127 research outputs found

    Reducing quality control errors by guiding behavior

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    It is estimated that human error in the quality control checking of product labels on consumer packaging costs the UK retail industry ÂŁ50m per annum. Our research program aimed to understand the behavior of individuals when performing label checks on fresh produce in order to inform the development of a software application designed to support quality control. On a simulated label checking task, eye-tracking data showed that individuals used different checking methods. A more systematic method led to higher accuracy. Two computer-assisted approaches, varying in the level of computer support provided, were then designed to push checkers towards systematic checking. Greater improvements in accuracy were found under the computer-assisted approaches than under a control condition. A three-month onsite trial of a software application designed on the basis of these research findings led to a 100% decrease in quality control errors

    Control strategies for late blight in organic potato production

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    This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. Protective copper fungicides are currently used to control late blight in most organic production systems, but approval for their use in organic farming will be revoked in 2002. Evidence suggests that organic potato production will not be reliably economic in the absence of Cu. Current controls for late blight are reviewed including: variety selection/breeding for blight resistance, diversification strategies, agronomic strategies for the management of late blight, and alternative treatments to Cu-fungicides

    Use of an Online Photo Management and Sharing Application to Create a Searchable Digital Dental Radiograph Repository

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    Problem: Dental radiographs generally display one or more findings/diagnoses, and are linked to a unique set of patient demographics, medical history and other findings not represented by the image. However, this information is not associated with radiographs in any type of meta format, and images are not searchable based on any clinical criteria (1,2). The purpose of this pilot study is to create an online, searchable data repository of dental radiographs to be used for patient care, teaching and research. [See PDF for complete abstract

    Label-checking strategies to adapt behaviour to design

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    Despite robust quality control procedures, labelling errors on fresh produce are estimated to cost the UK supermarket industry approximately £50million pounds per year in product recalls and wastage. Changing the format of the labels themselves is not a viable option. Instead, the challenge is to change or guide human operatives’ behaviour so that label printing errors do not go undetected during quality control procedures. To this end, a simulated label checking task was presented to naïve participants to compare more systematic and strategic methods of label checking. Two conditions in which behaviour was computer-led were compared with a control condition in which checkers adopted their own idiosyncratic checking method. The data indicate that the two computer-led approaches resulted in improved levels of accuracy. Pushing label checkers towards a more systematic approach would appear to be effective in reducing undetected label errors, and could lead potentially to significant financial savings and reduce

    Cognitive predictors of accuracy in quality control checking

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    Labelling errors on fresh produce are estimated to cost the UK supermarket industry ÂŁ50m per year in product recalls and wastage. Such errors occur despite robust quality control procedures. Given the financial and environmental impact of these errors, it is important to understand whether label-checking performance can be predicted by individual differences in cognitive abilities. To this end, participants carried out a simulated label-checking task together with a number of measures of information processing speed, attention, short-term/working memory, and mind-wandering. Accuracy of label checking was found to be significantly predicted by three of the measures, with better short-term verbal memory being most strongly associated with performance. Cognitive tests such as these provide a means of identifying how well employees are likely to perform when undertaking such tasks and, if necessary, how they should be supported in that role, possibly forming a screening battery when recruiting new quality control staff. The findings highlight the importance of determining the component processes of cognition which contribute to performance in real-world work environments

    Evidence for different thermal ecotypes in range centre and trailing edge kelp populations

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    Determining and predicting species’ responses to climate change is a fundamental goal of contemporary ecology. When interpreting responses to warming species are often treated as a single physiological unit with a single species-wide thermal niche. This assumes that trailing edge populations are most vulnerable to warming, as it is here where a species’ thermal niche will be exceeded first. Local adaptation can, however, result in narrower thermal tolerance limits for local populations, so that similar relative increases in temperature can exceed local niches throughout a species range. We used a combination of common garden temperature heat-shock experiments (8–32 °C) and population genetics (microsatellites) to identify thermal ecotypes of northeast Atlantic range centre and trailing edge populations of the habitat-forming kelp, Laminaria digitata. Using upregulation of hsp70 as an indicator of thermal stress, we found that trailing edge populations were better equipped to tolerate acute temperature shocks. This pattern was consistent across seasons, indicating that between-population variability is fixed. High genetic structuring was also observed, with range centre and trailing edge populations representing highly distinct clusters with little gene flow between regions. Taken together, this suggests the presence of distinct thermal ecotypes for L. digitata, which may mean responses to future warming are more complex than linear range contractions. © 2019 Elsevier B.V

    Daily transcriptomes of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus during the summer solstice at high Arctic latitudes

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    The zooplankter Calanus finmarchicus is a member of the so-called “Calanus Complex”, a group of copepods that constitutes a key element of the Arctic polar marine ecosystem, providing a crucial link between primary production and higher trophic levels. Climate change induces the shift of C. finmarchicus to higher latitudes with currently unknown impacts on its endogenous timing. Here we generated a daily transcriptome of C. finmarchicus at two high Arctic stations, during the more extreme time of Midnight Sun, the summer solstice. While the southern station (74.5 °N) was sea ice-free, the northern one (82.5 °N) was sea ice-covered. The mRNAs of the 42 samples have been sequenced with an average of 126 ± 5 million reads (mean ± SE) per sample, and aligned to the reference transcriptome. We detail the quality assessment of the datasets and the complete annotation procedure, providing the possibility to investigate daily gene expression of this ecologically important species at high Arctic latitudes, and to compare gene expression according to latitude and sea ice-coverage

    Electrochemical activation of molecular nitrogen at the Ir/YSZ interface.

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    Nitrogen is often used as an inert background atmosphere in solid state studies of electrode and reaction kinetics, of solid state studies of transport phenomena, and in applications e.g. solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), sensors and membranes. Thus, chemical and electrochemical reactions of oxides related to or with dinitrogen are not supposed and in general not considered. We demonstrate by a steady state electrochemical polarisation experiments complemented with in situphotoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) that at a temperature of 450 °C dinitrogen can be electrochemically activated at the three phase boundary between N2, a metal microelectrode and one of the most widely used solid oxide electrolytes—yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ)—at potentials more negative than E = −1.25 V. The process is neither related to a reduction of the electrolyte nor to an adsorption process or a purely chemical reaction but is electrochemical in nature. Only at potentials more negative than E = −2 V did new components of Zr 3d and Y 3d signals with a lower formal charge appear, thus indicating electrochemical reduction of the electrolyte matrix. Theoretical model calculations suggest the presence of anionic intermediates with delocalized electrons at the electrode/electrolyte reaction interface. The ex situSIMS analysis confirmed that nitrogen is incorporated and migrates into the electrolyte beneath the electrode
