1 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kemitraan Asosiasi Aspakusa Makmur dengan Petani Boyolali Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Pendekatan Metode CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product)

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    : Aims of the research were to evaluate the implementation of Aspakusa Makmur partnership with Boyolali farmers seen of components: (1) context, (2) input, (3) process, and (4) product. The basic method of research was used descriptive method with proportional and purposive sampling technique. Research was located in Boyolali with 40 respondents. Data collection techniques were interviews, observation, recording, study documents and archives. Methods of data analysis was used frequency tabulation analysis, grouped into three skor criteria, that were score 3 (high), score 2 (moderate), score of 1 (low), measured the level of achievement by 5 criteria percentage : highly effective, effective, fairly effective, less effective , and ineffective. The research concluded: aspects of input, process, and product had very effective percentage. While context aspects had an effective percentage. The result showed that the partnership of Aspakusa Makmur with farmers at Boyolali was very feasible to be developed and horticulture as one of the leading sub sectors at Boyolali, so it takes the expansion of its partnership with vegetable farmers at Boyolali and surrounding areas, and partnerships with supermarkets. The most important thing to be noticed by Aspakusa Makmur had a partnership document archiving that can be used as a periodic evaluation to determine the level of effectiveness of the partnership that had been implemented