16,222 research outputs found

    Partitioning of starter bacteria and added exogenous enzyme activities between curd and whey during Cheddar cheese manufacture

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    peer-reviewedPartitioning of starter bacteria and enzyme activities was investigated at different stages of Cheddar cheese manufacture using three exogenous commercial enzyme preparations added to milk or at salting. The enzyme preparations used were: Accelase AM317, Accelase AHC50, Accelerzyme CPG. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that AHC50 or AM317 consisted of permeabilised or dead cells and contained a range of enzyme activities. The CPG preparation contained only carboxypeptidase activity. Approximately 90% of starter bacteria cells partitioned with the curd at whey drainage. However, key enzyme activities partitioned with the bulk whey in the range of 22%–90%. An increased level of enzyme partitioning with the curd was observed for AHC50 which was added at salting, indicating that the mode of addition influenced partitioning. These findings suggest that further scope exists to optimise both bacterial and exogenous enzyme incorporation into cheese curd to accelerate ripening.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    BARTER:promoting local spending behavior

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    In the wake of the 2008 economic collapse, there is renewed interest in strategies for ensuring the future economic success of nations in a globalized marketplace. One of the main ideas being championed by governments is to promote growth by encouraging local spending, although it is not clear how to motivate this behavioral shift. Local currency initiatives are increasingly popular, though due to certain practicalities are rarely successful in fostering long term and widespread change in spending behaviors. We report on the development of a persuasive system (BARTER) that leverages mobile and ubiquitous technology to overcome some of the limitations of local currencies, while also providing users with the insight needed to determine for themselves how local spending may benet their community

    The effect of stellar-mass black holes on the structural evolution of massive star clusters

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    We present the results of realistic N-body modelling of massive star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds, aimed at investigating a dynamical origin for the radius-age trend observed in these systems. We find that stellar-mass black holes, formed in the supernova explosions of the most massive cluster stars, can constitute a dynamically important population. If a significant number of black holes are retained (here we assume complete retention), these objects rapidly form a dense core where interactions are common, resulting in the scattering of black holes into the cluster halo, and the ejection of black holes from the cluster. These two processes heat the stellar component, resulting in prolonged core expansion of a magnitude matching the observations. Significant core evolution is also observed in Magellanic Cloud clusters at early times. We find that this does not result from the action of black holes, but can be reproduced by the effects of mass-loss due to rapid stellar evolution in a primordially mass segregated cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters; 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Time-dependent photoionization of azulene: Competition between ionization and relaxation in highly excited states

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    Pump-probe photoionization has been used to map the relaxation processes taking place from highly vibrationally excited levels of the S2 state of azulene, populated directly or via internal conversion from the S4 state. Photoelectron spectra obtained by 1+2’ two-color time-resolved photoelectron imaging are invariant (apart from in intensity) to the pump-probe time delay and to pump wavelength. This reveals a photoionization process which is driven by an unstable electronic state (e.g. doubly excited state) lying below the ionization potential. This state is postulated to be populated by a probe transition from S2 and to rapidly relax via an Auger like process onto highly vibrationally excited Rydberg states. This accounts for the time invariance of the photoelectron spectrum. The intensity of the photoelectron spectrum is proportional to the population in S2. An exponential energy gap law is used to describe the internal conversion rate from S2 to S0. The vibronic coupling strength is found to be larger than 60±5 μeV

    Feelings of dual-insecurity among European workers: A multi-level analysis

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    This article analyses European Social Survey data for 22 countries. We assess the relationship between feelings of employment and income insecurity (dual-insecurity) among workers and national flexicurity policies in the areas of lifelong learning, active labour market policy, modern social security systems and flexible and reliable contractual arrangements. We find that dual-insecurity feelings are lower in countries that score better on most flexicurity polices, but these effects are in all cases outweighed by levels of GDP per capita. Thus feelings of insecurity are reduced more by the affluence of a country than by its social policies. However, affluence is strongly correlated with the policy efforts designed to reduce insecurity, especially active labour market policies and life-long learning, two policy areas that are threatened with cuts as a result of austerity

    Energy absorption by "sparse" systems: beyond linear response theory

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    The analysis of the response to driving in the case of weakly chaotic or weakly interacting systems should go beyond linear response theory. Due to the "sparsity" of the perturbation matrix, a resistor network picture of transitions between energy levels is essential. The Kubo formula is modified, replacing the "algebraic" average over the squared matrix elements by a "resistor network" average. Consequently the response becomes semi-linear rather than linear. Some novel results have been obtained in the context of two prototype problems: the heating rate of particles in Billiards with vibrating walls; and the Ohmic Joule conductance of mesoscopic rings driven by electromotive force. Respectively, the obtained results are contrasted with the "Wall formula" and the "Drude formula".Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, short pedagogical review. Proceedings of FQMT conference (Prague, 2011). Ref correcte

    Predicting the movements of permanently installed electrodes on an active landslide using time-lapse geoelectrical resistivity data only

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    If electrodes move during geoelectrical resistivity monitoring and their new positions are not incorporated in the inversion, then the resulting tomographic images exhibit artefacts that can obscure genuine time-lapse resistivity changes in the subsurface. The effects of electrode movements on time-lapse resistivity tomography are investigated using a simple analytical model and real data. The correspondence between the model and the data is sufficiently good to be able to predict the effects of electrode movements with reasonable accuracy. For the linear electrode arrays and 2D inversions under consideration, the data are much more sensitive to longitudinal than transverse or vertical movements. Consequently the model can be used to invert the longitudinal offsets of the electrodes from their known baseline positions using only the time-lapse ratios of the apparent resistivity data. The example datasets are taken from a permanently installed electrode array on an active lobe of a landslide. Using two sets with different levels of noise and subsurface resistivity changes, it is found that the electrode positions can be recovered to an accuracy of 4 % of the baseline electrode spacing. This is sufficient to correct the artefacts in the resistivity images, and provides for the possibility of monitoring the movement of the landslide and its internal hydraulic processes simultaneously using electrical resistivity tomography only

    Anomalous flux-flow dynamics in layered type-II superconductors at low temperatures

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    Low-temperature dissipation due to vortex motion in strongly anisotropic type-II superconductors with a moderate disorder (Δ2/EF/τΔ\Delta^2/E_F \ll \hbar/\tau \ll \Delta) is shown to be determined by the Zener-type transitions between the localized electronic states in the vortex core. Statistics of these levels is described by the random matrix ensemble of the class C defined recently by Atland and Zirnbauer [cond-mat/9602137], so the vortex motion leads naturally to the new example of a parametric statistics of energy levels. The flux-flow conductivity σxx\sigma_{xx} is a bit lower than the quasiclassical one and {\it grows} slowly with the increase of the electric field.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Screening of charged singularities of random fields

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    Many types of point singularity have a topological index, or 'charge', associated with them. For example the phase of a complex field depending on two variables can either increase or decrease on making a clockwise circuit around a simple zero, enabling the zeros to be assigned charges of plus or minus one. In random fields we can define a correlation function for the charge-weighted density of singularities. In many types of random fields, this correlation function satisfies an identity which shows that the singularities 'screen' each other perfectly: a positive singularity is surrounded by an excess of concentration of negatives which exactly cancel its charge, and vice-versa. This paper gives a simple and widely applicable derivation of this result. A counterexample where screening is incomplete is also exhibited.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. Minor revision of manuscript submitted to J. Phys. A, August 200