4 research outputs found

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Game E-budi Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Kebudayaan Indonesia Berbasis Android

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    Indonesia is an archipelago with vast geographical area and a very diverse culture. Cultural diversity can be seen physically that could be seen from a variety of language, traditional clothing, traditional foods, traditional ceremony, art owned by their respective regions. Almost every province in Indonesia has its cultural diversity, respectively. But along with the times,the people get carried away by globalization and customs began to forget the legacy of their ancestors.Along with the development of the mobile game industry at the moment, the game is now not only serve as entertainment games but games can be used to study media interest, one of which is learning about Indonesian culture. In this study developed an game E-Budi (Edukasi Budaya Indonesia) that was developed using the Android platform, where players will be given the questions about the culture of Indonesia, which is a question that will take the form of words, a video piece, piece mp3, so as to provide information about the Indonesian culture very clearly. Hopefully with the presence of this educational game will better understand and appreciate the diversity of cultures that exist in Indonesia

    Perilaku Ibu Rumah Tangga Pemakai Kredit Barang Keliling (Mindring: Studi Kasus pada Ibu Rumah Tangga Pemakai Kredit Barang Keliling Mindring di Dukuh Pundung Tegal Sari Desa Manjung Kecamatan Sawit Kabupaten Boyolali)

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    The objective of research was to find out the behavioral pattern andimpact of housewives using mobile merchandise loan (mindring) in PundungTegal Sari Hamlet, Desa Manjung. This study employed a qualitativeapproach method with a single embedded case study. The data source wasobtained from informant, event and activity, document and archive. Thesampling technique used was purposive sampling one with maximumvariation sampling. The data collection was conducted using directobservation, interview, documentation and photographs. The data validationtest was carried out using source triangulation. Mindring activity among thehousewives was encouraged by inadequate cash ownership to buy the goods tofulfill the family's personal and collective needs. In this case housewives were able to divide the money that had to obtain various goods and consumergoods. But with the easiness provided by the load of debt, indirectly creatingthe consumer behavior within a housewife. Based on consumer behavior, housewife always feel in need of goods is credited

    Pergeseran Resiprositas Masyarakat Desa (Studi Etnografi Pergeseran Nilai Tentang Sumbangan Perkawinan di Masyarakat Brongsongan, Desa Sidorejo, Kecamatan Bendosari, Kabupaten Sukoharjo)

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    The aim of this research is (1) to find out how the shift of wedding contribution reciprocity is in Brongsongan society, Sidorejo Village, Bendosari, Sukoharjo Regency, and (2) to find out the cause of reciprocity shift in wedding contribution in Brongsongan society, Sidorejo Village, Bendosari, Sukoharjo Regency. This study was taken place in Brongsongan Village, Bendosari, Sukoharjo Regency. The research strategy employed was ethnography study, aiming to get an in-depth meaning of social-cultural activities interrelationship. The data was collected through direct observation and in-depth interview.The result of research showed that the shift of wedding contribution in Brongsongan society could be seen from: form, way of contributing and contribution function. Contributing was no longer a part of mechanic solidarity, but a part of organic solidarity and various transactional activity in the objective of getting either material or social benefit

    Analysis of Social Mapping to Arrange the Corporate Social Responsibility Program of PT. Indocement Tunggal PRAKARSA Tbk (Case Study of Ciwaringin Village)

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    At present, the company is required to manage the impact of corporate activities to enable the creation of sustainable development. The sustainable development will certainly only be achieved if since the companies manage the impact of operations on three levels of impact: 1) economy, 2) social and 3) environment. The social mapping method or social mapping used includes Data Study, In-depth Interview, Survey, Location Search (Transect), FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and Secondary Data. Based on the results of social network mapping the strength of formal institutions in Ciwaringin Village is an institution that is legally within the authority of the Village. The role of formal institutions such as Pemdes, BPD, LPMD and MUI, PKK and Karang Taruna is very meaningful for the progress of village development. Analysis of social networks and the degree of importance of each stakeholder have the strength of each actor who is able to move the masses. Stakeholder analysis found that Pemdes were in constructive positions. Identification of social problems is a social problem such as the problem of poverty in the Ciwaringin Village. The mapping results based on FGDs can be grouped into three categories of poverty, namely the poor, the near-poor and the vulnerable groups. Besides the problem of poverty, the problem of unemployment is also a social problem. From the identification results, the average number of unemployed people in Ciwaringin Village is 0.9% in each RW in Ciwaringin Village. Besides identifying social problems, Ciwaringin Village also has social capital that can be used as a potential  in overcoming problems in Ciwaringin Village such as social capital, human capital, physical capital, natural capital, and financial capital. The average social capital owned by the village of Ciwaringin is quite good and runs as it functions. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Mapping, Community Empowermen