228 research outputs found

    Kant e Habermas:: pressupostos epistemológicos de uma filosofia da educação

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    O texto visa tratar de uma problemática da Teoria do Conhecimento em correspondência com a Educação. Os problemas que surgem da relação entre o indivíduo pensante e o objeto de seu pensamento (como o solipsismo, a reflexão monológica e o dogmatismo) marcam as bases da produção filosófica tratada a partir de Kant em sua obra "Crítica da Razão Pura" (1787). A prova sobre os juízos sintéticos a priori leva Kant a formular um sistema filosófico, cujo método transcendental se apoia na sensibilidade e no entendimento do sujeito sobre os conceitos. A fenomenologia de Husserl se fortaleceu a partir da filosofia de Kant, e sobre seu prisma existencial-hermenêutico, tratou do problema da dialética do conhecimento a partir do conceito de mundo da vida. O apriorismo subjetivista de Kant e o idealismo transcendental da fenomenologia de Husserl são criticados, atualmente, pelo filósofo Jürgen Habermas. Pela teoria da competência comunicativa, Habermas instaura novas bases para a relação sujeito-objeto e para a construção do conhecimento. O ser humano é um sujeito de potencialidade comunicativa, que desenvolve um novo conceito de emancipação, pela razão comunicativa pela qual a linguagem é considerada na sua dimensão de práxis social. A perspectiva habermasiana é bastante relevante para a educação escolar e para o desenvolvimento humano

    Quantum dynamics of a model for two Josephson-coupled Bose--Einstein condensates

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    In this work we investigate the quantum dynamics of a model for two single-mode Bose--Einstein condensates which are coupled via Josephson tunneling. Using direct numerical diagonalisation of the Hamiltonian, we compute the time evolution of the expectation value for the relative particle number across a wide range of couplings. Our analysis shows that the system exhibits rich and complex behaviours varying between harmonic and non-harmonic oscillations, particularly around the threshold coupling between the delocalised and self-trapping phases. We show that these behaviours are dependent on both the initial state of the system as well as regime of the coupling. In addition, a study of the dynamics for the variance of the relative particle number expectation and the entanglement for different initial states is presented in detail.Comment: 15 pages, 8 eps figures, accepted in J. Phys.

    A framework for large-scale relativistic simulations in the characteristic approach

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    We present a new computational framework (LEO), that enables us to carry out the very first large-scale, high-resolution computations in the context of the characteristic approach in numerical relativity. At the analytic level, our approach is based on a new implementation of the ``eth'' formalism, using a non-standard representation of the spin-raising and lowering angular operators in terms of non-conformal coordinates on the sphere; we couple this formalism to a partially first-order reduction (in the angular variables) of the Einstein equations. The numerical implementation of our approach supplies the basic building blocks for a highly parallel, easily extensible numerical code. We demonstrate the adaptability and excellent scaling of our numerical code by solving, within our numerical framework, for a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity (the Einstein-Klein-Gordon problem) in 3-dimensions. The nonlinear code is globally second-order convergent, and has been extensively tested using as reference a calibrated code with the same boundary-initial data and radial marching algorithm. In this context, we show how accurately we can follow quasi-normal mode ringing. In the linear regime, we show energy conservation for a number of initial data sets with varying angular structure. A striking result that arises in this context is the saturation of the flow of energy through the Schwarzschild radius. As a final calibration check we perform a large simulation with resolution never achieved before.Comment: RevTeX4, 22 pages, 21 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Attitudes and Opinions About Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing in Undergraduate Science Students

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    Background: There has been exponential growth in the number of direct-to-consumer genetic testing kits sold in the past decade. Consumers utilize direct-to-consumer genetic tests for a number of reasons which include learning about one’s ancestry and potential ways to manage health. Emerging adults tend to be early adopters of new technologies; however, there has been little research regarding the opinions about direct-to-consumer genetic testing in emerging adults. Methods: Data came from a study conducted in an upper-level biology course focusing on understanding undergraduate science students’ overall experiences with receiving personalized genetic testing results from 23andMe. The present study used data collected at the baseline assessment which assessed their opinions and attitudes about direct-to-consumer genetic testing (N=133). Results: Over 80% of participants would recommend direct-to-consumer genetic testing options including carrier status reports, DNA ancestry reports, wellness reports, and trait reports to others. However, participants were not as confident that others would be able to accurately interpret their test results. Additionally, more than two-thirds of the participants stated that they would ask a healthcare provider to help interpret their personalized genetic test results. Conclusions: Participants lack confidence in both their ability to interpret their own results and others to interpret their results. It is important for direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies to educate consumers before providing results in order to minimize potential harms due to misinterpretation of results. Further research is needed to assess motivations to participate in direct-to-consumer genetic testing, impact of testing, and understanding of genetic testing results in emerging adults.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1124/thumbnail.jp

    Influences of H on the Adsorption of a Single Ag Atom on Si(111)-7 × 7 Surface

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    The adsorption of a single Ag atom on both clear Si(111)-7 × 7 and 19 hydrogen terminated Si(111)-7 × 7 (hereafter referred as 19H-Si(111)-7 × 7) surfaces has been investigated using first-principles calculations. The results indicated that the pre-adsorbed H on Si surface altered the surface electronic properties of Si and influenced the adsorption properties of Ag atom on the H terminated Si surface (e.g., adsorption site and bonding properties). Difference charge density data indicated that covalent bond is formed between adsorbed Ag and H atoms on 19H-Si(111)-7 × 7 surface, which increases the adsorption energy of Ag atom on Si surface

    Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). I. Overview of the Program and First Results

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    We present an overview of the Large Program, ``Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk)'', conducted with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The ubiquitous detections of substructures, particularly rings and gaps, in protoplanetary disks around T Tauri stars raise the possibility that at least some planet formation may have already started during the embedded stages of star formation. In order to address exactly how and when planet formation is initiated, the program focuses on searching for substructures in disks around 12 Class 0 and 7 Class I protostars in nearby (<< 200 pc) star-forming regions through 1.3 mm continuum observations at a resolution of 7\sim7 au (0.04"). The initial results show that the continuum emission, mostly arising from dust disks around the sample protostars, has relatively few distinctive substructures, such as rings and spirals, in marked contrast to Class II disks. The dramatic difference may suggest that substructures quickly develop in disks when the systems evolve from protostars to Class II sources or alternatively that high optical depth of the continuum emission could obscure internal structures. Kinematic information obtained through CO isotopologue lines and other lines reveals the presence of Keplerian disks around protostars, providing us with crucial physical parameters, in particular, the dynamical mass of the central protostars. We describe the background of the eDisk program, the sample selection and their ALMA observations, the data reduction, and also highlight representative first-look results.Comment: This is a publication of a series of eDisk ALMA large program first-look paper