47 research outputs found

    Efficacy and safety of a VWF/FVIII concentrate (wilate®) in inherited von Willebrand disease patients undergoing surgical procedures

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    Introduction: Surgical procedures in von Willebrand disease (VWD) patients may require prophylactic treatment with exogenous von Willebrand factor (VWF) and coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) to prevent excessive bleeding. Wilate\uc2\uaeis a plasma-derived, double virus-inactivated, highly purified, freeze-dried VWF/FVIII concentrate, containing both factors in a physiological activity ratio of 1:1. Aim: To investigate the efficacy and safety of wilate\uc2\uaein maintaining haemostasis in VWD patients undergoing surgical procedures. Methods: This prospective, open-label multinational clinical study documents 28 individuals who underwent 30 surgical procedures managed with wilate\uc2\uae. Twenty-one patients had VWD Type 3, and 21 surgeries were major. Efficacy was assessed intra- and postoperatively by the surgeon and investigator, respectively, and adjudicated by an Independent Data Monitoring Committee, using an objective scale based on blood loss, transfusion requirements and postoperative bleeding and oozing. Treatment success (primary endpoint) was determined using a composite assessment algorithm and was formally assessed. Results: Surgical prophylaxis with wilate\uc2\uaewas successful in 29 of 30 procedures. The overall rate of success was 96.7% (98.75% CI: 0.784, 1.000). All 21 surgeries in patients with VWD Type 3 were managed successfully. There was no accumulation of VWF or FVIII after multiple dosing, and no thromboembolic events or inhibitors to VWF or FVIII were observed. Conclusions: Wilate\uc2\uaedemonstrated effective prevention and treatment of bleeding in inherited VWD patients undergoing surgery, with no clinically significant safety concerns

    Microbiological quality of food products destined for children

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    Production of heat-stable nuclease by staphylococcal strains isolated from food

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    Wyst臋powanie w 偶ywno艣ci gronkowc贸w wytwarzaj膮cych enterotoksyny, zw艂aszcza E i D

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    The enterotoxigenic properties of 289 strains of staphylococci isolated from various foods were investigated. Out of 77 strains isolated from the incidents of food poisoning, 53 were enterotoxigenic, producing enterotoxins: D alone; E alone; or D A; D, A and C by 7, 2, 11, 3 strains respectively. Out of 190 strains isolated from market-food, 44 were enterotoxigenic. Among them 5 strains produced enterotoxin D alone, 9 strains produced enterotoxins A and D and one - enterotoxine A, C and D.Zbadano wytwarzanie enterotoksyn przez 289 szczep贸w gronkowc贸w wyizolowanych z r贸偶nych produkt贸w 偶ywno艣ciowych . Z 偶ywno艣ci, kt贸ra spowodowa艂a zatrucia pokarmowe z 77 szczep贸w, 53 wytwarza艂y enterotoksyny, z czego 7 szczep贸w enterotoksyn臋 D, 11 - A i D, 3 - r贸wnocze艣nie A, C i D. Tylko 2 szczepy produkowa艂y enterotoksyn臋 E. Z 32 szczep贸w pochodz膮cych z mleka i produkt贸w mleczarskich 15 by艂o enterotoksycznych. Enterotoksyn臋 D wytwarza艂 1 szczep a A i D-7 szczep贸w. Z 21 szczep贸w wyizolowanych z wyrob贸w garma偶eryjnych- 10 produkowa艂o enterotoksyny, w tym 1 szczep D i 1-A i D. Z innych 艣rodk贸w spo偶ywczych na zbadanych 137 szczep贸w 19 by艂o enterotoksycznych. Enterotoksyn臋 D wytwarza艂y 3 szczepy A i D 1 - szczep oraz r贸wnocze艣nie A, C i D - 1 szczep. Stwierdzenie w 2 r贸偶nych ogniskach zatru膰 pokarmowych szczep贸w produkuj膮cych enterotoksyn臋 E sugeruje, 偶e mo偶e ona mie膰 znaczenie epidemiologiczne, chocia偶 szczepy produkuj膮ce j膮 spotyka si臋 rzadziej, ani偶eli szczepy wytwarzaj膮ce pozosta艂e enterotoksyny: A, B, C i D. Szczepy wytwarzaj膮ce enterotoksyny D lub A i D zwi膮zane s膮 g艂贸wnie z 偶ywno艣ci膮 podejrzan膮 o wywo艂anie zatrucia pokarmowego

    Microbiological quality of fruit preserves

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    Inteaction of aerobic spore-forming Bacilli and staphlococci in a medium

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    A comparison of methods of detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin in foods

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