5,550 research outputs found

    Investigation of Performance Tests using Bio-derived/Chemical Additives

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    An industry wide emphasis on sustainable asphalt practices has given rise to increasing use of warm mix asphalt technologies. WMA reduces both binder viscosity and mixing and compaction temperatures by 20-55°C during the asphalt mix production and laydown process. This research investigates several bio-derived WMA additives that act as chemical modifiers with surfactant properties. Two established additives derived from the forest products industry are studied as well as a WMA additive in development that is derived from corn. The WMA material responses are measured for binder testing and mixture testing. All binder testing with the additives was conducted using a Performance Grade (PG) 64-22 binder and the same binder was polymer modified with an SBS polymer to attain a PG 70-22 binder. Dynamic modulus testing on a State DOT approved 10 million ESAL mix design was performed to compare stiffness at a wide range of temperatures and frequencies. The newly developed, corn-derived IDB additive was successful in allowing asphalt to be compacted at a reduced temperature. All additives were added at the same dosage level. The IDB binder and mix test results were comparable to other commercially available WMA additives; however, no particular additive consistently produced the highest or lowest test results

    Low Temperature Performance of Bio-Derived/Chemical Additives in Warm Mix Asphalt

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    Corn and soy based bio-derived warm mix asphalt (WMA) additives are currently being developed. In the past, additives with similar properties have been shown to successfully reduce the mixing and compaction temperatures of asphalt by as much as 30°C. Isosorbide distillation bottoms (IDB), a WMA additive, is a co-product from the conversion of sorbitol to isosorbide, where sorbitol is derived by hydrogenating glucose from corn biomass. Past research utilizing IDB at several dosage rates showed there was improvement in low temperature binder performance using the bending beam rheometer (BBR) between dosage rates of 0.5% and 1.0% by weight of the binder. This research investigates whether low temperature improvement occurs with several new bio-derived material additives that have similar properties to materials used in past research, as well as compares their performance to two commercially available/bio-derived WMA additives from the forest products industry. In cold regions of the United States, the main observed distress in asphalt pavements is low temperature cracking. Characterization of binder performance at low temperature is possible with the use of the BBR. For asphalt mixtures, characterization is more challenging at low temperatures due to the response from the aggregate phase of a mixture. To examine low temperature performance of hot mix asphalt (HMA) and WMA, the semi-circular bend (SCB) test was used to characterize the fracture properties. SCB tests showed that additive choice was a statistically significant factor in fracture energy properties but not for stiffness and fracture toughness. All of the new additives were successfully used at reduced mixing and compaction temperatures and did not adversely impact low temperature mix fracture properties of WMA when compared against the control HMA. However, improvement of fracture energy was observed when comparing the epoxidized esterified fatty acid additive to the other five additives used in this work

    Development of Bio-Based Polymers for Use in Asphalt

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    Asphalt binder is typically modified with poly type (styrene-butadiene-styrene or SBS) polymers to improve its rheological properties and performance grade. The elastic and principal component of SBS polymers is butadiene. For the last decade, butadiene prices have fluctuated and significantly increased, leading state highway agencies to search for economically viable alternatives to butadiene based materials. This project reports the recent advances in polymerization techniques that have enabled the synthesis of elastomeric, thermoplastic, block-copolymers (BCPs) comprised of styrene and soybean oil, where the “B” block in SBS polymers is replaced with polymerized triglycerides derived from soybean oil. These new breeds of biopolymers have elastomeric properties comparable to well-established butadiene-based styrenic BCPs. In this report, two types of biopolymer formulations are evaluated for their ability to modify asphalt binder. Laboratory blends of asphalt modified with the biopolymers are tested for their rheological properties and performance grade. Blends of asphalt modified with the biopolymers are compared to blends of asphalt modified with two commonly used commercial polymers. The viscoelastic properties of the blends show that biopolymers improve the performance grade of the asphalt to a similar and even greater extent as the commercial SBS polymers. Results shown in this report indicate there is an excellent potential for the future of these biopolymers as economically and environmentally favorable alternatives to their petrochemically-derived analogs

    The phase-space density distribution of dark matter halos

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    High resolution N-body simulations have all but converged on a common empirical form for the shape of the density profiles of halos, but the full understanding of the underlying physics of halo formation has eluded them so far. We investigate the formation and structure of dark matter halos using analytical and semi-analytical techniques. Our halos are formed via an extended secondary infall model (ESIM); they contain secondary perturbations and hence random tangential and radial motions which affect the halo's evolution at it undergoes shell-crossing and virialization. Even though the density profiles of NFW and ESIM halos are different their phase-space density distributions are the same: \rho/\sigma^3 ~ r^{-\alpha}, with \alpha=1.875 over ~3 decades in radius. We use two approaches to try to explain this ``universal'' slope: (1) The Jeans equation analysis yields many insights, however, does not answer why \alpha=1.875. (2) The secondary infall model of the 1960's and 1970's, augmented by ``thermal motions'' of particles does predict that halos should have \alpha=1.875. However, this relies on assumptions of spherical symmetry and slow accretion. While for ESIM halos these assumptions are justified, they most certainly break down for simulated halos which forms hierarchically. We speculate that our argument may apply to an ``on-average'' formation scenario of halos within merger-driven numerical simulations, and thereby explain why \alpha=1.875 for NFW halos. Thus, \rho/\sigma^3 ~ r^{-1.875} may be a generic feature of violent relaxation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 fig. Proceedings of Science (SISSA), "Baryons in Dark Matter Haloes", Novigrad, Croatia, 5-9 October 2004; editors: R.-J. Dettmar, U. Klein, P. Salucci. The full paper is astro-ph/0506571 (with minus sign in eq.(2.2) corrected

    [1976] S. C. R. Statistical Analysis

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    Use of Bioadvantaged Materials for Use in Bituminous Modification

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    AbstractHistorically, the use of “green” materials around the world has been limited due to their higher production costs when compared to petrochemical derived materials. However, due to the recent volatility and increasing price of petroleum derivatives, there is a growing demand for the use of environmentally friendly materials. One of the most commonly used materials for bitumen modification are poly(styrene-block-butadiene-block-styrene) (SBS) type polymers. Recently, Iowa State University Chemical Engineering Department was able to synthetize thermoplastic elastomers using acrylated epoxidized soybean oil (AESO), a bioadvantaged replacement of butadiene, and styrene with the use of controlled radical polymerization techniques. Initial rheological tests conducted on the bitumen-polymer blends have shown that the biopolymers improve the complex shear modulus of the bitumen to a similar and even greater extent as the commercially available SBS polymers

    Analysis of the 2007/8 Defra Farm Business Survey Energy Module

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    Key points This study has delivered an invaluable baseline estimate of energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on commercial farms in England. Energy use and GHG emissions associated with particular commodities were quantified and results broadly agreed with those derived by Life Cycle Assessment, but with much scatter in the environmental performance of farms.Direct energy use on farms was generally less that indirect (embedded) energy use, except for horticulture, which is dominated by heating fuel use. In contrast, most GHG emissions are incurred on farms, rather than as embedded emissions.Scatter in both environmental and economic performance underlies the somewhat disappointing finding of no clear positive link between farm financial performance and energy use or GHG emissions. However, the mere existence of these ranges shows that there is scope for improvement in both financial and environmental performance and that there is no apparent barrier for both to be achievable in harmony. The recording of such farm-level energy data is essential for the future, as it should enable improvements to be made in efficiency of energy use. The improved UK agricultural GHG inventory will depend on high quality energy data on agricultural activities. This study will be invaluable in identifying the level of detail needed. Future data requirements include: contractor work rates and fuel use per unit area and per unit time, fertiliser and pesticide use by brand name, enhanced output data, especially animal live weights, and horticultural produce recorded by weight rather than by value

    Semi-analytical dark matter halos and the Jeans equation

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    Although N-body studies of dark matter halos show that the density profiles, rho(r), are not simple power-laws, the quantity rho/sigma^3, where sigma(r) is the velocity dispersion, is in fact a featureless power-law over ~3 decades in radius. In the first part of the paper we demonstrate, using the semi-analytic Extended Secondary Infall Model (ESIM), that the nearly scale-free nature of rho/sigma^3 is a robust feature of virialized halos in equilibrium. By examining the processes in common between numerical N-body and semi-analytic approaches, we argue that the scale-free nature of rho/sigma^3 cannot be the result of hierarchical merging, rather it must be an outcome of violent relaxation. The empirical results of the first part of the paper motivate the analytical work of the second part of the paper, where we use rho/sigma^3 proportional to r^{-alpha} as an additional constraint in the isotropic Jeans equation of hydrostatic equilibrium. Our analysis shows that the constrained Jeans equation has different types of solutions, and in particular, it admits a unique ``periodic'' solution with alpha=1.9444. We derive the analytic expression for this density profile, which asymptotes to inner and outer profiles of rho ~ r^{-0.78}, and rho ~ r^{-3.44}, respectively.Comment: 37 pg, 14 fig. Accepted to ApJ: added two figures and extended discussion. Note that an earlier related paper (conference proceedings) astro-ph/0412442 has a mistake in eq.(2.2); the correct version is eq.(5) of the present submissio

    Antibiotic Spacers in Shoulder Arthroplasty: Comparison of Stemmed and Stemless Implants.

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    Background: Antibiotic spacers in shoulder periprosthetic joint infection deliver antibiotics locally and provide temporary stability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate differences between stemmed and stemless spacers. Methods: All spacers placed from 2011 to 2013 were identified. Stemless spacers were made by creating a spherical ball of cement placed in the joint space. Stemmed spacers had some portion in the humeral canal. Operative time, complications, reimplantation, reinfection, and range of motion were analyzed. Results: There were 37 spacers placed: 22 were stemless and 15 were stemmed. The stemless spacer population was older (70.9 ± 7.8 years vs. 62.8 ± 8.4 years, p = 0.006). The groups had a similar percentage of each gender (stemless group, 45% male vs. stemmed group, 40% male; p = 0.742), body mass index (stemless group, 29.1 ± 6.4 kg/m2 vs. stemmed group, 31.5 ± 8.3 kg/m2; p = 0.354) and Charlson Comorbidity Index (stemless group, 4.2 ± 1.2 vs. stemmed group, 4.2 ± 1.7; p = 0.958). Operative time was similar (stemless group, 127.5 ± 37.1 minutes vs. stemmed group, 130.5 ± 39.4 minutes). Two stemless group patients had self-resolving radial nerve palsies. Within the stemless group, 15 of 22 (68.2%) underwent reimplantation with 14 of 15 having forward elevation of 109° ± 23°. Within the stemmed group, 12 of 15 (80.0%, p = 0.427) underwent reimplantation with 8 of 12 having forward elevation of 94° ± 43° (range, 30° to 150°; p = 0.300). Two stemmed group patients had axillary nerve palsies, one of which self-resolved but the other did not. One patient sustained dislocation of reverse shoulder arthroplasty after reimplantation. One stemless group patient required an open reduction and glenosphere exchange of dislocated reverse shoulder arthroplasty at 6 weeks after reimplantation. Conclusions: Stemmed and stemless spacers had similar clinical outcomes. When analyzing all antibiotic spacers, over 70% were converted to revision arthroplasties. The results of this study do not suggest superiority of either stemmed or stemless antibiotic spacers
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