13,641 research outputs found

    BPS states in (2,0) theory on R x T5

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    We consider (2,0)(2, 0) theory on a space-time of the form RĂ—T5R \times T^5, where the first factor denotes time, and the second factor is a flat spatial five-torus. In addition to their energy, quantum states are characterized by their spatial momentum, 't Hooft flux, and Sp(4)Sp (4) RR-symmetry representation. The momentum obeys a shifted quantization law determined by the 't Hooft flux. By supersymmetry, the energy is bounded from below by the magnitude of the momentum. This bound is saturated by BPS states, that are annihilated by half of the supercharges. The spectrum of such states is invariant under smooth deformations of the theory, and can thus be studied by exploiting the interpretation of (2,0)(2, 0) theory as an ultra-violet completion of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on RĂ—T4R \times T^4. Our main example is the AA-series of (2,0)(2,0) theories, where such methods allow us to study the spectrum of BPS states for many values of the momentum and the 't Hooft flux. In particular, we can describe the RR-symmetry transformation properties of these states by determining the image of their Sp(4)Sp (4) representation in a certain quotient of the Sp(4)Sp (4) representation ring.Comment: 22 page

    Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter within an Isothermal Cavity: Thermodynamics, Phase Transitions and the Dirichlet Problem

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    The thermodynamics of Schwarzschild black holes within an isothermal cavity and the associated Euclidean Dirichlet boundary-value problem are studied for four and higher dimensions in anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. For such boundary conditions classically there always exists a unique hot AdS solution and two or no Schwarzschild-AdS black-hole solutions depending on whether or not the temperature of the cavity-wall is above a minimum value, the latter being a function of the radius of the cavity. Assuming the standard area-law of black-hole entropy, it was known that larger and smaller holes have positive and negative specific heats and hence are locally thermodynamically stable and unstable respectively. In this paper we present the first derivation of this by showing that the standard area law of black-hole entropy holds in the semi-classical approximation of the Euclidean path integral for such boundary conditions. We further show that for wall-temperatures above a critical value a phase transition takes hot AdS to the larger Schwarzschild-AdS within the cavity. The larger hole thus can be globally thermodynamically stable above this temperature. The phase transition can occur for a cavity of arbitrary radius above a (corresponding) critical temperature. In the infinite cavity limit this picture reduces to that considered by Hawking and Page. The case of five dimensions is found to be rather special since exact analytic expressions can be obtained for the masses of the two holes as functions of cavity radius and temperature thus solving exactly the Euclidean Dirichlet problem. This makes it possible to compute the on-shell Euclidean action as functions of them from which other quantities of interest can be evaluated exactly.Comment: 23 pages, Late

    A Relation Between Gravity in (3+1)(3+1)--Dimensions and Pontrjagin Topological Invariant

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    A relation between the MacDowell-Mansouri theory of gravity and the Pontrjagin toplogical invariant in (3+1)(3+1) dimensions is discussed. This relation may be of especial interest in the quest of finding a mechanism to go from non-dynamical to dynamical gravity.Comment: 9 pages, Te

    Observations on the Topological Structure in 2d Gravity Coupled to Minimal Matter

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    By using a bosonization we uncover the topological gravity structure of Labastida, Pernici and Witten in ordinary 2d2d gravity coupled to (p,q)(p,q) minimal models. We study the cohomology class associated with the fermionic charge of the topological gravity which is shown to be isomorphic to that of the total BRSTBRST charge. One of the ground ring generators of cM<1c_M <1 string theory is found to be in the equivariant cohomology of this fermionic charge.Comment: 13 pages, plain tex, UG-5/94 Some clarifying statements and two new references adde

    The quantum Hilbert space of a chiral two-form in d = 5 + 1 dimensions

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    We consider the quantum theory of a two-form gauge field on a space-time which is a direct product of time and a spatial manifold, taken to be a compact five-manifold with no torsion in its cohomology. We show that the Hilbert space of this non-chiral theory is a certain subspace of a tensor product of two spaces, that are naturally interpreted as the Hilbert spaces of a chiral and anti-chiral two-form theory respectively. We also study the observable operators in the non-chiral theory that correspond to the electric and magnetic field strengths, the Hamiltonian, and the exponentiated holonomy of the gauge-field around a spatial two-cycle. All these operators can be decomposed into contributions pertaining to the chiral and anti-chiral sectors of the theory.Comment: 15 page

    A Holographic Prediction of the Deconfinement Temperature

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    We argue that deconfinement in AdS/QCD models occurs via a first order Hawking-Page type phase transition between a low temperature thermal AdS space and a high temperature black hole. Such a result is consistent with the expected temperature independence, to leading order in 1/N_c, of the meson spectrum and spatial Wilson loops below the deconfinement temperature. As a byproduct, we obtain model dependent deconfinement temperatures T_c in the hard and soft wall models of AdS/QCD. Our result for T_c in the soft wall model is close to a recent lattice prediction.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; v2 ref added, minor changes; v3 refs added, discussion modified, to appear in PR

    Wilson-t'Hooft Loops in Finite-Temperature Non-commutative Dipole Field Theory from Dual Supergravity

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    We first study the temporal Wilson loop in the finite-temperature non-commutative dipole field theory from the string/gauge correspondence. The associated dual supergravity background is constructed from the near-horizon geometry of near-extremal D-branes, after applying T-duality and smeared twist. We investigate the string configuration therein and find that while the temperature produces a maximum distance LmaxL_{max} in the interquark distance the dipole in there could produce a minimum distance LminL_{min}. The quark boundary pair therefore could be found only if their distance is between LminL_{min} and LmaxL_{max}. We also show that, beyond a critical temperature the quark pair becomes totally free due to screening by thermal bath. We next study the spatial Wilson loop and find the confining nature in the zero temperature 3D and 4D non-supersymmetry dipole gauge theory. The string tension of the linear confinement potential is obtained and found to be a decreasing function of the dipole field. We also investigate the associated t'Hooft loop and determine the corresponding monopole anti-monopole potential. The conventional screening of magnetic charge which indicates the confinement of the electric charge is replaced by a strong repulsive however. Finally, we show that the dual string which is rotating along the dipole deformed S5S^5 will behave as a static one without dipole field, which has no minimum distance and has larger energy than a static one with dipole field. We discuss the phase transition between these string solutions.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, 8 figures, add several comment

    Holographic Derivation of Entanglement Entropy from AdS/CFT

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    A holographic derivation of the entanglement entropy in quantum (conformal) field theories is proposed from AdS/CFT correspondence. We argue that the entanglement entropy in d+1 dimensional conformal field theories can be obtained from the area of d dimensional minimal surfaces in AdS_{d+2}, analogous to the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for black hole entropy. We show that our proposal perfectly reproduces the correct entanglement entropy in 2D CFT when applied to AdS_3. We also compare the entropy computed in AdS_5 \times S^5 with that of the free N=4 super Yang-Mills.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Revtex, references adde

    Holographic Duals of Long Open Strings

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    We study the holographic map between long open strings, which stretch between D-branes separated in the bulk space-time, and operators in the dual boundary theory. We focus on a generalization of the Sakai-Sugimoto holographic model of QCD, where the simplest chiral condensate involves an operator of this type. Its expectation value is dominated by a semi-classical string worldsheet, as for Wilson loops. We also discuss the deformation of the model by this operator, and in particular its effect on the meson spectrum. This deformation can be thought of as a generalization of a quark mass term to strong coupling. It leads to the first top-down holographic model of QCD with a non-Abelian chiral symmetry which is both spontaneously and explicitly broken, as in QCD. Other examples we study include half-supersymmetric open Wilson lines, and systems of D-branes ending on NS5-branes, which can be analyzed using worldsheet methods.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures, harvmac. v2: added reference
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