24 research outputs found

    Mineral composition of protein soybean hull for feeding ruminants

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    Background: The industrial by-products vary widely in the mineral composition, therefore is necessary to identify the composition of these products to determine if present risk of toxicity to animals. Heavy metals, once ingested, can accumulate in animal tissue, mainly in the liver, kidneys and muscles. Some elements such as arsenic, cadmium and mercury are often classifi ed as toxic elements because their biological activities are linked to toxic reactions, although all chemical elements, whether metal or not, can be toxic to animals if consumed in amounts above the need of each animal or for a long period. The protein soybean hull (PSH) is the residue coming from the technological process of extraction of soy protein, with is originally called primary sludge. To this is added 50% soybean hull and dried, resulting in the product called protein soybean hull. This work was carried out in order to assess through mineral studies the nutritional potential of the protein soybean hull for feed sheep in replace soybean meal, because currently there is no available scientifi c studies on the effect of using protein soybean hull in the ruminant animals diet related to mineral metabolism. Materials, Methods & Results: For this, samples of soybean protein hull were collected from a benefi ted soy industry in different batches to evaluate the variability in mineral composition of experimental material. The samples of soybean protein hull were analyzed for, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt. It was also analyzed for fl uorine, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and vanadium, minerals considered potentially toxic to feeding sheep. The mean values of Ca and P in PSH were 0.52% and 1.22% respectively. The average content of Mg found in the PSH was 0.19% and represents 63% of the amount of Mg present in soybean meal The S content in CPS ranged from 0.22 to 0.29%, so the PSH is suffi cient to meet the daily requirements of S for sheep in growing / fi nishing. The PSH showed high levels of Na (0.19%) and iron (16,414 mg / kg) and can cause problems of toxicity, if not provided in a balanced diet. However, the mean levels of Mn (40.29 mg / kg), Zn (61.07 mg / kg), Cu (14.29 mg / kg) and Co (1.15 mg / kg) were suitable for feeding sheep. Considered potentially toxic minerals to feeding sheep (F, Al, As, Cd, Pb, Hg and V), only the F and Al were detected, with values of 100 and 199.43 mg / kg, being within the limits considered toxic to sheep. Discussion: The industrial production process of protein soybean hull was homogeneous due to the small variation in the mineral levels analyzed in seven different batches. The P is an essential element in the diet of sheep that represents the greatest risk of environmental pollution, so the P content of the diet should be adequate for optimal animal performance with minimal environmental impact, but the greater concern in the PSH is related to the Ca: P ratio, because this ratio was less than 1:1 (0,52:1,22) and may affect the absorption of Ca or P, if the diet was not balanced properly. The iron was the only mineral and perhaps the most limiting nutritional potential of the PSH, due to its high concentration may cause problems of toxicity in sheep. The concentration of other minerals is within the maximum tolerable level for sheep. The toxicity of Iron can be better evaluated in animal experiments. In PSH samples analyzed, minerals with direct toxic potential or accumulation (heavy metals) have no major problems, since most of them were not detected in the analysis

    Crude glycerin in the dairy cows feeding

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    Foram realizados dois ensaios com o objetivo de avaliar a glicerina bruta (GLB) como alimento energético alternativo e como aditivo precursor da gliconeogênese. No primeiro foram utilizadas oito vacas no terço médio de lactação, em um quadrado latino duplo, com uma inclusão de 0, 4, 8 ou 12% de GLB na dieta. Foram avaliadas a produção e a composição do leite, consumo de alimentos, digestibilidade e indicadores bioquímicos do metabolismo energético. O consumo de GLB não influenciou a produção média diária, produção de leite corrigido para 4% de GB, produção e concentração média diária de GB, lactose ou sólidos totais. A concentração de PB foi maior na inclusão de 12% do que no controle, enquanto a produção média diária de PB foi maior com uma inclusão de 8%. Nenhum dos tratamentos influenciou o consumo, eficiência alimentar, digestibilidade, concentração de AGNE ou uréia. Entretanto, a eficiência energética foi influenciada de maneira cúbica. A glicemia respondeu de uma maneira quadrática, sendo menor com 4 e 8% de GLB. No segundo ensaio foram utilizadas 24 vacas divididas entre três tratamentos (controle - TC, 1 mL de GLB/kg de PV – TG, ou 1mL de propilenoglicol/kg de PV - TP), em um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Os tratamentos iniciaram duas semanas pré e terminaram duas semanas pós-parto, as avaliações foram realizadas até a décima semana de lactação. Foram avaliadas a produção e a composição do leite, ECC, intervalo parto-1º cio e indicadores bioquímicos do metabolismo energético. Estudando os resultados médios para cada período de duas semanas, foi observada uma maior produção média diária de leite em todos os períodos no TP do que no TC. Na comparação com o TG, esta diferença existiu até a oitava semana de lactação, com exceção da quarta semana, quando foi observada uma tendência para esta diferença (P<0,10). O TP também apresentou uma maior produção média de leite corrigido para 4% de GB, enquanto a produção das vacas do TC foi superior à observada no TG. O TP e o TG influenciaram negativamente a concentração de GB. A produção média diária de GB foi menor no TG do que nos demais tratamentos. A concentração de lactose foi menor no TP, porém, este foi o tratamento com maior produção média diária deste componente. A concentração de NUL foi menor nas vacas tratadas. Não houve influência dos tratamentos estudados sobre o intervalo parto-1º cio, ECC, glicemia, concentração de AGNE ou de BHBO. A GLB é um bom alimento energético alternativo, em um nível de inclusão de até 12%, substituindo parcialmente o grão de milho moído na alimentação de vacas leiteiras. Entretanto, os resultados observados demonstram que o propilenoglicol é mais efetivo como aditivo precursor da gliconeogênese.There were made two experiments with the aim to evaluate crude glycerin (CG) as an alternative energy feed and as a gluconeogenic additive for dairy cows. In the first experiment were used eight cows in the mid of lactation, in a double latin square design, receiving four CG inclusion levels in the diet (0, 4, 8 or 12%). There were evaluated the milk production and composition, feed intake, digestibility and biochemical indicators from the energy metabolism. The CG intake did not influence the mean milk production, 4% fat-corrected milk, production and concentration of fat milk, lactose or total solids. The CP concentration was greater in the 12% inclusion than in the control, while the mean CP production was greater with the 8% inclusion. No one of the treatments influenced significantly the DMI, the OMI or the feed efficiency. However, the energy efficiency was influenced in a cubic manner. The DMD, OMD, NDFD and the seric concentrations of NEFA and urea were not influenced by the treatments. The blood glucose respond in a quadratic manner, being smaller in the 4 and 8% inclusion. In the second experiment were used 24 cows allocated in three treatments (control – CT, 1 mL of CG/kg of BW - GT, or 1 mL of propylene glycol/kg of BW – PT) in complete randomized blocks. The treatments started two weeks pre and were finished two weeks postpartum, the evaluations were made until the 10th week of lactation. It were evaluated the milk production and composition, BCS, partum-1st estrus period and biochemical indicators from the energy metabolism. There was observed a greater milk production in all of the five study periods in the PT than CT and in the first eight lactation weeks than GT, with exception of the fourth week, when was observed a tendency to this difference (P<0,10). The PT showed a greater 4% fat-corrected milk production, while the production of the cows in the CT was greater than the GT. The intake of gluconeogenic influenced the fat milk concentration in a negative manner. The daily mean production of fat milk was small in the GT than in other treatments. The lactose concentration was smallest in the PT, but, that was the treatment with the biggest daily mean production of this component. The MUN was decreased in the treated cows. There was not influence of the treatments over the partum-1st estrus period, BCS, blood glucose, NEFA or beta-hidroxybutirate. The CG is a good alternative energy feed, in an inclusion up to 12%, replacing partially the corn grain in the dairy cows feeding. However, the observed results demonstrate that the propilene glycol is more effective as a gluconeogenesis precursor

    Evaluation of energy and protein supplementation of a low quality roughage by in vitro techniques

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    Foram conduzidos dois ensaios de digestibilidade in vitro verdadeira (ensaios 1 e 2) e um de produção cumulativa de gás in vitro (ensaio 3) para avaliar a combinação da suplementação energética com a protéica, em dietas baseadas em um volumoso de baixa qualidade - feno de Tifton (Cynodon dactylon L.) (PB: 7,69 %; FDN: 70,34 %). Foram avaliados quatro níveis de grão de milho (M)(0, 20, 40 e 60 %) e quatro de PDR suplementar (0; 2,8; 5,6; 8,4 %), tendo como fonte uréia (ensaio 1) ou proteína isolada de soja (PIS)(ensaio 2). No experimento 3 foram avaliados os mesmos níveis de milho e de PDR tendo como fonte tanto a uréia quanto a PIS. Ensaio 1: houve um aumento linear da DIVVMO sem M em resposta à PDR. Foi observado um comportamento quadrático da DIVFDN em resposta à PDR, com 20 % de M. A taxa de degradação da MO aumentou linearmente em resposta ao M. A degradabilidade efetiva (DE) da MO a uma taxa de passagem de 2 %/h aumentou linearmente em resposta à PDR, com 20 % de M. A uma taxa de passagem de 5 %/h a DE da MO aumentou linearmente em resposta ao M. A mesma resposta foi observada no lag-time da FDN. Ensaio 2: a DIVVMO aumentou linearmente em resposta ao M. A taxa de degradação da MO foi afetada quadraticamente pelo M e a taxa de degradação da FDN respondeu linearmente à PDR com 20 ou 40 % de M. A DE da MO diminuiu linearmente com o acréscimo na PDR com 60 % de M. A concentração de N-NH3 aumentou linearmente em resposta à suplementação protéica nos experimentos 1 e 2. Ensaio 3: a produção de gás e a DIVVMO aumentaram linearmente em resposta à inclusão de M com uma inclinação maior utilizando PIS. Com 20 % de M, a produção de gás diminuiu linearmente com o aumento na PDR. O fator de partição foi superior com PIS e foi detectado um aumento linear em resposta ao incremento da PDR com 20 % de M. A produção máxima de gás da fração de rápida (A) e de lenta degradação (D) aumentaram linearmente em resposta à inclusão de M com PIS, e quadraticamente com uréia. A taxa de degradação de A foi afetada quadraticamente pelo nível de M e a taxa de degradação de D foi maior com uréia. O lag-time de A aumentou linearmente em resposta a inclusão de M e no lag-time de D, foi observada uma resposta quadrática. Não foi possível detectar, com exceção dos tempos de colonização, efeitos negativos da suplementação com M e, na maioria das vezes, sua utilização em níveis moderados foi positiva. A suplementação protéica associada à energética foi benéfica em alguns parâmetros estudados. A uréia foi melhor em níveis moderados de M e sobre a degradação da fibra do que a PIS.Two in vitro digestibility experiments (trial 1 and 2) and one in vitro gas production (trial 3) were conducted to evaluate the combination between energy and protein supplementation in diets based on a low quality roughage - Tifton hay (Cynodon dactylon L.) (CP: 7,69 %; NDF: 70,34 %). It was evaluated four levels of ground corn grain (GC) (0, 20, 40 and 60 %) and four levels of supplemental RDP (0; 2,8; 5,6 e 8,4 %), using as protein source urea (trial 1) or isolated soybean protein (ISP)(trial 2). In trial 3 it was evaluated the same GC and RDP levels using as protein source urea and ISP. Trial 1: there was a linear increase on OMIVTD in response to GC. It was observed a quadratic behavior of the NDFIVD in response to RDP, with 20 % of GC. The OM rates (C) increased linearly with the GC inclusion. The OM effective degradability (ED) increased linearly in response to RDP with 20 % of GC with a 2 %/h passage rate. With a 5 %/h passage rate the OM ED increased linearly with the GC. The same response was observed with the NDF lag-time. Trial 2: the OMIVTD increased linearly in response to GC. The OM degradation rate was quadratic affected by the GC and the NDF degradation rate responded linearly to RDP with 20 or 40 % of GC. The OM ED decreased linearly with the increase in the RDP with 60 % of GC. The N-NH3 concentration increased linearly in response to protein supplementation in the trials 1 and 2. Trial 3: the gas production and the OMIVTD increased linearly in response to GC inclusion with a major slope using PIS. With 20 % of GC, the gas production decreased linearly with the increase in the RDP. The partitioning factor was greater with ISP and was detected a linear increase in response to RDP increase with 20 % of GC. The fast (A) and slow (D) degradation maximum gas production increased linearly in response to the GC inclusion, with ISP, and quadratic with urea. The A degradation rate responded in a quadratic manner by GC supplementation and the D degradation rate was greater with urea. The A lag-time increased linearly in response to GC inclusion and in the D lag-time, was observed a quadratic response. With the exception of lag-times, was not possible to detect negative effects of the GC supplementation and, in the majority of the times, its utilization in moderate levels was positive. The protein supplementation associated to the energy was benefit in some studied parameters. The urea was better in GC moderate levels and in the fiber degradation than the ISP

    Mineral composition of protein soybean hull for feeding ruminants

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    Background: The industrial by-products vary widely in the mineral composition, therefore is necessary to identify the composition of these products to determine if present risk of toxicity to animals. Heavy metals, once ingested, can accumulate in animal tissue, mainly in the liver, kidneys and muscles. Some elements such as arsenic, cadmium and mercury are often classifi ed as toxic elements because their biological activities are linked to toxic reactions, although all chemical elements, whether metal or not, can be toxic to animals if consumed in amounts above the need of each animal or for a long period. The protein soybean hull (PSH) is the residue coming from the technological process of extraction of soy protein, with is originally called primary sludge. To this is added 50% soybean hull and dried, resulting in the product called protein soybean hull. This work was carried out in order to assess through mineral studies the nutritional potential of the protein soybean hull for feed sheep in replace soybean meal, because currently there is no available scientifi c studies on the effect of using protein soybean hull in the ruminant animals diet related to mineral metabolism. Materials, Methods & Results: For this, samples of soybean protein hull were collected from a benefi ted soy industry in different batches to evaluate the variability in mineral composition of experimental material. The samples of soybean protein hull were analyzed for, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt. It was also analyzed for fl uorine, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and vanadium, minerals considered potentially toxic to feeding sheep. The mean values of Ca and P in PSH were 0.52% and 1.22% respectively. The average content of Mg found in the PSH was 0.19% and represents 63% of the amount of Mg present in soybean meal The S content in CPS ranged from 0.22 to 0.29%, so the PSH is suffi cient to meet the daily requirements of S for sheep in growing / fi nishing. The PSH showed high levels of Na (0.19%) and iron (16,414 mg / kg) and can cause problems of toxicity, if not provided in a balanced diet. However, the mean levels of Mn (40.29 mg / kg), Zn (61.07 mg / kg), Cu (14.29 mg / kg) and Co (1.15 mg / kg) were suitable for feeding sheep. Considered potentially toxic minerals to feeding sheep (F, Al, As, Cd, Pb, Hg and V), only the F and Al were detected, with values of 100 and 199.43 mg / kg, being within the limits considered toxic to sheep. Discussion: The industrial production process of protein soybean hull was homogeneous due to the small variation in the mineral levels analyzed in seven different batches. The P is an essential element in the diet of sheep that represents the greatest risk of environmental pollution, so the P content of the diet should be adequate for optimal animal performance with minimal environmental impact, but the greater concern in the PSH is related to the Ca: P ratio, because this ratio was less than 1:1 (0,52:1,22) and may affect the absorption of Ca or P, if the diet was not balanced properly. The iron was the only mineral and perhaps the most limiting nutritional potential of the PSH, due to its high concentration may cause problems of toxicity in sheep. The concentration of other minerals is within the maximum tolerable level for sheep. The toxicity of Iron can be better evaluated in animal experiments. In PSH samples analyzed, minerals with direct toxic potential or accumulation (heavy metals) have no major problems, since most of them were not detected in the analysis