4,302 research outputs found

    Quantized Roentgen Effect in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    A classical dielectric moving in a charged capacitor can create a magnetic field (Roentgen effect). A quantum dielectric, however, will not produce a magnetization, except at vortices. The magnetic field outside the quantum dielectric appears as the field of quantized monopoles

    Use of breath hydrogen and methane as markers of colonic fermentation in epidemiologic studies: circadian patterns of excretion.

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    Fermentation in the large bowel has been postulated to play a protective role against colon cancer. Hydrogen and methane are end products of this fermentation process and are absorbed into the bloodstream and excreted via expired air in the breath. Breath levels of hydrogen and, to a lesser extent, methane correlate strongly with colonic fermentation and may serve as useful biomarkers for this process. In a preliminary study to assess the usefulness of these two markers in epidemiologic studies, we followed the hourly excretion of the two gases in expired alveolar air for 48 hr in 20 healthy subjects, using a Quintron gas chromatograph equipped with a solid-state detector specific for reducing gases. All subjects excreted hydrogen, but 71% did not excrete methane. Possible atmospheric contamination of the samples was corrected for on the basis of breath carbon dioxide levels. A clear circadian pattern of excretion was observed for breath hydrogen, with a decrease during the early morning followed by a progressive increase during the rest of the day. Methane excretion was constant throughout the day. This study shows that four samples collected at convenient times (0600, 1300, 1800, and 2200 hr) are optimal to characterize individuals by their breath excretions of hydrogen and methane during a 24-hr period

    A semi-classical field method for the equilibrium Bose gas and application to thermal vortices in two dimensions

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    We develop a semi-classical field method for the study of the weakly interacting Bose gas at finite temperature, which, contrarily to the usual classical field model, does not suffer from an ultraviolet cut-off dependence. We apply the method to the study of thermal vortices in spatially homogeneous, two-dimensional systems. We present numerical results for the vortex density and the vortex pair distribution function. Insight in the physics of the system is obtained by comparing the numerical results with the predictions of simple analytical models. In particular, we calculate the activation energy required to form a vortex pair at low temperature.Comment: 19 page

    X-ray diffraction peak profiles from threading dislocations in GaN epitaxial films

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    We analyze the lineshape of x-ray diffraction profiles of GaN epitaxial layers with large densities of randomly distributed threading dislocations. The peaks are Gaussian only in the central, most intense part of the peak, while the tails obey a power law. The q3q^{-3} decay typical for random dislocations is observed in double-crystal rocking curves. The entire profile is well fitted by a restricted random dislocation distribution. The densities of both edge and screw threading dislocations and the ranges of dislocation correlations are obtained

    Transition temperature of a dilute homogeneous imperfect Bose gas

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    The leading-order effect of interactions on a homogeneous Bose gas is theoretically predicted to shift the critical temperature by an amount \Delta\Tc = # a_{scatt} n^{1/3} T_0 from the ideal gas result T_0, where a_{scatt} is the scattering length and n is the density. There have been several different theoretical estimates for the numerical coefficient #. We claim to settle the issue by measuring the numerical coefficient in a lattice simulation of O(2) phi^4 field theory in three dimensions---an effective theory which, as observed previously in the literature, can be systematically matched to the dilute Bose gas problem to reproduce non-universal quantities such as the critical temperature. We find # = 1.32 +- 0.02.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett; minor changes due to improvement of analysis in the longer companion pape

    Aharonov-Bohm scattering of charged particles and neutral atoms: the role of absorption

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    The Aharonov-Bohm scattering of charged particles by the magnetic field of an infinitely long and infinitely thin solenoid (magnetic string) in an absorbing medium is studied. We discuss the partial-wave approach to this problem and show that standard partial-wave method can be adjusted to this case. The effect of absorption leads to oscillations of the AB cross section. Based on this we investigate the scattering of neutral atoms with induced electric dipole moments by a charge wire of finite radius which is placed in an uniform magnetic field. The physical realistic and practically important case that all atoms which collide with the wire are totally absorbed at its surface, is studied in detail. The dominating terms of the scattering amplitude are evaluated analytically for different physical constellations. The rest terms are written in a form suitable for a numerical computation. We show that if the magnetic field is absent, the absorbing charged wire causes oscillations of the cross section. In the presence of the magnetic field the cross section increases and the dominating Aharonov--Bohm peak appears in the forward direction, suppressing the oscillations.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeXfile, 2 figure

    Radiation reaction for multipole moments

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    We propose a Poincare-invariant description for the effective dynamics of systems of charged particles by means of intrinsic multipole moments. To achieve this goal we study the effective dynamics of such systems within two frameworks -- the particle itself and hydrodynamical one. We give a relativistic-invariant definition for the intrinsic multipole moments both pointlike and extended relativistic objects. Within the hydrodynamical framework we suggest a covariant action functional for a perfect fluid with pressure. In the case of a relativistic charged dust we prove the equivalence of the particle approach to the hydrodynamical one to the problem of radiation reaction for multipoles. As the particular example of a general procedure we obtain the effective model for a neutral system of charged particles with dipole moment.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX 4; references updated, minor textual correction

    Theory of dressed states in quantum optics

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    The dual Dyson series [M.Frasca, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 58}, 3439 (1998)], is used to develop a general perturbative method for the study of atom-field interaction in quantum optics. In fact, both Dyson series and its dual, through renormalization group methods to remove secular terms from the perturbation series, give the opportunity of a full study of the solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation in different ranges of the parameters of the given hamiltonian. In view of recent experiments with strong laser fields, this approach seems well-suited to give a clarification and an improvement of the applications of the dressed states as currently done through the eigenstates of the atom-field interaction, showing that these are just the leading order of the dual Dyson series when the Hamiltonian is expressed in the interaction picture. In order to exploit the method at the best, a study is accomplished of the well-known Jaynes-Cummings model in the rotating wave approximation, whose exact solution is known, comparing the perturbative solutions obtained by the Dyson series and its dual with the same approximations obtained by Taylor expanding the exact solution. Finally, a full perturbative study of high-order harmonic generation is given obtaining, through analytical expressions, a clear account of the power spectrum using a two-level model, even if the method can be successfully applied to a more general model that can account for ionization too. The analysis shows that to account for the power spectrum it is needed to go to first order in the perturbative analysis. The spectrum obtained gives a way to measure experimentally the shift of the energy levels of the atom interacting with the laser field by looking at the shifting of hyper-Raman lines.Comment: Revtex, 17 page