268 research outputs found

    Detecting evidence of systemic inflammation from osteological markers in the Indian Knoll population of Ohio county, Kentucky.

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    Indian Knoll is an Archaic shell midden site located in the Green River region of west-central Kentucky, and was excavated twice in the first half of the 20th century. While Indian Knoll has been the subject of frequent bioarchaeological studies, the present study presents an osteological analysis of the relationships between skeletal markers commonly associated with local inflammatory processes, and that have the potential to be used as proxies for systemic inflammation. The analysis revealed a significant positive association in the presence of periodontal disease (PD) and periosteal lesions (PL), suggesting a potential underlying hyper-inflammatory status or phenotype. These findings may indicate that different stress factors could have induced a shift in systemic inflammation. Significant positive associations were also observed between PD and age, and PL and age, which indicate an age effect. The present study also explored the associations between additional inflammatory lesions, and comparisons between age and sex

    Tap for the Times: A Study of Contemporary Tap Dance

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    Tap dance is an American art form that began with the blending of traditional dance styles from English and Irish immigrants and African slaves. Throughout the 20th century, tap dance developed many styles in response to cultural changes that took place. Contemporary tap dance emerged in the latter half of that century and continues developing today with the fusion of other dance genres and new technologies. This research examines tap dance history to create an understanding of how it developed through a historical lens and analyzes the current approaches applied to the artform along with the characteristics and creative processes of influential contemporary tap dance figures. I utilized this research to influence my choreography and discover my own artistic voice within the genre

    The role of Zinc and Reactive Oxygen Species in the Regulation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase

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    Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is a very serious disease affecting nearly 5 in 1000 newborns each year. The development of PPHN has been linked to a decrease in the activity and expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Thus, it is critical to understand the mechanisms by which eNOS is regulated to identify new pathways and novel therapies for PPHN. eNOS is dynamically regulated at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional, post-translational, and developmental levels, however mechanisms of this regulation are unresolved. Our data indicates that increases in eNOS expression and activity correlate with increased cellular levels of labile zinc (Zn). In addition, our analysis of the eNOS promoter indicated the presence of a putative heavy metal response element (HRE) in the 5\u27-flanking sequence. We hypothesized that nitric oxide (NO) may be regulating eNOS expression and activity indirectly through its ability to regulate cellular levels of free Zn. Further, we hypothesized that Zn exerts an effect on eNOS at the transcriptional and post-translational levels. Our results suggested that both NO and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) activate eNOS in a Zn-dependent manner by liberating cellular stores of Zn and activating the heavy metal-responsive transcription factor 1, MTF-1, which then would bind to the eNOS 5\u27-regulatory MRE. We found that basal zinc levels in endothelial cells (ECs) helped maintain eNOS promoter activity and total protein levels, but did not affect eNOS dimer levels. However, supplementing ECs with exogenous Zn increased eNOS total and dimer protein levels and activity, mostly through MTF-1. At higher, non-toxic doses of Zn, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was much higher. eNOS was inhibited by high ROS levels through enzyme fragmentation. Lastly, an eNOS enzyme cofactor, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), was found to help maintain eNOS protein due to its high antioxidant potential. In conclusion, eNOS appears to be regulated by NO and ROS through an increase in intracellular Zn, thus activating MTF-1, which binds to the 5\u27 flanking region of the eNOS promoter

    The Role of B-Arrestin in Agonish-Induced Down-Regulation of the M1 mAChR

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    Wilham, Laura E., M.S., December 2006 Pharmaceutical Sciences THE ROLE OF â–ARRESTIN IN AGONIST-INDUCED DOWN-REGULATION OF THE M1 mAChR Chair: Darrell A. Jackson G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of integral membrane receptors. They mediate diverse cell signaling pathways and therefore are currently the target for 50% of all prescribed drugs. Cells utilize these receptors to transduce extracellular stimuli across the plasma membrane and activate intracellular G proteins, which then initiate second messenger system cascades. GPCR signaling is the focus of much research. One member of this large family of membrane receptors is the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR). Five mAChR subtypes exist and are designated as M1-M5. The goal of this project was to determine whether â-arrestin is critical in mediating agonist-induced down-regulation of the M1 mAChR. Further, the objective of this proposal is to examine whether ubiquitination of â-arrestin is necessary for mediating agonist-induced down-regulation of the M1 mAChR. Substantial research has focused on the cytosolic protein â-arrestin for its key role in the desensitization of most GPCRs. More recently â-arrestin has been indicated in regulating other signaling within the cell. Ubiquitination of proteins, in particular â-arrestin, has been emerging as another major player for targeting receptors for not only degradation but other signaling pathways as well. This project employed mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells for investigating how â-arrestin is involved with the down-regulation of M1 mAChR. MEF cells were chosen for this study because they do not have endogenous mAChR expression. The MEF cells lacking both isoforms of â-arrestin (KO1/2) were unable to down-regulate the receptor, but single knockouts (KO1 and KO2) could still down-regulate the receptor. Constitutively ubiquitinated â-arrestin facilitated agonist-induced down-regulation. These results indicate that agonist-induced down-regulation of the M1 mAChR is â-arrestin dependent and is mediated by ubiquitination of â-arrestin

    Pengenalan Captcha Dengan Multivalued Image Decomposition Dan Vector Space Image Recognition

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    Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) merupakan program untuk meningkatkan keamanan web. Pengenalan CAPTCHA menggunakan aplikasi sering mengalami kegagalan karena posisi dari simbol yang terlalu rapat, juga karena sulitnya melatih simbol baru jika gagal dikenali. Metode Naive Pattern Recognition Algorithm salah satu metode yang belum memberikan hasil yang maksimal karena kesalahan pada proses pengenalan simbol tidak dapat dilatih kembali sehingga aplikasi tetap tidak akan mengenali simbol tersebut. Metode Multivalued Image Decomposition dan Vector Space Image Recognition dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih maksimal dengan menggunakan Training Set, dimana simbol yang tidak dikenali akan dilatih/training agar proses pengenalan simbol selanjutnya lebih akurat. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap CAPTCHA dengan berbagai warna background, CAPTCHA dengan simbol yang saling berdekatan (menyatu) dan kombinasi warna simbol dengan background yang berbeda. Untuk CAPTCHA dengan simbol berukuran berbeda dan saling terhubung, tidak dapat dikenali. Dengan threshold 0.90, hasil pengujian dengan training set yang dilakukan terhadap dengan algoritma ini menunjukkan akurasi tingkat keberhasilan sebesar 87%

    RESPON IMUN MENCIT (Mus musculus L.) TERHADAP PERLAKUAN BISA ULAR Tropidolaemus wagleri B

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    Penelitian tentang respon imun mencit (Mus musculus L) terhadap perlakuan bisa ular Tropidolaemus wagleri B telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2010 di Laboratorium Fisiolgi Hewan Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengatahuan Alam, Universitas Andalas, Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan menggunakan 10 ekor mencit jantan dan 10 ekor mencit betina. Masing-masing jenis kelamin dibagi menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan dengan lima ulangan. Bisa ular yang telah diencerkan 1000 kali sebagai perlakuan pertama dan akuabides sebagai perlakuan kedua disuntikkan pada ekstremitas kiri sebanyak 0,1 ml. Darah mencit diambil 1 jam, 24 jam, 96 jam, 168 jam dan 240 jam setelah injeksi kemudian dibuat sediaan apus untuk pengamatan hemogram. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara regresi dan korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyuntikan bisa ular Tropidolaemus wagleri dosis 0,1 ml yang diencerkan 1000 kali menimbulkan perubahan jumlah leukosit dan respon imun mencit. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa jenis leukoit yang responya paling jelas adalah neutrofil dan limfosit, jenis leukosit yang responnya kurang jelas adalah basofil, eosinofil dan monosit. Respon imun non spesifik mencit dimulai sejak penyuntikkan bisa hingga akhir pengamatan dan respon imun spesifik dimulai sejak 24 jam setelah penyuntikan hingga akhir pengamatan. Respon imun mencit jantan lebih kuat dari respon imun mencit betina

    Abraham Lincoln Wood Bust Carving

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    The figurine features a carved likeness of Abraham Lincoln\u27s head and neck. Lincoln wears a top hat and has been painted in hues of peach, red, black, and brown. The base of the neck sits atop a small cork, which is mounted to a square, wooden base.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/fvw-artifacts/3748/thumbnail.jp


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    Dalam infrastruktur akhir-akhir ini di Indonesia, telah dibangun banyak terowongan di batuan . Dalam mendisain penyangga terowongan, umumnya yang dipakai adalah: metode disain dengan Sistim Klasifikasi Batuan (NATM, Q-System, RMR, RMi, dll).  Kelemahan Klasifikasi Sistim Penyangga batuan dari Institut Geoteknik Norwegia (NGI, atau  disebut sebagai Q-System) adalah sbb: a. kurang diperhitungkannya arah kekar terhadap permukaan galian terowongan; b. tidak diperhatikan pengaruh waktu; dan c. kurang analisa pengaruh air didalam  kekar dari masa batuan. Keruntuhan batuan, dipostulasikan disebabkan oleh dua pilihan runtuh:  1). runtuhnya batuan utuh / intak (intact rock) atau,  2). runtuhnya batuan berkekar (joint rock).  Tahun 1977 Barton-Bandis mengusulkan kriteria runtuh berdasarkan variabel kekasaran kekar yang diambil dari Q-system, namun diperbaharui ditahun 1996 oleh Papaliangas dkk., yang mengusulkan  terobosan baru kedalam rumus dasar keruntuhan kekar dengan mengimplementasikan pengaruh Transisi Getas-Daktail (Brittle-Ductile Transition / BDT) pada kekar. Kriteria runtuh lama - Mohr-Coulomb- dan Barton-Bandis tidak mengakomodasikan BDT.  Dalam paper ini, penulis mencoba mengimplementasikan algoritma Papaliangas (BDT) kedalam algoritma Multilaminate Model FEM dari Zienkiewicz-Pande (1977). Diusulkan suatu metode penyangga terowongan yang lebih rasional dengan mempertimbangkan pengaruh-pengaruh tersebut diatas (a. s/d c) berdasarkan rekayasa numerik: Metode Elemen Hingga Multilaminate untuk masa kekar batuan / joint rock mass (Louhenapessy 2000, 2003 dan Zienkiewicz-Pande 1977). Akan ditampilkan diagram-diagram bunga (Rose Diagrams), tabel-tabel disain, Indeks Keruntuhan dan kurva-kurva yang berguna untuk praktek rekayasa pembuatan terowongan, tanpa ‘shotcrecte linning’.   Studi/contoh  numerik terfokus pada terowongan lingkaran, dengan sebuah kedalaman, berbagai tekanan lateral, berbagai arah kekar dan dua kriteria runtuh (Mohr-Coulomb dan Papaliangas /Brittle-Ductile).   Keywords:     Kekar (joint rock) ; Model Multilaminasi (Multilaminate Model) ; Penyangga terowongan (tunnel support) ; Diagram Bunga (Rose Diagrams) ; Indeks Keruntuhan (Failure Indices): Nilai Q; kriteria runtuh Papaliangas dan Mohr-Coulomb.&nbsp

    Análise cromossômica em bovinos e eqüinos

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    We analyzed the chromosomes of 117 cows of different breeds for the identification of centric fusion and the chromosomes of 100 young Andaluz and Brasileiro de Hipismo mares for the identification of 63,X lines, using the technique of X chromosome identification based on interstitial heterochromatin on the long arm.Foram analisados os cromossomos de 117 bovinos de diferentes raças para identificação de fusão cêntrica e os cromossomos de 100 éguas jovens da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo para identificação de linhagens 63,X, utilizando a técnica de identificação do X baseada na heterocromatina intersticial do braço longo


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    On every slope, there is always the possibility of landslides. One of the hypotheses tested was the effect of water flow and scour on slope stability at the investigated location. A brief inspection was carried out to determine the condition and influence of the river, in addition to soil investigations, for proper follow-up arrangement. At landslide sites, water flow has an effect in raising the groundwater level so as to reduce the soil shear strength. Its causes the slope safety factor to drop below the safe rate. The scouring disrupts the stability of the slope but does not reduce the slope safety factor significantly. The parametric studies are chosen for their strong relation between measured displacement within the slope, to verify the measurements and the numerical analysis (Finite Element Method) results. The parametric study simulation shows that time-dependent numerical model could be useful as forecasting tool, including various possible scour and non-scour condition
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