23 research outputs found
Combining Leaching and Passive Sampling to Measure the Mobility and Distribution between Porewater, DOC and Colloids of Native Oxy-PAHs, N-PACs and PAHs in Historically Contaminated Soil
Different methods to quantify soil porewater concentrations of contaminants will provide different types of information. Passive sampling measurements give freely dissolved porewater concentrations (Cpw,free), while leaching tests provide information on the mobile concentration (Cpw,leach), including contaminants associated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particles/colloids in the porewater. This study presents a novel combination of these two measurements, to study the sorption and mobility of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) to DOC and particulate organic carbon (POC) in 10 historically contaminated soils. The PACs investigated were polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), oxygenated-PAHs, and nitrogen containing heterocyclic PACs. Observed Cpw,leach was up to 5 orders of magnitude higher than Cpw,free; implying large biases when Cpw,leach is used to assess bioavailability or soil partitioning. Sorption of PACs to DOC and POC was important for the mobility of compounds with log KOW > 4. Average DOC/water-partitioning coefficients (KDOC) correlated well with KOW (log KDOC = 0.89 Ă log KOW +1.03 (r2 = 0.89)). This relationship is likely more accurate for historically contaminated soils than previously published data, which suffer from artifacts caused by problems in measuring Cpw,free correctly or not using historically contaminated soils. POC/water-partitioning coefficients (KPOC) were orders of magnitude larger than corresponding KDOC, suggesting sorption to mobile particles/colloids is the dominant mechanism for PAC mobility
ENCORT-CDW - Evaluation of the European recovery target for construction and demolition waste
The present EU target for recovery of construction and demolition waste does not promote sustainability. Interpretations of waste and recovery definitions rather than resource efficiency and safe handling affect the monitoring. The general weight-based target has to be altered to favour recycling of resource-rich materials, not only of high weight materials. High grade recycling should be distinguished and prioritized to ensure safe recovery. This requires improved knowledge on waste generation and handling as well as on emissions of dangerous substances. A common Nordic approach is advocated
Magnetic susceptibility for assessing ash constructions : Evaluating the potential of magnetic susceptibility as a method to assess state and delineation of ash constructions
VÀgar och andra anlÀggningar byggda med askor erbjuder miljöfördelar i form av resurssnÄlare och i vissa fall effektivare konstruktioner Àn konventionella material. Men, förekomsten av miljöstörande Àmnen i askor ger Àven upphov till risker om de kommer i kontakt med omgivningen. Projektet syftar till att undersöka om magnetiserbarhet kan anvÀndas för att bedöma askkonstruktioners tillstÄnd och avgrÀnsning. Hypotesen Àr att askorna har en högre magnetiserbarhet Àn de material som tÀcker dem och att man genom att mÀta magnetiserbarheten i en volym som innefattar sÄvÀl det överliggande materialet som askan, kan bedöma tillstÄndet (tjockleken eller uppblandningsgraden) hos materialen. DÀrför har ett 20-tal olika material slaggruser, flygaskor, grusslitlager och jordarter undersökts samt tvÄ fÀltlokaler karterats. Projektet Àr ett samarbete mellan VTI och SGI. Roads and other constructions built with ash can be more effective than conventionally built roads. But since there also can be certain pollutants connected to ashes, using ashes in constructions can pose a threat to the environment if they are not contained within the construction. This project is aiming to investigate if magnetic susceptibility can be used in order to appraise the state of ash constructions. The hypothesis is that the ashes have higher magnetic susceptibilities than the material that is supposed to be on top of the ash. If so, it is suggested that, by measuring the magnetic susceptibility of a volume including both the overlying material and the ash, the state of the overlying material can be estimated (thickness and/or grade of mixture with the ash). Therefore some 20 different material were investigated and two field sites mapped. Miljöriktig anvÀndning av asko
Particle dispersion at road building using fly ash : Model review, investigation of influence of humidity content for dust emission and fly ash particle characterisation
Aska frÄn förbrÀnning kan ha mycket goda egenskaper sÄsom byggnadsmaterial i vÀgkroppar. Denna anvÀndning förutsÀtter dock att askan inte har nÄgra allvarligare miljö- och hÀlsoeffekter. DÄ aska kan damma kraftigt vid hantering har frÄgan om damningens omfattning och dammets egenskaper visat sig vara av stor betydelse för att bedöma riskerna för miljöpÄverkan vid anvÀndning. Inandningsbara partiklar i vÄr omgivningsluft Àr ett problem som uppmÀrksammas alltmer och betraktas som en av vÄra allvarligaste hÀlsorelaterade föroreningar. Föreliggande projekt har haft som syfte att: beskriva lÀmpliga modeller för berÀkning av emission och spridning av aska i luften vid byggnation av vÀg dÀr aska ingÄr utvÀrdera en ny metod att undersöka fukthaltens betydelse för damning frÄn flygaska undersöka egenskaper hos flygaska som gör det möjligt att identifiera aska i prover av luftburna partiklar. MÄlgruppen Àr askleverantörer, entreprenörer och konsulter med behov av kunskap om askors damning. Projektets delmoment har omfattat: en litteraturstudie för att identifiera lÀmpliga modellverktyg för att beskriva emission och spridning av damm frÄn vÀgbyggnation med aska en metodstudie dÀr en utrustning kallad Duster, har utvÀrderats för att bedöma betydelsen av askans fuktighet för damning, samt en elektronmikroskopstudie dÀr morfologi och sammansÀttning hos nÄgra askor, cement och Merit har studerats för att finna sÀtt att identifiera askpartiklar i dammprover.Ashes from incineration may have very good properties, such as building materials in roads. This use assumes that the ashes do not have serious environmental and health effects. Since ash might generate large amounts of dust in handling the issue on the extent of dusting and dust properties has proved to be important to assess the risks of environmental impacts during use. Inhalable particles in the ambient air are a problem that has attracted much attention and is regarded as one of the most serious health related air pollutants. The present project has aimed to: describe appropriate models for calculating the emission and dispersion of dust in the air during the construction of ash containing roads, evaluate a new method to examine the importance of moisture for dusting from fly ash and investigate the properties of fly ash, making it possible to identify ash in samples of airborne particles. The target audience is ash manufacturers, contractors and consultants with a need for knowledge of ash dusting. Project modules have included: a literature review to identify appropriate modelling tools to describe the emission and dispersion of dust from road building with ash a method study in which a piece of equipment called Duster, have been evaluated for assessing the significance of the ash humidity to dusting, and an electron microscope study where morphology and composition of some ashes, cement and Merit have been studied to find ways to identify ash particles in dust samples.Miljöriktig anvÀndning av asko
How Does the European Recovery Target for Construction &Demolition Waste Affect Resource Management?
The revised EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD) includes a 70 % target for recovery of construction and demolition (C&D) waste. In order to study the potential change in the resource management of the main C&D waste fractions, as a consequence of fulfilling the WFD target, a Nordic project (ENCORT-CDW) has been performed. Waste fractions studied included asphalt, concrete, bricks, track ballast, gypsum-based construction materials and wood. Recovery scenarios were identified and estimations were made regarding expected savings of primary materials, impact on transport, and pollution and emissions. For wood waste, the main differences between re-use, material recycling and energy recovery were evaluated in a carbon footprint screening based on life cycle assessment methodology. The study concluded that the EU recovery target does not ensure a resource efficient and environmentally sustainable waste recovery in its present form since:
It is very sensitive to how the legal definitions of waste and recovery are interpreted in the Member States. This means that certain construction material cycles might not count in the implementation reports while other, less efficient and environmentally safe, recovery processes of the same material will count.
âą It is weight-based and consequently favours large and heavy waste streams. The result is that smaller flows with equal or larger resource efficiency and environmental benefit will be insignificant for reaching the target.
âą It does not distinguish between the various recovery processes, meaning that resource efficient and environmentally safe recovery cannot be given priority. Improved knowledge on C&D waste generation and handling, as well as on content and emissions of dangerous substances, is required to achieve a sustainable recovery.publishedVersio
How Does the European Recovery Target for Construction &Demolition Waste Affect Resource Management?
Dust emissions from gravel roads built with fly ash
Obundna vÀgar dammar genom trafikens framfart över dem. SÄdan damning kan leda till trafiksÀkerhets- och hÀlsorisker, olÀgenheter för nÀrboende och ett accelererat nedbrytande av grusvÀgens slitlager. Det har funnits misstanke om att grusvÀgar dÀr bÀrlagret stabiliserats med inblandning av flygaska skulle damma mer Àn konventionella grusvÀgar. DÀrför undersöktes damningen vid tvÄ fÀltlokaler dÀr bÄde askstrÀckor och konventionellt byggda strÀckor fanns. Forskningsuppgiften var att jÀmföra damningen och svara pÄ frÄgan om askvÀgar dammar mer Àn de konventionellt byggda vÀgarna. Dessutom skulle spridningen av damm till omgivningen kartlÀggas och förekomsten av aska i det uppvirvlade dammet detekteras. Projektet genomförs som ett samarbetsprojekt mellan VTI, SGI och Högskolan Dalarna, men Àven IVL har varit med i projektgruppen. Resultaten riktar sig till planerare och drift- och underhÄllsansvariga hos vÀghÄllare, entreprenörer och myndigheter. FÀltmÀtningarna har innefattat sÄvÀl vÀletablerade som innovativa mÀtmetoder för bestÀmning av damning och sÄdana faktorer som pÄverkar damning som grusslitlagrets vattenkvot och kornstorleksfördelning. Unpaved gravel roads will emit dust when trafficked. Such dust emissions might lead to traffic safety and health issues as well as nuisance to the neighborhood and accelerated deterioration of the gravel surface course. It has been suspected that gravel roads with fly-ash stabilized base courses might cause larger dust emissions than conventionally constructed gravel roads. Therefore two field sites with both ash stretches and conventional stretches were investigated. The task was to compare the dust emissions and answer the question whether ash roads emit more dust than conventional gravel roads. Further, the emissions of dust to the surrounding were to be monitored and the occurrence of ash in the suspended dust was to be detected. The project was conducted in cooperation between VTI, SGI and Högskolan Dalarna and with the Swedish Environmental Institute as part of the research group. Miljöriktig anvÀndning av asko
Ackumulering av metaller i vegetation pÄ geotekniska askkonstruktioner
Resultaten frÄn denna studie tyder pÄ att Äldrat slaggrus som anvÀnds utblandat med planteringsjord (hÀr 50 vikt-%), till exempel i sluttÀckningsÀndamÄl, inte ger upphov till betydande förhöjda metall- och metalloidhalter i engelskt rajgrÀs under en vÀxtsÀsong jÀmfört med vanliga anlÀggningsmaterial (hÀr schaktmassa och bergkross). Studien visar Àven pÄ vikten av att ta hÀnsyn till damning och partikelkontaminering som exponeringsvÀg dÄ risker relaterat till ackumulation av metaller i ekosystem och exponering för betande djur via vÀxtupptag utvÀrderas. Minimering av partikelspridning bör vara en viktig bestÄndsdel vid utformning av skyddsÄtgÀrder dÄ askor anvÀnds i geotekniska konstruktioner. Slutligen visar studien att de generella akumuleringsfaktorer för upptag till vÀxter som ligger till grund för berÀknigar av riktvÀrden i NaturvÄrdsverkets Handbok 2010:1 om Ätervinning av avfall i anlÀggningsarbeten inte Àr lÀmpliga för anvÀndning i samband med riskbedömning av askor
End-of-Waste Criteria for Construction & Demolition Waste
This report presents the situation within the Nordic countries with respect to production and recycling of construction and demolition waste, in particular crushed concrete, in the form of aggregates, and discusses the conditions and requirements relating to environmental impacts for a possible application of the End-of-Waste option in the Waste Framework Directive. If this option is applied, the material may become a product and it will no longer be regulated by waste legislation. Regulation of crushed concrete under product legislation presents a number of challenges, particularly with respect to environmental protection. The report presents and proposes a methodology for the setting of leaching and risk-based criteria to be fulfilled by crushed concrete (and other waste aggregates) in order to obtain End-of-Waste status. It is further recommended to set impact-reducing conditions on the use of materials obtaining End-of-Waste criteria, and not to allow free use. It should be noted that the work described in this report was carried out during the period from 2010 to 2012