66 research outputs found

    A cross-sectional survey of 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate:the Cleft Care UK study. Part 1: background and methodology

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    OBJECTIVES: We describe the methodology for a major study investigating the impact of reconfigured cleft care in the United Kingdom (UK) 15 years after an initial survey, detailed in the Clinical Standards Advisory Group (CSAG) report in 1998, had informed government recommendations on centralization. SETTING AND SAMPLE POPULATION: This is a UK multicentre cross-sectional study of 5-year-olds born with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate. Children born between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2007 were seen in cleft centre audit clinics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Consent was obtained for the collection of routine clinical measures (speech recordings, hearing, photographs, models, oral health, psychosocial factors) and anthropometric measures (height, weight, head circumference). The methodology for each clinical measure followed those of the earlier survey as closely as possible. RESULTS: We identified 359 eligible children and recruited 268 (74.7%) to the study. Eleven separate records for each child were collected at the audit clinics. In total, 2666 (90.4%) were collected from a potential 2948 records. The response rates for the self-reported questionnaires, completed at home, were 52.6% for the Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire and 52.2% for the Satisfaction with Service Questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: Response rates and measures were similar to those achieved in the previous survey. There are practical, administrative and methodological challenges in repeating cross-sectional surveys 15 years apart and producing comparable data

    Large-scale Bright Fronts in the Solar Corona: A Review of "EIT waves"

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    ``EIT waves" are large-scale coronal bright fronts (CBFs) that were first observed in 195 \AA\ images obtained using the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the \emph{Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)}. Commonly called ``EIT waves", CBFs typically appear as diffuse fronts that propagate pseudo-radially across the solar disk at velocities of 100--700 km s1^{-1} with front widths of 50-100 Mm. As their speed is greater than the quiet coronal sound speed (csc_s\leq200 km s1^{-1}) and comparable to the local Alfv\'{e}n speed (vAv_A\leq1000 km s1^{-1}), they were initially interpreted as fast-mode magnetoacoustic waves (vf=(cs2+vA2)1/2v_{f}=(c_s^2 + v_A^2)^{1/2}). Their propagation is now known to be modified by regions where the magnetosonic sound speed varies, such as active regions and coronal holes, but there is also evidence for stationary CBFs at coronal hole boundaries. The latter has led to the suggestion that they may be a manifestation of a processes such as Joule heating or magnetic reconnection, rather than a wave-related phenomena. While the general morphological and kinematic properties of CBFs and their association with coronal mass ejections have now been well described, there are many questions regarding their excitation and propagation. In particular, the theoretical interpretation of these enigmatic events as magnetohydrodynamic waves or due to changes in magnetic topology remains the topic of much debate.Comment: 34 pages, 19 figure

    Modelling spectral and timing properties of accreting black holes: the hybrid hot flow paradigm

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    The general picture that emerged by the end of 1990s from a large set of optical and X-ray, spectral and timing data was that the X-rays are produced in the innermost hot part of the accretion flow, while the optical/infrared (OIR) emission is mainly produced by the irradiated outer thin accretion disc. Recent multiwavelength observations of Galactic black hole transients show that the situation is not so simple. Fast variability in the OIR band, OIR excesses above the thermal emission and a complicated interplay between the X-ray and the OIR light curves imply that the OIR emitting region is much more compact. One of the popular hypotheses is that the jet contributes to the OIR emission and even is responsible for the bulk of the X-rays. However, this scenario is largely ad hoc and is in contradiction with many previously established facts. Alternatively, the hot accretion flow, known to be consistent with the X-ray spectral and timing data, is also a viable candidate to produce the OIR radiation. The hot-flow scenario naturally explains the power-law like OIR spectra, fast OIR variability and its complex relation to the X-rays if the hot flow contains non-thermal electrons (even in energetically negligible quantities), which are required by the presence of the MeV tail in Cyg X-1. The presence of non-thermal electrons also lowers the equilibrium electron temperature in the hot flow model to <100 keV, making it more consistent with observations. Here we argue that any viable model should simultaneously explain a large set of spectral and timing data and show that the hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot flow model satisfies most of the constraints.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures. To be published in the Space Science Reviews and as hard cover in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI - The Physics of Accretion on to Black Holes (Springer Publisher

    The WEBT BL Lacertae Campaign 2001 and its extension : Optical light curves and colour analysis 1994–2002

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    BL Lacertae has been the target of four observing campaigns by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) collaboration. In this paper we present UBVRI light curves obtained by theWEBT from 1994 to 2002, including the last, extended BL Lac 2001 campaign. A total of about 7500 optical observations performed by 31 telescopes from Japan to Mexico have been collected, to be added to the ∼15 600 observations of the BL Lac Campaign 2000. All these data allow one to follow the source optical emission behaviour with unprecedented detail. The analysis of the colour indices reveals that the flux variability can be interpreted in terms of two components: longer-term variations occurring on a fewday time scale appear as mildly-chromatic events, while a strong bluer-when-brighter chromatism characterizes very fast (intraday) flares. By decoupling the two components, we quantify the degree of chromatism inferring that longer-term flux changes imply moving along a ∼0.1 bluerwhen- brighter slope in the B − R versus R plane; a steeper slope of ∼0.4 would distinguish the shorter-term variations. This means that, when considering the long-term trend, the B-band flux level is related to the R-band one according to a power law of index ∼1.1. Doppler factor variations on a “convex” spectrum could be the mechanism accounting for both the long-term variations and their slight chromatism.Reig Torres, Pablo, [email protected]

    Global Properties of Solar Flares

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    Boundary coding in the rat subiculum

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    The spatial mapping function of the hippocampal formation is likely derived from two sets of information: one based on the external environment and the other based on self-motion. Here, we further characterize ‘boundary vector cells’ (BVCs) in the rat subiculum, which code space relative to one type of cue in the external environment: boundaries. We find that the majority of cells with fields near the perimeter of a walled environment exhibit an additional firing field when an upright barrier is inserted into the walled environment in a manner predicted by the BVC model. We use this property of field repetition as a heuristic measure to define BVCs, and characterize their spatial and temporal properties. In further tests, we find that subicular BVCs typically treat drop edges similarly to walls, including exhibiting field repetition when additional drop-type boundaries are added to the testing environment. In other words, BVCs treat both kinds of edge as environmental boundaries, despite their dissimilar sensory properties. Finally, we also report the existence of ‘boundary-off cells’, a new class of boundary-coding cells. These cells fire everywhere except where a given BVC might fire

    Expression of the chloride channel CLC-K in human airway epithelial cells

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    Airway submucosal gland function is severely disrupted in cystic fibrosis (CF), as a result of genetic mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), an apical membrane Cl– channel. To identify other Cl– channel types that could potentially substitute for lost CFTR function in these cells, we investigated the functional and molecular expression of Cl– channels in Calu-3 cells, a human cell line model of the submucosal gland serous cell. Whole cell patch clamp recording from these cells identified outwardly rectified, pH- and calcium-sensitive Cl– currents that resemble those previously ascribed to ClC-K type chloride channels. Using reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction, we identified expression of mRNA for ClC-2, ClC-3, ClC-4, ClC-5, ClC-6, ClC-7, ClC-Ka, and ClC-Kb, as well as the common ClC-K channel b subunit barttin. Western blotting confirmed that Calu-3 cells express both ClC-K and barttin protein. Thus, Calu-3 cells express multiple members of the ClC family of Cl– channels that, if also expressed in native submucosal gland serous cells within the CF lung, could perhaps act to partially substitute lost CFTR function. Furthermore, this work represents the first evidence for functional ClC-K chloride channel expression within the lung

    Second‐harmonic generation of poled BaTiO<sub>3</sub> thin films

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    Second‐harmonic generation of 1.064 μm incident light was measured on BaTiO3thin films prepared by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Upon corona poling of the film, the second‐harmonic signal was significantly enhanced. The second‐order nonlinear optical susceptibility,d, of the poled film reaches ∼7.5 times that of the quartz. The enhanced second‐harmonic generation shows a very slow decay at room temperature