331 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan nilai-nilai bahasa evaluative
yang digunakan oleh pelibat wacana (appraiser) terhadap fenomena
kebahasaan dalam rubrik âSungguh-Sungguh Terjadiâ yang digunakan oleh
appraiser. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah seperangkat bahasa evaluative yang
digunakan dalam rubrik âSungguh-Sungguh Terjadiâ berdasarkan frekuensi
kemunculan tiap jenisnya. Diantaranya, jenis appraiser, appraised, affect,
judgement, appreciation, dan graduation. Jumlah rubrik dalam penelitian ini 150
wacana, terbit tahun 2010 bulan Januari sampai Agustus.
Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian analisis konten, deskripsitif
kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah wacana dalam âSungguh-Sungguh
Terjadiâ dalam surat kabar Kedaulatan Rakyat. Obyek dalam penelitian ini
adalah analisis appraisal system. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini, yaitu human
instrument. Data diperoleh dengan metode simak dan dokumentasi, sementara
tehniknya menggunakan simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC). Keabsahan data
diperoleh melalui ketekunan pengamatan dan triangulasi data.
Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut: 1) jenis appraisal
system terdiri atas bentuk appreciation 5.879 buah (82,97%), bentuk graduation
178 buah (2,51%), bentuk appraiser 154 buah (2,17%), bentuk engagement 100
buah (1,41%), bentuk affect 59 buah (0,83%), bentuk judgement 61 buah
(0,86%), dan bentuk appraised 655 buah (9,24%), jumlah bentuk appreciation
yang dominan terkait pada jenis appraisal system paling banyak digunakan
karena di dalam konteks tersebut banyak sekali yang dinilai oleh penutur,
diantaranya menilai suatu benda di sekitar penutur maupun lawan tutur; (2)
fungsi bahasa dalam wacana SST meliputi fungsi representasional sebanyak
101 tuturan (49,75%), fungsi personal 48 tuturan (23,64%), fungsi interaksional
sebanyak 16 tuturan (7,88%), fungsi heuristik sebanyak 16 tuturan (7,88%),
fungsi instrumental sebanyak 8 tuturan (3,94%), dan fungsi regulatoris sebanyak
6 tuturan (2,95%); fungsi representasional lebih dominan karena di dalam teks
tersebut memberikan informasi yang berkaitan dengan topik sebelumnya
Pengaruh Akupressure Dalam Menurunkan Nyeri Osteoarthritis Genu Pada Wanita Usia Premenopause
Background: The results of an interview with Dr. Gunawan Leonard, the incidence of OA Genu is often complained of by female patients at the Primary Metro Pundu clinic. This is due to long working hours and hard work. Management from the clinic still uses pain relievers such as ibuprofen. Long-term use of this drug will cause side effects on the body. To minimize these side effects, the researchers carried out non-pharmacological treatment with acupressure at the ST 36, ST 35, EX-LE 2, EX-LE 4, and BL 40 points in reducing OA pain. Objective: To determine the difference before and after being given acupressure in reducing OA pain in perimenopausal women. Method: This type of research is quantitative. The population of this study were all women of perimenopausal age who had osteoarthritis genu at the Metro Pundu Primary Clinic, Central Kalimantan, as many as 32 people. The number of samples used Freder's formula was 20 samples, and data processing used Shapiro Wilk for the normality test to obtain normally distributed data results and paired sample t test with the results of ha accepted. Results: There was a decrease in OA pain scale in perimenopausal women before and after being given acupressure treatment, This shows the effect of acupressure in reducing genu osteoarthritis pain in perimenopausal women
The object of the research is the headlines news of The Jakarta Post and
The Jakarta globe. The major problem of this study is how the language,
ideology and power relation is reflected in headlines news The Jakarta Post and
The Jakarta Globe. Therefore, the study analyzes the headlines news based on
structural elements of the newspaper and analyzes social cognition and historical
context. The type of this study is qualitative study. The writer uses two data
sources: they are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The primary
data sources and the object of the study are the headlines news itself. Meanwhile
the secondary data sources are the other sources related to the primary data
sources such as journal, and website about the newspaper. The method of the data
collection is library research by collecting both primary and secondary data. The
technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis based on critical discourse
analysis.The result of the analysis shows the following conclusion: First language
of The Jakarta Post and The Jakarta Globe express aspect ideology. Second,
ideology of The Jakarta Post and The Jakarta Globe pragmatism that is the truth
which meets the interests of the capital owner. Third, the power relation between
both newspapers is the capital owner
Uji Protein Dan Organoleptik Es Krim Komposisi Kacang Merah Phaseolus Vulgaris Dan Susu Skim Dengan Penambahan Mangga Kuweni Mangifera Odorata
Ice cream is dairy products through the freezing process. The raw material is kidney bean ice cream, skim milk and mango kweni. Kidney bean contains 23.1 g protein, 59.5 g carbohydrate, 1.7 g fat and higher in fiber. The purpose of this study was to determine levels of protein, organoleptic quality and public acceptability composition of kidney bean ice cream and skim milk with the addition of mango kweni. The method used is experimental research with a completely randomized design (CRD) two factors, the first is composition of kidney beans: skim milk (25%: 75%, 50%: 50%, 75%: 25%, 100%: 0%) and factor two is mango kweni (10 g and 20 g) with two replications. Data were analyzed with descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Results showed the highest protein content of ice cream in the treatment M2K2 (50% skim milk, 50% kidney bean and 20% mango kweni), amounting to 3.0 g. While the low protein content of ice cream, the treatment M2K4 (0% skim milk, kidney bean 100%, and 20% mango kweni), 2.3 g. Ice cream with 100% of kidney bean extract treatment + 0% of skim milk +20% of mango kweni is ice cream that can be accepted by society
The Purpose of this research is to find out how are the teachersâ strategies in
increasing studentsâ confidence to speak English.
The Subject of this Research is The English Teachers who are teaching at MA
Islamic Centre Al-Hidayah Kampar, and the 0object of this research is the strategies
done by English teachers in increasing studentsâ confidence to speak English at MA
Islamic Centre Al-Hidayah Kampar.
Next, this research question is formulated as follows:
âHow are the teachersâ strategies in increasing studentsâ confidence to speak
English at MA Islamic Centre AL- Hidayah Kampar?â
In this research, there are two techniques that is used to collect the data is that
observation, and interview. To collect the data of this research, the researcher uses the
formula as follows:
After analyzing the data, the researcher concludes that the teachersâ strategies in
increasing studentsâ confidence to speak English can be categorized into âFairâ, in
which the total value percentage is 68.75%
Integrasi Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Perkuliahan
Membangun insan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) berkarakter dan bermartabat berarti mengintegrasikan pendidikan karakter dalam seluruh kegiatan di kampus. Strategi implementasi pendidikan karakter di kampus mestinya menyasar kepada seluruh sivitas akademika: mahasiswa, dosen, dan pegawai yang dilakukan melalui perkuliahan, kegiatan mahasiswa, dan manajemen. Model Nested dapat digunakan untuk mengintegrasikan beberapa keterampilan belajar: keterampilan berpikir, keterampilan sosial, dan keterampilan mengorganisir, dan juga soft skill. Pengintegrasian pendidikan karakter dalam perkuliahan dapat dilakukan dengan memasukkan nilai-nilai karakter dalam perencanaan (silabus dan RPP), bahan ajar dan media, implementasi di kelas, penilaian, monitoring, dan evaluasi kegiatan secara keseluruhan
Olahraga Pasca Melahirkan
Setelah melahirkan, hal yang paling ingin cepat dilakukan oleh seorang wanita adalah kembali berolahraga untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang diinginkan. Tetapi banyak pula ibu-ibu pasca melahirkan malah takut untuk bergerak, takut terjadi robekan pada jahitan. Hal ini terjadi karena kekurangtahuan akan pengetahuan kapan dan olahraga apa yang dapat dilakukan seorang ibu pasca melahirkan.Pasca melahirkan terjadi Perubahan-pcrubahan pada rahim, vagina, dinding Perut. Seorang wanita dapat kembali berolahraga ringan setelah dua minggu bagi yang melahirkan secara vaginal, dan enam minggu bagi yang melahirkan secara bedah caesar.Dua minggu pertama dapat melakukan ladtian Kegel untuk menguatkan lubang vagina, berjalan, atau yoga yang paling halus. Setelah dua minggu dapat ditambah dengan peregangan dan jalan, bergoyang mengikuti irama musik dengan menggendong bayi
Evaluation of Local Supplementary Feeding Program in Toddler Nutrition Recovery House (Pelita) in Kedung Banteng District, Tegal Regency
One approach taken to reduce the prevalence of stunting is by providing additional recovery food to malnourished toddlers. The Rumah Pelita supplementary food program has been running in Kedung Banteng District since 2020. In the implementation of the Rumah Pelita Program, there are still existing cases of stunting and the nutritional status of targets and there has never been an evaluation of the Rumah Pelita program. The aim of the research is to determine the evaluation of the supplementary feeding program made from local food in Kedungbanteng District, Tegal Regency in terms of input, process and output aspects. This research method is qualitative research which is descriptive and evaluative in nature. The research period is January-March 2023. The research was conducted in 5 villages in the Kedungbanteng Community Health Center area. The main informants were 1 nutrition officer and 5 village midwives, and triangulation informants were 5 Rumah Pelita cadres and 5 mothers of toddlers. Data collection used in-depth interviews, while the source triangulation method was used to validate the data. Research data analysis is data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the number of cadres is still insufficient, and there are still villages that have not budgeted for equipment rental and transportation for cadres, there are deficiencies in reporting and recording and there are still toddlers who experience stunting. There needs to be integration of central and regional government policies regarding handling stunting in toddlers, so that there is a division of the budget for handling stunting. and it is recommended that health workers provide health education about stunting prevention and routinely monitor the development of toddlers. Â Keyword:Â Stunting, Policy, Nutrition, Provision of supplementary food, Toddle
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