1,101 research outputs found

    How Do Tiger Moths Jam Bat Sonar?

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    The tiger moth Bertholdia trigona is the only animal in nature known to defend itself by jamming the sonar of its predators – bats. In this study we analyzed the three-dimensional flight paths and echolocation behavior of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) attacking B. trigona in a flight room over seven consecutive nights to determine the acoustic mechanism of the sonar-jamming defense. Three mechanisms have been proposed: (1) the phantom echo hypothesis, which states that bats misinterpret moth clicks as echoes; (2) the ranging interference hypothesis, which states that moth clicks degrade the bats\u27 precision in determining target distance; and (3) the masking hypothesis, which states that moth clicks mask the moth echoes entirely, making the moth temporarily invisible. On nights one and two of the experiment, the bats appeared startled by the clicks; however, on nights three through seven, the bats frequently missed their prey by a distance predicted by the ranging interference hypothesis (∼15–20 cm). Three-dimensional simulations show that bats did not avoid phantom targets, and the bats\u27 ability to track clicking prey contradicts the predictions of the masking hypothesis. The moth clicks also forced the bats to reverse their stereotyped pattern of echolocation emissions during attack, even while bats continued pursuit of the moths. This likely further hinders the bats\u27 ability to track prey. These results have implications for the evolution of sonar jamming in tiger moths, and we suggest evolutionary pathways by which sonar jamming may have evolved from other tiger moth defense mechanisms

    Cost-Effectiveness of Early versus Late Cinacalcet Treatment in Addition to Standard Care for Secondary Renal Hyperparathyroidism in the USA

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    AbstractObjectivesThe objective of this research was to estimate lifetime cost-effectiveness of treating patients with cinacalcet early (when parathyroid hormone [PTH] levels are in the range of 300–500 pg/ml) versus delaying treatment with cinacalcet (cinacalcet initiated when PTH levels are >800 pg/ml) in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in the US setting.MethodsA Markov model was developed to simulate the effects of early versus delayed use of cinacalcet (plus standard of care). Four different PTH ranges (≤300 pg/ml; 301–500 pg/ml; 501–800 pg/ml; >800 pg/ml) were used to represent four different health states within the Markov model. Associated with each Markov state (PTH range) were varying risks of major SHPT complications, including cardiovascular disease (CVD), fracture (Fx), and parathyroidectomy (PTx). Baseline cohort characteristics and risks of CVD, Fx, and PTx by PTH category were derived from a large US renal database and published sources. Costs were estimated from the US Renal Data System database and reported in 2006 US Dollars ().Clinicalandeconomicoutcomeswerediscountedat3.0). Clinical and economic outcomes were discounted at 3.0% per annum.ResultsEarly treatment was projected to improve quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) by 0.337 years compared to delaying treatment. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was 17,275 per QALY gained.ConclusionsEarly treatment with cinacalcet was associated with improvements in QALYs and would represent good value for money compared to delaying treatment with cinacalcet

    Limitations of microscopy to differentiate Plasmodium species in a region co-endemic for Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi

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    BackgroundIn areas co-endemic for multiple Plasmodium species, correct diagnosis is crucial for appropriate treatment and surveillance. Species misidentification by microscopy has been reported in areas co-endemic for vivax and falciparum malaria, and may be more frequent in regions where Plasmodium knowlesi also commonly occurs. MethodsThis prospective study in Sabah, Malaysia, evaluated the accuracy of routine district and referral hospital-based microscopy, and microscopy performed by an experienced research microscopist, for the diagnosis of PCR-confirmed Plasmodium falciparum, P. knowlesi, and Plasmodium vivax malaria. ResultsA total of 304 patients with PCR-confirmed Plasmodium infection were enrolled, including 130 with P. knowlesi, 122 with P. falciparum, 43 with P. vivax, one with Plasmodium malariae and eight with mixed species infections. Among patients with P. knowlesi mono-infection, routine and cross-check microscopy both identified 94 (72%) patients as “P. malariae/P. knowlesi”; 17 (13%) and 28 (22%) respectively were identified as P. falciparum, and 13 (10%) and two (1.5%) as P. vivax. Among patients with PCR-confirmed P. falciparum, routine and cross-check microscopy identified 110/122 (90%) and 112/118 (95%) patients respectively as P. falciparum, and 8/122 (6.6%) and 5/118 (4.2%) as “P. malariae/P. knowlesi”. Among those with P. vivax, 23/43 (53%) and 34/40 (85%) were correctly diagnosed by routine and cross-check microscopy respectively, while 13/43 (30%) and 3/40 (7.5%) patients were diagnosed as “P. malariae/P. knowlesi”. Four of 13 patients with PCR-confirmed P. vivax and misdiagnosed by routine microscopy as “P. malariae/P. knowlesi” were subsequently re-admitted with P. vivax malaria. ConclusionsMicroscopy does not reliably distinguish between P. falciparum, P. vivax and P. knowlesi in a region where all three species frequently occur. Misdiagnosis of P. knowlesi as both P. vivax and P. falciparum, and vice versa, is common, potentially leading to inappropriate treatment, including chloroquine therapy for P. falciparum and a lack of anti-relapse therapy for P. vivax. The limitations of microscopy in P. knowlesi-endemic areas supports the use of unified blood-stage treatment strategies for all Plasmodium species, the development of accurate rapid diagnostic tests suitable for all species, and the use of PCR-confirmation for accurate surveillance

    Inflammation in benign prostate tissue and prostate cancer in the finasteride arm of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial

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    BACKGROUND: A previous analysis of the placebo arm of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) reported 82% overall prevalence of intraprostatic inflammation and identified a link between inflammation and higher-grade prostate cancer and serum PSA. Here we studied these associations in the PCPT finasteride arm. METHODS: Prostate cancer cases (N=197) detected either on a clinically indicated biopsy or on protocol-directed end-of-study biopsy, and frequency-matched controls (N=248) with no cancer on an end-of-study biopsy were sampled from the finasteride arm. Inflammation in benign prostate tissue was visually assessed using digital images of H&E stained sections. Logistic regression was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: In the finasteride arm, 91.6% of prostate cancer cases and 92.4% of controls had at least one biopsy core with inflammation in benign areas; p < 0.001 for difference compared to placebo arm. Overall, the odds of prostate cancer did not differ by prevalence (OR=0.90, 95% CI 0.44-1.84) or extent (P-trend=0.68) of inflammation. Inflammation was not associated with higher-grade disease (prevalence: OR=1.07, 95% CI 0.43-2.69). Furthermore, mean PSA concentration did not differ by the prevalence or extent of inflammationin either cases or controls. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of intraprostatic inflammation was higher in the finasteride than placebo arm of the PCPT, with no association with higher-grade prostate cancer. IMPACT: Finasteride may attenuate the association between inflammation and higher-grade prostate cancer. Moreover, the missing link between intraprostatic inflammation and PSA suggests that finasteride may reduce inflammation-associated PSA elevation

    Use of a regional wall motion score to enhance risk stratification of patients receiving an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator

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    AbstractObjectives. We postulated that preoperative assessment of both regional wall motion and left ventricular ejection fraction would serve as an accurate prognostic indicator of long-term cardiac mortality and functional outcome in patients treated with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.Background. Long-term cardiac mortality has remained high in patients receiving an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. The ability to risk stratify patients before defibrillator implantation is becoming increasingly important from a medical and economic standpoint.Methods. The hypothesis was retrospectively tested in 74 patients who had received an implantable cardioverterdefibrillator. Left ventricular ejection fraction and regional wall motion score, derived from centerline chord motion analysis, were calculated for each patient from the preoperative right anterior oblique contrast ventriculogram. Wall motion score was the only significant independent predictor of long-term cardiac mortality and functional status by multivariate analysis because of its enhanced prognostic capability in patients with an ejection fraction in the critical range of 30% to 40%.Results. Patients with an ejection fraction >40% had a 3-year cardiac mortality rate of 0% compared with 25% for those with an ejection fraction of 30% to 40% and 48% for those with an ejection fraction <30% (p < 0.05). Similarly, 75% of patients with an ejection fraction >40% were in New York Heart Association functional class I or II during long-term follow-up compared with 59% of those with an ejection fraction 30% to 40% and 29% of those with an ejection fraction <30%. Among patients with an ejection fraction of 30% to 40%, those with a wall motion score >16% had a 3-year cardiac mortality rate of 0% compared with 71% of those with a wall motion score ≤ 16% (p = 0.002). In addition, 86% of patients with a wall motion score >16% were in functional class I or II during long-term follow-up compared with 13% of those with a wall motion score ≤16% (p = 0.001).Conclusions. Long-term cardiac mortality and functional outcome in patients receiving an implantable cardioverterdefibrillator can be predicted if the left ventricular ejection fraction and regional wall motion score are measured preoperatively

    Factors that are associated with the risk of acquiring Plasmodium knowlesi malaria in Sabah, Malaysia: a case-control study protocol

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    Introduction Plasmodium knowlesi has long been present in Malaysia, and is now an emerging cause of zoonotic human malaria. Cases have been confirmed throughout South-East Asia where the ranges of its natural macaque hosts and Anopheles leucosphyrus group vectors overlap. The majority of cases are from Eastern Malaysia, with increasing total public health notifications despite a concurrent reduction in Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax malaria. The public health implications are concerning given P. knowlesi has the highest risk of severe and fatal disease of all Plasmodium spp in Malaysia. Current patterns of risk and disease vary based on vector type and competence, with individual exposure risks related to forest and forest-edge activities still poorly defined. Clustering of cases has not yet been systematically evaluated despite reports of peri-domestic transmission and known vector competence for human-to-human transmission.Methods and analysis A population-based case&ndash;control study will be conducted over a 2-year period at two adjacent districts in north-west Sabah, Malaysia. Confirmed malaria cases presenting to the district hospital sites meeting relevant inclusion criteria will be requested to enrol. Three community controls matched to the same village as the case will be selected randomly. Study procedures will include blood sampling and administration of household and individual questionnaires to evaluate potential exposure risks associated with acquisition of P. knowlesi malaria. Secondary outcomes will include differences in exposure variables between P. knowlesi and other Plasmodium spp, risk of severe P. knowlesi malaria, and evaluation of P. knowlesi case clustering. Primary analysis will be per protocol, with adjusted ORs for exposure risks between cases and controls calculated using conditional multiple logistic regression models.Ethics This study has been approved by the human research ethics committees of Malaysia, the Menzies School of Health Research, Australia, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

    The effective potential, critical point scaling and the renormalization group

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    The desirability of evaluating the effective potential in field theories near a phase transition has been recognized in a number of different areas. We show that recent Monte Carlo simulations for the probability distribution for the order parameter in an equilibrium Ising system, when combined with low-order renormalization group results for an ordinary Ï•4\phi^4 system, can be used to extract the effective potential. All scaling features are included in the process.Comment: REVTEX file, 22 pages, three figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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