196 research outputs found

    Private Equity Investment in the BRICs

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    This Article investigates the legal and economic environment for private equity investments in Brazil, Russia, India and China (“BRIC”). In contrast with disappointing returns in the 1990s, private equity investment has soared in developing countries over the past decade. To explain what has led to the recent success of private equity in the BRICs, this Article will first give an overview of the challenges faced generally when investing in portfolio companies in developing markets and then analyze the legal and economic framework for each of the four BRICs. This Article finds that Brazil and China offer the best opportunities for private equity because investors can rely on strong domestic capital markets for the exit. While India is not far behind, Russia still has room for improvement, particularly with regard to the reliability of its legal system and the attractiveness of its capital markets

    Self-compensating solenoid valve

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    A solenoid valve is described in which both an inlet and an outlet of the valve are sealed when the valve is closed. This double seal compensates for leakage at either the inlet or the outlet by making the other seal more effective in response to the leakage and allows the reversal of the flow direction by simply switching the inlet and outlet connections. The solenoid valve has a valve chamber within the valve body. Inlet and outlet tubes extend through a plate into the chamber. A movable core in the chamber extends into the solenoid coil. The distal end of the core has a silicone rubber plug. Other than when the solenoid is energized, the compressed spring biases the core downward so that the surface of the plug is in sealing engagement with the ends of the tubes. A leak at either end increases the pressure in the chamber, resulting in increased sealing force of the plug

    Chelate-modified polymers for atmospheric gas chromatography

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    Chromatographic materials were developed to serve as the stationary phase of columns used in the separation of atmospheric gases. These materials consist of a crosslinked porous polymer matrix, e.g., a divinylbenzene polymer, into which has been embedded an inorganic complexed ion such as N,N'-ethylene-bis-(acetylacetoniminato)-cobalt (2). Organic nitrogenous bases, such as pyridine, may be incorporated into the chelate polymer complexes to increase their chromatographic utility. With such materials, the process of gas chromatography is greatly simplified, especially in terms of time and quantity of material needed for a gas separation

    "Dry-column" chromatography of plant pigments

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    Separation of plant pigments which can be accomplished on thin-layer silica plates with mixture of petroleum ether, halocarbon, acetone, and polar solvent can be readily translated into dry-column technique that yields reproducible chromatograms after elution in fashion of liquid chromatography with fluorimeter as detector. Best solvent system was found to be mixture of petroleum ether, dichloromethane, acetone, and ethyl acetate

    Grabmäler des 19. Jahrhunderts im Rheinland zwischen Identität, Anpassung und Individualität

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    Die Sepulkralkultur ist ein Spiegel individueller und sozialer Verhältnisse. Die Form des Grabmals und die Art der Bestattung werden in entscheidender Weise vom Verhältnis des Menschen zum Tod geprägt. Friedhöfe dienen nicht nur der zeitlich meist begrenzten Aufnahme unserer Toten, sondern sind zugleich Orte der langfristigen Erinnerung und Besinnung. In ihrer Gesamtheit, mit ihren Gebäuden, ihrer Flächengestaltung und ihren Grabmalen sind sie Zeugnisse des Zeitgeistes. Sie spiegeln wandelnde Einstellungen zum Tod und zum Toten und verweisen auf die Geschichte der Gemeinde oder Region sowie handwerkliche Traditionen und Neuerungen. Jeder Grabstein ist als Ausdruck des Selbstverständnisses und Anspruches einzelner oder gesellschaftlicher Gruppen zu verstehen. Er ist ein bewußt gesetztes Denkmal und Erinnerungszeichen, das den individuellen Ansprüchen und /oder materiellen Möglichkeiten sowie dem Zeitgeschmack entsprechend gestaltet wurde.The cult of the dead reflects individual and social circumstances. Form and content of a gravestone and the kind of funeral, show the views on death. Cemeteries are not only places, where we bury our dead - they are even places of long term rememberance. But cemeteries reflect contemporary history and prevailing taste as well. Over a period of time all things change - even on the cemeteries

    Anticancer Role of PPARγ Agonists in Hematological Malignancies Found in the Vasculature, Marrow, and Eyes

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    The use of targeted cancer therapies in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic agents and/or radiation treatment has increased overall survival of cancer patients. However, longer survival is accompanied by increased incidence of comorbidities due, in part, to drug side effects and toxicities. It is well accepted that inflammation and tumorigenesis are linked. Because peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-γ agonists are potent mediators of anti-inflammatory responses, it was a logical extension to examine the role of PPARγ agonists in the treatment and prevention of cancer. This paper has two objectives: first to highlight the potential uses for PPARγ agonists in anticancer therapy with special emphasis on their role when used as adjuvant or combined therapy in the treatment of hematological malignancies found in the vasculature, marrow, and eyes, and second, to review the potential role PPARγ and/or its ligands may have in modulating cancer-associated angiogenesis and tumor-stromal microenvironment crosstalk in bone marrow

    Support of adult urinary incontinence products: recommendations to assure safety and regulatory compliance through application of a risk assessment framework

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    Urinary incontinence (UI) or involuntary loss of urine is a common chronic medical condition among women. It is estimated that 5%−70% of the population experiences incontinence with most studies suggesting 25%−45% of the population. Varying definitions of UI (e.g., stress, urgency, mixed) exist, and inconsistent symptom assessment tools, age, and gender can affect the estimate of incidence. Disposable Adult Incontinence products were first introduced into the market in the late 1970s and initially were used mostly in nursing homes and hospitals. However, during the 1980s, the market for incontinence products via retail outlets dramatically increased as awareness of the benefits of the products grew and stigma about their use declined. Today's products that manage urine loss have an extensive history and have evolved with time. Always products were introduced into the market in 2014 and are designed to meet the needs of women of all ages. Considered medical devices in some countries, regional regulations and global guidelines require clear planning, thorough assessment, and concise documentation of clinical safety. This manuscript will briefly review the regulatory landscape with a specific focus on European Union regulations. As previously published, the iterative, risk assessment framework used to assess the safety of Always incontinence products confirms that these products are compatible with skin and can be used safely. This manuscript will expand on the current literature highlighting additional steps that help assure the safety and compliance of the products from quality assurance programs through comprehensive post-market safety surveillance. Recommendations to help ensure several of the key regulatory requirements are met are outlined in the context of a risk assessment framework used to assure safety

    Development of in vitro methods to model the impact of vaginal lactobacilli on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation on menstrual cups as well as validation of recommended cleaning directions

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    IntroductionMenstrual cups (MC) are a reusable feminine hygiene product. A recent publication suggested that Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) biofilms can form on MCs which may lead to increased risk of menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome (mTSS). Additionally, there is concern that buildup of residual menses may contribute to microbial growth and biofilm formation further increasing mTSS risk. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of in vitro tests were utilized to determine if S. aureus biofilm could form on MC in the presence of the keystone species Lactobacillus after 12 h of incubation. The methodology was based on a modification of an anaerobic in vitro method that harnesses the keystone species hypothesis by including a representative of vaginal lactic acid bacteria.MethodsMCs were incubated anaerobically for 12 h in Vaginal Defined Media (VDM) with the two morphologically distinct bacteria, Lactobacillus gasseri (L. gasseri) and S. aureus. Colony Forming Units (CFU) for each organism from the VDM broth and sonicated MC were estimated. In addition, a separate experiment was conducted where S. aureus was grown for 12 h in the absence of L. gasseri. Qualitative analysis for biofilm formation utilized micro-CT (µ-CT) and cryogenic scanning electron microscopy (Cryo-SEM).ResultsSamples collected from the media control had expected growth of both organisms after 12 h of incubation. Samples collected from VDM broth were similar to media control at the end of the 12-h study. Total S. aureus cell density on MC following sonication/rinsing was minimal. Results when using a monoculture of S. aureus demonstrated that there was a significant growth of the organism in the media control and broth as well as the sonicated cups indicating that the presence of L. gasseri was important for controlling growth and adherence of S. aureus. Few rod-shaped bacteria (L. gasseri) and cocci (S. aureus) could be identified on the MCs when grown in a dual species culture inoculum and no biofilm was noted via µ-CT and cryo-SEM. Additionally, efforts to model and understand the validity of the current labeled recommendations for MC cleaning in-between uses are supported.DiscussionThe data support continued safe use of the Tampax® cup when used and maintained as recommended

    Emerging PPAR γ

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    Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)-γ is a nuclear hormone receptor that is activated by multiple agonists including thiazolidinediones, prostaglandins, and synthetic oleanolic acids. Many PPARγ ligands are under investigation as potential therapies for human diseases. These ligands modulate multiple cellular pathways via both PPARγ-dependent and PPARγ-independent mechanisms. Here, we review the role of PPARγ and PPARγ ligands in lung disease, with emphasis on PPARγ-independent effects. PPARγ ligands show great promise in moderating lung inflammation, as antiproliferative agents in combination to enhance standard chemotherapy in lung cancer and as treatments for pulmonary fibrosis, a progressive fatal disease with no effective therapy. Some of these effects occur when PPARγ is pharmaceutically antagonized or genetically PPARγ and are thus independent of classical PPARγ-dependent transcriptional control. Many PPARγ ligands demonstrate direct binding to transcription factors and other proteins, altering their function and contributing to PPARγ-independent inhibition of disease phenotypes. These PPARγ-independent mechanisms are of significant interest because they suggest new therapeutic uses for currently approved drugs and because they can be used as probes to identify novel proteins and pathways involved in the pathogenesis or treatment of disease, which can then be targeted for further investigation and drug development

    TNF-α and NF-κB Signaling Play a Critical Role in Cigarette Smoke-induced Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition of Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells in Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy

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    Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is characterized by the growth and contraction of cellular membranes within the vitreous cavity and on both surfaces of the retina, resulting in recurrent retinal detachments and poor visual outcomes. Proinflammatory cytokines like tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) have been associated with PVR and the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Cigarette smoke is the only known modifiable risk factor for PVR, but the mechanisms are unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of cigarette smoke on the proinflammatory TNFα/NF-κB/Snail pathway in RPE cells to better understand the mechanisms through which cigarette smoke increases the risk of PVR. Human ARPE-19 cells were exposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE), for 4 to 24-hours and TNFα, Snail, IL-6, IL-8, and α-SMA levels were analyzed by qPCR and/or Western blot. The severity of PVR formation was assessed in a murine model of PVR after intravitreal injection of ARPE-19 cells pre-treated with CSE or not. Fundus imaging, OCT imaging, and histologic analysis 4 weeks after injection were used to examine PVR severity. ARPE-19 cells exposed to CSE expressed higher levels of TNFα, SNAIL, IL6 and IL8 mRNA as well as SNAIL, Vimentin and α-SMA protein. Inhibition of TNFα and NF-κB pathways blocked the effect of CSE. In vivo, intravitreal injection of ARPE-19 cells treated with CSE resulted in more severe PVR compared to mice injected with untreated RPE cells. These studies suggest that the TNFα pathway is involved in the mechanism whereby cigarette smoke increases PVR. Further investigation into the role of TNFα/NF-κB/Snail in driving PVR and pharmacological targeting of these pathways in disease are warranted