8,907 research outputs found

    Measuring Electric Fields From Surface Contaminants with Neutral Atoms

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    In this paper we demonstrate a technique of utilizing magnetically trapped neutral Rb-87 atoms to measure the magnitude and direction of stray electric fields emanating from surface contaminants. We apply an alternating external electric field that adds to (or subtracts from) the stray field in such a way as to resonantly drive the trapped atoms into a mechanical dipole oscillation. The growth rate of the oscillation's amplitude provides information about the magnitude and sign of the stray field gradient. Using this measurement technique, we are able to reconstruct the vector electric field produced by surface contaminants. In addition, we can accurately measure the electric fields generated from adsorbed atoms purposely placed onto the surface and account for their systematic effects, which can plague a precision surface-force measurement. We show that baking the substrate can reduce the electric fields emanating from adsorbate, and that the mechanism for reduction is likely surface diffusion, not desorption.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, published in Physical Review

    Clouds, photolysis and regional tropospheric ozone budgets.

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    We use a three-dimensional chemical transport model to examine the shortwave radiative effects of clouds on the tropospheric ozone budget. In addition to looking at changes in global concentrations as previous studies have done, we examine changes in ozone chemical production and loss caused by clouds and how these vary in different parts of the troposphere. On a global scale, we find that clouds have a modest effect on ozone chemistry, but on a regional scale their role is much more significant, with the size of the response dependent on the region. The largest averaged changes in chemical budgets (±10–14%) are found in the marine troposphere, where cloud optical depths are high. We demonstrate that cloud effects are small on average in the middle troposphere because this is a transition region between reduction and enhancement in photolysis rates. We show that increases in boundary layer ozone due to clouds are driven by large-scale changes in downward ozone transport from higher in the troposphere rather than by decreases in in-situ ozone chemical loss rates. Increases in upper tropospheric ozone are caused by higher production rates due to backscattering of radiation and consequent increases in photolysis rates, mainly J(NO2). The global radiative effect of clouds on isoprene, through decreases of OH in the lower troposphere, is stronger than on ozone. Tropospheric isoprene lifetime increases by 7% when taking clouds into account. We compare the importance of clouds in contributing to uncertainties in the global ozone budget with the role of other radiatively-important factors. The budget is most sensitive to the overhead ozone column, while surface albedo and clouds have smaller effects. However, uncertainty in representing the spatial distribution of clouds may lead to a large sensitivity of the ozone budget components on regional scales

    Cereal variety trials 1955-56

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    As an important step in the work of bringing new and improved cereal varieties to West Australian farmers, variety trials are carried out each season on the six wheatbelt research stations in this State. This provides a comparison of the performance, under actual field conditions, of recently produced varieties against those now in general cultivation

    Computing Heavy Elements

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    Reliable calculations of the structure of heavy elements are crucial to address fundamental science questions such as the origin of the elements in the universe. Applications relevant for energy production, medicine, or national security also rely on theoretical predictions of basic properties of atomic nuclei. Heavy elements are best described within the nuclear density functional theory (DFT) and its various extensions. While relatively mature, DFT has never been implemented in its full power, as it relies on a very large number (~ 10^9-10^12) of expensive calculations (~ day). The advent of leadership-class computers, as well as dedicated large-scale collaborative efforts such as the SciDAC 2 UNEDF project, have dramatically changed the field. This article gives an overview of the various computational challenges related to the nuclear DFT, as well as some of the recent achievements.Comment: Proceeding of the Invited Talk given at the SciDAC 2011 conference, Jul. 10-15, 2011, Denver, C

    Interannual variability of tropospheric composition:the influence of changes in emissions, meteorology and clouds

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    We have run a chemistry transport model (CTM) to systematically examine the drivers of interannual variability of tropospheric composition during 1996-2000. This period was characterised by anomalous meteorological conditions associated with the strong El Nino of 1997-1998 and intense wildfires, which produced a large amount of pollution. On a global scale, changing meteorology (winds, temperatures, humidity and clouds) is found to be the most important factor driving interannual variability of NO2 and ozone on the timescales considered. Changes in stratosphere-troposphere exchange, which are largely driven by meteorological variability, are found to play a particularly important role in driving ozone changes. The strong influence of emissions on NO2 and ozone interannual variability is largely confined to areas where intense biomass burning events occur. For CO, interannual variability is almost solely driven by emission changes, while for OH meteorology dominates, with the radiative influence of clouds being a very strong contributor. Through a simple attribution analysis for 1996-2000 we conclude that changing cloudiness drives 25% of the interannual variability of OH over Europe by affecting shortwave radiation. Over Indonesia this figure is as high as 71%. Changes in cloudiness contribute a small but non-negligible amount (up to 6%) to the interannual variability of ozone over Europe and Indonesia. This suggests that future assessments of trends in tropospheric oxidizing capacity should account for interannual variability in cloudiness, a factor neglected in many previous studies

    Oat trials and usage in the Wheatbelt, 1956

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    The increasing acreages planted to oats in the Western Australian wheat growing districts have been associated with the improvement of farms for the carrying of stock and the need for a convenient change crop from wheat. Production of coarse grains, both oats and barley, has substantially increased the total area of cereals grown annually in Western Australia since 1930

    Comparison and sensitivity studies of the land-surface schemes in the ECHAM General Circulation Model and the Europa-Model

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    This study presents the comparison of largely different land-surface schemes in the ECHAM GCM and the Europa-Modell (EM). The model runs were performed in an off-line mode using the Cabauw observational data as forcing at the lowest atmospheric model level. A detailed study on the sensitivities, over the entire physically possible range, of different key parameters gives insight into the differences in the two land- surface schemes. Emphasis is placed on the comparison of annual and diurnal cycles for the surface energy and water budget, as well as a detailed discussion of the differences in the parameterization equations. The study shows that sensitivity studies should not only focus on monthly means but also on diurnal cycles. Moreover, it is not sufficient to test a sensitivity for a certain value, but extend the investigation over the whole range because of its nonlinearity. In general, the sensitivity of both models is decreasing with increasing values of roughness length, leaf area index and Held capacity. ECHAM gener- ally shows higher sensitivity with respect to leaf area index and roughness length when compared to EM. This is mainly due to different parameterization of the transpiration. The sensitivity of the evaporation from the skin reservoir is higher in ECHAM for all varied surface parameters due to very efficient infiltration in EM. Total winter runoff is predominantly higher in ECHAM due to the implementation of 'fast drainage It has been shown that the different assessment of soil water largely influences the sensitivi- ties. In addition, ECI-IAM shows more distinct summer drying than EM. The boundary layer parameterization is typically the same in both models. However, differences in the von-Kérmcin-constant If can produce distinct differences in turbulent fluxes

    One-nucleon transfer reactions and the optical potential

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    We provide a summary of new developments in the area of direct reaction theory with a particular focus on one-nucleon transfer reactions. We provide a status of the methods available for describing (d,p) reactions. We discuss the effects of nonlocality in the optical potential in transfer reactions. The results of a purely phenomenological potential and the optical potential obtained from the dispersive optical model are compared; both point toward the importance of including nonlocality in transfer reactions explicitly. Given the large ambiguities associated with optical potentials, we discuss some new developments toward the quantification of this uncertainty. We conclude with some general comments and a brief account of new advances that are in the pipeline.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, proceedings for the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, June 201