11,004 research outputs found

    Detection of the complement fragment C5a in inflammatory exudates from the rabbit peritoneal cavity using radioimmunoassay.

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    We describe a radioimmunoassay for rabbit C5a and its use to obtain evidence of extravascular C5a generation in two inflammatory reactions in the peritoneal cavity. These observations, together with the potent activity of C5a in inducing increased microvascular permeability involving circulating PMN leukocytes, strengthen the case for considering C5a an important inflammatory mediator. These findings offer an explanation for the many different experimental inflammatory reactions where oedema formation can be suppressed either by systemic depletion of complement or by depletion of circulating PMN leukocytes

    A monoclonal antibody recognizing very late activation antigen-4 inhibits eosinophil accumulation in vivo.

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    Using an in vivo test system, the role of the β1 integrin very late activation antigen-4 (VLA-4) in eosinophil accumulation in allergic and nonallergic inflammatory reactions was investigated. Eosinophil infiltration and edema formation were measured as the local accumulation of intravenously injected 111In-labeled eosinophils and 125I-human serum albumin. The inflammatory reactions investigated were a passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) reaction and responses elicited by intradermal soluble inflammatory mediators (platelet-activating factor, leukotriene B4, C5a des Arg), arachidonic acid, and zymosan particles. The in vitro pretreatment of 111In-eosinophils with the anti-VLA-4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) HP1/2, which crossreacts with guinea pig eosinophils, suppressed eosinophil accumulation in all the inflammatory reactions investigated. Eosinophil accumulation was inhibited to the same extent when mAb HP1/2 was administered intravenously. It is interesting that HP1/2 had no effect on stimulated edema formation. These results suggest a role for VLA-4 in eosinophil accumulation in vivo and indicate a dissociation between the inflammatory events of eosinophil accumulation and edema formation

    Cooperation between interleukin-5 and the chemokine eotaxin to induce eosinophil accumulation in vivo.

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    Experiments were designed to study the effect of systemically administered IL-5 on local eosinophil accumulation induced by the intradermal injection of the chemokine eotaxin in the guinea pig. Intravenous interleukin-5 (IL-5) stimulated a rapid and dramatic increase in the numbers of accumulating eosinophils induced by i.d.-injected eotaxin and, for comparison, leukotriene B4. The numbers of locally accumulating eosinophils correlated directly with a rapid increase in circulating eosinophils: circulating eosinophil numbers were 13-fold higher 1 h after intravenous IL-5 (18.3 pmol/kg). This increase in circulating cells corresponded with a reduction in the number of displaceable eosinophils recovered after flushing out the femur bone marrow cavity. Intradermal IL-5, at the doses tested, did not induce significant eosinophil accumulation. We propose that these experiments simulate important early features of the tissue response to local allergen exposure in a sensitized individual, with eosinophil chemoattractant chemokines having an important local role in eosinophil recruitment from blood microvessels, and IL-5 facilitating this process by acting remotely as a hormone to stimulate the release into the circulation of a rapidly mobilizable pool of bone marrow eosinophils. This action of IL-5 would be complementary to the other established activities of IL-5 that operate over a longer time course

    ProtocadherinX/Y, a Candidate Gene-Pair for Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder: A DHPLC Investigation of Gonomic Sequence

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    Protocadherin X and Protocadherin Y (PCDHX and PCDHY) are cell-surface adhesion molecules expressed predominantly in the brain. The PCDHX/Y gene-pair was generated by an X-Y translocation approximately 3 million years ago (MYA) that gave rise to the Homo sapiens-specific region of Xq21.3 and Yp11.2 homology. Genes within this region are expected to code for sexually dimorphic human characteristics, including, for example, cerebral asymmetry a dimension of variation that has been suggested is relevant to psychosis. We examined differences in patients with schizophrenic or schizoaffective psychosis in the genomic sequence of PCDHX and PCDHY in coding and adjacent intronic sequences using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC). Three coding variants were detected in PCDHX and two in PCDHY. However, neither the coding variants nor the intronic polymorphisms could be related to psychosis within families. Low sequence variation suggests selective pressure against sequence change in modern humans in contrast to the structural chromosomal and sequence changes including fixed X-Y differences that occurred in this region earlier in hominid evolution. Our findings exclude sequence variation in PCDHX/Y as relevant to the aetiology of psychosis. However, we note the unusual status of this region with respect to X-inactivation. Further investigation of the epigenetic control of PCDHX/Y in relation to psychosis is warran

    Eotaxin: a potent eosinophil chemoattractant cytokine detected in a guinea pig model of allergic airways inflammation.

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    Eosinophil accumulation is a prominent feature of allergic inflammatory reactions, such as those occurring in the lung of the allergic asthmatic, but the endogenous chemoattractants involved have not been identified. We have investigated this in an established model of allergic inflammation, using in vivo systems both to generate and assay relevant activity. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was taken from sensitized guinea pigs at intervals after aerosol challenge with ovalbumin. BAL fluid was injected intradermally in unsensitized assay guinea pigs and the accumulation of intravenously injected 111In-eosinophils was measured. Activity was detected at 30 min after allergen challenge, peaking from 3 to 6 h and declining to low levels by 24 h. 3-h BAL fluid was purified using high performance liquid chromatography techniques in conjunction with the skin assay. Microsequencing revealed a novel protein from the C-C branch of the platelet factor 4 superfamily of chemotactic cytokines. The protein, eotaxin, exhibits homology of 53% with human MCP-1, 44% with guinea pig MCP-1, 31% with human MIP-1α, and 26% with human RANTES. Laser desorption time of flight mass analysis gave four different signals (8.15, 8.38, 8.81, and 9.03 kD), probably reflecting differential O-glycosylation. Eotaxin was highly potent, inducing substantial 111In-eosinophil accumulation at a 1-2-pmol dose in the skin, but did not induce significant 111In-neutrophil accumulation. Eotaxin was a potent stimulator of both guinea pig and human eosinophils in vitro. Human recombinant RANTES, MIP-1α, and MCP-1 were all inactive in inducing 111In-eosinophil accumulation in guinea pig skin; however, evidence was obtained that eotaxin shares a binding site with RANTES on guinea pig eosinophils. This is the first description of a potent eosinophil chemoattractant cytokine generated in vivo and suggests the possibility that similar molecules may be important in the human asthmatic lung

    Experience in hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer: Analysis of clinical and pathologic risk factors

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    Background. The selection of patients for resective therapy of hepatic colorectal metastases remains controversial. A number of clinical and pathologic prognostic risk factors have been variably reported to influence survival. Methods. Between January 1981 and December 1991, 204 patients underwent curative hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer. Fourteen clinical and pathologic determinants previously reported to influence outcome were examined retrospectively. This led to a proposed TNM staging system for metastatic colorectal cancer (mTNM). Results. No operative deaths occurred (death within 1 month). Overall 1-, 3-, and 5-year survivals were 91%, 43%, and 32%, respectively. Gender, Dukes' classification, site of primary colorectal cancer, histologic differentiation, size of metastatic tumor, and intraoperative blood transfusion requirement were not statistically significant prognostic factors (p > 0.05). Age of 60 years or more, interval of 24 months or less between colorectal and hepatic resection, four or more gross tumors, bilobar involvement, positive resection margin, lymph node involvement, and direct invasion to adjacent organs were significant poor prognostic factors (p < 0.05). In the absence of nodal disease or direct invasion, patients with unilobar solitary tumor of any size, or unilobar multiple tumors of 2 cm or smaller (stages I and II) had the highest survival rates of 93% at 1 year, 68% at 3 years, and 61% at 5 years. Unilobar disease with multiple lesions greater than 2 cm (stage III) resulted in 1-, 3-, and 5-year survivals of 98%, 45%, and 28%, respectively. Patients with bilobar involvement (multiple tumors, any size, or a single large metastasis) (stage IVA) had survival rates of 88% at 1 year, 28% at 3 years, and 20% at 5 years (p < 0.00001). Patients with nodal involvement or extrahepatic disease (stage IVB) experienced the poorest outcome with 1-, 3- , and 5-year survivals of 80%, 12%, and 0%, respectively (p < 0.00001). Conclusions. The proposed mTNM staging system appears to be useful in predicting the outcomes after hepatic resection of metastatic colorectal tumors

    Nickel-Catalyzed Intramolecular Alkene Difunctionalization by Ball-Milling

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    A mechanochemical nickel-catalyzed intramolecular difunctionalization reaction of alkene tethered aryl halides with alkyl halides is herein described. This method allows for synthesis of 3,3-disubstituted heterocycles, namely oxindoles, with shorter reaction times than solution-phase counterparts. Additionally, this process is solvent minimized, with DMA used in liquid-assisted grinding (LAG) quantities and circumvents the need for chemical activation of the terminal reductant (manganese) through mechanical grinding. The process can be scaled up to yield over a gram of product and modest enantioinduction is possible by utilizing a chiral PyrOx ligand. (Figure presented.)
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