27 research outputs found
Effects of three slow-release urea inclusions in rice straw-based diets on yearling Bali bull performances
The effects of slow-release zinc-urea complexes (ZnU), urea-impregnated zeolite (UZ) and zinc-ureaimpregnated zeolite (ZnUZ) on the performance of yearling Bali bulls were assessed using 20 Bali bulls (145.3 ± 2.5 kg bodyweight (BW)), which were allocated to five treatments and four replications in a completely randomized design. The treatments were: Diets supplemented with no urea (NU) and with urea (U), ZnU, UZ and ZnUZ. The results of the in vivo study revealed that both ZnU and UZ might replace urea effectively by increasing feed intake. Moreover, substituting urea with ZnU, UZ or ZnUZ increased crude protein total tract apparent digestibility whereas ZnU or UZ replacing urea, improved fibre total tract apparent digestibility. Furthermore, inclusion of UZ in the diet improved live weight gain and feed efficiency in Bali bulls above that of the U and NU diets. Thus, the inclusion of ZnUZ in rice straw-based diets showed slow-release urea had positive impacts on feed intake and nutrient digestibility, and increased the efficiency of feed utilization in Bali bulls.Keywords: Apparent digestibility, feed intake, urea-impregnated zeolite, zin
Potensi Limbah Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) sebagai Pakan Itik Petelur
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi limbah rajungan sebagai pakan itik petelur.Itik lokal berumur ±10 bulan sebanyak 60 ekor dialokasikan secara acak ke dalam tiga perlakuandengan lima ulangan yang masing-masing berisi 4 ekor menurut rancangan acak lengkap. Pakandiramu menggunakan, dedak padi, jagung, konsentrat, minyak kelapa dan limbah rajungan dalambentuk tepung. Perlakuan pakan terdiri atas: P1 sebagai pakan kontrol terbuat dari jagung, dedakpadi dan konsentrat, P2 = pakan kontrol + 4% tepung limbah rajungan, P3 = pakan kontrol + 8%tepung limbah rajungan. Pakan diberikan sebanyak140 g/ekor/hari selama 6 minggu. Parameteryang diukur yaitu kualitas eksternal dan internal telur. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwapemberian limbah rajungan memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik (P0,05).Penggunaan limbah rajungan dalam pakan itik bermanfaat dalam menghasilkan telur dengankualitas yang lebih baik.Kata kunci : Limbah rajungan, pakan, itik, kualitas telu
In vitro slow-release urea contained in rice straw-based diets to increase efficiency of rumen microbial protein synthesis
Effect of slow-release urea on efficiency of rumen microbial protein synthesis (EMPS) was examined using an in vitro technique. The objective of this experiment was to reveal the in vitro slow-release urea characteristics of zinc-urea, zeolites-urea, and zeolites-zinc-urea in relation to EMPS observed in different incubation time. The experimental design employed was randomized block design with 4 x 3 factorial plus a control treatment, and conducted in two replications. Factors were various urea sources (urea, zinc-urea, zeolites-urea, and zeolites-zinc-urea) and molasses concentrations (0%, 6%, and 12%) in rice straw-based diets. The control treatment was the rice straw-based diets containing neither urea nor molasses. Diets consisting of 45% rice straw and 55% concentrates (DM basis) were formulated to have similar N and TDN levels. Responses of parameters measured were subjected to MANOVA using the GLM procedure of SPSS 16.00 and differences among mean values, if applicable, were examined using HSD-test. Orthogonal comparisons were used to determine the effects of the control treatment vs. various urea sources. Results indicated that treatment of UZ combined with 6% of molasses showed the highest microbial biomass production (2.71 mg/l) at 24 hours fermentation period with its peak production estimation (3.2 mg/l) reached at 33.5 hours of fermentation period. Moreover, UZ treatment resulted in the highest microbial protein synthesis (1,381.45 ± 77.1 mg/l) at 24 hours fermentation period with its peak microbial protein synthesis estimation (1,756.04 mg/l) reached at 33.7 hours of fermentation period. The highest EMPS (25.98 ± 1.21 mg/100 mg OMD) was achieved when ration contained 6% of molasses. Key words: Slow-Release Urea, Microbial Protein Synthesis, Microbial Biomass, In vitr
Pelatihan Pengolahan Pakan Dan Hasil Ternak Itik Pada Kelompok Wanita Tani Ternak Desa Loyok Kecamatan Sikur Lombok Timur
Service activities aim to provide training and skills in processing duck feed and products. This activity is based on the potential of Loyok Village as a village located on the Mount Siu-Kotaraja tourism and the Tetebatu route tourist location which has been visited by many local and foreign tourists, so the village administrator hopes that Loyok Village can be more advanced to support tourism programs by having superior products of duck meat and eggs. Service activities are carried out through providing training on feed processing and making salted eggs. Salted eggs will be the flagship product of Loyok Village to be used as souvenirs for tourists. The target audience of this service activity is a group of women livestock farmers in Loyok Village. It is hoped that from this activity the community will be motivated and moved to develop livestock business so that it becomes the main livelihood and village administrators and village community leaders will support by making one of the village’s flagship programs supporting the tourism village program. The service activity was attended by the village head and his staff and 20woman farmers. Participants participated in the salted egg making training with enthusiasm, revealing the various problems faced in making salted eggs that had been carried out so far. Through this activity, participants get solutions to the problems they have faced so far. Participants are committed to producing salted eggs as souvenirs for tourists visiting and through Loyok Villag
Biodegradasi Lignoselulosa dengan Phanerochaete chrysosporium terhadap Perubahan Nilai Gizi Pelepah Sawit
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui interaksi terbaik dari dosis inokulan dan waktuinkubasi biodegradasi pelepah sawit dengan P.chrysosporiumterhadap perubahan nilai gizi pelepahsawit. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial. Perlakuanterdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu dosis inokulan (105cfu/ml, 106cfu/ ml, and 107cfu/ml) dan lama inkubasi(10, 15, dan 20 hari). Tidak terdapat interaksi antara dosis inokulan dan lama inkubasi terhadapkandungan bahan kering, bahan organik, protein kasar, serat kasar, lemak kasar dan BETNfermentasi pelepah sawit. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah interaksi terbaik antara dosisinokulan dan lama fermentasi adalah 105cfu/ml dan 10 hari.Kata kunci : Biodegradasi, nilai gizi, pelepah kelapa sawit, Phanerochaete chrysosporiu
In vitro slow-release urea characteristics under different molasses levels contained in rice straw based diets
Slow-release urea characteristics of zinc-urea, zeolites-urea, and zeolites-zinc-urea were examined using in vitro techniques. The objective of this experiment was to study the in vitro slow-release urea characteristics of zinc-urea, zeolites-urea, and zeolites-zinc-urea under different molasses concentrations in relation to the ruminal fermentative changes observed in different incubation time. The experimental design employed was randomized block design with a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement plus a control treatment, and conducted in two replications. Factors were various urea sources (urea, zinc-urea, zeolites-urea, and zeolites-zinc-urea) and molasses concentrations (0%, 6%, and 12%) in rice straw based diets. The control treatment was rice straw based diet containing neither urea nor molasses. Diets consisted of 45% rice straw and 55% concentrates (DM basis) were formulated to have similar N and TDN levels. Responses of parameters measured were subjected to MANOVA using the GLM procedure of SPSS 16.00 and differences among mean values, if applicable, were examined using HSD-test. Orthogonal comparisons were used to determine the effects of control treatment vs. various urea sources following significance for the two-factor ANOVA model. Results indicated that zinc-urea, zeolites-urea, and zeolites-zinc-urea under different molasses concentrations contained in rice straw based diets decreased ruminal ammonia up to 48 hours incubation, controlled total VFA level and pH values revealed from lower NH3:VFA ratio, and improved both in vitro dry matter and organic matter degradabilities. The best impact of the in vitro slow-release urea characteristics of zinc-urea, zeolites-urea, and zeolites-zinc-urea on the ruminal fermentative changes (NH3, VFA, pH, DMD, OMD) was well attributed to the diets contained 6% molasses. Key words: Slow-Release Urea, Molasses, Rice Straw, In Vitr
Pelatihan Budidaya Maggot BSF Di Kampung Unggas Desa Teruwai Kecamatan Pujut Lombok Tengah
The service activity aims to train the Teruwai Village Poultry community in cultivating BSF maggots to overcome the problem of livestock waste and kitchen organic waste. Activities were carried out in two activity stages, namely: Stage 1, socialization on BSF maggot cultivation, and Stage II, training on BSF maggot cultivation using poultry farm waste and kitchen organic waste. The targets are village administrators, communities, and poultry farmer groups. The training begins with the hatching stage, rearing mini larvae to become adult maggots, followed by the process of harvesting adult maggots and prepupae and flies, to harvesting eggs as well as harvesting used maggot media (kasgot) which has the potential to be used as fertilizer. The service activities were enthusiastically welcomed by the village head and his staff, breeders, and the Teruwai Village community. The attendance of service participants reached approximately 40 people. There has been an increase in public knowledge about the potential of maggots as poultry feed. The Village Government is committed to trying to cultivate maggots as a pilot project for the community by training each household to sort organic waste and collect it in one location to be used as a medium for growing BSF maggots. The Village Government hopes that this activity will not only solve environmental problems but also overcome the problem of the high price of poultry feed, and will increase people’s income with economically valuable maggot and cashew products
Kajian Kualitas Nutrisi Pakan Terhadap Produktivitas Ayam Kampung Super di Kabupaten Lombok Timur
The aim of the study was to determine the type and nutritional quality of feed and its effect on the productivity of super kampung chickens in The East Lombok Regency. This research was conducted by collecting data from ten farmers with a minimum population of a thousand super kampung chickens in East Lombok. Parameters observed were the type of feed used, the nutritional content of the feed, feed consumption, harvest weight, and feed conversion. The data obtained are tabulated and then discussed descriptively by comparing the nutritional content, feed consumption, harvest weight, and feed conversion obtained with the Indonesian Nasional Standard (SNI). Based on the results of the research conducted all breeders who were the target of the study used complete feed. There are 6 types of complete feed that are used and come from 4 different companies, namely GM-PS, GM-1EJ, SB11, HDBR1-168LCR, 811K NEWHOPE, HDBR 161 A. The feed consumption obtained ranges from 1.5-3.15 kg with an average of 2.26 kg/head/period. Harvested weight ranged from 0.84-0.91 kg/head with an average of 0.87 kg/head with an FCR value of 2.68. The conclusion of this study is that in general the nutritional content and quality of the feed used have met the standards based on SNI, but not followed by productivity that meets the standards
Sosialisasi Pengolahan Sampah Organik Menggunakan Maggot BSF Di Desa Sembalun Timba Gading Kecamatan Sembalun Lombok Timur
Community service activities aim to socialize kitchen organic waste management that can be done at the household level. This socialization activity was carried out at the request of a village youth leader who hoped to solve the problem of the accumulation of vegetable and fruit waste in Sembalun Timba Gading Village. The targets of community service activities are youth leaders, community leaders, and village officials. The socialization of organic waste management begins with dissemination of sorting kitchen organic waste (s.o.d) and continues with socialization on processing s.o.d. using the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) maggot. This processing technology will solve the problem of household waste and unsold vegetable and fruit waste and increase people's income by producing products in the form of commercial maggot and used maggot (kasgot). Maggot products can be used as poultry and fish feed, while cassava can be used as organic fertilizer for rice fields, plantations and horticultural crops. The socialization activity was enthusiastically attended by village administrators and youth of Sembalun Timba Galih Village (about 25 people). Service participants will follow up on this activity by making a proposal for a training program for organic waste processing using BSF maggot in order to create environmental cleanliness in tourist areas such as Sembalun Timba Gading Village. Community service activities resulted in an increase in knowledge, attitudes, and enthusiasm for the administrators and youth of Sembalun Timba Gading Village in solving waste problems and committed to working together synergistically with academics to carry out organic waste management training in the next Sembalun Timba Gading Village
Produktivitas Ayam Pedaging Pola Kemitraan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat
ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the level of productivity of broilers in the partnership farm system in relation to the quality of feed provided by partner companies. The research was conducted in 2 (two) stages; Phase I. Survey of feeding system in partnership system of broiler farming in West Lombok. The parameters observed included: type of feed offered, the amount provided and frequency of feeding, harvest weight, and FCR. Phase II. Evaluation of the chemical composition of the diet used in partnership broiler farming system. The parameters observed included: the moisture, ash, protein, fat and fiber. The data obtained were tabulated and discussed descriptively. Based on the survey results, there are 8 partnership companies, namely PT. MSJ, PT. BBB, PT. Samsung, PT. DMC, PT. BSS, PT. FMS, PT. KUS and PT. PAL, and 6 types of feed used, namely S12, GM-PS, GM 1 EJ, Malindo, Wonokoyo, HD BR1 161. Average feed consumption is 3.24 kg / head / period, with weight gain of 2.10 kg / head / period, with the  FCR value of 1.54. Based on the results of the evaluation of the nutritional content, there is a mismatch, especially the protein content which is lower (0.01%) as shown in the leaflet of the starter feed from Wonokoyo company. The conclusion of this study is that in general, the complete feed quality used is in accordance with the SNI based feed quality standards and the broiler productivity produced on partner farms meets the company standards. Nutritional; Complete Feed; Consumption; Weight Gain; Feed Conversio