3,711 research outputs found

    Training Music Therapists and Music Therapy Students to Provide Trauma-Informed Care: Training Development and Pilot Feasibility Study

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    Adverse childhood experiences are considered a serious public health problem and can lead to complex trauma. Due to the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences in the general population, it is likely music therapists frequently treat clients who have experienced trauma; however, there appears to be no published research on music therapy training and education regarding validated trauma-informed approaches. This study examined the impact of a three-hour educational training on music therapists’ knowledge of trauma-informed care and perceptions of preparedness to practice trauma-informed music therapy. Seven training attendees chose to participate and completed a pre-test and post-test covering demographic information, knowledge, perceptions, education, and feedback. Data were statistically and descriptively analyzed and reported. Participants demonstrated significant improvement in knowledge from pre- to post-test. Participants’ perceptions of their ability to practice trauma-informed music therapy were significantly higher on four test items. These results suggest that this training may have a positive influence on music therapists’ knowledge of trauma-informed care and perceptions of preparedness to practice trauma-informed music therapy. Future researchers should replicate the study with a larger sample and examine how music therapists apply information on trauma-informed care in practice

    Magnetic field amplification by high power lasers in underdense plasma

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    The process by which an existing magnetic field of ∼102-103 T may be amplified by an order of magnitude along the axis of laser propagation in underdense plasma by an intense laser pulse is investigated. The mechanism underlying the effect is understood to be ponderomotive in nature, initiated by the drift motion of electrons displaced by the laser pulse as they relax towards the axis, and sustained by a combination of quasistatic magnetic field structures and electron Hall and diamagnetic currents. We employ two- and three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations to numerically investigate the process and find qualitative agreement with the scaling relations found in our theory model. The lifetime of the process is considered, and we find the major factor limiting its growth and lifetime is ion motion, which disrupts the electron currents necessary to sustain the induced magnetic field. This field is found to be of sufficient strength, and is long-lived enough to be relevant for study in relation to applications in radiation production and laboratory astrophysics

    Factors Associated with the Diversification of the Gut Microbial Communities within Chimpanzees from Gombe National Park.

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    The gastrointestinal tract harbors large and diverse populations of bacteria that vary among individuals and within individuals over time. Numerous internal and external factors can influence the contents of these microbial communities, including diet, geography, physiology, and the extent of contact among hosts. To investigate the contributions of such factors to the variation and changes in gut microbial communities, we analyzed the distal gut microbiota of individual chimpanzees from two communities in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. These samples, which were derived from 35 chimpanzees, many of whom have been monitored for multiple years, provide an unusually comprehensive longitudinal depth for individuals of known genetic relationships. Although the composition of the great-ape microbiota has been shown to codiversify with host species, indicating that host genetics and phylogeny have played a major role in its differentiation over evolutionary timescales, the geneaological relationships of individual chimpanzees did not coincide with the similarity in their gut microbial communities. However, the inhabitants from adjacent chimpanzee communities could be distinguished based on the contents of their gut microbiota. Despite the broad similarity of community members, as would be expected from shared diet or interactions, long-term immigrants to a community often harbored the most distinctive gut microbiota, suggesting that individuals retain hallmarks of their previous gut microbial communities for extended periods. This pattern was reinforced in several chimpanzees sampled over long temporal scales, in which the major constituents of the gut microbiota were maintained for nearly a decade

    Executive dysfunction and memory impairment in schizoaffective disorder: a comparison with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and healthy controls.

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    BACKGROUND: Deficits in memory and executive performance are well-established features of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. By contrast, data on cognitive impairment in schizoaffective disorder are scarce and the findings are conflicting. METHOD: We used the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-III) and the Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) to test memory and executive function in 45 schizophrenic patients, 26 schizomanic patients and 51 manic bipolar patients in comparison to 65 healthy controls. The patients were tested when acutely ill. RESULTS: All three patient groups performed significantly more poorly than the controls on global measures of memory and executive functioning, but there were no differences among the patient groups. There were few differences in memory and executive function subtest scores within the patient groups. There were no differences in any test scores between manic patients with and without psychotic symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Schizophrenic, schizomanic and manic patients show a broadly similar degree of executive and memory deficits in the acute phase of illness. Our results do not support a categorical differentiation across different psychotic categories with regard to neuropsychological deficits

    Comparison of assessments of fitness to drive for people with dementia

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    Cognitive tests are used to inform recommendations about the fitness to drive of people with dementia. The Rookwood Driving Battery (RDB) and Dementia Drivers' Screening Assessment (DDSA) are neuropsychological batteries designed to assist in this process. The aim was to assess the concordance between the classifications (pass/fail) of the RDB and DDSA in individuals with dementia, and to compare any discordant classifications against on-road driving ability. Participants were identified by community mental health teams and psychiatrists. Twenty four participants were recruited. The mean age was 74.1 (SD 8.9) years and 18 (75%) were men. Each participant was assessed on the RDB and DDSA in an order determined by random allocation. Those with discrepant results also had an on-road assessment. The agreement between the tests was 54% using a cut-off of > 6 on the RDB, and 75% using the cut-off to > 10 on the RDB. Three participants with discrepant results agreed to be assessed on the road and all were found to be safe to drive. The findings suggested that there was poor concurrent validity between the RDB and DDSA. This raises questions about the choice of assessments in making clinical recommendations about fitness to drive in people with dementia

    A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm fitness function for case-base maintenance.

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    Case-Base Maintenance (CBM) has two important goals. On the one hand, it aims to reduce the size of the case-base. On the other hand, it has to improve the accuracy of the CBR system. CBM can be represented as a multi-objective optimization problem to achieve both goals. Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) have been recognised as appropriate techniques for multi-objective optimisation because they perform a search for multiple solutions in parallel. In the present paper we introduce a fitness function based on the Complexity Profiling model to perform CBM with MOEA, and we compare its results against other known CBM approaches. From the experimental results, CBM with MOEA shows regularly good results in many case-bases, despite the amount of redundant and noisy cases, and with a significant potential for improvement

    Self-referencing spectral interferometric probing of the onset time of relativistic transparency in intense laser-foil interactions

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    Irradiation of an ultrathin foil target by a high intensity laser pulse drives collective electron motion and the generation of strong electrostatic fields, resulting in ultrabright sources of high-order harmonics and energetic ions. The ion energies can be significantly enhanced if the foil undergoes relativistic self-induced transparency during the interaction, with the degree of enhancement depending in part on the onset time of transparency. We report on a simple and effective approach to diagnose the time during the interaction at which the foil becomes transparent to the laser light, providing a route to optically controlling and optimizing ion acceleration and radiation generation. The scheme involves a self-referencing approach to spectral interferometry, in which coherent transition radiation produced at the foil rear interferes with laser light transmitted through the foil. The relative timing of the onset of transmission with respect to the transition radiation generation is determined from spectral fringe spacing and compared to simultaneous frequency-resolved optical gating measurements. The results are in excellent agreement, and are discussed with reference to particle-in-cell simulations of the interaction physics and an analytical model for the onset time of transparency in ultrathin foils

    Measurement of the angle, temperature and flux of fast electrons emitted from intense laser-solid interactions

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    High-intensity laser-solid interactions generate relativistic electrons, as well as high-energy (multi-MeV) ions and X-rays. The directionality, spectra and total number of electrons that escape atarget-foil is dependent on the absorption, transport and rear-side sheath conditions. Measuring the electrons escaping the target will aid in improving our understanding of these absorption processes and the rear-surface sheath fields that retard the escaping electrons and accelerate ions via the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) mechanism. A comprehensive Geant4 study was performed to help analyse measurements made with a wrap-around diagnostic that surrounds the target and uses differential filtering with a FUJI-film image plate detector. The contribution of secondary sources such as X-rays and protons to the measured signal have been taken into account to aid in the retrieval of the electron signal. Angular and spectral data from a high-intensity laser-solid interaction are presented and accompanied by simulations. The total number of emitted electrons has been measured as 2.6 × 1013 with an estimated total energy of 12 ± 1 J from a 100 mu;m Cu target with140 J of incident laser energy during a 4 × 1020 W cm-2 interaction

    High order mode structure of intense light fields generated via a laser-driven relativistic plasma aperture

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    The spatio-temporal and polarisation properties of intense light is important in wide-ranging topics at the forefront of extreme light-matter interactions, including ultrafast laser-driven particle acceleration, attosecond pulse generation, plasma photonics, high-field physics and laboratory astrophysics. Here, we experimentally demonstrate modifications to the polarisation and temporal properties of intense light measured at the rear of an ultrathin target foil irradiated by a relativistically intense laser pulse. The changes are shown to result from a superposition of coherent radiation, generated by a directly accelerated bipolar electron distribution, and the light transmitted due to the onset of relativistic self-induced transparency. Simulations show that the generated light has a high-order transverse electromagnetic mode structure in both the first and second laser harmonics that can evolve on intra-pulse time-scales. The mode structure and polarisation state vary with the interaction parameters, opening up the possibility of developing this approach to achieve dynamic control of structured light fields at ultrahigh intensities

    Laser-plasma-based space radiation reproduction in the laboratory

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    Space radiation is a great danger to electronics and astronauts onboard space vessels. The spectral flux of space electrons, protons and ions for example in the radiation belts is inherently broadband, but this is a feature hard to mimic with conventional radiation sources. Using laser-plasma-accelerators, we reproduced relativistic, broadband radiation belt flux in the laboratory, and used this man-made space radiation to test the radiation hardness of space electronics. Such close mimicking of space radiation in the lab builds on the inherent ability of laser-plasma-accelerators to directly produce broadband Maxwellian-type particle flux, akin to conditions in space. In combination with the established sources, utilisation of the growing number of ever more potent laser-plasma-accelerator facilities worldwide as complementary space radiation sources can help alleviate the shortage of available beamtime and may allow for development of advanced test procedures, paving the way towards higher reliability of space missions
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