3,518 research outputs found

    Adiabatic Elimination in Compound Quantum Systems with Feedback

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    Feedback in compound quantum systems is effected by using the output from one sub-system (``the system'') to control the evolution of a second sub-system (``the ancilla'') which is reversibly coupled to the system. In the limit where the ancilla responds to fluctuations on a much shorter time scale than does the system, we show that it can be adiabatically eliminated, yielding a master equation for the system alone. This is very significant as it decreases the necessary basis size for numerical simulation and allows the effect of the ancilla to be understood more easily. We consider two types of ancilla: a two-level ancilla (e.g. a two-level atom) and an infinite-level ancilla (e.g. an optical mode). For each, we consider two forms of feedback: coherent (for which a quantum mechanical description of the feedback loop is required) and incoherent (for which a classical description is sufficient). We test the master equations we obtain using numerical simulation of the full dynamics of the compound system. For the system (a parametric oscillator) and feedback (intensity-dependent detuning) we choose, good agreement is found in the limit of heavy damping of the ancilla. We discuss the relation of our work to previous work on feedback in compound quantum systems, and also to previous work on adiabatic elimination in general.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures including two subplots as jpeg attachment

    Atom Lasers, Coherent States, and Coherence:II. Maximally Robust Ensembles of Pure States

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    As discussed in Wiseman and Vaccaro [quant-ph/9906125], the stationary state of an optical or atom laser far above threshold is a mixture of coherent field states with random phase, or, equivalently, a Poissonian mixture of number states. We are interested in which, if either, of these descriptions of ρss\rho_{ss}, is more natural. In the preceding paper we concentrated upon whether descriptions such as these are physically realizable (PR). In this paper we investigate another relevant aspect of these ensembles, their robustness. A robust ensemble is one for which the pure states that comprise it survive relatively unchanged for a long time under the system evolution. We determine numerically the most robust ensembles as a function of the parameters in the laser model: the self-energy χ\chi of the bosons in the laser mode, and the excess phase noise ν\nu. We find that these most robust ensembles are PR ensembles, or similar to PR ensembles, for all values of these parameters. In the ideal laser limit (ν=χ=0\nu=\chi=0), the most robust states are coherent states. As the phase noise ν\nu or phase dispersion χ\chi is increased, the most robust states become increasingly amplitude-squeezed. We find scaling laws for these states. As the phase diffusion or dispersion becomes so large that the laser output is no longer quantum coherent, the most robust states become so squeezed that they cease to have a well-defined coherent amplitude. That is, the quantum coherence of the laser output is manifest in the most robust PR states having a well-defined coherent amplitude. This lends support to the idea that robust PR ensembles are the most natural description of the state of the laser mode. It also has interesting implications for atom lasers in particular, for which phase dispersion due to self-interactions is expected to be large.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures included. To be published in Phys. Rev. A, as Part II of a two-part paper. The original version of quant-ph/9906125 is shortly to be replaced by a new version which is Part I of the two-part paper. This paper (Part II) also contains some material from the original version of quant-ph/990612

    Adaptive Measurements in the Optical Quantum Information Laboratory

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    Adaptive techniques make practical many quantum measurements that would otherwise be beyond current laboratory capabilities. For example: they allow discrimination of nonorthogonal states with a probability of error equal to the Helstrom bound; they allow measurement of the phase of a quantum oscillator with accuracy approaching (or in some cases attaining) the Heisenberg limit; and they allow estimation of phase in interferometry with a variance scaling at the Heisenberg limit, using only single qubit measurement and control. Each of these examples has close links with quantum information, in particular experimental optical quantum information: the first is a basic quantum communication protocol; the second has potential application in linear optical quantum computing; the third uses an adaptive protocol inspired by the quantum phase estimation algorithm. We discuss each of these examples, and their implementation in the laboratory, but concentrate upon the last, which was published most recently [Higgins {\em et al.}, Nature vol. 450, p. 393, 2007].Comment: 12 pages, invited paper to be published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics: Quantum Communications and Information Scienc

    Inequivalence of pure state ensembles for open quantum systems: the preferred ensembles are those that are physically realizable

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    An open quantum system in steady state ρ^ss\hat\rho_{ss} can be represented by a weighted ensemble of pure states ρ^ss=kkψkψk\hat\rho_{ss}=\sum_{k}\wp_{k}\ket{\psi_k} \bra{\psi_k} in infinitely many ways. A physically realizable (PR) ensemble is one for which some continuous measurement of the environment will collapse the system into a pure state ψ(t)\ket{\psi(t)}, stochastically evolving such that the proportion of time for which ψ(t)=ψk\ket{\psi(t)} = \ket{\psi_{k}} equals k\wp_{k}. Some, but not all, ensembles are PR. This constitutes the preferred ensemble fact, with the PR ensembles being the preferred ensembles. We present the necessary and sufficient conditions for a given ensemble to be PR, and illustrate the method by showing that the coherent state ensemble is not PR for an atom laser.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Entanglement-enhanced measurement of a completely unknown phase

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    The high-precision interferometric measurement of an unknown phase is the basis for metrology in many areas of science and technology. Quantum entanglement provides an increase in sensitivity, but present techniques have only surpassed the limits of classical interferometry for the measurement of small variations about a known phase. Here we introduce a technique that combines entangled states with an adaptive algorithm to precisely estimate a completely unspecified phase, obtaining more information per photon that is possible classically. We use the technique to make the first ab initio entanglement-enhanced optical phase measurement. This approach will enable rapid, precise determination of unknown phase shifts using interferometry.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Adaptive single-shot phase measurements: The full quantum theory

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    The phase of a single-mode field can be measured in a single-shot measurement by interfering the field with an effectively classical local oscillator of known phase. The standard technique is to have the local oscillator detuned from the system (heterodyne detection) so that it is sometimes in phase and sometimes in quadrature with the system over the course of the measurement. This enables both quadratures of the system to be measured, from which the phase can be estimated. One of us [H.M. Wiseman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4587 (1995)] has shown recently that it is possible to make a much better estimate of the phase by using an adaptive technique in which a resonant local oscillator has its phase adjusted by a feedback loop during the single-shot measurement. In Ref.~[H.M. Wiseman and R.B. Killip, Phys. Rev. A 56, 944] we presented a semiclassical analysis of a particular adaptive scheme, which yielded asymptotic results for the phase variance of strong fields. In this paper we present an exact quantum mechanical treatment. This is necessary for calculating the phase variance for fields with small photon numbers, and also for considering figures of merit other than the phase variance. Our results show that an adaptive scheme is always superior to heterodyne detection as far as the variance is concerned. However the tails of the probability distribution are surprisingly high for this adaptive measurement, so that it does not always result in a smaller probability of error in phase-based optical communication.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures (concatenated), Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Decoherence-full subsystems and the cryptographic power of a private shared reference frame

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    We show that private shared reference frames can be used to perform private quantum and private classical communication over a public quantum channel. Such frames constitute a novel type of private shared correlation (distinct from private classical keys or shared entanglement) useful for cryptography. We present optimally efficient schemes for private quantum and classical communication given a finite number of qubits transmitted over an insecure channel and given a private shared Cartesian frame and/or a private shared reference ordering of the qubits. We show that in this context, it is useful to introduce the concept of a decoherence-full subsystem, wherein every state is mapped to the completely mixed state under the action of the decoherence.Comment: 13 pages, published versio

    There is no unmet requirement of optical coherence for continuous-variable quantum teleportation

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    It has been argued [T. Rudolph and B.C. Sanders, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 077903 (2001)] that continuous-variable quantum teleportation at optical frequencies has not been achieved because the source used (a laser) was not `truly coherent'. Here I show that `true coherence' is always illusory, as the concept of absolute time on a scale beyond direct human experience is meaningless. A laser is as good a clock as any other, even in principle, and this objection to teleportation experiments is baseless.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, no equations, to be published in Journal of Modern Optics. This is a long version of quant-ph/0104004. I have not replaced that paper with this one because some authors have referenced that one approvingly who may feel differently about doing so to this versio

    Mixed state discrimination using optimal control

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    We present theory and experiment for the task of discriminating two nonorthogonal states, given multiple copies. We implement several local measurement schemes, on both pure states and states mixed by depolarizing noise. We find that schemes which are optimal (or have optimal scaling) without noise perform worse with noise than simply repeating the optimal single-copy measurement. Applying optimal control theory, we derive the globally optimal local measurement strategy, which outperforms all other local schemes, and experimentally implement it for various levels of noise.Comment: Corrected ref 1 date; 4 pages & 4 figures + 2 pages & 3 figures supplementary materia

    A matched expansion approach to practical self-force calculations

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    We discuss a practical method to compute the self-force on a particle moving through a curved spacetime. This method involves two expansions to calculate the self-force, one arising from the particle's immediate past and the other from the more distant past. The expansion in the immediate past is a covariant Taylor series and can be carried out for all geometries. The more distant expansion is a mode sum, and may be carried out in those cases where the wave equation for the field mediating the self-force admits a mode expansion of the solution. In particular, this method can be used to calculate the gravitational self-force for a particle of mass mu orbiting a black hole of mass M to order mu^2, provided mu/M << 1. We discuss how to use these two expansions to construct a full self-force, and in particular investigate criteria for matching the two expansions. As with all methods of computing self-forces for particles moving in black hole spacetimes, one encounters considerable technical difficulty in applying this method; nevertheless, it appears that the convergence of each series is good enough that a practical implementation may be plausible.Comment: IOP style, 8 eps figures, accepted for publication in a special issue of Classical and Quantum Gravit