58 research outputs found

    Development of a global cloud model for simulating earth viewing space missions

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    Global cloud model for computerized simulation of earth-viewing space mission

    The application of Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) thermal data to snow hydrology

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    The application of HCMM thermal infrared data to snow hydrology and the prediction of snowmelt runoff was evaluated. Data for the Salt Verde watershed in central Arizona and the southern Sierra Nevada in California were analyzed and compared to LANDSAT and NOAA satellite data, U-2 thermal data, and other correlative data. It was determined that HCMM thermal imagery provides data as accurate for snow mapping as does visible imagery, and that in comparison with the reslution of other satellite imagery, it may be the most useful. Data from the HCMM thermal channel, with careful calibration, provides useful snow surface temperature data for hydrological purposes. An approach to an automated method of analysis is presented

    Studies in the use of cloud type statistics in mission simulation

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    A study to further improve NASA's global cloud statistics for mission simulation is reported. Regional homogeneity in cloud types was examined; most of the original region boundaries defined for cloud cover amount in previous studies were supported by the statistics on cloud types and the number of cloud layers. Conditionality in cloud statistics was also examined with special emphasis on temporal and spatial dependencies, and cloud type interdependence. Temporal conditionality was found up to 12 hours, and spatial conditionality up to 200 miles; the diurnal cycle in convective cloudiness was clearly evident. As expected, the joint occurrence of different cloud types reflected the dynamic processes which form the clouds. Other phases of the study improved the cloud type statistics for several region and proposed a mission simulation scheme combining the 4-dimensional atmospheric model, sponsored by MSFC, with the global cloud model

    Estimation of the geophysical properties of the ocean surface using aircraft microwave measurements

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    An improved model of the effects of sea state on microwave signature has been developed which incorporates the different effects of whitecaps and streaks to define the response of microwave channels to wind speed. This model has been demonstrated to agree with recent measurements. An approximation model has also been incorporated to describe the effects of precipitation on microwave radiation through a computationally rapid routine. The use of these models and a new technique to allow the selection of the most climatologically appropriate D-matrix is demonstrated in the inversion of data collected over the bering Sea. Surface wind speed agrees very well with observations while good results are obtained for integrated water vapor, and liquid water

    Analysis of aircraft microwave measurements of the ocean surface

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    A data system was developed to process, from calibrated brightness temperature to computation of estimated parameters, the microwave measurements obtained by the NASA CV-990 aircraft during the 1972 Meteorological Expedition. A primary objective of the study was the implementation of an integrated software system at the computing facility of NASA/GSFC, and its application to the 1972 data. A single test case involving measurements away from and over a heavy rain cell was chosen to examine the effect of clouds upon the ability to infer ocean surface parameters. The results indicate substantial agreement with those of the theoretical study; namely, that the values obtained for the surface properties are consistent with available ground-truth information, and are reproducible except within the heaviest portions of the rain cell, at which nonlinear (or saturation) effects become apparent. Finally, it is seen that uncorrected instrumental effects introduce systematic errors which may limit the accuracy of the method

    Observation of sea surface temperature patterns and their synoptic changes through optimal processing of Nimbus 2 data Final report

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    Optimal processing of Nimbus 2 data for observation of ocean surface temperature patterns and synoptic change

    Tandem application of C-C bond-forming reactions with reductive ozonolysis

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    Several variants of reductive ozonolysis, defined here as the in situ generation of aldehydes or ketones during ozonolytic cleavage of alkenes, are demonstrated to work effectively in tandem with a number of C-C bond-forming reactions. For reactions involving basic nucleophiles (1,2- addition of Grignard reagents, Wittig or Horner-Emmons olefinations, and directed Aldol reactions of lithium enolates) the one-pot process offers a rapid and high-yielding alternative to traditional two-step protocols

    The short-term health and psychosocial impacts of domestic energy efficiency investments in low-income areas: a controlled before and after study

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    Background Research suggests that living in fuel poverty and cold homes contributes to poor physical and mental health, and that interventions targeted at those living in poor quality housing may lead to health improvements. However, little is known about the socio-economic intermediaries and processes that contribute to better health. This study examined the relationship between energy efficiency investments to homes in low-income areas and mental and physical health of residents, as well as a number of psychosocial outcomes likely to be part of the complex relationship between energy efficiency measures and health outcomes. Methods A quasi-experimental field study with a controlled pretest-posttest design was conducted (intervention n = 364; control n = 418) to investigate the short-term health and psychosocial impacts of a domestic energy efficiency programme that took place across Wales between 2013 and 2015. Survey data were collected in the winters before and after installation of energy efficiency measures, including external wall insulation. The study used a multilevel modelling repeated measures approach to analyse the data. Results The energy efficiency programme was not associated with improvements in physical and mental health (using the SF-12v2 physical and mental health composite scales) or reductions in self-reported respiratory and asthma symptoms. However, the programme was associated with improved subjective wellbeing (B = 0.38, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.65), as well as improvements in a number of psychosocial outcomes, including increased thermal satisfaction (OR = 3.83, 95% CI 2.40 to 5.90), reduced reports of putting up with feeling cold to save heating costs (OR = 0.49, CI = 0.25 to 0.94), fewer financial difficulties (B = −0.15, 95% CI -0.25 to -0.05), and reduced social isolation (OR = 0.32, 95% CI 0.13 to 0.77). Conclusion The study showed that investing in energy efficiency in low-income communities does not lead to self-reported health improvements in the short term. However, investments increased subjective wellbeing and were linked to a number of psychosocial intermediaries that are conducive to better health. It is likely that better living conditions contribute to improvements in health outcomes in the longer term. Better understanding of the impacts on recipients of energy efficiency schemes, could improve targeting of future fuel poverty policies

    Developing potency factors for thyroid hormone disruption by PFASs using TTR-TRβ CALUX® bioassay and assessment of PFASs mixtures in technical products

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    Background: Over the last decade, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have become one of the most heavily investigated persistent organohalogen compound class of environmental concern. However, knowledge about their toxicology is still scarce, although PFASs as individual compounds and their industrial mixtures were shown to exert effects on the thyroid hormone system. Methods: In vitro toxicity potency factors were established for thyroid hormone transport disruption potential using the novel TTR-TRβ CALUX® bioassay for major PFASs. We assessed technical PFASs mixtures, including aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) surfactants and chromium mist suppressants (CMS) applications with and without total oxidizable precursor (TOP) by TTR-TRβ CALUX® assay for their thyroid hormone transport disrupting potential. Results: All PFASs listed in the German guideline for drinking water (German Environment Agency, 2017) affected the T4 binding to TTR, an important plasma thyroid hormone transport protein. For all tested PFASs, potency factors based on PC80 values relative to PFOA could be obtained and ranged between PFBA (0.0018) and PFOS (2.0). Applying in vitro potency factors obtained from the present in vitro TTR-TRβ CALUX® assay study and recently reported in vivo potency factors (Zeilmaker et al., 2018; Bil et al., 2021) on the above-mentioned German guideline for PFAS in drinking water, showed that the cumulative effect-based trigger values (in vivo and in vitro) are comparable (3.0 vs. 2.9 to 4.6 μg PFOA-EQ/l). Additionally, AFFF surfactants and CMS with and without TOP assay were tested. Highest activities were found in the older AFFF surfactants (2013/2014) due to higher PFOS/PFOA levels, which were already substituted with 6:2 FTS in 2019, resulting in much lower PFOA-EQ levels. As expected also the PFOA-EQ levels increased in the samples with TOP treatment compared to the original AFFF surfactants and CMS as confirmed here by biological and chemical PFOA-equivalents (PFOA-EQ) analysis.Additionally, CMS (which have been used in the electroplating chromium industry since the 1950s) as well as PFOS-free, but not PFAS-free fume suppressants (such as Fumetrol® 21) have been tested in the TTR-TRβ CALUX® assay and showed much lower activity levels then the AFFFs, confirmed by the similar potency determination based on chemical PFASs analysis followed by transformation to PFOA-EQ for comparison. The potency factor of 6:2 FTS, which is the main substitute for PFOS in CMS, indicates that it is approximately 100-times less potent as a thyroid hormone disruptor as compared to PFOS. Conclusion: Potency factors based on PC80 values from TTR-TRβ CALUX® relative to PFOA have been developed for major PFASs. In AFFF surfactants and CMS a trend of higher activities with higher amounts of PFOS and PFOA have been found. PFOA and PFOS showed high responses in the TTR-TRβ CALUX® assay and had the largest contributions to the PFOA-EQs in the AFFF surfactants and CMS applications. Using potency factors as determined in the TTR-TRβ CALUX® to convert PFASs assessed by chemical analysis to PFOA-EQ led to comparable results as compared to the results from PFASs measured directly by the TTR-TRβ CALUX® assay. This study supports the claim that semiquantitative effect- and group-based in vitro CALUX bioanalysis tools can be applied effectively to assess industrial products containing complex mixtures with PFAS compounds for which no instrumental analysis are established, and for many compounds where in vitro toxicity data are not yet available