14 research outputs found

    Effects of supplemental selenium on swine

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    Effects of dietary selenium on reproductive performance and blood selenium status of sows and their progeny and of dietary selenium, copper and zinc on growth characteristics, selected blood parameters, and carcass traits in growing-finishing swine were evaluated in three experiments. In the first experiment, forty-eight Duroc barrows and gilts were allotted by sex and weight to six dietary treatments. They were fed a 16% crude protein diet containing .08 ppm selenium, 12.5 ppm copper, and 82 ppm zinc alone or supplemented with: .1 ppm selenium; 125 ppm copper; 80 ppm zinc; .1 ppm selenium plus 80 ppm zinc. As each animal reached 100 kg a blood sample was taken but no treatment differences (P\u3e.05) for RBC selenium-75 uptake, plasma selenium, copper and zinc, whole blood selenium, or hematocrit were found. Overall average daily gain was not significantly different between treatments. In the second experiment, four groups of six Duroc sows were fed basal corn-soybean meal or corn-soybean meal-tankage diets each with or without .1 ppm supplemental selenium. The basal diets contained .1 ppm natural selenium. Changes from the 28th day of gestation through the 56th day of lactation in whole blood and plasma selenium concentrations and RBC selenium-75 uptake indicated greatest demand for selenium came immediately after parturition but treatment differences (P\u3c.05) were evident only at the 112th day of gestation, and 28th day of lactation. At the 28th day of lactation, the selenium supplemented sows had higher plasma (P\u3c.05) and whole blood (P\u3c.01) selenium concentrations than the unsupplemented sows. Seventy-two of the progeny of these sows were allotted to treatments as in experiment # 1. Upon reaching 100 kg, the pigs were slaughtered and blood and carcass data collected. The selenium content of the last rib longissimus muscle was increased by the addition of selenium to either the sow diet (P\u3c.05) or the growing-finishing diet (P\u3c.001). Plasma selenium was increased (P\u3c.05) by additional selenium in the growing-finishing diet but was not significantly affected by dietary selenium levels of the sow. Average daily gain and longissimus dry matter were significantly increased in pigs fed additional zinc. Feed efficiency was not significantly affected by treatment

    Cancer cell CCR2 orchestrates suppression of the adaptive immune response.

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    C-C chemokine receptor type 2 (CCR2) is expressed on monocytes and facilitates their recruitment to tumors. Though breast cancer cells also express CCR2, its functions in these cells are unclear. We found that Ccr2 deletion in cancer cells led to reduced tumor growth and approximately twofold longer survival in an orthotopic, isograft breast cancer mouse model. Deletion of Ccr2 in cancer cells resulted in multiple alterations associated with better immune control: increased infiltration and activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and CD103+ cross-presenting dendritic cells (DCs), as well as up-regulation of MHC class I and down-regulation of checkpoint regulator PD-L1 on the cancer cells. Pharmacological or genetic targeting of CCR2 increased cancer cell sensitivity to CTLs and enabled the cancer cells to induce DC maturation toward the CD103+ subtype. Consistently, Ccr2-/- cancer cells did not induce immune suppression in Batf3-/- mice lacking CD103+ DCs. Our results establish that CCR2 signaling in cancer cells can orchestrate suppression of the immune response

    Acarbose improves health and lifespan in aging HET3 mice

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    To follow‐up on our previous report that acarbose (ACA), a drug that blocks postprandial glucose spikes, increases mouse lifespan, we studied ACA at three doses: 400, 1,000 (the original dose), and 2,500 ppm, using genetically heterogeneous mice at three sites. Each dose led to a significant change (by log‐rank test) in both sexes, with larger effects in males, consistent with the original report. There were no significant differences among the three doses. The two higher doses produced 16% or 17% increases in median longevity of males, but only 4% or 5% increases in females. Age at the 90th percentile was increased significantly (8%–11%) in males at each dose, but was significantly increased (3%) in females only at 1,000 ppm. The sex effect on longevity is not explained simply by weight or fat mass, which were reduced by ACA more in females than in males. ACA at 1,000 ppm reduced lung tumors in males, diminished liver degeneration in both sexes and glomerulosclerosis in females, reduced blood glucose responses to refeeding in males, and improved rotarod performance in aging females, but not males. Three other interventions were also tested: ursolic acid, 2‐(2‐hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazole (HBX), and INT‐767; none of these affected lifespan at the doses tested. The acarbose results confirm and extend our original report, prompt further attention to the effects of transient periods of high blood glucose on aging and the diseases of aging, including cancer, and should motivate studies of acarbose and other glucose‐control drugs in humans.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148418/1/acel12898.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148418/2/acel12898_am.pd

    Platr4 is an early embryonic lncRNA that exerts its function downstream on cardiogenic mesodermal lineage commitment

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    The mammalian genome encodes thousands of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), many of which are developmentally regulated and differentially expressed across tissues, suggesting their potential roles in cellular differentiation. Despite this expression pattern, little is known about how lncRNAs influence lineage commitment at the molecular level. Here, we demonstrate that perturbation of an embryonic stem cell/early embryonic lncRNA, pluripotency-associated transcript 4 (Platr4), directly influences the specification of cardiac-mesoderm-lineage differentiation. We show that Platr4 acts as a molecular scaffold or chaperone interacting with the Hippo-signaling pathway molecules Yap and Tead4 to regulate the expression of a downstream target gene, Ctgf, which is crucial to the cardiac-lineage program. Importantly, Platr4 knockout mice exhibit myocardial atrophy and valve mucinous degeneration, which are both associated with reduced cardiac output and sudden heart failure. Together, our findings provide evidence that Platr4 is required in cardiac-lineage specification and adult heart function in mice

    Longitudinal Intravital Imaging Through Clear Silicone Windows

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    Intravital microscopy (IVM) enables visualization of cell movement, division, and death at single-cell resolution. IVM through surgically inserted imaging windows is particularly powerful because it allows longitudinal observation of the same tissue over days to weeks. Typical imaging windows comprise a glass coverslip in a biocompatible metal frame sutured to the mouse's skin. These windows can interfere with the free movement of the mice, elicit a strong inflammatory response, and fail due to broken glass or torn sutures, any of which may necessitate euthanasia. To address these issues, windows for long-term abdominal organ and mammary gland imaging were developed from a thin film of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), an optically clear silicone polymer previously used for cranial imaging windows. These windows can be glued directly to the tissues, reducing the time needed for insertion. PDMS is flexible, contributing to its durability in mice over time-up to 35 days have been tested. Longitudinal imaging is imaging of the same tissue region during separate sessions. A stainless-steel grid was embedded within the windows to localize the same region, allowing the visualization of dynamic processes (like mammary gland involution) at the same locations, days apart. This silicone window also allowed monitoring of single disseminated cancer cells developing into micro-metastases over time. The silicone windows used in this study are simpler to insert than metal-framed glass windows and cause limited inflammation of the imaged tissues. Moreover, embedded grids allow for straightforward tracking of the same tissue region in repeated imaging sessions

    A New Preclinical Paradigm for Testing Anti-Aging Therapeutics.

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    Testing drugs for anti-aging effects has historically been conducted in mouse life-span studies, but are costly and time consuming, and more importantly, difficult to recapitulate in humans. In addition, life-span studies in mice are not well suited to testing drug combinations that target multiple factors involved in aging. Additional paradigms for testing therapeutics aimed at slowing aging are needed. A new paradigm, designated as the Geropathology Grading Platform (GGP), is based on a standardized set of guidelines developed to detect the presence or absence of low-impact histopathological lesions and to determine the level of severity of high-impact lesions in organs from aged mice. The GGP generates a numerical score for each age-related lesion in an organ, summed for total lesions, and averaged over multiple mice to obtain a composite lesion score (CLS). Preliminary studies show that the platform generates CLSs that increase with the age of mice in an organ-dependent manner. The CLSs are sensitive enough to detect changes elicited by interventions that extend mouse life span, and thus help validate the GGP as a novel tool to measure biological aging. While currently optimized for mice, the GGP could be adapted to any preclinical animal model