93 research outputs found

    Investigation of Martensitic Transformation Induced by Cyclic Plastic Deformation in Austenitic Steels

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    The main goal was to demonstrate the possibility of investigating martensitic transformation induced by plastic strain, especially including the kinetics of this transformation, using selected cross effects. It is commonly known that this type of transformation is a basic “mechanism” occurring in shape memory materials and metastable austenitic steels strengthened with martensite separations. The motivation behind the research was also to follow and visualise the transformation on line, during cyclic loading (fatigue process), without the necessity to use, for example, roentgenographic (destructive) or microscopic methods. The application of the magneto-mechanical effect (the Villari effect) and the thermomechanical effect (the Kelvin/Thomson effect) turned out to be particularly useful because they significantly change with martensite initiation and then accumulate in austenite. Therefore, the goal was to develop the non-destructive methods of investigating martensite transformation, which could then be used on real constructions made of metastable austenite steel. In the case of the magneto-mechanical method, the goal was to additionally visualise the magnetic field transformations along a sample in the function of a loading cycle and the index of this period. To achieve this, high-resolution phase maps were used, which also allowed image processing methods known from machinery visioning (MV) or digital image correlation (DIC) techniques to be used

    On implementation of efficient inline DDoS detector based on AATAC algorithm

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    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks constitute a major threat in the current Internet. These cyber‑attacks aim to flood the target system with tailored malicious network traffic overwhelming its service capacity and consequently severely limiting legitimate users from using the service. This paper builds on the state-of-the-art AATAC algorithm (Autonomous Algorithm for Traffic Anomaly Detection) and provides a concept of a dedicated inline DDoS detector capable of real-time monitoring of network traffic and near-real-time anomaly detection.The inline DDoS detector consists of two main elements: 1) inline probe(s) responsible for link-rate real-time processing and monitoring of network traffic with custom-built packet feature counters, and 2) an analyser that performs the near-real-time statistical analysis of these counters for anomaly detection. These elements communicate asynchronously via the Redis database, facilitating a wide range of deployment scenarios. The inline probes are based on COTS servers and utilise the DPDK framework (Data Plane Development Kit) and parallel packet processing on multiple CPU cores to achieve link rate traffic analysis, including tailored DPI analysis

    Przedsiębiorstwa międzynarodowe z sektora farmaceutycznego a nieuczciwa konkurencja

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    Multinational enterprises increasingly exploit their institutional advantages by consciously influencing institutions in the expansion market in such a way as to protect corporate interests. To a large extent, this can apply to multinational pharmaceutical companies operating in highly regulated markets, both on the demand and the supply side. The aim of the study was to analyze the actions taken by global pharmaceutical corporations present on the Polish market to influence the institutions of national regulators in order to prevent unfair and unethical competition. The study was of a qualitative nature and covered three very large pharmaceutical entities in Poland. The surveyed companies actively tried to co-create the institutional environment of the target country, in this case the Polish market. At the same time, to a much lesser extent, they took actions to limit unfair competition by means of their institutional advantages, relying primarily on the use of traditional competitive advantages concept.Przedsiębiorstwa międzynarodowe w coraz większym stopniu wykorzystują swoje przewagi instytucjonalne, poprzez świadome oddziaływanie na instytucje na rynku docelowym w taki sposób, aby chroniły interesy korporacji. W dużym stopniu może to dotyczyć międzynarodowych przedsiębiorstw sektora farmaceutycznego, działających na rynkach silnie regulowanych, zarówno po stronie popytowej jak i podażowej. Celem badania była analiza działań podejmowanych przez globalne koncerny farmaceutyczne obecne na polskim rynku, w zakresie wpływania na instytucje regulatorów narodowych w celu zapobiegania nieuczciwej i nieetycznej konkurencji. Badanie miało charakter jakościowy i objęło trzy bardzo duże podmioty farmaceutyczne w Polsce. Badane firmy aktywnie próbowały współkształtować otoczenie instytucjonalne kraju docelowego, w tym przypadku rynku polskiego. Jednocześnie, w dużo mniejszym stopniu podejmowały działania na rzecz ograniczania nieuczciwej konkurencji za pomocą swoich przewag instytucjonalnych, opierając się przede wszystkim na wykorzystaniu tradycyjnych przewag konkurencyjnych

    Differential relationship between two hypoxia markers: HIF-1α and GLUT1 and classic prognostic factors in invasive breast carcinoma

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    Background: Tumor hypoxia is an adverse prognostic factor which promotes cancer aggressiveness and limits its radio- and chemosensitivity. The aim of our study was to explore the relationship between endogenous hypoxia markers and classic prognostic factors, including clinical stage and the expression of ER, PR, and HER2 in primary untreated breast carcinoma. Methods: A retrospective immunohistochemical analysis of archived tissue blocks collected from 153 women, who underwent total mastectomy and lymph node dissection, included the expression of two hypoxia-related proteins: HIF-1α and GLUT1. Results: GLUT1 labelling index (LI) showed a positive correlation with T stage (R = 0.18, p = 0.026) and HER2 status (R = 0.25, p = 0.002), and a negative correlation with the expression of ER (R = −0.19, p = 0.017) and PR (R = −0.17, p = 0.032). HIF-1α LI showed a positive correlation with ER expression (R = 0.16, p = 0.045). In the multivariate regression analysis, a different relationship between classic prognostic factors and the two tested hypoxia proteins was proven. Higher GLUT1 expression correlated with ER and PR negativity (p = 0.02 and p = 0.01, respectively) as well as with higher expression of HER2 (p = 0.04). HIF-1α showed no association with PR and HER2, but a positive correlation with ER (p = 0.02). Neither of the hypoxia proteins was associated with a tumor grade. Only one clinical feature, T stage, correlated with both of the hypoxia markers: positively with GLUT1 (p = 0.049) and negatively with HIF-1α (p = 0.01) expression. Conclusions: In breast cancer, GLUT1 expression may be considered an additional prognostic factor which correlates with an adverse status of HER2 and hormonal receptors, and indicates a more hypoxic, radio- and chemotherapy refractory profile of carcinoma

    Sentinel lymph node biopsies in patients with malignant melanoma — qualifying principles and histopathological assessment (2017)

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      In 1999, the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that sentinel lymph node biopsy should be the standard of management for those patients with melanomas without clinical signs of metastases to the regional lymph nodes. This procedure should include preoperative and intraoperative lymphoscintigraphy, combined with staining. Sentinel lymph node biopsies should be performed after excision biopsy of the melanoma and simultaneously with radical excision of the remaining scar after melanoma excision biopsy. Whenever sentinel lymph node(s) are found tumo­ur occupied, metastases are most likely to be located in one or more lymph nodes that were first occupied along lymphatic drainage from the primary focal point of the cancer. Detecting even single melanoma cells in the sentinel lymph node is usually used to determine the stage of the disseminating cancer and radically changes prognoses and further therapeutic decisions. Guidelines on lymph nodes examined during melanoma have been established by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), the European Society of Pathology (ESP) and the Polish Society of Pathologists in 2013. If melanoma metastases are found in sentinel lymph node(s) then: the number of lymph nodes should be specified as well as the number of those with metastases; microscopic features of sentinel lymph node(s) metastases should be defined as follows: the largest metastasis/ /metastases size, their location (subcapsular, intraparenchymal, mixed or extended), signs of possible infiltration and crossing the node capsule, penetration into adipose tissue and vasculature involvement

    Wpływ wykorzystania wniosków badania ACOSOG Z0011 na zmianę strategii postępowania diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego u chorych na raka piersi poddanych biopsji węzła wartowniczego — doniesienie wstępne

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    Background. Publication of the results of the randomised ACOSOG Z0011 trial concerning the possibilities of conservative treatment of breast cancer patients with macrometastasis in the sentinel lymph node (SLN) increased the interest in this therapeutic option. The objective of the study was to assess the practical effects of the implementation of conclusions from the aforementioned study as well as clinical consequences of abandoning intraoperative verification of sentinel lymph nodes resected during the surgical procedure. Material and methods. A prospective analysis was made for 567 breast cancer patients subjected to sentinel node biopsy in the period 1 January to 31 October 2014. In the case of the group undergoing breast conserving treatment (BCT), routine intraoperative assessment of SLN was abandoned. The decision regarding potential radicalisation of the surgical procedure was delayed until final histopathological results were obtained. The results were compared with data from the period preceding the implementation of changes. Results. BCT was used in 73.4% of study subjects while breast amputation was performed in the remaining patients. Presence of metastatic lesions within the SLNs was detected in 23.5% of patients. In 31.8% of patients with SLN metastases, radicalisation of the surgery was abandoned versus 18.3% in the control group, 22.2% versus 5.1% in case of macrometastases; 28.0% versus 6.5% in patients undergoing BCT. These are significant results, p < 0.05). The percentage of patients subjected to reoperation was 6.9% versus 3.6% in the control group. Conclusions. Postponing the decision regarding the potential radicalisation of surgical treatment until the receipt of the final result of the histopathological sentinel node assessment may facilitate the choice of further treatment. Abandonment of routine intraoperative assessment of SLN allowed for a statistically significant increase in the percentage of follow-up axillary lymph node resection being abandoned. At the same time, no significant increase in the rate of reoperations was observed.  Wstęp. Opublikowanie wyników randomizowanego badania ACOSOG Z0011 zwiększyło zainteresowanie możliwością zastosowania leczenia zachowawczego u chorych na raka piersi z obecnością makroprzerzutu w węźle wartowniczym (SLN). Celem badania jest ocena wartości praktycznego wykorzystania wniosków wspomnianego badania, a także następstw klinicznych odstąpienia od śródoperacyjnej weryfikacji usuniętych podczas zabiegu węzłów wartowniczych. Materiał i metody. Analiza prospektywna obejmująca 567 chorych na raka piersi poddanych biopsji węzła wartowniczego w okresie od 1 stycznia 2014 r. do 31 października 2014 r. W przypadku grupy leczonej z zaoszczędzeniem gruczołu piersiowego (BCT) zrezygnowano z rutynowego użycia śródoperacyjnej oceny SLN. Decyzję o ewentualnej radykalizacji zabiegu operacyjnego odroczono do momentu uzyskania ostatecznego wyniku badania histopatologicznego. Otrzymane wyniki porównano z danymi pochodzącymi z okresu przed wprowadzeniem opisanych zmian. Wyniki. U 73,4% badanych chorych zastosowano BCT, u pozostałych amputację piersi. U 23,5% pacjentów stwierdzono w SLN obecność zmian przerzutowych. U 30,0% chorych ze zmianami przerzutowymi w SLN zrezygnowano z radykalizacji leczenia operacyjnego (vs 18,3% w grupie porównawczej; w przypadku makroprzerzutów — u 22,2% chorych vs 5,1% — w grupie porównawczej; u pacjentek poddanych BCT: 28,0% vs 6,5% — grupa porównawcza; p = 0,046). Odsetek chorych poddanych powtórnie leczeniu operacyjnemu wyniósł 7,8% (vs 3,8% w grupie kontrolnej). Wnioski. Odroczenie decyzji o ewentualnej radykalizacji leczenia operacyjnego do uzyskania ostatecznego wyniku badania histopatologicznego węzła wartowniczego może ułatwić wybór dalszego sposobu terapii. Rezygnacja z rutynowej oceny śródoperacyjnej SLN umożliwiła znamienny statystycznie wzrost odsetka przypadków odstąpienia od wykonania uzupełniającej limfadenektomii pachowej. Nie stwierdzono jednocześnie istotnego zwiększenia liczby powtórnych zabiegów operacyjnych.

    Acne is a medical and social problem

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      Acne is one of the most common dermatoses. It is a chronic inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous units. The pathogenesis of the disease consists of: hyperproliferation of hair follicle opening cells and the formation of microcomedones closing its opening. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands and increased sebum production. Inflammatory reaction induced by Cutibacterium acnes. Acne most often occurs between the ages of 11 and 30. Acne changes affect adults more and more often. Statistically, the incidence of acne vulgaris is comparable, but more severe course is more common in men. The most prone to acne are areas rich in sebaceous glands - face, including the T-zone, back, chest. The clinical picture is dominated by blackheads, pustules, papules, cysts, nodules, and inflammatory infiltrates. The etipathogenesis of acne is complex, and finding the cause is very difficult and time-consuming. Regardless of age, people suffering from acne experience great discomfort, which has a very negative impact on their self-esteem and quality of life

    Cannabidiol: main mechanisms of action and therapeutic targets

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    Introduction: Over the past few years, multiple publications have proven many beneficial properties associated with CBD. Currently, its use in the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases is suggested. Also, very often the use of CBD in the treatment of anxiety disorders, schizophrenia and depression, as well as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease is the subject of scientific research. CBD could be also used in treatment of the chronic pain in cancer patients or in people with diabetic complications. So far, it has been proven that CBD has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, anti-arthritic, procognitive, cardio- and neuroprotective effects. The potential of cannabidiol in the prevention and treatment of many diseases is seen in its complex and multidirectional mechanisms of action. CBD has low affinity for cannabinoid receptors and acts as an inverse agonist of type 2 cannabinoid receptors (CB2-R). Additionally, CBD exerts its effects through many other molecular targets. Aim of the study: The aim of this review is to present mechanisms of action of cannabidiol and its possible therapeutic targets. Materials and methods: The literature available in the PubMed and Google Scholar data bases was reviewed, using the following keywords: "cannabidiol", "CBD", "CBD's mechanism of action", "CBD therapeutic targets", "endocannabinoid system". Conclusions: Cannabidiol is a promising candidate in the treatment of many common diseases. Furthermore, research is needed to confirm its beneficial effects and turn it into an effective drug that supports therapy with other drugs

    Clinical differentiation between ovarian granulosa cell tumor and ovarian cancer: a review

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    Differentiation of granulosa cell tumor and ovarian cancer doesn’t seem to cause much trouble in everyday clinical work. Despite quite easy distinction, within the researches discussed within this review, findings were suggesting less obvious results. There was a huge urge to take into consideration immunohistochemical differentiation. Common symptoms of many gynecological tumors are very similar, studies investigated that GCT and  ovarian cancer frequently overlap. Symptoms, method of treatment and prevalence rate (at some point) are often shared between these neoplasms. Fortunately, great distinction was provided by immunohistochemical findings