91 research outputs found

    Precision of methods for calculating identity-by-descent matrices using multiple markers

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    A rapid, deterministic method (DET) based on a recursive algorithm and a stochastic method based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for calculating identity-by-descent (IBD) matrices conditional on multiple markers were compared using stochastic simulation. Precision was measured by the mean squared error (MSE) of the relationship coefficients in predicting the true IBD relationships, relative to MSE obtained from using pedigree only. Comparisons were made when varying marker density, allele numbers, allele frequencies, and the size of full-sib families. The precision of DET was 75–99% relative to MCMC, but was not simply related to the informativeness of individual loci. For situations mimicking microsatellite markers or dense SNP, the precision of DET was ≥ 95% relative to MCMC. Relative precision declined for the SNP, but not microsatellites as marker density decreased. Full-sib family size did not affect the precision. The methods were tested in interval mapping and marker assisted selection, and the performance was very largely determined by the MSE. A multi-locus information index considering the type, number, and position of markers was developed to assess precision. It showed a marked empirical relationship with the observed precision for DET and MCMC and explained the complex relationship between relative precision and the informativeness of individual loci

    Conservation priorities for Ethiopian sheep breeds combining threat status, breed merits and contributions to genetic diversity

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    Prioritizing livestock breeds for conservation needs to incorporate both genetic and non-genetic aspects important for the survival of the breeds. Here, we apply a maximum-utility-strategy to prioritize 14 traditional Ethiopian sheep breeds based on their threat status, contributions to farmer livelihoods (current breed merits) and contributions to genetic diversity. Contributions of the breeds to genetic diversity were quantified using Eding's marker-estimated kinship approaches. Non-genetic aspects included threats (e.g. low population size, low preferences by farmers) and current merits (economic, ecological and cultural merits). Threat analysis identified eight of the 14 breeds as threatened. Analysis of current merits showed that sub-alpine and arid-lowland breeds contribute most to farmer livelihoods in comparison to other breeds. The highest contribution to the genetic diversity conserved was from the Simien breed. Simien showed high between-breed (low between-breed kinship = 0.04) as well as high within-breed diversity (low within-breed kinship = 0.09 and high HE = 0.73 and allelic richness = 6.83). We combined the results on threat status, current breed merits and contributions to genetic diversity to produce a ranking of the 14 breeds for conservation purposes. Our results balance the trade-offs between conserving breeds as insurance against future uncertainties and current sustainable utilization. The ranking of breeds provides a basis for conservation strategies for Ethiopian sheep and contributes to a regional or global conservation plan

    Revised calculation of Kalinowski's ancestral and new inbreeding coefficients

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    To test for the presence of purging in populations, the classical pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient (F) can be decomposed into Kalinowski's ancestral (FANC) and new (FNEW) inbreeding coefficients. The FANC and FNEW can be calculated by a stochastic approach known as gene dropping. However, the only publicly available algorithm for the calculation of FANC and FNEW, implemented in GRain v 2.1 (and also incorporated in the PEDIG software package), has produced biased estimates. The FANC was systematically underestimated and consequently, FNEW was overestimated. To illustrate this bias, we calculated FANC and FNEW by hand for simple example pedigrees. We revised the GRain program so that it now provides unbiased estimates. Correlations between the biased and unbiased estimates of FANC and FNEW, obtained for example data sets of Hungarian Pannon White rabbits (22,781 individuals) and Dutch Holstein Friesian cattle (37,061 individuals), were high, i.e., >0.96. Although the magnitude of bias appeared to be small, results from studies based on biased estimates should be interpreted with caution. The revised GRain program (v 2.2) is now available online and can be used to calculate unbiased estimates of FANC and FNEW.</p

    Evaluatie fokprogramma voor kortere staarten bij schapenrassen met ontheffing van het coupeerverbod

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    Three sheep breeds have in the Netherlands an temporary exempt from the ban on tail docking. In this report the breeding policy of the past decade is evaluated. All three herd books have set up breeding value estimation. This is done most effectively for the Suffolk and the Clun Forest, both breeds have lowered the mean tail length at birth to about 17 cm, and this is about 2 cm less

    Inbreeding depression due to recent and ancient inbreeding in Dutch Holstein–Friesian dairy cattle

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    International audienceBackground : Inbreeding decreases animal performance (inbreeding depression), but not all inbreeding is expected to be equally harmful. Recent inbreeding is expected to be more harmful than ancient inbreeding, because selection decreases the frequency of deleterious alleles over time. Selection efficiency is increased by inbreeding, a process called purging. Our objective was to investigate effects of recent and ancient inbreeding on yield, fertility and udder health traits in Dutch Holstein–Friesian cows.Methods : In total, 38,792 first-parity cows were included. Pedigree inbreeding ( FPED ) was computed and 75 k geno-type data were used to compute genomic inbreeding, among others based on regions of homozygosity (ROH) in the genome ( FROH).Results : Inbreeding depression was observed, e.g. a 1% increase in FROH was associated with a 36.3 kg (SE = 2.4) decrease in 305-day milk yield, a 0.48 day (SE =0.15) increase in calving interval and a 0.86 unit (SE =0.28) increase in somatic cell score for day 150 through to 400. These effects equalled −0.45, 0.12 and 0.05% of the trait means, respec-tively. When FPED was split into generation-based components, inbreeding on recent generations was more harmful than inbreeding on more distant generations for yield traits. When FPED was split into new and ancestral components, based on whether alleles were identical-by-descent for the first time or not, new inbreeding was more harmful than ancestral inbreeding, especially for yield traits. For example, a 1% increase in new inbreeding was associated with a 2.42 kg (SE =0.41) decrease in 305-day fat yield, compared to a 0.03 kg (SE =0.71) increase for ancestral inbreeding. There were no clear differences between effects of long ROH (recent inbreeding) and short ROH (ancient inbreeding).Conclusions : Inbreeding depression was observed for yield, fertility and udder health traits. For yield traits and based on pedigree, inbreeding on recent generations was more harmful than inbreeding on distant generations and there was evidence of purging. Across all traits, long and short ROH contributed to inbreeding depression. In future work, inbreeding depression and purging should be assessed in more detail at the genomic level, using higher density information and genomic time series

    Eradication of scrapie with selective breeding: are we nearly there?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Following EU decision 2003/100/EC Member States have recently implemented sheep breeding programmes to reduce the prevalence of sheep with TSE susceptible prion genotypes. The present paper investigates the progress of the breeding programme in the Netherlands. The PrP genotype frequencies were monitored through time using two sets of random samples: one set covers the years 2005 to 2008 and is taken from national surveillance programme; the other is taken from 168 random sheep farms in 2007. The data reveal that although the level of compliance to the breeding programme has been high, the frequency of susceptible genotypes varies substantially between farms. The 168 sheep farms are a subset of 689 farms participating in a postal survey inquiring about management and breeding strategies. This survey aimed to identify how much these strategies varied between farms, in order to inform assessment of the expected future progress towards eradication of classical scrapie.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>On the one hand, we found that compliance to the national breeding program has been high, and the frequency of resistant genotypes is expected to increase further in the next few years. On the other hand, we observed a large variation in prevalence of the scrapie resistant PrP genotype ARR between farms, implicating a large variation of genetic resistance between farms. Substantial between-flock differences in management and breeding strategies were found in the postal survey, suggesting considerable variation in risk of scrapie transmission between farms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that although there has been a good progress in the breeding for scrapie resistance and the average farm-level scrapie susceptibility in the Netherlands has been significantly reduced, still a considerable proportion of farms contain high frequencies of susceptible genotypes in their sheep population. Since 2007 the breeding for genetic resistance is voluntarily again, and participation to selective breeding can decrease as a result of this. This, together with the patterns of direct and indirect contact between sheep farms, might present a challenge of the aim of scrapie eradication. Communication to sheep owners of the effect of the breeding programme thus far, and of the prospects for classical scrapie eradication in The Netherlands might be essential for obtaining useful levels of participation to the voluntary continuation of the breeding programme.</p

    Unieke genetische variatie in een bijzondere Nederlandse rundveestapel met zeldzame kleuren en aftekeningen

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    The herd of van der Veen family consists of about 40 cattle with the color-sided pattern and the rare diluted and roan color. Rare colors and pattern that are brought together through years of targeted breeding and conservation. The exclusive herd of small size therefore has unique combinations of rare alleles and genotypes. Because there are no registration papers present, the genetic make-up of this herd was investigated through DNA analysis. The herd of van der Veen family does not cluster with any one of the local Dutch cattle breeds and therefore consists of unique combinations of breeds and genetic diversity. The observed rare colors were verified through DNA analysis. The DNA, expect for one individual, matched the observed color for red/black and the absence or presence of the diluted color. F or the color-sided pattern, and the spotted and roan color no conclusions could be made as the mutation itself was not genotyped. Based on DNA all known mother-offspring relationships were verified and DNA also provided insights concerning other relationships between the individuals. The herd consists of unique combinations of rare colors and pattern and the animals are genetically unique. It is therefore important to conserve the genetic diversity within this herd

    Trends in genome-wide and region-specific genetic diversity in the Dutch-Flemish Holstein-Friesian breeding program from 1986 to 2015

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    Background: In recent decades, Holstein-Friesian (HF) selection schemes have undergone profound changes, including the introduction of optimal contribution selection (OCS; around 2000), a major shift in breeding goal composition (around 2000) and the implementation of genomic selection (GS; around 2010). These changes are expected to have influenced genetic diversity trends. Our aim was to evaluate genome-wide and region-specific diversity in HF artificial insemination (AI) bulls in the Dutch-Flemish breeding program from 1986 to 2015. Methods: Pedigree and genotype data (~ 75.5 k) of 6280 AI-bulls were used to estimate rates of genome-wide inbreeding and kinship and corresponding effective population sizes. Region-specific inbreeding trends were evaluated using regions of homozygosity (ROH). Changes in observed allele frequencies were compared to those expected under pure drift to identify putative regions under selection. We also investigated the direction of changes in allele frequency over time. Results: Effective population size estimates for the 1986-2015 period ranged from 69 to 102. Two major breakpoints were observed in genome-wide inbreeding and kinship trends. Around 2000, inbreeding and kinship levels temporarily dropped. From 2010 onwards, they steeply increased, with pedigree-based, ROH-based and marker-based inbreeding rates as high as 1.8, 2.1 and 2.8% per generation, respectively. Accumulation of inbreeding varied substantially across the genome. A considerable fraction of markers showed changes in allele frequency that were greater than expected under pure drift. Putative selected regions harboured many quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated to a wide range of traits. In consecutive 5-year periods, allele frequencies changed more often in the same direction than in opposite directions, except when comparing the 1996-2000 and 2001-2005 periods. Conclusions: Genome-wide and region-specific diversity trends reflect major changes in the Dutch-Flemish HF breeding program. Introduction of OCS and the shift in breeding goal were followed by a drop in inbreeding and kinship and a shift in the direction of changes in allele frequency. After introduction of GS, rates of inbreeding and kinship increased substantially while allele frequencies continued to change in the same direction as before GS. These results provide insight in the effect of breeding practices on genomic diversity and emphasize the need for efficient management of genetic diversity in GS schemes.</p

    Noodzaak voor genetisch beheer van de Nederlandse trekpaardenpopulatie

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    The Dutch Draught horse is a rare Dutch horse breed. To conserve rare breeds, it is of great importance to monitor population size and increase in inbreeding and kinship in a population. When screening the Dutch Draught horse population, it turned out that inbreeding (and potential consequences) should be controlled by the studbook (KVTH) with participation of breeders. During the most recent generation (2010-2017) fewer foals were born annually compared to the generation before. Also, the percentage of foals that is used in breeding at a later age decreased steadily. At the same time there is a considerable increase in the kinship between horses that are used in breeding. The increase in inbreeding passes the FAO threshold of 0.5% per generation. In light of the increase in kinship, we expect that the increase in inbreeding will even be higher in the future. Screening the population clearly showed that genetic management is needed to be able to better control inbreeding (and potential accompanying consequences). It is possible to drastically reduce the inbreeding increase through genetic management