101 research outputs found

    Make Your Well Water Safe!

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    Just because well water looks clear and tastes good doesn\u27t mean that it\u27s safe for drinking. Water may contain harmful minerals and plant or animal life that you can\u27t see. Here are some ways to make your well water safe

    A teoria institucionalista e o uso de crianças soldado em conflitos armados contemporâneos: a República da Colômbia

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Relações Internacionais.A partir de meados dos anos 1980 e, mais intensamente, do final da Guerra Fria, observou-se crescente mudança no paradigma das Relações Internacionais e na forma como os conflitos passaram a ser travados, considerados então, por Kaldor (1999) como novas guerras. As hostilidades proliferadas a partir do período têm como uma de suas características a utilização de crianças em confrontos, as denominadas crianças soldado. O objetivo dessa monografia é refletir a respeito do fenômeno das crianças soldado, com base na teoria institucionalista de Keohane (1984), para verificar a efetividade da instituição internacional construída no combate ao uso de crianças nas hostilidades. Como estudo de caso, para comprovar ou não a efetividade de instituições internacionais, aplica-se o caso da República da Colômbia, país da América do Sul, fronteiriço com o Brasil, e que possui no seu conflito armado o recrutamento de menores de idade como uma peculiaridade comum

    Emil Julius Gumbel: An innovative statistician and a dedicated pacifist

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    Emil J. Gumbel ist der Namensgeber der jährlichen Gumbel-Vorlesung auf der Statistischen Woche. Leider ist der Namensgeber dieser Vorlesung nur noch wenigen Teilnehmern und Vortragenden bekannt. Dieser Artikel möchten diesem Defizit abhelfen. Denn Gumbel war nicht nur der Namensgeber irgendeiner statistischen Verteilung. Der Aufsatz beschreibt den Lebensweg Gumbels vom Weltkriegsteilnehmer zu einem weithin bekannten Pazifisten, der die politischen Morde in der frühen Weimarer Republik mit statistischen Schlußweisen analysierte. Seine Zahlenwerke legten die Defizite der Rechtssprechung in der Weimarer Republik offen. Die Richter kompromittierten sich mit ihren Urteilen. Seine Statistik-Professur an der Universität Heidelberg verlor er nach Angriffen der NS-Studenten und einer deutsch-nationalistischen Universitätsleitung noch vor Beginn der NS-Herrschaft. Wir schildern Gumbels Emigration erst nach Frankreich und von da in die USA und seine vergeblichen Versuche, wieder an deutschen Universitäten aufgenommen zu werden. Im zweiten Teil skizzieren wir Gumbels wissenschaftliches Werk im Bereich der Statistik der Extremwerte. Gumbel schrieb nicht nur den Klassiker dieses Statistik-Bereichs. Er baute auch vielen Ingenieuren einen fachlichen Zugang mit leicht berechenbaren und gut interpretierbaren Diagrammen. Schließlich schildert einer der Autoren, der Gumbel noch persönlich kannte, seine Erinnerungen an den freundlichen und interessierten Gastprofessor aus den USA.The annual Gumbel lecture of the Statistische Woche is dedicated to Emil J. Gumbel. Unfortunately, Emil J. Gumbel is known to only a few of the participants and presenters of this lecture. This article intends to remedy this deficit. Because Gumbel was not only a person whereby some statistical distribution was named after. The article describes Gumbel’s path of life from a world war I participant to a widely known pacifist, who analyzed the political murders during the early phase of the German Weimar Republic by statistical means. His computations revealed the deficits of jurisdiction during the Weimar Republic. The judges compromised themselves by their verdicts. Gumbel lost his position of a professor of statistics at the University of Heidelberg after attacks of Nazi students and a German-nationalist university management before the Nazis took over the political power. We describe the emigration of Gumbel first to France and from there to the US and his unsuccessful attempts to reinstall his former position at a German University. In the second part we outline Gumbel’s scientific work in the area of the statistics of extremes. Gumbel did not only write a classical monograph on this statistical field, but for many engineers he also generated an access with easy to compute and easy to interpret diagrams. Finally, one of the authors, who did know Gumbel personally, describes his memories of a friendly and interested guest professor from the US

    ITEP Test Trials for Detection Reliability Assessment of Metal Detectors

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    The total detection reliability of a mine-searching system is governed by the following three elements: Intrinsic capability, which describes the basic physical-technical capability of the method. Application factors, which include those due to environment. Human factor, which is the effect of human operators on the detection reliability. Some of these can be determined in simple laboratory measurements in which the effect on detection capability of individual parameters is measured. However, the human factor and some aspects of the effects of environmental conditions on the system need to be treated statistically

    Classification of Chemicals According to UN-GHS and EU-CLP: A Review of Physical Hazard Classes and Their Intricate Interfaces to Transport and Former EU Legislation

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    The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN-GHS) is being implemented in more and more countries all over the world; the EU has done so with the CLP-Regulation (EU-CLP). Compared to the undeniably important questions on health and environmental hazards, the classification of physical hazards of chemicals often has not been in the focus, although their implementation can be challenging and there are traps and pitfalls to be avoided. The following overview of the classification systematics for physical hazards aims at a principle understanding without detailing all criteria or test methods. Similarities and differences between the classification systems of the UN-GHS and EU-CLP, the transport of dangerous goods and the former EU system are reviewed with regard to the physical hazard classes. Available physical hazard classifications for the transport of dangerous goods and according to the former EU system can be used as available information when classifying according to the GHS. However, the interfaces of these classification systems and their limitations have to be understood well when concluding on GHS/CLP classifications. This applies not only to industry when applying CLP but especially to legislators when adapting legislation that in one way or another refers to the classification of chemicals

    Avaliação do desempenho estrutural de treliças Howe de Bambu Laminado Colado

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    Neste trabalho, apresenta-se e discute-se o comportamento estrutural de modelos reduzidos de treliças tipo Howe fabricadas com Bambu Laminado Colado (BLC). Foi utilizado o bambu da espécie Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro para a confecção das treliças, que foram preparadas com dois tipos de adesivos: um à base de resorcinol-formaldeído e outro à base de poliacetato de vinila. As treliças apresentavam vão livre de 2,5 m e altura de 0,4 m. Para o projeto das treliças, fez-se uma análise prévia de suas ligações que apresentavam três variáveis de estudo: o ângulo de montagem das ligações, o tipo de adesivo empregado e o número de ripas de bambu utilizadas para confecção dos espécimes. Todas as treliças romperam por flambagem nas diagonais comprimidas, suportando uma carga, em média, 175% superior àquela prevista no projeto. Finalmente, verificou-se que as ligações e as treliças de BLC apresentaram desempenho estrutural adequado

    Aproximando saberes e experiências à distância: relato da tutoria de um curso de especialização

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    Este relato busca descrever a experiência do processo de tutoria a distância do Curso de Especialização Multiprofissional na Atenção Básica no Brasil, realizado nos estados de Santa Catarina e Paraná. O curso teve como público profissionais de saúde, entre esses: médicos, enfermeiros e dentistas, vinculados ao “Programa de Valorização da Atenção Básica” e ao “Programa Mais Médicos no Brasil”, totalizando 1.600 profissionais. O curso foi estruturado a partir de três eixos teóricos e com mediação pedagógica realizada por uma equipe de tutoria. A metodologia adotada foi a problematizadora, desenvolvida a partir de uma postura crítica sobre a realidade, no processo de ensino aprendizagem. Os tutores realizaram orientação pedagógica, apoio ao uso das mídias e tecnologias e avaliação das atividades didáticas realizadas no curso. Os alunos avaliaram positivamente, a didática e conteúdo programático do curso e o desempenho dos tutores. Almeja-se que esta experiência possa ser vista como possibilidade de impulsionar outras experiências na formação em saúde

    Interlaboratory study for coral Sr/Ca and other element/Ca ratio measurements

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    The Sr/Ca ratio of coral aragonite is used to reconstruct past sea surface temperature (SST). Twentyone laboratories took part in an interlaboratory study of coral Sr/Ca measurements. Results show interlaboratory bias can be significant, and in the extreme case could result in a range in SST estimates of 7°C. However, most of the data fall within a narrower range and the Porites coral reference material JCp- 1 is now characterized well enough to have a certified Sr/Ca value of 8.838 mmol/mol with an expanded uncertainty of 0.089 mmol/mol following International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG) guidelines. This uncertainty, at the 95% confidence level, equates to 1.5°C for SST estimates using Porites, so is approaching fitness for purpose. The comparable median within laboratory error is <0.5°C. This difference in uncertainties illustrates the interlaboratory bias component that should be reduced through the use of reference materials like the JCp-1. There are many potential sources contributing to biases in comparative methods but traces of Sr in Ca standards and uncertainties in reference solution composition can account for half of the combined uncertainty. Consensus values that fulfil the requirements to be certified values were also obtained for Mg/Ca in JCp-1 and for Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in the JCt-1 giant clam reference material. Reference values with variable fitness for purpose have also been obtained for Li/Ca, B/Ca, Ba/Ca, and U/Ca in both reference materials. In future, studies reporting coral element/Ca data should also report the average value obtained for a reference material such as the JCp-1