549 research outputs found
Alternating directions parallel hybrid memory iGRM direct solver for non-stationary simulations
The three-dimensional isogeometric analysis (IGA-FEM) is a modern method for simulation. The idea is to utilize B-splines or NURBS basis functions for both computational domain descriptions and the engineering computations. Refined isogeometric analysis (rIGA) employs a mixture of patches of elements with B-spline basis functions, and separators between them. It enables a reduction of the computational cost of direct solvers. Both IGA and rIGA come with challenging sparse matrix structure, that is expensive to generate. In this paper, we show a hybrid parallelization method to reduce the computational cost of the integration phase using hybrid-memory parallel machines. The two-level parallelization includes the partitioning of the computational mesh into sub-domains on the first level (MPI), and loop parallelization on the second level (OpenMP). We show that hybrid parallelization of the integration reduces the contribution of this phase significantly. Thus, alternative algorithms for fast isogeometric integration are not necessary
Znaczenie komunikacji z interesariuszami w projektach o charakterze konserwatorskim: studium przypadku ołtarza Wita Stwosza w bazylice Mariackiej w Krakowie
The objective of this study is to explore how stakeholder communication was carried out during realization of one of the most important cultural heritage projects in Europe: “Comprehensive research and conservation work on the altar of Wit Stwosz, 1489,” carried out in St Mary’s Basilica in Kraków. The church, located in the Historic Centre of Kraków, celebrating the 800th anniversary of the funding of the parish in the years 2022–2026, was introduced on the first List of the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1978. The project reported in this paper started in October 2015 and was completed in February 2021, but it was launched in 2011–2012 with the establishment of the committee to evaluate the state of the altar, and the complete inventory in 2013 using 3D laser scanning. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in conservation activities from March till June 2020, the project was completed on time and with the scope scheduled. The research demonstrated that one of the key success factors was a properly designed and implemented communication strategy, addressing information needs of all the relevant stakeholders. Besides, the success resulted from the proper engagement and shared responsibility of internal stakeholders in communication processes with key external actors.Celem artykułu jest analiza przebiegu komunikacji z interesariuszami podczas trwania jednego z najważniejszych projektów dziedzictwa kulturowego w Europie: „Kompleksowe prace badawcze i konserwatorskie ołtarza Wita Stwosza, 1489” realizowanego w bazylice Mariackiej w Krakowie. Znajdujący się w historycznym centrum Krakowa kościół, obchodzący w latach 2022– 2026 jubileusz 800-lecia powstania parafii, został wpisany na pierwszą listę światowego dziedzictwa kulturowego i przyrodniczego UNESCO w 1978 r. Opisywany projekt był realizowany od października 2015 do lutego 2021, choć rozpoczęto go w latach 2011–2012 wraz z powołaniem komisji do oceny stanu ołtarza oraz jego pełną inwentaryzacją w 2013 r. za pomocą skaningu laserowego 3D. Pomimo przerwy spowodowanej pandemią COVID-19 w działaniach konserwatorskich od marca do czerwca 2020 r. projekt został zrealizowany terminowo i zgodnie z założonym zakresem. Badania wykazały, że jednym z głównych czynników sukcesu była odpowiednio zaprojektowana i wdrożona komunikacja, odpowiadająca potrzebom informacyjnym wszystkich najważniejszych interesariuszy przedmiotowego projektu. Ponadto, sukces wynikał także z właściwego zaangażowania i podziału odpowiedzialności interesariuszy wewnętrznych w procesy komunikacji z kluczowymi interesariuszami zewnętrznymi
Lektor też człowiek, czyli o przekładzie voice-over
RECENZJA: Eliana Franco, Anna Matamala, Pilar Orero, (2010), Voice-over Translation. An Overview, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 2010 248 pp. ISBN 978-3-0343-0393-4 pb
Simplification of real-estate contracts with the Land Administration System: a case study of Poland
This article examines the practicalities of Notaries Public using the Land Administration System for e-service transfer of property ownership. Herein, we use the example of the Polish Integrated Real Estate Information System (IREIS) in the activities of a Notary Public. Good governance and its genesis and IREIS developmental stages are initially assessed with emphasis on the functionality of the system and integration of the databases containing the information needed to prepare for notarial duties. The most important legal provisions applied to the conducting of professional duties by notaries are then discussed. These notably include the provisions of Notary Law and the Civil Code. Notarial tasks were then examined with regard to the possibility and admissibility of using the IREIS to accelerate their activities, decrease delays in essential formalities and minimize associated costs. Conclusions are drawn, and these include the forecast of future innovative solutions by e-service communication
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