3,688 research outputs found

    Two dimensional pattern formation in a chemotactic system

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    Chemotaxis is known to be important in cell aggregation in a variety of contexts. We propose a simple partial differential equation model for a chemotactic system of two species, a population of cells and a chemoattractant to which cells respond. Linear analysis shows that there exists the possibility of spatially inhomogeneous solutions to the model equations for suitable choices of parameters. We solve the full nonlinear steady state equations numerically on a two dimensional rectangular domain. By using mode selection from the linear analysis we produce simple pattern elements such as stripes and regular spots. More complex patterns evolve from these simple solutions as parameter values or domain shape change continuously. An example bifurcation diagram is calculated using the chemotactic response of the cells as the bifurcation parameter. These numerical solutions suggest that a chemotactic mechanism can produce a rich variety of complex patterns

    An Economic Analysis of Four-Year-Old Kindergarten in Wisconsin: Returns to the Education System

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    Departments of Education nationwide are finding that investments in pre-kindergarten programs yield significant later savings across the budgetary board, from reductions in special education expenditures to improved teacher-retention rates. This study shows that in Wisconsin, for every state dollar invested in pre-k, 68 cents would be returned in savings to the education system. In Milwaukee, the benefits are even greater at 76 cents saved for every $1 invested. Wisconsin already has a proud tradition of investing in pre-k. It is clear from these figures that those are dollars well spent and that increased investment will produce even greater returns

    Analysis of nanopore detector measurements using Machine-Learning methods, with application to single-molecule kinetic analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A nanopore detector has a nanometer-scale trans-membrane channel across which a potential difference is established, resulting in an ionic current through the channel in the pA-nA range. A distinctive channel current blockade signal is created as individually "captured" DNA molecules interact with the channel and modulate the channel's ionic current. The nanopore detector is sensitive enough that nearly identical DNA molecules can be classified with very high accuracy using machine learning techniques such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A non-standard implementation of an HMM, emission inversion, is used for improved classification. Additional features are considered for the feature vector employed by the SVM for classification as well: The addition of a single feature representing spike density is shown to notably improve classification results. Another, much larger, feature set expansion was studied (2500 additional features instead of 1), deriving from including all the HMM's transition probabilities. The expanded features can introduce redundant, noisy information (as well as diagnostic information) into the current feature set, and thus degrade classification performance. A hybrid Adaptive Boosting approach was used for feature selection to alleviate this problem.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The methods shown here, for more informed feature extraction, improve both classification and provide biologists and chemists with tools for obtaining a better understanding of the kinetic properties of molecules of interest.</p

    Application specific serial arithmetic arrays

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    High performance systolic arrays of serial-parallel multiplier elements may be rapidly constructed for specific applications by applying hardware description language techniques to a library of full-custom CMOS building blocks. Single clock pre-charged circuits have been implemented for these arrays at clock rates in excess of 100 Mhz using economical 2-micron (minimum feature size) CMOS processes, which may be quickly configured for a variety of applications. A number of application-specific arrays are presented, including a 2-D convolver for image processing, an integer polynomial solver, and a finite-field polynomial solver

    Microglia in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: A comparative species review

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    Microglia are the primary immune cells of the central nervous system that help nourish and support neurons, clear debris, and respond to foreign stimuli. Greatly impacted by their environment, microglia go through rapid changes in cell shape, gene expression, and functional behavior during states of infection, trauma, and neurodegeneration. Aging also has a profound effect on microglia, leading to chronic inflammation and an increase in the brain’s susceptibility to neurodegenerative processes that occur in Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the scientific community’s growing knowledge in the field of neuroinflammation, the overall success rate of drug treatment for age-related and neurodegenerative diseases remains incredibly low. Potential reasons for the lack of translation from animal models to the clinic include the use of a single species model, an assumption of similarity in humans, and ignoring contradictory data or information from other species. To aid in the selection of validated and predictive animal models and to bridge the translational gap, this review evaluates similarities and differences among species in microglial activation and density, morphology and phenotype, cytokine expression, phagocytosis, and production of oxidative species in aging and Alzheimer’s disease

    Bifurcating spatial patterns in a cell-chemotaxis model

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    Spatial pattern formation is a key issue in early embroynic development. Embroynic cells divide, migrate, and differentiate to form the various structures, markings and organs of the body. Perhaps the most spectacular manifestation of this process is animal coat markings. These patterns are formed by melanin-secreting cells which migrate from the neural crest to the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin

    Dust-forming molecules in VY Canis Majoris (and Betelgeuse)

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    The formation of inorganic dust in circumstellar environments of evolved stars is poorly understood. Spectra of molecules thought to be most important for the nucleation, i.e. AlO, TiO, and TiO2, have been recently detected in the red supergiant VY CMa. These molecules are effectively formed in VY CMa and the observations suggest that non-equilibrium chemistry must be involved in their formation and nucleation into dust. In addition to exploring the recent observations of VY CMa, we briefly discuss the possibility of detecting these molecules in the dust-poor circumstellar environment of Betelgeuse.Comment: contribution to Betelgeuse Workshop 2012: "The physics of Red Supergiants: recent advances and open questions", 26-29 Nov 2012 Paris (France

    Pure rotational spectra of TiO and TiO_2 in VY Canis Majoris

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    We report the first detection of pure rotational transitions of TiO and TiO_2 at (sub-)millimeter wavelengths towards the red supergiant VY CMa. A rotational temperature, T_rot, of about 250 K was derived for TiO_2. Although T_rot was not well constrained for TiO, it is likely somewhat higher than that of TiO_2. The detection of the Ti oxides confirms that they are formed in the circumstellar envelopes of cool oxygen-rich stars and may be the "seeds" of inorganic-dust formation, but alternative explanations for our observation of TiO and TiO_2 in the cooler regions of the envelope cannot be ruled out at this time. The observations suggest that a significant fraction of the oxides is not converted to dust, but instead remains in the gas phase throughout the outflow.Comment: to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysic
