83 research outputs found

    MGMT 401 Organizational Behavior

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    Course syllabus for MGMT 401 Organizational Behavior Course description: Analyzes the behavior of people in organizations. Discusses organizational motivation, leadership, group behavior, communication, and decision making

    Ekslibris — miniaturowe dzieło sztuki. O graficznych znakach własnościowych i działalności Warszawskiej Galerii Ekslibrisu

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    The author describes the exhibitions’ history and publishes of Warsaw Bookplate Gallery(Warszawska Galeria Ekslibrisu) which is functioning within the Public Library of Ochota, Warsaw. An author defines the notion of bookplate, broadly discusses the technical and artistic aspects of the creative graphic books`mark, he is commenting the controversy surrounding the use of accumulated computer graphics techniques to create bookplates.Autor opisuje historię oraz działalność wystawienniczą i wydawniczą Warszawskiej Galerii Ekslibrisu (WGE), funkcjonującej w ramach Biblioteki Publicznej w Dzielnicy Ochota m.st. Warszawy. Definiuje pojęcie ekslibrisu, szeroko omawia techniczne i artystyczne aspekty powstawania graficznych znaków książkowych, komentuje kontrowersje narosłe wokół stosowania komputerowych technik graficznych w tworzeniu ekslibrisów

    Pengaruh layanan bimbingan pribadi dan perhatian orang tua terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja

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    Layanan bimbingan Pribadi yang diberikan kepada remaja dapat membantu remaja dalam mengenal kelebihan dan kekurangan diri serta seluruh potensi yang dimiliki, hal ini dapat memberi pengaruh terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja. Selain layanan bimbingan pribadi, perhatian orang tua juga dapat memberi pengaruh terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja, orang tua yangm emperhatikan kebutuhan anak baik kebutuhan pokok maupun kebutuhan sosialnya, serta memberikan perhatian yang tulus dan kasih sayang yang cukup akan membuat anak tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi lebih optimal dapat membuat remaja lebih percaya diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh layanan bimbingan pribadi dan perhatian orang tua terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMA Khatolik ST.Bonaventura Madiun Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 dengan jumlah 111 siswa yang tersebar dalam 6 kelas. Teknik sampling yang penulis gunakan adalah Sampling Jenuh. Data diperoleh dengan metode angket berbentuk skala yaitu skala layanan bimbingan pribadi, skala perhatian orang tua, dan skala rasa percaya diri remaja. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengajukan 3 hipotesis yaitu:1) hipotesis minor pertama yang berbunyi: terdapat pengaruh layanan bimbingan pribadi terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja. 2) hipotesis minor kedua yang berbunyi : terdapat pengaruh perhatian orang tua terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja. 3) hipotesis mayor yang berbunyi terdapat pengaruh layanan bimbingan pribadi dan perhatian orang tua terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja. Data dianalis dengan menggunakan teknik regresi linear berganda. Model persamaan garis regresi Y = 45.722 + 0.522 + 0.125. hasil analis adalah sebagai berikut: 1) ada pengaruh yang positif antara layanan bimbingan pribadi dan perhatian orang tua terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja, terbukti bahwa F hitung > F tabel (42.840 > 3,08) 2) ada pengaruh yang positif antara layanan bimbingan pribadi terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja terbukti bahwa t hitung > t tabel (7,172> 1,982) 3) Tidak ada pengaruh antara perhatian orang tua terhadap rasa percaya diri remaja, yang terbukti bahwa t hitung ≤ t tabel (1,631 ≤ 1,982)

    A high-resolution diatom-based Middle and Late Holocene environmental history of the Little Belt region, Baltic Sea

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    The large‐scale shifts in the salinity of the Baltic Sea over the Holocene are well understood and have been comprehensively documented using sedimentary proxy records. More recent work has focused on understanding how past salinity fluctuations have affected other ecological parameters (e.g. primary productivity, nutrient content) of the Baltic basin, and salinity changes over key events and over short time scales are still not well understood. The International Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 cored the Baltic basin in order to collect basin‐wide environmental records through a glacial–interglacial cycle. Site M0059 is located in the Little Belt between the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. A composite splice section from Site M0059 was analysed at a decadal resolution to study changes in salinity, nutrient conditions and other surface water column parameters based on changes in diatom assemblages and on quantitative diatom‐based salinity inferences. A mesotrophic slightly brackish assemblage is seen in the lowermost analysed depths, corresponding to 7800–7500 cal. a BP . An increase in salinity and nutrient content of the water column leads into a meso‐eutrophic brackish phase. The observed salinity increase is rapid, lasting from 7500 to 7150 cal. a BP . Subsequently, the Little Belt becomes oligotrophic and is dominated by tychopelagic diatoms from c . 7100 to c . 3900 cal. a BP . This interval contains some of the highest salinities observed followed by diatom assemblages similar to those of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, composed primarily of cosmopolitan open ocean marine diatoms. A return to tychopelagic productivity is seen from 3850 to 980 cal. a BP . Anthropogenic eutrophication is detected in the last 300 years of the record, which intensifies in the uppermost sediments. These results represent the first decadally resolved record in the region and provide new insight into the transition to a brackish basin and subsequent ecological development.The large-scale shifts in the salinity of the Baltic Sea over the Holocene are well understood and have been comprehensively documented using sedimentary proxy records. More recent work has focused on understanding how past salinity fluctuations have affected other ecological parameters (e.g. primary productivity, nutrient content) of the Baltic basin, and salinity changes over key events and over short time scales are still not well understood. The International Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 cored the Baltic basin in order to collect basin-wide environmental records through a glacial-interglacial cycle. Site M0059 is located in the Little Belt between the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. A composite splice section from Site M0059 was analysed at a decadal resolution to study changes in salinity, nutrient conditions and other surface water column parameters based on changes in diatom assemblages and on quantitative diatom-based salinity inferences. A mesotrophic slightly brackish assemblage is seen in the lowermost analysed depths, corresponding to 7800-7500 cal. a BP. An increase in salinity and nutrient content of the water column leads into a meso-eutrophic brackish phase. The observed salinity increase is rapid, lasting from 7500 to 7150 cal. a BP. Subsequently, the Little Belt becomes oligotrophic and is dominated by tychopelagic diatoms from c. 7100 to c. 3900 cal. a BP. This interval contains some of the highest salinities observed followed by diatom assemblages similar to those of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, composed primarily of cosmopolitan open oceanmarine diatoms. A return to tychopelagic productivity is seen from 3850 to 980 cal. a BP. Anthropogenic eutrophication is detected in the last 300 years of the record, which intensifies in the uppermost sediments. These results represent the first decadally resolved record in the region and provide new insight into the transition to a brackish basin and subsequent ecological development.Peer reviewe

    Meeting the WHO 90% target : antiretroviral treatment efficacy in Poland is associated with baseline clinical patient characteristics

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    Introduction: Modern combined antiretroviral therapies (cART) allow to effectively suppress HIV-1 viral load, with the 90% virologic success rate, meeting the WHO target in most clinical settings. The aim of this study was to analyse antiretroviral treatment efficacy in Poland and to identify variables associated with virologic suppression. Methods: Cross-sectional data on 5152 (56.92% of the countrywide treated at the time-point of analysis) patients on cART for more than six months with at least one HIV-RNA measurement in 2016 were collected from 14 Polish centres. Patients’ characteristics and treatment type-based outcomes were analysed for the virologic suppression thresholds of <50 and <200 HIV-RNA copies/ml. CART was categorized into two nucleos(t)ide (2NRTI) plus non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase (NNRTI) inhibitors, 2NRTI plus protease (PI) inhibitor, 2NRTI plus integrase (InI) inhibitor, nucleos(t)ide sparing PI/r+InI and three drug class regimens. For statistics Chi-square and U-Mann Whitney tests and adjusted multivariate logistic regression models were used. Results: Virologic suppression rates of <50 copies/mL were observed in 4672 (90.68%) and <200 copies/mL in 4934 (95.77%) individuals. In univariate analyses, for the suppression threshold <50 copies/mL higher efficacy was noted for 2NRTI+NNRTI-based combinations (94.73%) compared to 2NRTI+PI (89.93%), 2NRTI+InI (90.61%), nucleos(t)ide sparing PI/r+InI (82.02%) and three drug class regimens (74.49%) (p < 0.0001), with less pronounced but significant differences for the threshold of 200 copies/mL [2NRTI+NNRTI-97.61%, 2NRTI+PI-95.27%, 2NRTI+InI-96.61%, PI/r+InI- 95.51% and 86.22% for three drug class cART) (p < 0.0001). However, in multivariate model, virologic efficacy for viral load <50 copies/mL was similar across treatment groups with significant influence by history of AIDS [OR:1.48 (95%CI:1.01–2.17) if AIDS diagnosed, p = 0.046], viral load < 5 log copies/mL at care entry [OR:1.47 (95%CI:1.08–2.01), p = 0.016], baseline lymphocyte CD4 count ≥200 cells/µL [OR:1.72 (95%CI:1.04–2.78), p = 0.034] and negative HCV serology [OR:1.97 (95%CI:1.29–2.94), p = 0.002]. For viral load threshold <200 copies/mL higher likelihood of virologic success was only associated with baseline lymphocyte CD4 count ≥200 cells/µL [OR:2.08 (95%CI:1.01–4.35), p = 0.049] and negative HCV status [OR:2.84 (95%CI:1.52–5.26), p = 0.001]. Conclusions: Proportion of virologically suppressed patients is in line with WHO treatment target confirming successful application of antiretroviral treatment strategy in Poland. Virological suppression rates depend on baseline patient characteristics, which should guide individualized antiretroviral tre0atment decisions

    MGMT 501 Foundations of Management

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    Course syllabus for MGMT 501 Foundations of Management Course description: Introduces to students the language and practice of general management, including the legal, social and global environment of business, the craft of the general manager, the functions of management, and the role and practice of marketing and operations. Uses case analysis and teamwork. This course is a foundation course for the MBA program

    MGMT 501 Foundations of Management

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    Course syllabus for MGMT 501 Foundations of Management Course description: Introduces to students the language and practice of general management, including the legal, social and global environment of business, the craft of the general manager, the functions of management, and the role and practice of marketing and operations. Uses case analysis and teamwork. This course is a foundation course for the MBA program

    Coordination properties of selected cyclic peptide hormones and their analogues

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    Hormones are a heterogeneous, significant compounds, responsible for proper functioning of living organisms, produced by specialized cells, tissues and glands. Theirs main role is signals transmission to target tissues, responsible for the right working of the whole organism. Dysfunctions of the hormones homeostasis balance lead to disease states [1-3]. Recently, scientists have paid attention to role of the metal ions in the proper synthesis of these compounds and functioning of human body [4]. More and more scientific works explain the complicated roles of metals as beneficial factors that stimulate the conformation of peptides. Metal ions are responsible for biological properties and influence of hormones binding to appropriate receptors, but also adverse factors [4,5]. The search for an answer to the question about the metal - hormone relationship has led to the development of a new, interdisciplinary studies: metalloendocrinology, linking inorganic chemistry with endocrinology [4]. In this work, we present the literature data that relate to metal - peptide hormone interactions. We focused on cyclic hormones with a disulfide bridge and their analogues. In our review we have focused on selected natural cyclic peptide hormones: oxytocin, vasopressin, somatostatin, hepcidin and amylin. The studies on the coordination abilities showed that transition metal ions, such as copper(II), zinc(II) or nickel(II), form stable complexes with described peptides. Metal ions actively participate in many phenomena. They have played role in the formation of amylin aggregates in patients with type 2 diabetes [6]. The high ability to copper(II) by hepcidin may have an effect on its homeostasis [7]. Stable complexes of oxytocin and vasopressin facilitate binding with appropriate receptors for these peptides [8]