39 research outputs found
The entry of Western values, among others through culture, has been known recently. Culturalvalues are mostly among others enter through technology and consumer goods as product of technology.One attempt tobalancevaluesof the West, which would be cultural values, performed byKi Hajar Dewantara, a National Cultural Educator once was. In an attempt balancing the effortsmade on the basis of Javanese culture is more family-oriented, independence, a sense of moralhigh priority and live in harmony with nature. Many of the teachings of Java is developed throughslogans and statements originating and noble values normative religious. So Western culture, suchas individualistic, rationalistic, and intellectualism can be compensated fairly and naturally.Keywords: Western values, Javanese culture, cultural values
Social problems in society often occur in increasingly complex social environments. Many things happen which are in line with human life that continues to evolve and fluctuate especially it happens in developing countries. This is usually caused by the existence of social sustainability in a community group and arousing social jealousy, thus generate to behavior with certain characteristics. Through several theories, the behavior is reviewed and the symptoms are also observed. Finally, a simple understanding is obtained, that social problems are caused by, among others; 1) young generation movements, 2) poverty groups, 3) education groups. It is not the wrong educational process, but the supporting factors that are not in line with the values in the learning process are the factors that support the problem insociety
This study aims to develop the virtues or values of Inesian life by including them in the odd semester of Catholicism as a form of implementation of character education according to school culture for seventh grade students at a junior high school in Surabaya. This research is a development research using the Research and Development (R & D) method with the ADDIE model development procedure which consists of 5 steps, including (1) analyze, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. The type of data used is qualitative and quantitative data collected through validation tests and questionnaires. The results of validation by media experts from the first and second validations obtained the average percentage of feasibility of 62, 56% and 80%. The assessment by material experts from the first and second validation results obtained
an average percentage of feasibility of 68.3% and 92%. From the results of this study it was concluded that Inesian virtue could be used as a character education material that could be implemented through the odd semester class VII Catholic Religious Education subject
Pengembangan Modul IPA Berbasis Literasi dan Integratif dalam Memfasilitasi Belajar Mandiri Siswa
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan Modul IPA Berbasis Literasi dan Integratif dalam memfasilitasi belajar mandiri siswa. Model pengembangan menggunakan ADDIE. Adapun langkah-langkahnya; tahap analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Hasil penelitian validasi dari ahli materi mencapai 88.6%. Sedangkan dari ahli desain media mencapai 91.4%. Hasil Review guru mencapai 88%. Hasil uji coba kelompok kecil secara keseluruhan mencapai 85%. Sedangkan hasil uji kelompok besar kelayakan mencapai 89.7%. Serta evaluasi hasil belajar siswa mencapai 84,21. Dari hasil data dan analisis penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan modul IPA Berbasis Literasi dan Integratif dalam memfasilitasi belajar mandiri siswa kategori layak, dan dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran.Abstract: The research objective is to produce a Literacy-Based and Integrative Science Module in facilitating student independent learning. The development model uses ADDIE. As for the steps; the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation stage. The result of validation research from material experts reached 88.6%. Meanwhile, media design experts reached 91.4%. The results of teacher reviews reached 88%. Total small group trial results reached 85%. While the results of the large group test feasibility reached 89.7%. And the evaluation of student learning outcomes reaches 84.21. From the results of the data and research analysis that the development of an Integrative and Literacy-Based Science module in facilitating student independent learning can be categorized as feasible, and can be implemented in learning
Developing electrical circuits flipbook using flip builder
The students learning outcome in electrical circuits topic are not satisfied. Then, researchers developed an interesting ebook using Flipbuilder that integrated with PhET Simulation software, called electric circuit flipbook. The objectives of this study are: (1) Describing the validity of flipbook based on three lecturers and three teachers; (2) Describing the practicality of flipbook from students respons questionnaire; and (3) Describing the effectiveness of the Electric Circuit Flipbook based on the improvement of student learning outcomes. The development of Electric Circuit Flipbook used ADDIE model. The instruments used are: material, media, and language validation sheet; questionnaire of student responses; and learning outcomes test. The results showed that: (1) The validity of the Electric Circuit Flipbook is very feasible; (2) The practicality of the flipbook is in very practical category; and (3) Flipbook effectiveness is in very effective category. Flipbook electrical circuits developed is eligible to use as a learning mediu
Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Kognitif Berbasis Google Form Pelajaran Matematika
Abstrak: Buku pedoman berupa instrumen penilaian kognitif berbasis google form pelajaran matematika kelas v dihasilkan dari Penelitian pengembangan ini. Selama ini dalam kegiatan penilaian matematika, kebanyakan pendidik masih menggunakan cara lama dengan sistem penilaian berbasis kertas (paper based). sedangkan tuntutan orang tua dan peserta didik menginginkan suatu penilaian yang praktis, cepat, dan efisien tetapi tetap memperhatikan prosedur penilaian yang benar yaitu penilaian berbasis online dengan memanfaatkan google form. Model ADDIE (Analisis, Desain, Development, Implementasi, dan Evaluasi) yang digunakan dalam penelitian tersebut. Jenis data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah data hasil validasi ahli media, ahli materi, dan uji coba kelompok kecil. Validasi ahli materi sebesar 85%, validasi ahli media sebesar 93%, Angket respon kelompok kecil terhadap latihan soal matematika berbasis google form sebesar 81%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk pengembangan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi karena interpretasinya mencapai kriteria sangat layak sehingga produk ini bisa diimplementasikan.Abstract: The guide in the form of a cognitive assessment instrument based on Google form a Class V mathematics lesson resulted from this development research. During the mathematical assessment activities, most educators are still using the old way with paper-based assessment systems. While the demands of parents and learners want a practical, fast, and efficient assessment but still pay attention to the correct assessment procedures that are online-based assessments by utilizing Google forms. Model ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) used in the study. The types of data used in this study are the results of media expert validation, material experts, and small group trials. Validation of material members amounted to 85%, media expert validation of 93%, small group response to the practice of a Google form-based math problem of 81%. Thus it can be concluded that this development product can be used as a reference because the interpretation reaches the criteria is very feasible so that this product can be implemente
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan scrabble versus petualangan maharaja pada motivasi membaca siswa disleksia, mengetahui perbedaan motivasi tinggi dan rendah pada kemampuan membaca siswa disleksia, dan mengetahui interaksi antara permainan dan motivasi pada kemampuan membacasiswa disleksia. Metode Penelitian menggunakan eksperimen. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 8 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Teknik analisis data menggunakan Anava dua jalur dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan scrabble versus permainan petualangan maharaja pada motivasi membaca siswa disleksia, ada perbedaan motivasi tinggi danrendah pada kemampuan membaca siswa disleksia, dan ada interaksi antara permainan dan motivasi pada kemampuan membacasiswa disleksiaAbstractThis study aims to determine the difference between scrabble versus maharaja adventure on the reading motivation of dyslexic students, knowing the difference between high and low motivation on the reading ability of dyslexic students, and knowing the interaction between play and motivation on the reading ability of dyslexic students. Research methods using experiments. The sample of this study were 8 students. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique. Data analysis technique used two-way Anava with a significance value of α = 0.05. The results of the study concluded that there were differences in scrabble versus maharaja adventure games on the reading motivation of dyslexic students, there were differences in high and low motivation on the reading ability of dyslexic students, and there was an interaction between games and motivation on the reading ability of dyslexic students
Developing Non-Fiction Book on Animal Characteristics to Stimulate Cognitive Development of Early Childhood
Early childhood cognitive development can be performed by developing the listening skill which begins with capturing information and knowledge. This research is intended to develop a non-fiction book about animal characteristics that can stimulate early childhood cognitive development. The development model used was Dick & Carey model that has been modified into seven steps. The data collection instruments used were questionnaires of experts, peer responses as well as observations and interviews on children. The data was analyzed by using Likert and Rating Scale. Research data was obtained from material experts, product design experts, peers responses and experiments on children. The results of the research indicate that non-fiction books about animal characteristics are included in criteria that are very feasible to be used to stimulate early childhood cognitive development
Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Proyek Dengan Model Addie Pada Mata Pelajaran Desain Media Interaktif SMK
Penelitian pengembangan dengan teknis research and development ini bertujuan mengembangkan multimedia interaktif berbasis proyek untuk SMK mengadopsi model alur pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) oleh Branch. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuisioner atau angket, yang selanjutnya dianalisis validasi kelayakan produk oleh ahli media dan ahli materi. Hasil angket dianalisis dengan menghitung persentase masing-masing pertanyaan yang diberikan kepada peserta didik. Sedangkan data kualitatif hasil saran dan masukan dari validator yang menjadi data tidak terstruktur diseleksi sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Menurut ahli materi dan ahli media menyatakan media pembelajaran sangat valid dan layak untuk diaplikasikan sedangkan ahli pembelajaran yakni guru bidang studi desain multimedia produk pengembangan sesuai dengan isi, bahasa dan kontekstual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menurut peserta didik kelas XII SMK Negeri 1 Kemlagi Mojokerto sebagai pengguna, produk pengembangan sangat memudahkan peserta didik dalam memahami tentang konsep, desain dan perancangan alur multimedia interaktif. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil pengisian angket tentang respon peserta didik kelas XII SMK Negeri 1 Kemlagi Mojokerto terhadap pengembangan multimedia interaktif sebesar 88,1%. Adapun saran yang diajukan meliputi saran untuk keperluan pemanfaatan produk, desiminasi produk, dan keperluan pengembangan lebih lanjut
The Implementation of Group Investigation, Direct Learning and Motivation toward Learning Outcome of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn)
Group Investigation (GI) is one of the complex methods in group learning that requires students to use high-order thinking skills. Direct Learning (DL) is one of the teaching approaches designed to support students’ learning processes related to declarative knowledge and well-structured procedural knowledge. DL can be taught by a gradual and step-by-step activity pattern. It is known that both models are related to student learning styles and learning outcomes. Learning outcome is a result of the learning process by using measurement tools, namely in the form of tests arranged in a planned manner, both written tests, oral tests, and deeds tests. This study was an experimental research. The population of the study were all class of 10th Grade from two religion-based senior high school, MA Al Khairiyah Balen and MA Muhammadiyah 1 Sumberrejo Bojonegoro, two classes from academic year of 2017/2018 in a total of 142 students. The researchers chose as sample for the experimental group was the class X of Natural Science (IPA) amounting to 36 students and the control class was the class X of Social Science (IPS) totaling 36 students. Sample selection is done by cluster sampling technique