131 research outputs found

    Globalisation and the challenges of unemployment, income inequality and poverty in Africa

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    There is an urgent need to re-investigate the functional relationship between globalisation, unemployment, income inequality and poverty in Africa. Unemployment accelerates the level of income inequality and poverty within a given society. In spite of the beautiful slogans associated with it, the current globalisation seems to have aggravated the problem of unemployment, the corollary of which is endemic income inequality and mass poverty in Africa. In fact, the trickle down economy pattern has consistently failed Africa. What is good for Wall Street may not necessarily be good for Africa. Viewed from any angle, the African continent seems to have been marginalised and left behind by globalisation. Capitalist globalisation undeniably, created wealth but also intensified inequality and poverty, particularly in Africa. High growth rate of Gross domestic product (GDP) may be a good statistics to parade at international conferences and seminars. However, for the hungry jobless youths in the streets, these are meaningless numbers since they do not translate into job creation or cure their hunger. Therefore, it is high time that African nations look beyond the official statistics of the so called high GDP growth rate and get down to the hard business of creating real jobs that take out the hungry, angry and jobless youths from the streets into workplaces. African countries need to develop comprehensive strategies to create jobs locally. In this paper, the current author posits that there is a strong linkage between globalisation, unemployment, income inequality and poverty in Africa. Some mechanisms were proffered to overcome these bottlenecks

    The effectiveness and consistency of disciplinary actions and procedures within a South African organisation

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    Disciplinary procedures are used to correct behaviour which contradicts organisational goals and brings about labour peace in the workplace. However, if incorrectly applied, its consequences can be felt throughout the organisation. The objective of this paper was to examine how employees perceive the application of disciplinary action in the organisation and whether they felt that leaders were following correct procedures in this regard. A closed-ended questionnaire was distributed to a sample group of employees, where after focus group interviews were held to elaborate on answers given. The results revealed that employees felt disciplinary procedures were inconsistently applied, and that not all employees received the same treatment for similar actions. It is suggested that leaders within the investigated organisation receive guidance and appropriate training to correct this perception, which will lead to the consistent application of discipline and appropriate treatment of all employees, resulting in improved employee morale, motivation and a healthier work environment

    The role of women in peacemaking, conflict and rehabilitation management in Elele, Ikwerre Local Government of Rivers State, Nigeria

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    The basic energies common to all human beings have been directed in such a way that men seek power and women protect men from the consequences of excessive power. At the close of every war, destroyed communities have been rebuilt, and much of the physical labour of rebuilding is often heaped on women. Another activity traditionally expected of women is conflict resolution, since it is troublesome to go to war all the time. The old practice of marrying the daughters of one village to the sons of the next was a war avoidable strategy

    Stakeholder relations management as a public relations tool for socio-economic development in Nigeria

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    No proper organization can function independent of its environment. Each is made up of an internal structure, and exists within a framework of interrelated system of relationships with key stakeholders such as competitors, donors, consumers, regulators, the media, and so on. Therefore, there is the need to depart from the traditional approach of influencing public opinion to a more modern and strategic approach of guarding public moods, disposition and judgement before even attempting to satisfy expectations. The objective of this study was to ascertain whether Stakeholder Relations Management can be used as a Public Relations tool for socio-economic development in Nigeria. The aim was to establish the veracity of the statement that stakeholder relations management is a public relations tool and if it could be used for socio-economic development of Nigeria. Data was collected from available literature on stakeholder relations management and public relations. Also the professional observations of the authors were also used. Good stakeholder relationship management which is one of the tools of modern public relations that foster a sense of joint ownership, prevents undue bureaucracy or industrial disputes, makes resources available, keeps information/knowledge and feedback flowing and enhances cooperation to achieve the desired outcome of socio-economic development. The study proposed that organizations have to evaluate the possibility of adapting and/or integrating the benefit of the emerging stakeholder management trends into their institutional framework. The management of organizations must realize that for their organizations to be competitive in the global economy, they have to leverage on these collaborative relationships with both internal and external systems in their networks to achieve results

    Rising trend in social media usage by women entrepreneurs across the globe to unlock their potentials for business success

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    Dwindling circulation of traditional media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines has resulted from the growth of adapting digital technology and tools that involve the internet. The practice of surfing the web 2.0 to obtain real time information instantly, has led to the rise of an ever more connected infrastructure atmosphere globally. Digital marketing and online trading through e-commerce and m-commerce platforms is applied in these interconnected environment; it involves wide variety of approaches, whose success depends on the user-centric and interrelated approach to technology. A new type of media has been enabled with the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Marketers are realising the power of the Internet, as a communication platform and a way of following conversation since the past two decades. In marketing, strategy starts on the outside, considering the needs and expectations of the consumer and moving inwards to the root of the brand’s identity, to see where the business can gain advantage and add value. The study of Social Media Platforms and their impact in unlocking the financial success of the women entrepreneurs globally has been widely observed and quite vital to the new generation of gender based ventures that are digitally driven through the use of technology. This type of development through which women adapt and utilise Social Media platforms promotes the creation of a new revolution of modern digital entrepreneurial culture, by changing the female society from a technologically challenged to a technologically savvy one that changes their mind-set from the job seeking culture to embrace a job creating one, through opportunities that are made available by the use of Social Media Platforms and the Internet. Both formal and informal women owned ventures have been observed to adopt social media platforms to grow their communities as a medium for keeping in touch and getting current and ground feedback on products or services from existing and prospective clients

    Potential sources, impact and mitigation of stress in the workplace : a review and preliminary case of AD-CJO Technology Company

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    The objective of this paper was to investigate the causes of stress in an organisation, and its effects on individuals in the organisations, in order to propose mechanisms of mitigating stress in the workplace. Data was obtained through literatures that were reviewed as well as through a stress questionnaire, from the International Stress Management Association (ISMA), which was handed out to the procurement department of AD-CJO Technology Company. An interview that was conducted with a senior Manager in the Procurement department of the company. The findings reveals that stress is a major issue in the workplace, hence, organisations should strive to combat it to a manageable degree, so that employees are not adversely affected. Some ameliorating mechanisms such as employee wellness programmes, stress management programs, counselling, and social support systems have been proposed to address the problems of stress at AD-CJO Technology Company and any organisation. However, it should kept in mind that stress cannot be eradicated to a zero base. Some element of it is required in order to stay motivated and develop a drive towards personal and organisational goal attainment

    Rural development projects in Nigeria : the case of Rivers State

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    The recent over flooding in about 20 States in Nigeria, throws up the age old question of the rural development efforts. Many of the affected areas are rural and many of the displaced are residents of rural areas. Many of these displaced people are more likely to migrate to the urban areas, therefore compounding the challenges of the over populated urban areas. The levels of destruction in these rural areas also reinforce the need to question public efforts towards rural development. This work examined rural development efforts in Rivers state, Nigeria and observed that though governments had made concerted efforts to address challenges confronting rural areas, there are still major difficulties. To sum up some of these are social, economic, psychological, attitudinal and natural. Governments should always appraise and concert efforts to complete any project it initiates

    The effectiveness of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) in Nigeria

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    Over the years, acts of insecurity, lack of safety consciousness and threat of terrorism have pervaded the maritime landscape of the world economy. The obvious dishonest outlook and fraud-like tendencies which over the years, have formed the most basic characteristics of the maritime industry have never helped matters either way, but has indeed complicated the issue of high insecurity of the port industries worldwide. The amendment of the Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) introduced the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) code) as preventive measure against the likelihood of terrorist attacks on Ships and Port Facilities
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