13 research outputs found

    Flexibilités et hétérogéneités structurelles de biomolécules impliquées dans la transcription inverse du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine

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    Le but de cette thèse est de sonder la flexibilité de NCp7 et de (-)PBS, deux bio-molécules impliquées dans le second saut de brin de la transcription inverse du VIH. Deux stratégies expérimentales ont été mises en place. Un nouveau montage de spectroscopie ultra-rapide de fluorescence par down-conversion a été construit. Les dynamiques de quenching de la 2-aminopurine (2Ap), insérée en position 6, 8 et 10 de la boucle (-)PBS ont pu être entièrement résolues à une résolution sub-ps. Pour chaque position, 4 temps de vie ont été révélés. Des mesures d'anisotropie confirment que les deux composantes < 5 ps sont liées à un empilement de la 2Ap avec les Guanines avoisinantes. Cet empilement est site-spécifique, prouvé par l'augmentation significative de leurs amplitudes lorsque la 2Ap est située près de la tige (position 10). La faible proportion de conformations reliées à un quenching collisionnel est significative de la faible exposition des 2Ap au solvant et de l'encombrement général de la boucle. La seconde approche avait pour but d'étudier l'effet du repliement du squelette protéique de [35-50] NCp7 autour de son atome de zinc par CID et par LID. Les spectres CID de la protéine nue sont expliqués par le modèle du proton mobile et une description détaillée d'un schéma de fragmentation spécifique autour du Tryptophane (Trp) a été soulignée, attribué une Lysine voisine. Un seul fragment issu de l'excitation à 266 nm a été identifié, son apparition entre en compétition avec les fragments CID du Trp. L'effet général du repliement autour du Zinc se traduit par une augmentation du taux de fragmentation autour du Trp et par une perte de spécificité pour le reste du spectre.Les flexibilités de (-)PBS et NCp7 ont été respectivement évaluées par spectroscopie ultra-rapide de type down-conversion et par spectrométrie en phase gazeuse. La première méthode nécessite l'utilisation d'une sonde fluorescente non invasive, la 2-aminopurine (2Ap), placée en position 6, 8 et 10 de la boucle (-)PBS. Notre résolution temporelle permet de résoudre entièrement les dynamiques locales de quenching et d'anisotropie de la 2Ap. Les composantes liées au quenching statique et quenching collisionnel ont été discriminées et révèlent les degrés d'empilement / encombrement locaux de la boucle. L'effet du repliement de [35-50] NCp7 autour de son atome de zinc a été étudié par CID et par LID à 266 nm. La protéine nue présente un interessant shéma de fragmentation autour du Tryptophane (Trp), exalté par la complexation avec le zinc, au prix une perte de spécificité pour le reste du spectre. Un seul fragment LID a été identifié, un mécanisme de sa formation est proposé.This thesis aims to probe the flexibility of NCp7 and (-)PBS, two biomolecules involved in the second strand transfer of the HIV's reverse transcription. We brought to the front two original experimental methods. A new ultrafast fluorescence down-conversion setup has been built, suitable for biological chromophore investigations. The quenching dynamics of 2-aminopurine (2Ap), site-mutated at the positions 6, 8 and 10 of (-)PBS loop, were completely resolved under a ps scale. For each location, 4 decay times, were highlighted. Further anisotropy measurements confirmed that the two < 5 ps components correspond to stacking interactions of 2Ap with neighbouring Guanines. The site-specific aspect of the stacking were supported by a significant increase of their relative amplitudes when 2Ap were cloesly located to the stem (position 10). The minor portion of conformations involved with ps to ns collisional quenching suggests a low exposure of 2Ap towards the solvent as well as a general restriction of the loop. The second method planned to investigate the effet of the zinc-folding on [35-50] NCp7's peptidic backbone, thanks to CID and LID. The CID-generated spectra of the bare peptide were explained by the mobile proton model, and an exhaustive tryptophan (Trp) fragmentation pattern was described, mainly due to a neighbouring Lysin effects. Only one LID-fragment has been identified upon 266 nm excitation, probably created through a pathway competing with the generation of Trp fragments by CID. The main aspects related to zinc-folding are a general enhancement of the fragmentation ratios related to Trp and a loss of specificity for the remaining mass spectra parts. (-)PBS et NCp7 has been respectively investigated by ultrafast down-conversion spectroscopy and gas-phase spectrometry. The first method implies the use of a non invasive fluorescent probe, named 2 aminopurine (2Ap), site mutated in position 6, 8 et 10 of the (-)PBS loop. Our time resolution allows to fully depict the local quenching dynamics and anisotropy decays. The component related to static and collisional has been solved, thus describing different stacking degrees as well as local restrictions. The effect of [35-50] NCp7 folding around its zinc atom has been studied by CID and 266 nm LID. The bare protein displays an interesting fragmentation pathway around its Tryptophan (Trp), enhanced with zinc complexation, at the cost of a loss of specificity for the remaining mass spectra parts. Only one LID fragment has been identified, its occurence has been interpreted.STRASBOURG-Bib.electronique 063 (674829902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Filament Induced Laser Machining

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    Laser filamentation provides high intensity plasma strings of micrometric diameters and lengths of tens of centimeters. We demonstrate that these filaments can be used for remotely drilling and cutting metals and biological materials such as flesh and bones. Since no tight focusing is needed, complex 3D shapes can be machined without any adjustment of the laser while processing

    Laser-assisted water condensation in the atmosphere: a step towards modulating precipitation?

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    We review the recent results about laser-induced condensation based on self-guided filaments generated by ultrashort laser pulses. After recalling the physico-chemistry of cloud particle formation in the atmosphere and the physics of laser filamentation, we discuss experimental results on laser-induced condensation and its relevance for modulating precipitatio

    White-light symmetrization by the interaction of multifilamenting beams

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    We show experimentally that the interaction of two multifilamenting beams in fused silica with incidence angles up to a few degrees results in an increase in the symmetry of the continuum emission from D2 to C∞ around the axis of symmetry between the two beams. We observe an intense white disk between the locations of the individual conical emission patterns, reducing the conical emission in each of them. We attribute this behavior to an enhanced self-phase modulation in the interference region between the two beams. This frequency conversion depletes by more than 40% the energy initially available in the photon bath to feed filaments

    White-Light Filaments for Atmospheric Analysis

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    International audienceMost long-path remote spectroscopic studies of the atmosphere rely on ambient light or narrow-band lasers. High-power femtosecond laser pulses have been found to propagate in the atmosphere as dynamically self-guided filaments that emit in a continuum from the ultraviolet to the infrared. This white light exhibits a directional behavior with enhanced backward scattering and was detected from an altitude of more than 20 kilometers. This light source opens the way to white-light and nonlinear light detection and ranging applications for atmospheric trace-gas remote sensing or remote identification of aerosols. Air ionization inside the filaments also opens promising perspectives for laser-induced condensation and lightning control. The mobile femtosecond-terawatt laser system, Teramobile, has been constructed to study these applications

    Infrared extension of the super continuum generated by femtosecond terawatt laser pulses propagating in the atmosphere

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    International audienceWe investigated the spectral behavior of a white-light continuum generated in air by 2-TW femtosecond laser pulses at 800 nm. The spectrum extends at least from 300 nm to 4.5 μm. From 1 to 1.6 μm the continuum's intensity increases strongly with the laser energy and depends on the initial chirp

    Triggering and guiding megavolt discharges by use of laser-induced ionized filaments

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    International audienceWe have demonstrated the ability to trigger and guide high-voltage discharges with ionized filaments generated by femtosecond terawatt laser pulses. The plasma filaments extended over the whole gap, providing a direct ohmic connection between the electrodes. Laser-guided straight discharges have been observed for gaps of as much as 3.8 m at a high voltage reduced to 68% of the natural breakdown voltage. The triggering efficiency was found to depend critically on the spatial connection of the laser filaments to the electrode as well as on the temporal coincidence of the laser with the peak of the high voltage

    Electric events synchronized with laser filaments in thunderclouds

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    We investigated the possibility to trigger real-scale lightning using ionized filaments generated by ultrashort laser pulses in the atmosphere. Under conditions of high electric field during two thunderstorms, we observed a statistically significant number of electric events synchronized with the laser pulses, at the location of the filaments. This observation suggests that corona discharges may have been triggered by filaments

    Laser-induced plasma cloud interaction and ice multiplication under cirrus cloud conditions

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    Potential impacts of lightning-induced plasma on cloud ice formation and precipitation have been a subject of debate for decades. Here, we report on the interaction of laser-generated plasma channels with water and ice clouds observed in a large cloud simulation chamber. Under the conditions of a typical storm cloud, in which ice and supercooled water coexist, no direct influence of the plasma channels on ice formation or precipitation processes could be detected. Under conditions typical for thin cirrus ice clouds, however, the plasma channels induced a surprisingly strong effect of ice multiplication. Within a few minutes, the laser action led to a strong enhancement of the total ice particle number density in the chamber by up to a factor of 100, even though only a 10−9 fraction of the chamber volume was exposed to the plasma channels. The newly formed ice particles quickly reduced the water vapor pressure to ice saturation, thereby increasing the cloud optical thickness by up to three orders of magnitude. A model relying on the complete vaporization of ice particles in the laser filament and the condensation of the resulting water vapor on plasma ions reproduces our experimental findings. This surprising effect might open new perspectives for remote sensing of water vapor and ice in the upper troposphere