14 research outputs found

    CIS Countries' Interests vis-a-vis the European Union and Its Eastern Policy

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    The CIS countries' EU-related interests are very heterogeneous. The countries themselves differ not only in terms of their geopolitical and geo-economic situations, and how those affect their relations with the EU, but also in their levels of ambition in relation to the Union, as well as their specific sectoral interests. Some Eastern Partners have set full EU membership as their strategic goal; others want to enjoy the benefits of the common free market, and the ambitions of others are limited to developing cooperation in selected areas. Similarly, the EU's policy towards its Eastern neighbourhood is multi-level and very diverse, considering as it must the different characters of mutual relations. The EU and most of its Eastern partners have a sufficient number of common or converging interests to expect reasonable cooperation between the two sides to develop and deepen. However, serious challenges and problems exist that may prevent this positive scenario from being realised.ENP, CIS countries, EU

    CIS countries' interests vis-á-vis the European Union and its Eastern policy

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    The CIS countries' EU-related interests are very heterogeneous. The countries themselves differ not only in terms of their geopolitical and geo-economic situations, and how those affect their relations with the EU, but also in their levels of ambition in relation to the Union, as well as their specific sectoral interests. Some Eastern Partners have set full EU membership as their strategic goal; others want to enjoy the benefits of the common free market, and the ambitions of others are limited to developing cooperation in selected areas. Similarly, the EU's policy towards its Eastern neighbourhood is multi-level and very diverse, considering as it must the different characters of mutual relations. The EU and most of its Eastern partners have a sufficient number of common or converging interests to expect reasonable cooperation between the two sides to develop and deepen. However, serious challenges and problems exist that may prevent this positive scenario from being realised

    Kosowo - przed ostatecznym rozwiazaniem. Proces uregulowania statusu miedzynarodowego = uwarunkowania polityczne i historyczne perspektywy rozwoju sytuacji. Prace OSW 2008. Kosovo before the final decision. Regulation Kosovo's international status - historical and political conditions and prospects for future developments. OSW Study 27/2008

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    The question of Kosovo's status is currently one of the most important issues in international politics. Since 1999, Kosovo has been an international protectorate which was created in the aftermath of the NATO intervention to stop the brutal pacification of the Albanian insurgency by Serb forces. The province has since de facto become independent of Serbia. Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council, which established the protectorate, does not preclude any possible outcome as regards its status. Aware that after the crimes of 1999, any attempt to re-integrate Kosovo into Serbia would lead to a massive Albanian uprising, the West has decided that the best solution would be to award Kosovo internationally supervised independence, while at the same time granting very wide autonomy to the Kosovo Serbs. Serbia and Russia rejected the solution proposed by the West, and so Kosovo became an arena of international rivalry for influence in the Western Balkans as well as another element of rivalry, transcending the regional dimension, between Russia and the West. Russia has been using the Kosovo case to build a new model of its relations with the United States and the EU. Since there is a group of countries sceptical about, or even opposed to, Kosovo's independence within the EU, the Kosovo settlement will be a test of the EU's ability to speak with one voice with regard to its external policy

    Shaping the image of the company as an example an online store Sortmund

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    Swego rodzaju fenomenem współczesnych czasów jest dynamiczny rozwój branży e-commerce, w której sklepy internetowy mają swój istotny udział. Stale rosnąca liczba osób robiąca zakupy w Internecie oraz ich zadowolenie decydują o znaczeniu i sile działania tego sektora. Sklepy internetowe stały się w ten sposób innowacyjnym instrumentem transakcyjnym, jako narzędzie handlu towarami czy skonfrontowaniu cen. Celem pracy jest wyznaczenie działań promocyjnych mających na celu zbudowanie pozytywnego wizerunku firmy. Swoje zdanie oparłem na sklepie Internetowym Sortmund. W pracy sformułowano hipotezę: Współczesna interakcja marketingowa przedsiębiorstwa w Internecie stała się ważnym czynnikiem w kreowaniu pozytywnego wizerunku przedsiębiorstwa.Weryfikacji tak postawionej hipotezy dokonano w oparciu o studia literaturowe, obserwacje własne jako pracownika firmy, analizy różnego typu materiałów branżowych oraz badaniu dostępnych dokumentów poświęconych działaniom marketingowym udostępnianych mi przez firmę Sortmund. Dokumenty te zawierają opisy najważniejszych wydarzeń marketingowych, ich historię oraz cel i główne przesłania.Praca składa się z trzech rozdziałów. W pierwszym rozdziale podjęto próbę określenia miejsca strategii promocji przedsiębiorstwa w ogólnej strategii rozwoju. Przedstawione zostały podstawowe cele oraz wykorzystywane instrumenty promocyjne w ogólnym procesie komunikacji marketingowej firmy. Rozdział drugi ukazuję specyfikę rynku internetowego. W rozdziale trzecim scharakteryzowano wykorzystanie narzędzi marketingowych za pomocą takich serwisów jak Facebook. Pracę kończy podsumowanie, w którym zawarto wnioski z badań własnych.A kind of phenomenon of modern times is the rapid development of e-commerce industry, where online shops have their own important contribution. An ever-increasing number of people doing shopping on the internet and their satisfaction determine the importance and potency of the sector. Online stores have become so innovative trading instrument as a tool of trade in goods and confronted prices. The aim of the paper is to define promotional activities aimed at building a positive company image. His sentence leaned on Sortmund online shop. The study hypothesized:Modern interaction marketing companies in the Internet has become an important factor in creating a positive image of the company.Verification that hypothesis was based on literature studies, observations own as an employee of the company, various materials industry and the analysis of the available documents on marketing activities, provided to me by Sortmund. These documents contain descriptions of the most important marketing events, their history and purpose and key messages.The work consists of three chapters. In the first chapter attempts to identify space strategy for the promotion of companies in the overall development strategy. The key objectives and the promotion instruments are used in the overall process of marketing communication company. The second chapter I show the specificity of the Internet market. The third chapter was characterized by the use of marketing tools using sites such as Facebook. The work ends with a summary, which contained the results of surveys of their own

    Deficit of corpus callosum axons, reduced axon diameter and decreased area are markers of abnormal development of interhemispheric connections in autistic subjects

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    Abstract Introduction In autism spectrum disorder, lack of coherence and of complex information processing, and narrowly focused interests and repetitive behaviors are considered a sign of long-range underconnectivity and short-range overconnectivity. The goal of this morphometric study of five anatomically and functionally different segments of the corpus callosum (CC) was to establish patterns of differences between long-range interhemispheric connections in nine neurotypical and nine autistic subjects. Results Electron microscopy revealed a significant reduction in average axon diameter and axon cross-sectional area in autistic subjects, and reduction in CC segment–specific diversification of connections of functionally different cortical regions. The study shows an increase in the percentage of small diameter axons ( 1.051 μm). The total number of small-diameter axons is reduced in segment I and III by 43% on average. The number of medium- and large-diameter axons is reduced in all five CC segments by an average of 49 and 72%, respectively. Conclusions The detected pattern of pathology suggests a failure of mechanisms controlling guidance of axons during development leading to axonal deficit, and failure of mechanisms controlling axon structure. A reduction in axon diameter may affect the velocity and volume of signal transmission, and distort functional specialization of CC segments. Significant deficits in axon number and reduction in axon size in all five CC segments appear to be substantial components of brain connectome integrity distortion which may contribute to the autism phenotype

    Interventions to increase patient safety in long-term care facilities - umbrella review

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    Introduction: Patient safety in long-term care is becoming an increasingly popular subject in the scientific literature. Organizational problems such as shortages of medical staff, insufficient numbers of facilities or underfunding increase the risk of adverse events, and aging populations in many countries suggests that these problems will become more and more serious with each passing year. The objective of the study is to identify interventions that can contribute to increasing patient safety in long-term care facilities. Method: A systematic review of secondary studies was conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines. Searches were conducted in Medline (via PubMed), Embase (via OVID) and Cochrane Library. The quality of the included studies was assessed using AMSTAR2. Results: Ultimately, 10 studies were included in the analysis. They concerned three main areas: promoting safety culture, reducing the level of occupational stress and burnout, and increasing the safety of medication use. Promising methods that have an impact on increasing patient safety include: preventing occupational burnout of medical staff, e.g., by using mindfulness-based interventions; preventing incidents resulting from improper administration of medications, e.g., by using structured methods of patient transfer; and the use of information technology that is more effective than the classic (paper) method or preventing nosocomial infections, e.g., through programs to improve the quality of care in institutions and the implementation of an effective infection control system. Conclusions: Taking into account the scientific evidence found and the guidelines of institutions dealing with patient safety, it is necessary for each long-term care facility to individually implement interventions aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of care and patient safety culture at the level of medical staff and management staff