30 research outputs found

    Perturbative Calculation of Energy Levels for Coupled Oscillators Using the Inner Product Technique

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    Energy Eigenvalues and Splitting Between Even and Odd Energy Levels of a Double-Well Potential

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    Two approximate formulae for the binding energies in Lambda hypernuclei and light nuclei

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    Two approximate formulae are given for the binding energies in Lambda-hypernuclei and light nuclei by means of the (reduced) Poeschl-Teller and the Gaussian central potentials. Those easily programmable formulae combine the eigenvalues of the transformed Jacobi eigenequation and an application of the hypervirial theorems.Comment: Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Variational collocation for systems of coupled anharmonic oscillators

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    We have applied a collocation approach to obtain the numerical solution to the stationary Schr\"odinger equation for systems of coupled oscillators. The dependence of the discretized Hamiltonian on scale and angle parameters is exploited to obtain optimal convergence to the exact results. A careful comparison with results taken from the literature is performed, showing the advantages of the present approach.Comment: 14 pages, 10 table

    Application of the Frobenius method to the Schrodinger equation for a spherically symmetric potential: anharmonic oscillator

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    The power series method has been adapted to compute the spectrum of the Schrodinger equation for central potential of the form V(r)=d2r2+d1r+i=0diriV(r)={d_{-2}\over r^2}+{d_{-1}\over r}+\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} d_{i}r^i. The bound-state energies are given as zeros of a calculable function, if the potential is confined in a spherical box. For an unconfined potential the interval bounding the energy eigenvalues can be determined in a similar way with an arbitrarily chosen precision. The very accurate results for various spherically symmetric anharmonic potentials are presented.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, published in J. Phys

    Study of a class of non-polynomial oscillator potentials

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    We develop a variational method to obtain accurate bounds for the eigenenergies of H = -Delta + V in arbitrary dimensions N>1, where V(r) is the nonpolynomial oscillator potential V(r) = r^2 + lambda r^2/(1+gr^2), lambda in (-infinity,\infinity), g>0. The variational bounds are compared with results previously obtained in the literature. An infinite set of exact solutions is also obtained and used as a source of comparison eigenvalues.Comment: 16 page

    Renormalization--Group Solutions for Yukawa Potential

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    The self--similar renormalization group is used to obtain expressions for the spectrum of the Hamiltonian with the Yukawa potential. The critical screening parameter above which there are no bound states is also obtained by this method. The approach presented illustrates that one can achieve good accuracy without involving extensive numerical calculations, but invoking instead the renormalization--group techniques.Comment: 1 file, 12 pages, RevTe

    Accurate energy spectrum for double-well potential: periodic basis

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    We present a variational study of employing the trigonometric basis functions satisfying periodic boundary condition for the accurate calculation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of quartic double-well oscillators. Contrary to usual Dirichlet boundary condition, imposing periodic boundary condition on the basis functions results in the existence of an inflection point with vanishing curvature in the graph of the energy versus the domain of the variable. We show that this boundary condition results in a higher accuracy in comparison to Dirichlet boundary condition. This is due to the fact that the periodic basis functions are not necessarily forced to vanish at the boundaries and can properly fit themselves to the exact solutions.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Molecular Physic

    Eigenvalues from power--series expansions: an alternative approach

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    An appropriate rational approximation to the eigenfunction of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for anharmonic oscillators enables one to obtain the eigenvalue accurately as the limit of a sequence of roots of Hankel determinants. The convergence rate of this approach is greater than that for a well--established method based on a power--series expansions weighted by a Gaussian factor with an adjustable parameter (the so--called Hill--determinant method)

    Hypervirial Perturbation Calculations for a Spiked Oscillator

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