). Haversian porosity as well as remodeling cavity density were not different (p \u3e 0.38) between pre- and post-hibernation samples. Similarly, average lacunar area, lacunar density, and lacunar porosity were all lower (p \u3c 0.0001) in post-hibernation samples. Trabecular thickness was larger in posthibernation samples (p = 0.0058). Bone volume fraction was not different between groups, but approached significance (p = 0.0725). Further studies in marmots and other hibernators could help uncover the mechanism that allows hibernators to prevent disuse osteoporosis during hibernation

    The Effects of Group Essence Survival on Group Morale

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    Morale has been defined as, the capacity of a group of people to pull together persistently and consistently in pursuit of a common purpose (Leighton, 1949, p. 78). What is missing in our understanding of morale is knowing precisely what generates, increases, and decreases morale. One purpose of the current project is to explore these aspects of morale. Specifically, one factor that may boost or drive morale is the survival of the group\u27s identity, or common purpose. The essence of a group includes their values, ideals, and identity that may live on even after current members of the group no longer exists. Although previous research identifies several components of morale and how to measure the concept, previous frameworks of group morale (Hocking, 1941 Peterson, Park, & Sweeney, 2008) have not been empirically validated. Using a systematic approach, a study has been designed to use as a starting point in empirically studying morale so valid conclusions can be reached. In the current study, participants were led to believe that the essence of a group they belong to (their city) is threatened, or that the essence of their group (city) is undergoing a new sense of vitality. In a third condition, participants were not given any information related to the status of the essence of their city. It was predicted that participants who were reminded about the survival of their group\u27s essence would experience an increase in group morale compared to those who were not reminded about group essence survival or were lead to believe their group\u27s essence is threatened. Partial support was found in support of the hypothesis, and additional evidence implying that morale is specifically related to the vitality of the group\u27s essence was also obtained. These findings provide a valid starting point for an updated framework of group moral

    Endometrial stromal tumor with sex-cord-like elements

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    Embedding digraphs of small size

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    AbstractLet D=(V,A) be a digraph without loops and multiple arcs of order n ⩾ 2. We say that D is embeddable if there is a permutation φ : V → V (called complementing permutation) such that (φ(x), φ(y)) ∉ A for every arc (x, y) ϵ A. In this paper we prove that if | A | < [3(n - 2)/2] then D is embeddable and, moreover, there is a complementing permutation which is a composition of disjoint transpositions when n is even or a composition of disjoint transpositions and a fixed point when n is odd