240 research outputs found


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    За результатами моделювання з використанням тривимірної чисельної моделі, що комплексно відбиває планово-профільну фільтрацію в межах прони-кних і розділяючих шарів, встановлені закономірності геофільтрації у верхній частині породного масиву на ділянках розташування відвалів гірських порід і хвостосховищ. Виявлений характер впливу гідродинамічного режиму, що формується в умовах гравітаційно-навантаженого породного масиву, на гео-механічний стан прилеглої до об'єктів гірничого виробництва території. По результатам моделирования с использованием трехмерной численной модели, комплексно отражающей планово-профильную фильтрацию в пределах проницаемых и разделяющих слоев, установлены закономерности геофильтрации в верхней части породного массива на участках расположе-ния отвалов горных пород и хвостохранилищ. Определен характер влияния гидродинамического режима, формирующегося в условиях гравитационно-нагруженного породного массива, на геомеханическое состояние прилегаю-щей к объектам горного производства территории. The features of ground water flow have been determined for the top layers of the rock mass in dump tailing areas by numerical simulation using a model reproduc-ing 3D ground water flow within aquifers and confining layers. The impact of the hydrodynamic regime formed in the gravitationally loaded rock mass on geomechanical conditions of the territory affected by mining industry sites has been revealed

    Improved in vivo detection of cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis using double inversion recovery MR imaging at 3 Tesla

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    Objective: To investigate the impact of a higher magnetic field strength of 3 Tesla (T) on the detection rate of cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, in particular using a dedicated double inversion recovery (DIR) pulse sequence. Methods: Thirty-four patients with clinically isolated syndromes or definite MS were included. All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 1.5 T and 3 T, including T2-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE), fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and DIR sequences. All images were analysed for focal lesions categorised according to their anatomical location. Results: The total number of detected lesions was higher at 3 T across all pulse sequences. We observed significantly higher numbers of lesions involving the cortex at 3 T using a DIR sequence. DIR at 3 T showed 192% more pure intracortical (p<0.001) and 30% more mixed grey matter-white matter lesions (p=0.008). No significant increase in cortical lesions could be detected on the FLAIR and T2-weighted images. Using the T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences, significantly more lesions could be detected at 3 T in the infratentorial, periventricular and juxtacortical white matter. Conclusion: DIR brain MR imaging at 3 T substantially improves the sensitivity of the detection of cortical lesions compared with the standard magnetic field strength of 1.5 T. © European Society of Radiology 2009

    Higher Lesion Detection by 3.0T MRI in Patient with Transient Global Amnesia

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    PURPOSE: Transient global amnesia (TGA) patients were retrospectively reviewed to determine the usefulness of high-field strength MRI in detecting probable ischemic lesions in TGA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated the lesion detection rate in patients with TGA using 1.5T and 3.0T MRI. Acute probable ischemic lesions were defined as regions of high-signal intensity in diffusion weighted image with corresponding low-signal intensity in apparent diffusion coefficient map. RESULTS: 3.0T MRI showed 11 out of 32 patients with probable ischemic lesions in the hippocampus with mean lesion size of 2.8 +/- 0.6 mm, whereas 1.5T MRI detected no lesion in any of 11 patients. There were no significant differences in clinical characteristics between the groups of 1.5 and 3.0T MRI. CONCLUSION: High-field strength MRI has a higher detection rate of probable ischemic lesions than low-field strength MRI in patients with TGA.ope

    The choice of feedstock for the biodiesel production with optimal physicochemical and low-temperature properties

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    The transesterification reaction of sunflower, mustard and linseed oil with ethyl alcohol was studied using potassium hydroxide as a catalyst. The physicochemical properties and low-temperature characteristics of the feedstock and obtained products were studied. The most preferred feedstock for the biodiesel fuel production had been determined

    Influence of B1 Inhomogeneity on Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: A Simulation Study

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    Objective: To simulate the B1-inhomogeneity-induced variation of pharmacokinetic parameters on DCE-MRI. Materials and Methods: B1-inhomogeneity-induced flip angle (FA) variation was estimated in a phantom study. Monte Carlo simulation was performed to assess the FA-deviation-induced measurement error of the pre-contrast R1, contrast-enhancement ratio, Gd concentration, and two-compartment pharmacokinetic parameters (Ktrans, ve and vp). Results: B1-inhomogeneity resulted in -23% ~ 5% fluctuations (95% confidence interval (CI) of % error) of FA. The 95% CIs of FA-dependent % errors in the gray matter and blood were as follows: -16.7% - 61.8% and -16.7% - 61.8% for the pre-contrast R1, -1.0% - 0.3% and -5.2% - 1.3% for the contrast-enhancement ratio, and -14.2% - 58.1% and -14.1% - 57.8% for the Gd concentration, respectively. These resulted in -43.1% - 48.4% error for Ktrans, -32.3% - 48.6% error for the ve, and -43.2% - 48.6% error for vp. The pre-contrast R1 was more vulnerable to FA error than the contrast-enhancement ratio, and was therefore a significant cause of the Gd-concentration error. For example, a -10% FA error led to a 23.6% deviation in the pre-contrast R1, -0.4% in the contrast-enhancement ratio, and 23.6% in the Gd concentration. In a simulated condition with a 3% FA error in a target lesion and a -10% FA error in a feeding vessel, the % errors of the pharmacokinetic parameters were -23.7% for Ktrans, -23.7% for ve, and -23.7% for vp. Conclusion: Even a small degree of B1-inhomogeneity can cause a significant error in the measurement of pharmacokinetic parameters on DCE-MRI, while the vulnerability of the pre-contrast R1 calculations to FA deviations is a significant cause of the miscalculation.ope

    Implementation of Dual-Source RF Excitation in 3 T MR-Scanners Allows for Nearly Identical ADC Values Compared to 1.5 T MR Scanners in the Abdomen

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    Background: To retrospectively and prospectively compare abdominal apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values obtained within in a 1.5 T system and 3 T systems with and without dual-source parallel RF excitation techniques. Methodology/Principal Findings: After IRB approval, diffusion-weighted (DW) images of the abdomen were obtained on three different MR systems (1.5 T, a first generation 3 T, and a second generation 3 T which incorporates dual-source parallel RF excitation) on 150 patients retrospectively and 19 volunteers (57 examinations total) prospectively. Seven regions of interest (ROI) were throughout the abdomen were selected to measure the ADC. Statistical analysis included independent two-sided t-tests, Mann-Whitney U tests and correlation analysis. In the DW images of the abdomen, mean ADC values were nearly identical with nonsignificant differences when comparing the 1.5 T and second generation 3 T systems in all seven anatomical regions in the patient population and six of the seven in the volunteer population (p.0.05 in all distributions). The strength of correlation measured in the volunteer population between the two scanners in the kidneys ranged from r = 0.64–0.88 and in the remaining regions (besides the spleen), r.0.85. In the patient population the first generation 3 T scanner had different mean ADC values with significant differences (p,0.05) compared to the other two scanners in each of the seven distributions. In the volunteer population, the kidneys shared similar ADC mean values in comparison to the other two scanners with nonsignificant differences

    Visual shape and position sensing algorithm for a continuum robot

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    Continuum robots represent an actively developing and fast-growing technology in robotics. To successfully implement control and path planning of continuum robots it is important to develop an accurate three-dimensional shape and position sensing algorithm. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the three-dimensional reconstruction of the continuum robot shape. The algorithm is performed during several steps. Initially, images from two cameras are processed by applying pre-processing and segmentation techniques. Then, the gradient descent method is applied to compare two-dimensional skeleton points of both masks. Having compared these points, it finds a skeleton of the robot in a threedimensional form. Additionally, the proposed algorithm is able to define key points using the distance from the robot base along the center line. The latter allows controlling the position of points of interest defined by a user. As a result, the developed algorithm achieved a relatively high level of accuracy and speed