772 research outputs found

    Rapid detection and quantification of features such as damage or flaws in composite and metallic structures

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    An apparatus, system, and method for non-destructible evaluation (NDE) of a material use thermography to rapidly detect and/or generally locate a feature such as, for example, damage or a defect in the material. The apparatus, system, and method also use ultrasound to specifically locate the feature in the material for quantification and/or evaluation either by an operator or by an external device suited for such purpose. Accordingly, the apparatus, system and method are particularly useful for NDE in applications such as the analysis of the structure of an aircraft, for example, in which the scale of the material to be analyzed is large, thus requiring the rapid NDE afforded by thermography, and in which quantification and/or evaluation of a feature must be performed with precision, thus requiring the relatively high-resolution NDE afforded by ultrasound

    Delay Induced Excitability

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    We analyse the stochastic dynamics of a bistable system under the influence of time-delayed feedback. Assuming an asymmetric potential, we show the existence of a regime in which the systems dynamic displays excitability by calculating the relevant residence time distributions and correlation times. Experimentally we then observe this behaviour in the polarization dynamics of a vertical cavity surface emitting laser with opto-electronic feedback. Extending these observations to two-dimensional systems with dispersive coupling we finally show numerically that delay induced excitability can lead to the appearance of propagating wave-fronts and spirals.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Self-replication and evolution of DNA crystals

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    Is it possible to create a simple physical system that is capable of replicating itself? Can such a system evolve interesting behaviors, thus allowing it to adapt to a wide range of environments? This paper presents a design for such a replicator constructed exclusively from synthetic DNA. The basis for the replicator is crystal growth: information is stored in the spatial arrangement of monomers and copied from layer to layer by templating. Replication is achieved by fragmentation of crystals, which produces new crystals that carry the same information. Crystal replication avoids intrinsic problems associated with template-directed mechanisms for replication of one-dimensional polymers. A key innovation of our work is that by using programmable DNA tiles as the crystal monomers, we can design crystal growth processes that apply interesting selective pressures to the evolving sequences. While evolution requires that copying occur with high accuracy, we show how to adapt error-correction techniques from algorithmic self-assembly to lower the replication error rate as much as is required

    Robustness of the noise-induced phase synchronization in a general class of limit cycle oscillators

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    We show that a wide class of uncoupled limit cycle oscillators can be in-phase synchronized by common weak additive noise. An expression of the Lyapunov exponent is analytically derived to study the stability of the noise-driven synchronizing state. The result shows that such a synchronization can be achieved in a broad class of oscillators with little constraint on their intrinsic property. On the other hand, the leaky integrate-and-fire neuron oscillators do not belong to this class, generating intermittent phase slips according to a power low distribution of their intervals.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Synchronization of networks with variable local properties

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    We study the synchronization transition of Kuramoto oscillators in scale-free networks that are characterized by tunable local properties. Specifically, we perform a detailed finite size scaling analysis and inspect how the critical properties of the dynamics change when the clustering coefficient and the average shortest path length are varied. The results show that the onset of synchronization does depend on these properties, though the dependence is smooth. On the contrary, the appearance of complete synchronization is radically affected by the structure of the networks. Our study highlights the need of exploring the whole phase diagram and not only the stability of the fully synchronized state, where most studies have been done up to now.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figures. APS style. Paper to be published in IJBC (special issue on Complex Networks' Structure and Dynamics

    Existence of hysteresis in the Kuramoto model with bimodal frequency distributions

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    We investigate the transition to synchronization in the Kuramoto model with bimodal distributions of the natural frequencies. Previous studies have concluded that the model exhibits a hysteretic phase transition if the bimodal distribution is close to a unimodal one, due to the shallowness the central dip. Here we show that proximity to the unimodal-bimodal border does not necessarily imply hysteresis when the width, but not the depth, of the central dip tends to zero. We draw this conclusion from a detailed study of the Kuramoto model with a suitable family of bimodal distributions.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Modeling rhythmic patterns in the hippocampus

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    We investigate different dynamical regimes of neuronal network in the CA3 area of the hippocampus. The proposed neuronal circuit includes two fast- and two slowly-spiking cells which are interconnected by means of dynamical synapses. On the individual level, each neuron is modeled by FitzHugh-Nagumo equations. Three basic rhythmic patterns are observed: gamma-rhythm in which the fast neurons are uniformly spiking, theta-rhythm in which the individual spikes are separated by quiet epochs, and theta/gamma rhythm with repeated patches of spikes. We analyze the influence of asymmetry of synaptic strengths on the synchronization in the network and demonstrate that strong asymmetry reduces the variety of available dynamical states. The model network exhibits multistability; this results in occurrence of hysteresis in dependence on the conductances of individual connections. We show that switching between different rhythmic patterns in the network depends on the degree of synchronization between the slow cells.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    To synchronize or not to synchronize, that is the question: finite-size scaling and fluctuation effects in the Kuramoto model

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    The entrainment transition of coupled random frequency oscillators presents a long-standing problem in nonlinear physics. The onset of entrainment in populations of large but finite size exhibits strong sensitivity to fluctuations in the oscillator density at the synchronizing frequency. This is the source for the unusual values assumed by the correlation size exponent ν\nu'. Locally coupled oscillators on a dd-dimensional lattice exhibit two types of frequency entrainment: symmetry-breaking at d>4d > 4, and aggregation of compact synchronized domains in three and four dimensions. Various critical properties of the transition are well captured by finite-size scaling relations with simple yet unconventional exponent values.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, to appear in a special issue of JSTAT dedicated to Statphys2

    Phase shifts of synchronized oscillators and the systolic/diastolic blood pressure relation

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    We study the phase-synchronization properties of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure in healthy subjects. We find that delays in the oscillatory components of the time series depend on the frequency bands that are considered, in particular we find a change of sign in the phase shift going from the Very Low Frequency band to the High Frequency band. This behavior should reflect a collective behavior of a system of nonlinear interacting elementary oscillators. We prove that some models describing such systems, e.g. the Winfree and the Kuramoto models offer a clue to this phenomenon. For these theoretical models there is a linear relationship between phase shifts and the difference of natural frequencies of oscillators and a change of sign in the phase shift naturally emerges.Comment: 8 figures, 9 page

    Collective synchronization in spatially extended systems of coupled oscillators with random frequencies

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    We study collective behavior of locally coupled limit-cycle oscillators with random intrinsic frequencies, spatially extended over dd-dimensional hypercubic lattices. Phase synchronization as well as frequency entrainment are explored analytically in the linear (strong-coupling) regime and numerically in the nonlinear (weak-coupling) regime. Our analysis shows that the oscillator phases are always desynchronized up to d=4d=4, which implies the lower critical dimension dlP=4d_{l}^{P}=4 for phase synchronization. On the other hand, the oscillators behave collectively in frequency (phase velocity) even in three dimensions (d=3d=3), indicating that the lower critical dimension for frequency entrainment is dlF=2d_{l}^{F}=2. Nonlinear effects due to periodic nature of limit-cycle oscillators are found to become significant in the weak-coupling regime: So-called {\em runaway oscillators} destroy the synchronized (ordered) phase and there emerges a fully random (disordered) phase. Critical behavior near the synchronization transition into the fully random phase is unveiled via numerical investigation. Collective behavior of globally-coupled oscillators is also examined and compared with that of locally coupled oscillators.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure