167 research outputs found

    Editors\u27 Introduction

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    The inaugural issue of FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education begins a new chapter in the scholarly and professional discussion of comparative and international education research, policy, and practice. Comparative and international education research has become increasingly isolated from educational policymaking as well as school- and classroom-level decisionmaking as the amount and diversity of research in the field has grown. FIRE is an international, peer-reviewed publication, which seeks to bridge this gap by promoting interdisciplinary scholarship on the use of internationally comparative data for evidence-based and innovative change in educational systems, schools, and classrooms worldwide. FIRE provides an open source and widely accessible platform for disseminating research on education from multiple cultural, organizational and national perspectives. To introduce FIRE to the community of researchers, policymakers, and educators this introduction provides an overview of the journal’s hallmark characteristics and suggestions for manuscript and special issue topics. Die erste Ausgabe von FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education schlägt ein neues Kapitel in der wissenschaftlichen und akademischen Diskussion über vergleichende und internationale Bildungsforschung, -politik und -praxis auf. Mit der Zunahme und Diversifizierung von Forschung hat sich die Internationale und Vergleichende Bildungsforschung zunehmend von Fragen der Bildungspolitik aber auch der Entscheidungsfindung auf der Ebene von Schule und Klassenzimmer isoliert. FIRE ist eine internationale, peer-reviewte Publikation, die versucht, diese Lücke zu schließen durch die Förderung interdisziplinärer Forschung über die Verwendung von international vergleichenden Daten für evidenzbasierten und innovativen Veränderungen in Bildungssystemen, Schulen und Klassenzimmern weltweit. FIRE bietet eine freie und allgemein zugängliche Plattform zur Verbreitung von Forschung zum Thema Bildung aus verschiedenen kulturellen, organisatorischen und nationalen Perspektiven. Diese Einleitung möchte FIRE den Vertreter_innen von Forschung, Politik und Praxis vorstellen und einen Überblick über den Qualitätskennzeichen und Merkmale des Journals anbieten und zugleich einige Vorschläge für Manuskripte und Themen für Sonderhefte unterbreiten

    Globalization and comparative education research: misconceptions and applications of neo-institutional theory

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    As globalization studies have become central to comparative education research, neo-institutional theory has become the focus of many debates among comparative education researchers investigating the effects of globalization on education. Yet, in spite of this focus, many comparative education researchers have difficulty interpreting neo-institutional theory and how it frames comparative education research. In particular, misconceptions persist related to which strand of neo-institutional theory is the most relevant to comparative education research, and whether or not neo-institutional theory advocates for the homogenization of education and society worldwide. This article addresses these misconceptions by explaining the theory in relation to comparative education research using a specific empirical case as an example. The documented theoretical and methodological diversity within the field of comparative education supports the assertion that neo-institutional theory provides a productive framework for understanding and interpreting comparative education phenomena, but that complementary approaches and methods are useful as well.La teoría neo-institucionalista se ha ubicado en el centro de los debates académicos debido al avance y proliferación de los estudios en educación comparada que sitúan los análisis en el en el marco del proceso de globalización. Sin embargo, a pesar de su relevancia para la educación comparada, la teoría neo-institucionalista sigue generando incertidumbre en cuanto a su empleo e interpretación en la investigación educativa comparada. Parte de esta incertidumbre proviene de la malinterpretación de sus principios, variantes y de su capacidad explicativa. Además, aún persisten varios malentendidos sobre el neo-institucionalismo como por ejemplo, la creencia que sostiene que la versión conocida como la “cultura global” es la única variante del neo-institucionalismo relevante a la investigación educativa comparada. Otra suposición errónea es la que considera que la homogeneización cultural global es uno de los objetivos avanzados por los investigadores que aplican el marco teórico neo-institucional para explicar los fenómenos educativos comparados. Este artículo tiene como propósito abordar esos malentendidos a través de un caso de estudio que utilizaremos como ejemplo. El mismo nos permitirá no sólo clarificar los errores sobre la teoría neo-institucionalista sino también demostrar una de las tantas aplicaciones posibles a la investigación comparada en educación. Los resultados nos permiten sostener que las distintas variantes del marco teórico neo-institucionalista son útiles como acercamiento a la problemática de la educación comparada. De la misma forma también dan cuenta de la necesidad de utilizar métodos y formas de aproximación al conocimiento en forma complementaria. La probada riqueza y diversidad teórica y metodológica del neo-institucionalismo en el campo de la educación comparada asevera fehacientemente que el neo-institucionalismo nos provee de un marco teórico productivo para el entendimiento e interpretación de los fenómenos educativos comparado

    Dynamic Critical Behavior of the Swendsen-Wang Algorithm: The Two-Dimensional 3-State Potts Model Revisited

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    We have performed a high-precision Monte Carlo study of the dynamic critical behavior of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for the two-dimensional 3-state Potts model. We find that the Li-Sokal bound (τint,Econst×CH\tau_{int,E} \geq const \times C_H) is almost but not quite sharp. The ratio τint,E/CH\tau_{int,E} / C_H seems to diverge either as a small power (0.08\approx 0.08) or as a logarithm.Comment: 35 pages including 3 figures. Self-unpacking file containing the LaTeX file, the needed macros (epsf.sty, indent.sty, subeqnarray.sty, and eqsection.sty) and the 3 Postscript figures. Revised version fixes a normalization error in \xi (with many thanks to Wolfhard Janke for finding the error!). To be published in J. Stat. Phys. 87, no. 1/2 (April 1997

    Nonideal quantum detectors in Bayesian formalism

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    The Bayesian formalism for a continuous measurement of solid-state qubits is derived for a model which takes into account several factors of the detector nonideality. In particular, we consider additional classical output and backaction noises (with finite correlation), together with quantum-limited output and backaction noises, and take into account possible asymmetry of the detector coupling. The formalism is first derived for a single qubit and then generalized to the measurement of entangled qubits.Comment: 10 page

    Suppression of quantum oscillations and the dependence on site energies in electronic excitation transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson trimer

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    Energy transfer in the photosynthetic complex of the Green Sulfur Bacteria known as the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex is studied theoretically taking all three subunits (monomers) of the FMO trimer and the recently found eighth bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molecule into account. We find that in all considered cases there is very little transfer between the monomers. Since it is believed that the eighth BChl is located near the main light harvesting antenna we look at the differences in transfer between the situation when BChl 8 is initially excited and the usually considered case when BChl 1 or 6 is initially excited. We find strong differences in the transfer dynamics, both qualitatively and quantitatively. When the excited state dynamics is initialized at site eight of the FMO complex, we see a slow exponential-like decay of the excitation. This is in contrast to the oscillations and a relatively fast transfer that occurs when only seven sites or initialization at sites 1 and 6 is considered. Additionally we show that differences in the values of the electronic transition energies found in the literature lead to a large difference in the transfer dynamics

    Dynamic Critical Behavior of a Swendsen-Wang-Type Algorithm for the Ashkin-Teller Model

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    We study the dynamic critical behavior of a Swendsen-Wang-type algorithm for the Ashkin--Teller model. We find that the Li--Sokal bound on the autocorrelation time (τint,Econst×CH\tau_{{\rm int},{\cal E}} \ge {\rm const} \times C_H) holds along the self-dual curve of the symmetric Ashkin--Teller model, and is almost but not quite sharp. The ratio τint,E/CH\tau_{{\rm int},{\cal E}} / C_H appears to tend to infinity either as a logarithm or as a small power (0.05p0.120.05 \leq p \leq 0.12). In an appendix we discuss the problem of extracting estimates of the exponential autocorrelation time.Comment: 59 pages including 3 figures, uuencoded g-compressed ps file. Postscript size = 799740 byte

    A systematic study of the radion in the compact Randall-Sundrum model

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    We systematically study the question of identification and consistent inclusion of the radion, within the Lagrangian approach, in a two brane Randall-Sundrum model. Exploiting the symmetry properties of the theory, we show how the radion can be identified unambiguously and give the action to all orders in the radion field and the metric. Using the background field method, we expand the theory to quadratic orders in the fields. We show that the most general classical solutions, for the induced metric on the branes in the case of a constant radion and a factorizable 4D metric, correspond to Einstein spaces. We discuss extensively the diagonalization of the quadratic action. Furthermore, we obtain the 4-dimensional effective theory from this and study the question of the spectrum as well as the couplings in these theories.Comment: revtex, 17 page

    EPHB4 kinase-inactivating mutations cause autosomal dominant lymphatic-related hydrops fetalis.

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    Hydrops fetalis describes fluid accumulation in at least 2 fetal compartments, including abdominal cavities, pleura, and pericardium, or in body tissue. The majority of hydrops fetalis cases are nonimmune conditions that present with generalized edema of the fetus, and approximately 15% of these nonimmune cases result from a lymphatic abnormality. Here, we have identified an autosomal dominant, inherited form of lymphatic-related (nonimmune) hydrops fetalis (LRHF). Independent exome sequencing projects on 2 families with a history of in utero and neonatal deaths associated with nonimmune hydrops fetalis uncovered 2 heterozygous missense variants in the gene encoding Eph receptor B4 (EPHB4). Biochemical analysis determined that the mutant EPHB4 proteins are devoid of tyrosine kinase activity, indicating that loss of EPHB4 signaling contributes to LRHF pathogenesis. Further, inactivation of Ephb4 in lymphatic endothelial cells of developing mouse embryos led to defective lymphovenous valve formation and consequent subcutaneous edema. Together, these findings identify EPHB4 as a critical regulator of early lymphatic vascular development and demonstrate that mutations in the gene can cause an autosomal dominant form of LRHF that is associated with a high mortality rate

    Searching for a Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves with LIGO

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    The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) has performed the fourth science run, S4, with significantly improved interferometer sensitivities with respect to previous runs. Using data acquired during this science run, we place a limit on the amplitude of a stochastic background of gravitational waves. For a frequency independent spectrum, the new limit is ΩGW<6.5×105\Omega_{\rm GW} < 6.5 \times 10^{-5}. This is currently the most sensitive result in the frequency range 51-150 Hz, with a factor of 13 improvement over the previous LIGO result. We discuss complementarity of the new result with other constraints on a stochastic background of gravitational waves, and we investigate implications of the new result for different models of this background.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figure