96 research outputs found

    Effects on Morphology and Chemical Properties of Indonesian Bamboos by Carbonization

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    A simple carbonization technique was applied to utilize Indonesian bamboo resources. Several bamboo species as betung (Dendrocalamus asper), andong (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea (Steudel) Widjaja), hitam (G. atroviolacea), tali (G. apus), kuning (Bambusa vulgaris var. striata), and ampel bamboo (B. Vulgaris Scharad) were selected for carbonization. Carbonization was conducted using a laboratory electrical furnace at 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1,000 1,000°C. The morphological and chemical properties of bamboos before and after carbonization were then analyzed. Betung, hitam, tali, kuning, and ampel bamboos had type IVstructure which was the most common bamboo structure, while andong bambo had type III structure. Cracks in the fiber bundle were observed and became more visible with the increase of carbonization temperature.The pH showed a similar trend in all species.As a result of the electric conductivity test, carbonized andong and kuning bamboo showed higher value due to rich inorganic content.Kuning bamboo has a high value of potassium and silica content, which are suitable for use as fertilizer.The chemical structure transition of bamboo during the carbonization process was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy, and significant changes were observed between 400 and 600°C. These results could be useful fundamental data for promoting high value-added bamboo utilization and improving research in Indonesian bamboo.Keywords: bamboo charcoal, carbonization, Indonesian bamboo, inorganic content, FTI

    Lignin and Cellulose Changes of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) pretreated Microwave Heating

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    This study highlighted the effect of microwave pretreatment on betung bamboo on the chemical structural and morphological changes. The hydrothermal condition was performed in varying power loading (330, 550, and 770 W) and microwave irradition time (5-12.5 min). FTIR spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction and SEM-EDS analysis were utilized to confirm the characteristic changes after pretreatment. The results showed that the severe pretreatment condition tended to increase the carbohydrate losses. From FTIR spectra, microwave pretreatment tended to decrease absorbancy of functional group bands. After microwave pretreatment for 12.5 min (770 W), the band around 1736 cm-1 (C=O in xylan) disappeared in the samples. The syringil propane unit was lower than that of guaiacyl lignin under microwave pretreatment. The disruption of the structure of the cell wall increased the accessibility of cellulase to lignocellulose. Except microwaving for 5 min (330 W), the microwave heating caused carbon and oxygen increasing compared to untreated samples. The increase in crystallinity index of pretreated bamboo suggested the selective degradation of amorphous components.


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi produktivitas bioetanol dari unbeaten pulp, beaten pulp, non-printed paper dan laser-printed paper dengan menggunakan metode sakarifikasi dan fermentasi simultan (simultaneous saccharification and fermentation – SSF). Khamir yang digunakan adalah Saccharomyces cerevisiae, diaplikasikan dalam konsentrasi 10%, 15% dan 20%, dengan waktu inkubasi selama 3, 4, dan 5 hari. Konsentrasi etanol dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi gas, kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung rendemen etanol dan konversi selulosa. Kadar karbohidrat sampel yang cenderung tinggi (lebih dari 70%) mengindikasikan bahwa pulp yang digunakan berpotensi baik untuk produksi bioetanol. Konversi selulosa (8,24%) dan produksi etanol (5,4%) tertinggi ditemukan pada beaten pulp yang difermentasikan dengan konsentrasi khamir 15% dan waktu inkubasi 3 hari. Perlakuan beating diasumsikan dapat meningkatkan rendemen etanol, namun demikian, bahan kimia dan mineral aditif pada kertas menghambat proses hidrolisis enzimatik dan tinta menghambat fermentasi gula sederhana.Kata kunci:bioetanol, pulp putih, penggilingan, kertas bercetak laser,SS

    Metode Estimasi Massa Karbon Pohon Jeunjing (Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen) di Hutan Rakyat (Method for Estimation of Tree Carbon Mass of Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen in Community Forest)

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    The study was conducted at Jalagajaya Village, Jasinga Subdistrict, Bogor District, West Java, Indonesia. The objective of the study was to apply a methodology and method for tree carbon mass stock estimation in community forest based on a field survey of the forest and a model of tree carbon mass equation. The study revealed that there was a difference on carbon content in the parts of the tree biomass. Based on the analysis, model of tree carbon mass equation of Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen at Julagajaya Village was C = 0.7D1.48, with R² adj. = 95.7%. Results of the tree carbon mass estimation of the Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen based on the tree carbon mass-equation model were lower than the results estimated based on the tree biomass-equation model of Brown (1997), but higher than the results estimated based on the tree biomass-equation model of Ketterings et al. (2001). The study showed that the tree carbon stock of the community forest Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen at Julagajaya Village in 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 year age stand were 29.262, 33.555, 36.041, 39.163, 33.163, and 56.943 ton ha-1, respectively.Keywords: biomass-equation model, tree carbon mass-equation model, tree carbon stock, communityfores

    Metode Estimasi Massa Karbon Pohon Jeunjing (Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen) di Hutan Rakyat (Method for Estimation of Tree Carbon Mass of Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen in Community Forest)

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    The study was conducted at Jalagajaya Village, Jasinga Subdistrict, Bogor District, West Java, Indonesia. The objective of the study was to apply a methodology and method for tree carbon mass stock estimation in community forest based on a field survey of the forest and a model of tree carbon mass equation. The study revealed that there was a difference on carbon content in the parts of the tree biomass. Based on the analysis, model of tree carbon mass equation of Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen at Julagajaya Village was C = 0.7D1.48, with R² adj. = 95.7%. Results of the tree carbon mass estimation of the Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen based on the tree carbon mass-equation model were lower than the results estimated based on the tree biomass-equation model of Brown (1997), but higher than the results estimated based on the tree biomass-equation model of Ketterings et al. (2001). The study showed that the tree carbon stock of the community forest Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen at Julagajaya Village in 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 year age stand were 29.262, 33.555, 36.041, 39.163, 33.163, and 56.943 ton ha-1, respectively.Keywords: biomass-equation model, tree carbon mass-equation model, tree carbon stock, communityfores


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    ABSTRACTFive lesser known hardwood species from recently opened settlement area in Kalimantan and Sumatra islands of Indonesia were collected and identified as Symplocos sp., Pterygota sp., Schima sp., Nyssa sp., and Gymnotroches sp. The present experiments were intended to evaluate the potential of these species for dissolving pulp and rayon production. Prehydrolized kraft process was applied to pulp the woods and an ECF bleaching method with DEDED sequences were chosen to purify the resulting pulp. All dissolving pulp and rayon filament properties were compared to Indonesian Industrial Standard SNI 14-0938-1989 for regular rayon filament and high wet modulus (HWM) rayon filament properties. It has been found that these woods can be classified as class II for raw material of pulp making with medium to long fiber, medium wood density and acceptable bulk density of chips. Gymnotroches sp. was the most difficult to delignify, as indicated by the highest kappa number of 18.8. Except for pulp brightness, all parameters tested indicated that these species are highly potential for dissolving pulp and regular rayon production. Some parameters were even indicating that these woods can be used for HWM rayon fiber.Keywords: prehydrolysis, tropical hardwood, dissolving pulp, regular rayon, HWM rayon

    The Characteristic Changes of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper) Pretreated by Fungal Pretreatment

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    The fungal pretreatment effect on chemical structural and morphological changes of Betung Bamboo was evaluated based on its biomass components after being cultivated by white rot fungi, Trametes versicolor. Betung bamboo powder (15 g) was exposed to liquid inoculum of white rot fungi and incubated at 270C for 15, 30 and 45 days. The treated samples were then characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction and SEM-EDS analyses. Cultivation for 30 days with 5 and 10% loadings retained greater selectivity compared to that of the other treatments. FTIR spectra demonstrated that the fungus affected the decreasing of functional group quantities without changing the functional groups. The decrease in intensity at wave number of 1246 cm-1 (guaiacyl of lignin) was greater than that at wave number of 1328 cm-1 (deformation combination of syringyl and xylan) after fungal treatment. X-ray analysis showed the pretreated samples had a higher crystallinity than the untreated ones which might be due to the cleavage of amorphous fractions of cellulose. The pretreated samples have more fragile than the untreated ones confirmed by SEM. Crystalline allomorph calculated by XRD analysis showed that fungus pretreatment for 30 days has transformed triclinic structure of cellulose to monoclinic structure

    Model Persamaan Massa Karbon Akar Pohon dan Root-Shoot Ratio Massa Karbon

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    The case study was conducted in the area of Acacia mangium plantation at BKPH Parung Panjang, KPH Bogor. The objective of the study was to formulate equation models of tree root carbon mass and root to shoot carbon mass ratio of the plantation. It was found that carbon content in the parts of tree biomass (stems, branches, twigs, leaves, and roots) was different, in which the highest and the lowest carbon content was in the main stem of the tree and in the leaves, respectively. The main stem and leaves of tree accounted for 70% of tree biomass. The root-shoot ratio of root biomass to tree biomass above the ground and the root-shoot ratio of root biomass to main stem biomass was 0.1443 and 0.25771, respectively, in which 75% of tree carbon mass was in the main stem and roots of tree. It was also found that the root-shoot ratio of root carbon mass to tree carbon mass above the ground and the root-shoot ratio of root carbon mass to tree main stem carbon mass was 0.1442 and 0.2034, respectively. All allometric equation models of tree root carbon mass of A. mangium have a high goodness-of-fit as indicated by its high adjusted R2

    Model Persamaan Massa Karbon Akar Pohon dan Root-Shoot Ratio Massa Karbon

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    The case study was conducted in the area of Acacia mangium plantation at BKPH Parung Panjang, KPH Bogor. The objective of the study was to formulate equation models of tree root carbon mass and root to shoot carbon mass ratio of the plantation. It was found that carbon content in the parts of tree biomass (stems, branches, twigs, leaves, and roots) was different, in which the highest and the lowest carbon content was in the main stem of the tree and in the leaves, respectively. The main stem and leaves of tree accounted for 70% of tree biomass. The root-shoot ratio of root biomass to tree biomass above the ground and the root-shoot ratio of root biomass to main stem biomass was 0.1443 and 0.25771, respectively, in which 75% of tree carbon mass was in the main stem and roots of tree. It was also found that the root-shoot ratio of root carbon mass to tree carbon mass above the ground and the root-shoot ratio of root carbon mass to tree main stem carbon mass was 0.1442 and 0.2034, respectively. All allometric equation models of tree root carbon mass of A. mangium have a high goodness-of-fit as indicated by its high adjusted R2
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